
Global Events Quotes

There are 274 quotes

"The adventure for truth leads to the incidents that shocked the entire world."
"It's time for a time-out. In many ways, the last year of pandemic has been a global timeout for humanity."
"This is a very transformational time on the worldly events. It's foreshadowing or foretelling big changes that are going to happen."
"We're at the cusp of something very strange where all it would take is one massive world event... to completely remap how we view each other."
"You feel it in your heart, you sensed it in your mind, you know that something is going on in this world, and we're at a moment of destiny."
"It was the first time where the entire world has felt the exact same fear, confusion...uncertainty."
"2024 is the biggest election year in world history, with elections being held in more than 50 countries around the world."
"Well, I guess we know what the big event that's going to shake the world is going to be now."
"There is an extraordinary change going on in the world."
"Humiliation and dignity correspond to so much of what drives global events, from personal interactions to international relations."
"There are strange things happening in the world, and we need to understand the world today."
"As investors, one of the best things you can do is just pay attention to what's going on in the world."
"My prayers and thoughts go out to everybody who is suffering as a result of the events around the world."
"There was a whole pandemic and an attempted coup and Australia was on fire for a while. Do you remember that?"
"This is the great storm like a hurricane that is coming upon the world."
"The World Cup has to go around the world, it's not a World Cup otherwise."
"As believers, we look at the stuff that's going on around the world and we can say, 'My Bible talked about that.'"
"I realized the world literally had to stop before the world cared about black people."
"I'll tell you crazy stories drives in effect in I think it was 2017 I could be wrong I went to Davos during the World Economic Forum."
"The lack of media coverage on significant foreign events raises concerns about the American media's ability to report on major global developments."
"Hopefully the apocalypse, the great resignation was in preparation for the great acceleration and then the great collapse and the great extinction."
"Global events are extremely enjoyable to play with all the various different mechanics."
"Tsunamis are global-sized events with global ramifications."
"The only force stronger than a pandemic is the Olympics."
"Knowing that this World Cup is also taking place in Africa makes it extra special."
"This is the biggest thing that's ever happened on planet earth."
"One of the reasons why archaeologists have missed it has to do less with a dogma and more to do with a global cataclysm."
"There's not a more important event happening in the world right now than Hong Kong."
"This is the most significant event of our lifetimes not in my opinion because of the virus but because of the reaction the absolute insanity that is taking place around it."
"It's the end of the world as we know it and I feel fine."
"Even if you hate and vitriol, even if you think that I'm lying, you still couldn't look me in the eye and tell me you think on social media that there's been a fair representation."
"You see these things like the Arab spring, you see these things where people are now aware that other options exist."
"Castles of Kalindale, alright, my number ten is the fact that there was a surprise pandemic this year."
"The Integrity of the Premier League, the Carabao Cup, the Europa League, the Champions League, the FA Cup is massively diminished by this World Cup."
"When you see articles come out in reference to the planet moving faster... please believe that you're a participant in these events."
"All I know is I really think that we about to see some [ __ ] on this planet that we never seen before."
"The biggest event in our lifetime is the coronavirus."
"People all over the world go out into the streets and kick off the biggest party ever."
"Brexit and my father's election are one and the same." - Donald Trump Jr.
"This is the biggest crime of the century so far. Xin Ping, the Chinese Communist Party, just shut down the world."
"This is a real world event and it affects human beings on the face of the planet."
"It made me genuinely interested in the world... it's a very exciting time."
"The comprehensive economic downturn in China triggered by the decline of the real estate market has become a major global event in 2023."
"There are likely a number of things going on in our world that even the greatest minds would consider ridiculous, absurd, and impossible."
"Everything that is happening in this world is happening in order to bring about the rule of this world government system."
"Expect some big event connected to freedom movements, immigration, and global travel."
"Don't overreact to the news. There's always going to be times of war, especially at the time of this recording, right now, there's going to be times of insolvency."
"We are facing one of the turning points in history, what happens today may decide our lives for months, years, maybe decades."
"The world is not falling apart, it's falling into place."
"We should be optimistic because as these things are happening, we have the return of Christ on the horizon."
"When we see truckers uprising in Canada and we see farmers uprise in the Netherlands, there are reasons that these things are happening."
"How you react to the things happening in the world will be the Difference Maker."
"Massive worldwide celebrations coming in Winter."
"It's going to be the rapture... once the rapture happens, this global system will fly into place."
"To every other country outside of America there's no bigger sporting event than the World Cup."
"It's actually notable that we are all affected by these events on a spiritual and energetic level."
"I think the global banners are better, but it's just the celebration, it's just so much worse."
"So many beautiful things happening in this world."
"The global go Fest event for everyone to enjoy around the world."
"A world war will always draw our attention across the map, as things of greater or lesser significance occur, all of which are bricks in the same edifice."
"They followed up this legendary EP with the Love Yourself Speak Yourself world tour where they sold out both the Rose Bowl and the Wembley Stadium in only an hour."
"It is time to see God like never before, what we are witnessing in the world is Satan at work in full force."
"We've never experienced something like this in global history before."
"It was like a blanket had been put over the world."
"It's getting weirder and more intense. 2017 has been a crazy year for a lot of people—hurricanes, earthquakes, fires that just change the laws of physics."
"It's like no stadium on earth - aside from its siblings built for the World Cup."
"There's something significant going on around the world."
"Last time Saturn changed signs was in March 2020... we had a major Global pandemic."
"The rise of sheep nations, nations that are not gonna allow themselves to bend the knee to the dragon or to the Beast."
"It's a global event, man and wife in bed, they're sleeping, that's nighttime."
"We're about to see biblical move upon this Earth."
"This is the day that is our winter solstice here in the northern hemisphere, then also the summer solstice for the folks in the southern hemisphere."
"During the pandemic, everything kind of froze up in the world."
"We demonstrate that the world is different since the 24th of February."
"We're all going to be talking about these world events, so everybody should be weighing in and finding the truth."
"All of the big trends that I was thinking about prior to COVID-19, all of a sudden accelerating, they're speeding up."
"This has nothing to do with left versus right, it's purely based on what's actually taking place in the world."
"Thank you for three hours of humanity being unified and at peace."
"Why are we allowing these countries to commit genocide and then going to the Olympics while COVID is raging?"
"We are living in unprecedented times prophetic times the fullness of times."
"The world is celebrating. This one will go down."
"The amount of things happening in 2024 so far has been absolutely insane."
"What's causing it? Isaiah 24 says it's going to happen."
"Everything good in the world happened this year."
"One dynamic can lead to another, and see the Most High will do something in a completely different area of the world."
"Have you ever seen anything like what just happened in the last year? Have you ever seen the whole world stop?"
"As we make sense of everything that's happening in the world, all of us are trying to find our way through what's happening."
"The Venice incident shocked the entire world, leading to public distrust of Radiants."
"People are waking up, there's gonna be... the big protests in every single country."
"For decades, Pastor Begley has provided people all over the world with an understanding of today's world events from a biblical perspective."
"2020 will forever be known as the year the earth stood still, but as this year closes and the world opens up, journeys can begin once again."
"There will be famines, pestilences, and earthquakes in various places."
"We are witnessing the convergence of Bible prophecy around the world."
"Big things certainly seem to be happening around the world folks, big things." - Maskull Egan
"The world has never been put on pause before ever, right?"
"People will really feel like they want to express their voice. It's going to be very interesting to see what's happening in the world."
"I believe you're going to witness a tremendous worldwide Spiritual Awakening."
"October and November particularly are going to be massive months for the world."
"The most important thing taking place on earth today. Nothing else compares in magnitude, importance, or majesty."
"The earth is being accelerated. So don't put your time frame on all of the events or get caught up in what the news is saying." - Conversation segment.
"When sad things happen, it creates the biggest heart opening across the planet."
"2020 may not have been great for the world, but for Clash of Clans, I give Supercell a plus."
"The world needs the one and the world needs these events because the world needs a new champion."
"2022 into 2023 really might be a pivotal pivotal time in world history."
"The virus, the vaccine, the 5g, the riots and the alien invasion are all a smoke screen for the global financial reset."
"It felt like the world was normal for a bit."
"The tribulation begins according to the Bible with global peace and prosperity and safety."
"We're rolling all the videos coming in from around the world."
"Riyad season has become one of the most widely anticipated Global events of the year."
"Deathstroke's army attacks heroes and then warp teleports them out before you can catch them. It's happening across the world." - Wonder Girl
"It becomes the fulcrum that entire strategy swing on."
"This year has been such a terrible year for the whole world, but you know, I'm sorry to say it, it's been pretty good for crypto."
"Worst moments: Kobe Bryant's passing and Australian wildfires."
"It's the biggest sporting event in the world."
"It would take another world war and a new president to see Lady Liberty take the center stage in world affairs again."
"I believe we're going to see a global move of God."
"The World Cup's gonna happen... let's be honest because there's nothing else to watch."
"Of all the momentous news events this year, the most newsworthy and historically important event will be the beginning of this Cold War."
"Using the sky above to reflect the mirror of world events below."
"There are those who are not Christians but are asking all the right questions about what's happening in the world."
"Global events need to make us feel powerful."
"Very important things happening in our world right now."
"Interesting things happening around the world today."
"This is the biggest wealth transfer in the history of the world."
"We're at a fundamental change with all the events that have unfolded."
"Now researchers think it he could have been witnessing an event that nearly ended the world."
"It'll be interesting to see the long-term effects the pandemic has on both the US and Russian militaries."
"If there's one word that I would use to describe everything that's happening in the world right now, uncertainty."
"True disclosure occurs from within, worldwide disclosure as an official announcement cannot be given until critical mass has been reached."
"One of the reasons that we do feel so at home here is because of the Filipino people."
"Some things are just so mind-blowing that we can't even believe that they're true. That's right, there are unimaginable events happening all over the world every second of the day."
"Also, they do note the, I guess irony of them wanting to release the Doomsday Palette, which partially got canceled because of an apocalyptic pandemic."
"Nobody is coming to save you warriors, and here's what's happening within the world."
"There's a lot of cool stuff happening in the world though, I'm very excited to see where this one's going to keep moving."
"Pray for Israel. Pray for India. End time events are happening right now."
"What makes sense that it's just it's it's how we knew CV was coming I mean we could see it a million miles away."
"But just the fact that I'm making a positive return that's growing throughout everything that's going on in the world right now is very encouraging."
"God is speaking to the prophets all over the world about something coming."
"The recent COVID-19 pandemic provided an opportunity for the international community."
"No matter who wins the football World Cup, the real winner is always Coca-Cola."
"The world is increasingly being set up for the ultimate big lie."
"This is happening, guys... on a global scale... would help people understand that we're living in the last days."
"What is happening in the world right now is about to work for your good."
"When the time comes for the transition and tipping point in the collective, it will be marked by a major worldwide event of some type that is spectacular, cannot be concealed, and that the general public will be aware of and understand."
"The storm is upon us. Everything that the white hats and the alliance and the galactics have been working towards in the liberation of the earth is getting ready to unfold for humanity."
"Think about the current event that the entire world's going through, where it possibly came from and everything that's changed in the entire world."
"There is so much going on right now and it's interesting how it's very coordinated amongst countries."
"Right now, the world is one big scary B-movie. It is predictable."
"There's so much that has not been seen on stage of the world championship match."
"We want to see the best in the world fight, which to me is what Worlds is."
"Don't listen to the wrong report and don't hang out with the wrong interpretation of world events."
"The world is a theater, the actors its inhabitants are preparing to act their part in the last great drama."
"Keep your eyes open and watch these things happening around the world."
"The global economy crashes, Britain leaves the EU, Global Panic."
"It's a great shaking, but it is for a Divine reason."
"It's amazing to think this discovery was just one of hundreds around the world that shed light on fascinating historical events."
"For about a week, the whole world was riveted by shipping."
"What if it's gone or like what if World War III broke out and I just don't know about it?"
"Expo city was the site of the World Fair Expo 2020."
"Something big is gonna happen in the world."
"Between 1754 and 1763, the world was convulsed by a truly global conflict between two great empires, the British and the French, and their various allies and colonies."
"We're going through an unbelievable time at the moment. The world is all over the place."
"2020 is a chaotic year... that triggered mass awakening all over the world."
"Is this the reason for all the strange events happening worldwide?"
"Covid came and stopped the world in its tracks."
"There are so many stories of floods throughout the entire world."
"don't think that just because it's only happened in a country on the other side of the world that doesn't mean it can happen to you"
"Their plan coincided with exactly what the scriptures say about the end times."
"We are seeing this as a massive global reset button."
"Embrace this invitation for in doing so you acknowledge your role not just as a witness to global events but as an active participant in shaping them."
"I feel like as a global community, 2020, I don't even have words to describe it was a lot."
"I think we all have questions, we just got over the COVID-19. Another war, another catastrophe just broke out."
"I hope you're all doing extremely well or as well as you can with the current state of the world at the moment."
"There's a lot of unfortunate things happening in the world."
"Happenings are happening all over the world no matter what time of day or night it is. It just seems like there are other things and other forces at work at all times."
"Except for a few bumps like the global financial crisis and COVID-19, this has been an increase at an increasing rate."
"2020 is a tough year to travel the world."
"In the last eight years, the global citizen festival was founded, and more than $48 billion has been announced on global citizen festival stages around the world."
"During her tenure, she presided over multiple major global events."
"It's almost like it reminds me of when it's the one of my favorite things about the world cup or the Olympics."
"The world was recovering from a war and a pandemic."
"I'm not a huge soccer guy, but I've always loved the World Cup."
"With everything going on in the world, I know like slowly people are starting to go back to work, which is a good sign, I guess."
"Something will happen that will have global consequences that will change their life and their generation forever."
"It goes without saying that religion is a major driver of events and circumstances in the world today."
"We just went through a really wild time, the entire world."
"We will all hear some great news about what's going on out there."
"Does anyone else feel like they're just waiting for something to happen in the world because the world is so insane right now?"
"Every day, strange things happen across the globe, baffling all those involved."
"You didn't start the fire, it was always burning since the world's been turning."
"The impact spreads across the seas as the world heads towards the reverie."
"Is it even possible that 8 billion people on the planet could be going through a global Awakening?"
"It's been the strangest week for me personally, and also for the planet."
"There is so much going on all over the world."
"Here we are in a forgotten corner of the world, seeing in real time the effects of events that seemed worlds apart."
"This year has been a tremendous year all around the world."
"It's so crazy, like, when you're just living a normal life, going about life doing your thing, and just to know all this stuff, this craziness, is happening in the world."
"It's just a good eye-opener when it comes to all the stuff that's constantly going on in this world."
"Look after yourselves during this time, what's going on in the world."