
Personal Security Quotes

There are 539 quotes

"A person without self-control is like a city with broken down walls."
"If, like me, you believe your data is your business, secure yourself with the number one rated VPN on the market."
"If you can't get that one right, if you can't love yourself, if you're not secure with yourself, you'll never get relationships with others right."
"I'm going to make sure that I have security because I know I had attempts on my life."
"My primary thing that I get out of being submissive is structure, security, consistency."
"Britney's security detail, sympathetic to her, was removed if they questioned any of the extreme measures taken to control her."
"Ready to greet the intruder to protect anything."
"Just make sure you know where you're meeting, just make sure that it's safe and yeah you're all good."
"Money came to symbolize for me everything...I didn't have—stability, security, peace of mind, happiness, status, comfort in my own skin."
"Your mom is cute. I have your face and name. I know which schools you went to. I know every member of your family."
"Now in the original story you said that you hid your cell phone."
"He doesn't want to be a hero; he wants to protect his home and his family, not the world."
"The only security you will ever find first is within yourself."
"Assets that you can custody yourself that the police can't seize away from you... seems like a great thing."
"I can't even fathom being accused of murder if you really didn't murder somebody like that's my biggest fear."
"You make a difference... having a lifeboat in what's happening."
"Now they realize they're not impossible, so they're feeling much more secure."
"Just make it a habit to read something about security, or do something about security every day, like 10 minutes, 15 minutes, 30 minutes."
"People don't understand what the value of their own privacy is."
"Never post your life location. Never post up or tag the places that you frequent."
"It's crazy to think that the deadbolt was the only thing between myself and an armed confrontation with intruders."
"I can't trust anyone now, I can't trust anything."
"If any adult ever in your entire life asks you to keep a secret, you should be extremely scared."
"You're not gonna get an award or anything, no one's gonna give you a pat on the back, but it's more for your own sense of security."
"When it comes to privatizing yourself on the internet, you should do a better job of it."
"Carry safe, train, have something fun that works for you, it's a peace of mind to have the correct gun on your person, it's even a better feeling to know if you're trained with it, it's comfortable and you're ready to use it mentally."
"Can't go wrong with setting up your biometrics and security, it's just a good thing to have."
"If there's no enemy within, the enemy outside can do us no harm."
"So, when this house of cards will come crashing down, I think it's really important, you know, bottom line, to protect your family outside of the system."
"Part of our training involved situation awareness, being aware of your surroundings and paying attention to your gut feelings."
"The ultimate luxury of feeling safe and unafraid is something even vast wealth cannot buy."
"Privacy is the absolute center of importance to someone that's extremely rich."
"I think it's very important to always maintain your privacy."
"People think there's somebody that's checking their signature. Like, nobody's checking any of these things. Nobody's looking out for you but you."
"Identity theft is a huge issue all across the world."
"How can she feel safer from a man who walks away from his purpose?"
"It's good to have that kind of safety net in your own family."
"You have to fight for your security and your privacy."
"49% of women use personal details or memories when making their passwords, which is really not a safe way to go about your online activities."
"Putting something like this, it gives you a huge peace of mind."
"Complying, giving in won't result in your life being secure, it'll just be a slow, you know, you're sinking in quicksand."
"Personal VPN services for security overview: an absolute necessity now."
"It's really hard for people to mess with you when you know how important you are."
"It's not imperative, but it's wise to take custody of your own coins."
"Be smart, save up food so when you get fired for your religion or your politics you have a buffer against starvation for your kids."
"I don't want anybody trying to rob me of anything." - Delano Squires
"Everybody's not our friend. I don't live a life where I'm looking over my shoulder."
"Protect yourselves out there, don't give out any of your personal information."
"People have to be confident and secure in whatever they want to do and whatever decisions they make."
"That's the energy of moving on and feeling very empowered, feeling very secure in what it is that you're doing, what path you're following basically."
"Every time I talk about this, 'cause this is the explanation for why you should care about privacy. This is the why."
"It's not a matter of getting them to stop hacking me because I don't think that's like a viable option. They'll always be people who try to bully you. It's a matter of being bulletproof and that's where I aspire to be."
"The best way to protect yourself from people like me, people like you may be the VPN."
"So how do you protect yourself? The way to protect yourself is using a VPN."
"Your locker will be safe this time. I know what I'd rather have. Leave a like."
"About 60 percent of burglaries in the USA are made by someone you know."
"I've been harassed, I've been doxxed, I've been threatened."
"Dr. Martin Luther King wasn't getting punched in the head and spit on because he was a sucker. He was a gun owner. He did that because he knew."
"Rushdie was immediately placed under police protection in the UK."
"We must restore the age-old right to self-defense. We have to be able to defend ourselves."
"Taking precautions for personal safety is important in online content creation."
"The older you get, the more secure you are in your worth."
"Girl, set up double boundaries, triple boundaries, lock that up, throw away the key."
"Decentralization ethos: 'Not your keys, not your coins.'"
"Modern arms provide individuals with the means to protect themselves and their loved ones."
"Sam bankman freed Mommy and Daddy are having a difficult time they had to hire armed guards to protect the house and the compound because people want to get to Sammy."
"The more people are able to identify scams, the fewer people will be hit by them."
"Without these, anybody can hack your computer, you can get a virus on there, somebody can snatch your phone and then you just lose control of everything in the devastating moment."
"You still always just have to continue to be vigilant."
"Be careful with your online information, media can be dangerous."
"Our identities are being sold by data Brokers with ease."
"ExpressVPN encrypts 100% of your data so anytime you're online, no one can see what you're doing, which keeps your personal info secure."
"It's not enough that we're weak, now we're unarmed too?"
"Get a second passport... do yourself a favor for crying out loud if you have any chance of getting a second passport."
"What scares me the most, however, was the fact that they knew I had asked for water delivery."
"How many times have you gotten a letter, an email, a notification that your personal information has been hacked?"
"Threatened to lie and accuse my kids of damaging your car? I think I'll keep my camera footage of your car actually being hit."
"Remember, being prepared doesn't mean giving in to fear; it means taking charge of your future and ensuring the well-being of your family."
"Feeling physically unsafe is a whole other level."
"We have the right to life, liberty, and security of the person."
"Eventually this would lead to 24 7 surveillance of us and our home including stalking trespassing videoing our house while we're inside of it and death threats."
"Never let anyone shame you into not buying some supplies, some emergency food or having some stuff, you know, some long-term storage stuff in your basement."
"You will be safer if you're able to open with contact."
"You have to believe that crimes occur and that they can happen to you."
"Encryption means that they can't arrest you, they can't blackmail you, people can't do any of the things governments might do to make sure that public information is what they wanted."
"Putin is a coward, he is really afraid for his life."
"Stopping it, stupid rapey kidnappy murder kidnapper guys, let's not meet again."
"Stay safe everyone, especially when you're online."
"The harassment continued, the scary texts, the threats, the vandalism."
"I'm committed to catching the person who's stealing my stuff."
"I will never take my family, safety, or comfortable life for granted again."
"I feel safe and I feel grounded and secure in my knowing because of these rituals."
"Preventing yourself from being scammed will always be easier than trying to recover your finances after you've been scammed."
"It's time for me to construct some security, but I'm way too lazy to do that myself."
"Those damn fools shouldn't have broke into my home."
"Your personal information could put you at a huge risk for identity theft, reputation damage, financial loss, and more."
"Having some kind of legal protection is vital."
"They want to feel like they have a stable home and foundation with you."
"The biggest fear was transformation, was feeling secure with what I got that someone gave me already made."
"Relationship with your neighbors is your first line of defense."
"We just crave stability and security, that's the biggest thing."
"One of the easiest things to keep yourself from being doxxed."
"Developing more security will take us very, very far in life."
"It's scary times when famous people have to stay in the house to avoid incident."
"When you move in silence, people don't know what to attack."
"I'm going to start shoring up my financial defenses."
"Cops just attacked me in my own home, time to get rich."
"At the very least, you've got to have some kind of safe."
"That moment made me feel like, 'Oh, I'm safe, we did it like nobody could take that 25 years away.'"
"You shouldn't be worried about if someone's trying to take something from you that's not discernment, that's actually operating in fear."
"If you're worried about home safety, invest in a can of wasp and Hornet spray."
"True security comes from having a reserve of time, space, energy, personal power, and love."
"It just shows you that you should always be aware of what's going on around you."
"Your security is your own. You are your security."
"Secure your name and your mother's name and your sister's name and your dog's name."
"Get your personal data off the market with Incogni."
"If they're coming for me, they're coming for you."
"Somebody thought they was going to get away with plotting something on you, they are not getting away."
"You are going to be the first, last and only line of defense for yourself."
"If it is right to oppose this idea of inequality and we have identified that Islam is the source, is it therefore right to oppose Islam? Yes."
"Knowing these tactics can still give an individual some form of advantage with regards to awareness."
"I am surrounded by a protective bubble of love."
"The fact that the guy knew my name was very strange to me."
"You know how to fight. You know how to defend yourself and how to get out of bad situations."
"He knew what he was doing was wrong from his very first victim."
"Please be careful who you open your door to... The times we're living in are very dangerous."
"Be very careful who you open your doors to... Always take extra precaution."
"I was paranoid... sleeping with a gun next to my head."
"It's your own damn security system. He's checking what the hell."
"I was doubting myself. I told myself I'm being irrational. Something like a creepy dude following me couldn't happen to me. Surely."
"Protects your data, protects your account information, banking information from hackers."
"Start by prioritizing your security, learn how to savor, and prioritize experiences over possessions."
"Life is just what it is, and you know, I keep a med kit, a trauma kit in my vehicle, I keep one in my back, my go-bag, you know, it's just one of those things."
"I receive hundreds of death threats regularly if not daily, thousands since this trial has started. People mocking, mocking my testimony about being assaulted, making fun of my objection."
"If you are aggressive the world is your oyster right now but just you know pay attention to your security."
"Be mindful of your own safety as well as your children's."
"Do you want your cyber arm to be hacked or something?"
"The right to life, liberty, and security of the person."
"I didn't have toilet paper when COVID hit, but I did have food, and it just gave me such peace of mind."
"To me you're somebody so please protect yourself and don't lose your money."
"You're feeling very confident, very secure within yourself."
"If it can be snatched, it don't belong to you."
"Everybody got a gun out here I got a gun in my car, a big ass chopper you know what I'm saying that I don't leave without it."
"Names are important, never tell your name to a stranger."
"Ground yourself, feel secure, and Shine Your Light."
"She later told me that that was the first night in weeks she had been able to get a full night's rest and that it was the first time she truly felt safe."
"As long as I stay off that road, I should be safe."
"You have not made a bad decision, you have not sabotaged anything, you have not sabotaged yourself."
"I use Surfshark VPN to protect my personal data, just like I use a seat belt to protect my physical health."
"Safety and making sure... you're safe and protected is probably one of the most important things."
"I never would have ever thought about having a gun, basketball is the only reason I even own a gun."
"There's no fear here, only anger. Remember, it's a standard of reasonable beliefs."
"The FBI contacted me because I was getting [ __ ] credible death threats from actual Nazis."
"It was no longer safe for me to be in Delaware."
"There is one place we absolutely want to make sure our privacy is being protected, and that's online."
"Nobody should feel unsafe in their own home."
"What's going to grow America more, what's going to help you and your security more?"
"Being switched on is a daily decision, a moment-by-moment choice, a constant awareness and mindset. It is a code of armor that protects you from all types of threats in all aspects of life."
"Holster and a gun belt is going to allow you to carry a bigger gun for sure."
"You got to take care of that [ __ ] because if you don't, you got these vultures ready to prey."
"Knowing that nothing's ever going to happen to you and they're safe."
"In him there is no fear, and you will never have to worry about fear or anger again."
"Trump is starting to create an administration that is solely designed around guarding him personally and guarding his ego personally, and that's not how things are going to get done for people who want things to get done."
"Anyone who has ever had their car or house gone through and stolen from knows how violating and scary that feels."
"Be safe, trust your gut, trust your intuition, and don't always be so trusting."
"I'd rather pay $400 than get hacked, to be honest," - Emphasizing the importance of investing in security tools.
"We live in the information age which means that the protection of our personal data and information is of the utmost importance."
"A man who doesn't have self-control is like a city broken into and left without walls."
"No one can ever take your joy away from you, yeah, that's powerful."
"When some faceless conglomerate knows your most intimate secrets and holds more information about you than your own mother, you should be worried."
"A breathtaking stop in our apartment, our only bastion of safety."
"He looked into my face and told me I was safe."
"My awareness of the situation was the thing that saved me in the end."
"Perhaps it might be a good idea to take a peek out of your window tonight, just in case someone's watching you from the darkness."
"Developing inner security and personal understanding."
"The only way you're gonna get the ultimate privacy is by doing it yourself."
"There's got to be a safety plan. Okay, when you're, when you're, for example, you've got to help the person that's involved with this create a safety plan."
"Karlie was terrified that someone was tracking her on her phone."
"This feature is actually very serious... it has the potential to save you from a dangerous situation."
"Because we have this thing called privacy, and if you really think that you have nothing to hide, please make sure that's the first thing you tell me, because then I know that I should not trust you with any secrets."
"People talk about locking their bedroom doors now, locking their doors, locking their windows, stuff they never even thought about."
"Your hard work and sincere efforts lead you to a sense of safety, contentment, and financial security."
"It's not just about your secrets. It's about who you are."
"My dad's a... he's an ex-commando. He killed... I mean, looking on the outside they think, 'Oh, let's just grab a strap, we'll go and rob this guy.'"
"You gotta protect your family and you gotta protect your peace."
"While you're living your best life, who's watching? Somebody's also gotta still be the Watchmen on the wall."
"You don't even feel like you have to guard yourself against people, you're just like, 'I'm me, I'm free, and I'm open.'"
"Somebody's stealing something from you right in front of your face."
"Self-defense comes in many shapes and forms."
"It's not just about guns... we cover mace, stun gun, karate self-defense."
"The season of mercy runs out. So it is what it is, pay attention to your circle before they hurt you. We out."
"The Lord of sargo City commends Mrs. Windsor for her efforts."
"Don't confuse distance with safety or security."
"Never put yourself in a position where you can be blackmailed."
"You gotta be careful that's why you can't share your secrets too much."
"You always need to be thinking, how are they attacking me?"
"Everyone deserves to feel safe, you know what I mean?"
"My Notes app is just like high security clearance level."
"They are most dangerous when you are in your space of weakness."