
Data Utilization Quotes

There are 109 quotes

"Leaders around the world use Landsat data to understand climate change, manage agriculture, allocate water resources, and respond to natural disasters."
"Turning data into insights is how analysts help businesses put all their data to good use."
"And again, in order to do that, we need not just the data, which, increasingly, we have, we need the algorithms that are powerful enough to learn that rich model of you."
"Reimagining customer experience based on collected data leads to exceptional user-friendliness."
"You're sitting on a gold mine of data of people that would consider it."
"I was very grateful and... how empowered I feel by the data."
"Take all of the data that we have and have more analytical and predictive power."
"Empowers you with real data in real time to adjust your behavior to optimize your health."
"We're data-driven. So we're data-driven and we work hard..."
"The reason we see it start with military applications is because it's mission critical and a lot of times it's life or death, so you get not only boatloads of data but you're getting data at scale tied to important mission critical outcomes."
"So are we missing a trick from Africa data? I think we are."
"Quicker shipping times with print-on-demand build trust and brand loyalty."
"When everything is connected, all of a sudden we have data that allows us to really understand the world."
"Data-driven decision making is the key to success for any company."
"You can also use the same data to send push notifications to your users."
"Tesla's insurance product, using driving data, is crucial for the robo-taxi network and future growth."
"Data that will allow you to make different decisions and have the best possible chance for a good outcome."
"Data-driven policing successes are unparalleled."
"To move conjecture and conspiracy towards science and sanity, you do that with data."
"We all need barometers we all need measures to tell us what we are and aren't doing and being honest with ourselves we really want to achieve our goals on a macro level with the data what allows us to do is to have voices heard."
"Making better use of data and collaboration."
"Let's change the whole system. Let's actually collect much better data on these applicants. Let's have them do very different things, and then we can make the right decision for the most talented people."
"Perhaps we need to be better at reusing our data, building that iceberg of prior experience."
"Data is actually becoming a source of value creation."
"Let's freaking go double kill with the data here because why not."
"I believe that by harnessing the power of data artificial intelligence and other technologies that vision can soon become a reality."
"Census data also plays a crucial role in directing government funding. Hundreds of federal programs use census data to distribute well over eight hundred and eighty billion dollars to states and localities."
"Elon said if you're trying to compete with us you're gonna have to spend billions more because we have the data and you don't."
"No more fitness tests because of an app that calculates your FTP from live ride data."
"Scientists around the world are using this data to help people."
"I think data-driven decisions, data-driven features and stuff are a big thing nowadays."
"We're on the edge of an utter revolution in medical understanding because we'll suddenly be able to get in data all day long."
"Data availability accelerates the creation of new markets."
"We need this information for the scientific advance, and it's data, right? Like, that's all data that we could be using to learn about this phenomenon."
"Cool to see this evolve over time as Tesla gets more and more data."
"YouTube rewards the people that are posting consistently the more videos you post the more data you are given and you can actually use that to your advantage it doesn't help to post seldomly and try to make conclusions from that."
"It's not just about Walmart getting more data, it's about Walmart leveraging that data."
"Now Facebook collects a ton of data on our members and luckily they share a little bit of that with us."
"We leverage all that data to give you a really good price instantly."
"What are we going to do with that data?"
"Empowering every business user because what's the point of data sitting beautifully in your Lake if nobody's using it?"
"If we can turn it into something profitable, we will. If we can take this data and we can find nuggets that turn into LTT videos that we can get sponsors, of course, we're going to do that."
"Governance is all about demonstrating how the business can be made better through better data."
"When you combine the power of creativity with the power of data and technology, you create magic."
"It's really taking that data from your process equipment in your control system and turning it into information that the business side use to make decisions."
"Okay, this brings us to chapter number three where we're gonna help all of you get more value out of your data, program your data without compromises on what type of probability you can do or security or privacy."
"We need to translate our data into decisions."
"Data as a silo busting tool won't happen unless humans get involved too."
"This Google Earth data from Glenn is going to be at the root of so many of the letters coming from this point on."
"Just having tons of data isn't enough; we have to do something meaningful with it."
"I think we can do a lot more with data to build systems that appear intelligent before we reach for the ML pipeline."
"This is just a guide to get you there and to leverage and get the value out of the data on the platform."
"I'm super passionate about big tech and data and how we can use that power for good."
"If you're going to build a custom report for yourself or for someone, this is probably the areas where there's a biggest opportunity."
"Once you've got the data, you want to think about what can I do with it."
"The more data that Etsy has on your purchase history with your products, the better they can optimize your ads."
"Taking information and insights and combining them to take the right next action for you and your customers is key."
"I'm very happy with my purchase and we'll see what I can do with that data going forward."
"How to use open data, a lot of us work in areas that are data poor."
"The data it brings opens up doors for carrying reliability and customer service to a whole new level."
"We'll use that book rating data and that list of books we like to figure out other books that we might like."
"Fine-tuning is a great way to take new data, pop it into your model, and then get it to do something that you care about."
"Cities use data to orchestrate their community's quality of life, economic opportunity, education opportunity."
"The real role of data is to keep on strengthening the filter and over time the user gets more hooked."
"I love that I can really understand how my lifestyle and behavior habits change and how can I keep myself in check by using this data."
"The best companies are using data everywhere."
"It's a system that combines the power of large language models with your data and apps."
"It's crucial to leverage your data and to extract insights and drive business outcomes."
"When you have this data, you can do things with it that will probably surprise you."
"What else we can do with this data because it's not just about an alert in production, it's actually a very powerful data layer that can be used for different purposes."
"You can use this data to work on your game without any additional costs at all."
"Successful data-driven organizations are not measured by their ability to answer the same question repeatedly; they're measured by their ability to use data to ask the question that hasn't been contemplated yet."
"Just taking that data and using it as an offline data set doesn't yield the same kind of success rate as if you then did a little bit of online fine-tuning."
"So this is how we can build a map for you using the same data as Google Now so it will get better and better the more you use it."
"People expect brands to be using the data they receive from them to create and deliver better experiences."
"Our world is changing every second, every day, and so if we want to be able to use all of the data that's happening, you have to have like a better picture, literally, of the world."
"If you act randomly, you can use data gathered by one policy to estimate the value of another policy."
"We're turning a corner in the last couple of years for the first time ever, large language models and GANs have allowed us to take data and go straight from observation back to a product that we can act on."
"It's not just about collecting data, it's being able to use that data as well."
"Data management is important because it increases the use of my data, it will save me time, increase efficiency, and simplifies your work."
"Knowledge graph embeddings can leverage relationships between customers and products."
"We believe that you with your data can do some pretty powerful and valuable things."
"Predictive Analytics has emerged as a vital tool in today's data-driven landscape, revolutionizing the way organizations operate and make decisions."
"We need to build a system that effectively utilizes this data that understands what's working and what's not."
"And here without doing any sort of fancy model design just by using way more data, we get actually much larger improvements."
"Search really enables a lot of uses of data, a lot of reuses of data that you wouldn't have otherwise."
"The data books that we generated are still being used by every program that has gone to Mars and entered the Martian atmosphere."
"The foundation of the cake is unsupervised learning because that's where we have a lot of data that we can use for learning."
"If you can't think of a use for your data in an API format, don't worry, your users will."
"With the right data, AI can augment workers' abilities through predictions, insights, and generated content."
"Organizations don't just store their big data; they would eventually want to use it to process it to gather some insights."
"That is the big advantage that Tesla has; they're able to spin this data engine much faster than anybody else in this space."
"Continue to use that data in your favor and really get the most out of your budget and out of your time."
"If you think about how data is used after you input it, you'll probably give the organization better instrumentation to fly the organization."
"It's a very interesting way to use data and data science to be able to connect up to an API and really provide value."
"This will allow us to use this data in order to make it go in the direction that we want."