
Education Policy Quotes

There are 274 quotes

"In just three years, Biden's administration has managed to relieve $138 billion in student loans for 3.9 million people."
"Oddly, in an effort to boost employment rates, many Mainland universities are urging graduates not to solely focus on civil service exams."
"It's amazing that we are not providing free daycare in the same way that we're providing free kindergarten and free elementary school and free high school. Children are at their best in terms of learning during the preschool years."
"If you're a school system in a country that is considering adopting a zero-tolerance policy, don't do it."
"Florida Governor Ron DeSantis made headlines when he signed a bill into law that forbids teachers from discussing or even answering questions about sexual orientation or gender identity."
"Teachers and students shall discuss the strengths and weaknesses of these theories openly without fear of retribution or discrimination of any kind."
"I think daycare should be subsidized. Pre-K is associated with so many positive outcomes, it should be offered for free."
"Investing in people, keeping them healthy, keeping them well-educated, keeping them housed decently not only is the human thing to do, it's cost-effective."
"College education started being treated as a new national priority and a public good."
"Blue State School District won't let students opt out of Pride lessons."
"They advocate policies that destroy public schools while they send their own kids to private schools."
"The Singapore government decided they don't need liberal arts in our university if it teaches dissent and resistance."
"I don't think that preschool and college are universal rights or should be paid for by the government."
"Chinese officials recently turned to the education sector."
"We'll get critical race Theory and other left-wing lunacy out of our military and we will get it out of our classroom and we'll get it out fast."
"The president wants schools to be open five days a week, wants kids to be learning in school."
"The head of the snake is the U.S Department of Education. The federal government should have nothing to do with education."
"It's immoral what we've done. We're up to 1.6 trillion in student loan debt up from less than a hundred billion in 99."
"That is not -- we have 700 school districts. None of those 700 can say I'm opening on August 1st."
"There is nothing that the African-American community wants more than school choice."
"It's troubling that there's a push to force parents out of their kids' lives in education."
"I fundamentally believe that every quality Public University education should be very affordable in every state."
"We advocate for universal school access for all children."
"Republicans are the party of parents, of education, of small businesses, of freedom, and of family."
"He captured Democrat and independent mothers and suburban voters because of the great job he was doing protecting their children in schools and getting them back into school."
"Harassment codes which trample speech rights derail the primary mission of a school to pursue truth, good for her."
"He wants to increase funding for education, but make sure it goes to the students."
"It's imperative for schools to reopen, it's the goal."
"We certainly expect schools to be open in the fall."
"Every school on the planet is now tuition-free. Thank you, Bernie Sanders. Doge, where are you?"
"Parents should have a say over what our children are exposed to."
"The reality is that schools should be open for in-person learning where it's possible."
"I want to do away with University loans for stem subjects. I would like to put science technology engineering and maths on a grant basis."
"Maybe we should not have the government involved in education at all."
"We're purely seeking improvement in Yale's policies as they pertain to withdrawals."
"I support forgiving at least $10,000 in student loan debt per person."
"You're destroying young lives with it, you're hurting way more people than you're helping with the Student Loan program."
"People want their schools open. They want to get back to their lives."
"It will be very, very, very, very difficult for universities, state and private, that accept federal funds, which is nearly all of them, to discriminate on the basis of race."
"Abstinence only sex ed leads to higher abortion rates and higher teen pregnancy."
"Equity and suspensions once again leads to dire consequences."
"Democrats are for loan forgiveness, that's it. It's about the hypocrisy you're missing the point," the caption ends.
"Critical race theory has never been taught in the Commonwealth of Virginia as day one. He's gonna ban it. He's going to ban something that doesn't exist."
"Closing schools is a very worrying and retrograde step."
"NEP 2020 advocates for ongoing professional development of Educators to adapt to the changing educational landscape."
"Moving as far away from standardized tests as possible because they're trash."
"Standardized tests are racist? Setting the same standard for everybody is racist?"
"I would like to see some level of student loan forgiveness."
"Who's gonna invade Mexico harder? Who's going to put a bomb in the Department of Education harder?"
"They literally are tying the hands of officials. I mean, to threaten to revoke school funding from schools because of a mask mandate..."
"There is a direct connection between public education and public safety."
"We could have high schoolers who are all graduating with the requirement that they have some level of financial literacy."
"If college was free, or at least universally affordable, it would not be a scam."
"Half the country, maybe even more, is upset that you cannot talk about sex to kindergarten through third graders. That's the hill they're willing to die."
"Ron DeSantis: putting the interests of children and families ahead of education unions."
"School choice is on the California agenda and nationally."
"Critical race theory is not taught in elementary, middle, or high schools."
"These schools in these districts and these activist teachers are preemptively they are preemptively taking books off shelves."
"Parental authority for the education of their children belongs to the parents."
"Our education system should focus on the creation of families and the continuity of civilization."
"Money is being siphoned out of education and into prisons. You know, just a few blocks from where I teach, they built a $200 million jail for kids."
"The schools will be safe, and parents will know about it." - Dr. Pierce
"Reopening schools is going to stabilize our society. I think it's the number one most important thing we can do to stabilize our society from top to bottom."
"20 million people were just freed from their student loan debt and millions more freed from predatory interest payments."
"Flashback: Is now a time to forgive student debt and then restructure how we pay for college? The answer is yes."
"We proudly stand for parents as the driving decision makers for their kids' education."
"This bill should have passed unanimously, but unfortunately, some members are more concerned with appeasing the teachers' unions and radical activists in their party rather than standing with parents."
"Terry McAuliffe got mauled last night. He doubled and tripled down on parents not having a say in their kids' education."
"The American people hate critical race theory."
"As we open up America again, we need to open up America's schools."
"I support school choice let the money follow the child I believe parents are smart enough to pick a school that is going to best educate their child to read write speak and think."
"Big wins here for conservatives: the Biden administration reverses course on federal grants incentivizing critical race theory in public schools."
"College students shouldn't have to take on debt."
"Teaching a two-year-old girl wants to be a boy to six-year-olds, that is bizarre. That shouldn't be in the schools."
"We should make public colleges and universities tuition-free."
"92 percent of the nation's schools have received the green light from the health ministry to resume face-to-face classes."
"We are fighting for school choice because no parent should ever be forced to send their child to a failing government school."
"It's crucial for colleges and universities to stay open."
"I favor radical school choice in this country. Every parent deserves to send their kids to the best possible school."
"The forgiveness plan [was] expected to wipe the slate clean for roughly 20 million Americans."
"Now instead of actually, I don't know, improving our schools and doing what they're supposed to do, what's the default position of the Democrat party? Let's go send the FBI after them, right?"
"Terry McAuliffe erupting when asked about it... 'Who do you think should be in control of education if not Virginia parents?'"
"The President wants schools to open and full, as emphasized by many medical experts."
"Finally today my administration is highlighting general recommendations for all schools and guidance to protect high-risk teachers and students."
"A new law in Oregon requires that the state's K-12 public schools provide free tampons in both the girls and boys bathrooms."
"It's time to make public higher education free as it should be."
"Parental rights, particularly in education, are increasingly under attack. It's time to give control back to parents, not woke bureaucrats, and empower them to start a new era of openness in education."
"If you give an inch they'll take a mile and you can never admit that you know anything is inappropriate for a school setting."
"Nearly a dozen states have made Community College tuition free for residents."
"Academic freedom does not include freedom from criticism."
"Xi Jinping for the longest time now has been getting rid of any foreign influence out of textbooks."
"Florida is genius: mandatory personal finance requirement for high school graduation."
"There's no difference in the bill. I could literally call it 'Don't Say Straight' and say Republicans have just banned teaching children about traditional marriage."
"Please get back to just teaching our children math, science, factual history, equity of opportunity, and teaching them how to think and not what to think in school."
"The two-decade reign of unregulated for-profit colleges will go down as a stain on the history of American education."
"The days of the just cut taxes GOP are over, they're over because the liberals are making our kids chant prayers to Aztec human sacrifice demons in school."
"School privatization, like the others I talked about in the book, are all extremely effective wedge issues that ultimately cause us to fight with each other for scraps."
"Michigan's Board of Education has drafted guidance that would push the state schools to allow all students regardless of parental or doctor input to choose their gender."
"School choice is important, and we are not going to allow wokism and critical race Theory to brainwash a generation."
"Critical race theory should be voluntary, not compelled or coerced anywhere."
"What most impressed me about my experience in Finland is the way an entire country has focused relentlessly on preparing all students for work and citizenship in the 21st century."
"Who's standing in the way of that? The unions, the progressives, the Democrats."
"They should have us in America learn another language wait like an elementary school because they don't make you do that until high school and at that point it's like the best time to learn another language is when you're super super young."
"Education is better than incarceration in many cases."
"Well my friends, Joe Biden is doing it. Joe Biden will be cancelling up to twenty thousand dollars in student loan debt for those making under a hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars."
"I am also as a parent simultaneously in favor of age-appropriate reading list for kids inside of schools."
"Together we are going to substantially lower student debt."
"I'm not against Bibles in school libraries... I'm also not against comprehensive, science-based sex ed." - You don't want to have that conversation with me.
"Joe Biden has advocated for greater spending on education and has detailed plans to both increase teacher salary and upgrade school infrastructure..."
"Joe Biden will use that money to invest in education. For example, for folks who want to go to a two-year community college, it will be free."
"You cannot segregate classrooms. You can't do it and they're getting away with it."
"The time has come to pass school choice for Americans children."
"Don't allow kids to go to better schools outside their neighborhood."
"No American students should ever be trapped in a failing government school."
"We will never let your charter schools be taken away from you, I will never let you down."
"All children should receive an outstanding education in a safe school of their family's choice."
"Education is the great equalizer. We need to make public colleges and universities tuition-free."
"We need to invest in education and in young people and win free college for all."
"School systems are important but they do not supersede the rights of parents to raise their own children."
"It's time to move the conversation past the for-profits...they're definitely highly predatory."
"We need to return to the idea of higher education as a public good."
"Free college is not a racist policy; it makes a public good broadly available."
"First of all, we have to oppose federal control of education period. They just should not be doing it."
"An abject failure in all respects and has no place in American schools."
"Why'd you take it out of the schools? You know why. So that people could come on air and spout these ridiculous things."
"California school board bans schools from teaching critical race theory."
"They're spending far more time on social justice issues, gender studies, gender equality and things of that sort rather than the basics."
"We can't allow people to choke off this lane of school choice and think that we're going to bring our communities to where we want them to be."
"Affirmative action tried to level the playing field but was ruled unconstitutional."
"Educating America's children is right at the top of the list for our nation's priorities."
"We believe in school choice because a child's zip code in America should not determine their future."
"Nobody has done more to embrace parental choice and education more than the State of Florida."
"We cannot force a kid to choose pronouns in the state of Florida."
"When we tell people to better themselves by going to college, we shouldn't saddle them with the albatross of debt. That's immoral."
"It's wrong to sexualize kids in elementary school."
"Curriculum is not a marketplace of ideas; it's a very important thing."
"For the first time ever America will get pre-K that could save parents up to eight thousand six hundred dollars a year per child."
"Education in this country... make public universities free like they once were."
"Let all the kids just go to college for free."
"Joe Jorgensen wants this stuff to be opt-out so that if you don't have kids in school, you can opt out of that portion of your taxes."
"There is no good reason why any school in the United States is not open for in-person learning at this point."
"On day one, I will ban critical race theory from being in our schools."
"As long as I'm president my Administration will never stop fighting to deliver relief to borrowers and bring the promise of college to more Americans."
"It's not about gay it's not about straight it's not even about any one specific thing it's about saying don't let parents know what we're doing in general."
"I'm somebody who believes that the state should not be deciding for the parents how the kids are educated."
"Making education free for everybody forever is a good thing."
"The President's focus is on the schools reopening safely and them staying open."
"School choice is so important to the future of our party."
"If a school is failing, why would you wanna leave your child there? It should fail, it should be closed."
"You have to teach kids about gender ideology... very sexualized material."
"I don't want him teaching ideological viewpoints about feminism or otherwise."
"I personally think we should have free public college."
"What we really need to do is have a free college option in every state."
"This is solid policy, long overdue. Most parents are paranoid and terrified of the gender ideological steamrolling happening in schools."
"If we don't educate, we will incarcerate." - Eric Adams
"We should not have millions and millions of children living in poverty and what this bill does is provides for universal pre-k." - Bernie Sanders
"Public classrooms should not be a place for advancing personal agendas or political propaganda."
"There's just no question about it: any idea that local school districts don't have control over how their kids are being taught is going to set parents off."
"No parents should be forced to send their child to a failing government school."
"Closing schools is such a catastrophic death sentence... we just can't afford to do that."
"Public schools shouldn't get all the money if they're bad. School choice incentivizes improvement."
"So, like, if you, if you're talking about, excuse me, school boards and infrastructure within your city, that is like local level issues."
"I think that we should be literally defunding math from K12 K12 curriculum requirements and testing and literally defunding math from society."
"President Obama once said he wants everybody in America to go to college. What a snob!"
"America's moms and dads must be given a veto over anyone teaching far-left gender theories to their children in school without parental wow wow."
"What a great idea: send kids back to school in a pandemic."
"Temecula Valley Unified School District voted to ban critical race theory."
"Students in Bangladesh can go to jail for up to 3 years if they're found cheating on their final exams."
"The British prime minister says UK schools will close doors. They will remain closed for most pupils for the vast majority of pupils until further notice."
"How about free community college provided by the federal government?"
"If you want more teachers, pay them accordingly."
"Taxpayer-funded universities shouldn't be used for activism and social change."
"Without tenure, faculty are liable to play it safe when it comes time to have a classroom discussion about a difficult topic."
"Higher education is of the same type, it's an infrastructure spending which if distributed across our population can in fact be a rising tide that lifts all boats."
"This is what happens when you ban books stand against critical race Theory and try to erase centuries of hate you give future Generations the ammo they need to evolve and recreate racism better than before."
"U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders proposes bill for tuition-free college and to student debt."
"How do we end this student loan crisis? We aren't changing today, we're changing tomorrow."
"It's inexcusable to do this to the students of New York City high schools, Mr. Mayor."
"This is why our schools continue to fall behind... instead of teaching the basics."
"If we ban the teaching of things we need to know how to survive, we will not be healthy."
"Now remember, this all started because the national school board association, Viola Garcia specifically, called on the Biden regime to start labeling parents speaking out at school board meetings as domestic terrorists."
"Can you imagine if a school district were to do this about white students?"
"Since they've eliminated affirmative action at the University of California system, there are trying to get that data."
"Cancel all student debt and make college free."
"There's too much stuff going on. It shouldn't be on your mind. I don't agree that my child should be learning about gender ideology." - Aurora
"Is it going to change the way our schools approach critical race theory and all this crazy far-left indoctrination?"
"Education should be free from birth through doctorate. Education should be free."
"It empowers students with personal choice about what's best for them."
"When I said we should cancel student debt I really meant we should renegotiate the interest rate."
"We've been using effectively a machine-like logic in allotting people's life chances for the last 40 years."
"We make it affordable because having all this debt is obviously a dead end for so many students."
"We should not be in any way supportive of charter schools broadly as an institution."
"Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos canceled some loans of students who attended these two schools that are now closed."
"We are tearing down deeper than talented programs in math and science because they have a disparate impact on blacks."
"Trump signed an executive order to protect free speech on college campuses."
"Diversity in higher education: who gets in and why."
"We need to empower all parents with the right to choose the educational systems for their children."
"President Biden supports making an education Beyond High School accessible to all Americans."
"It's great to see a school actually take a stand against the woke mob."