
Media Integrity Quotes

There are 181 quotes

"I believe in freedom of speech and one of the things that I can promise you is that on this platform you will always get well-researched, cold facts."
"Thanks for keeping honest journalism alive. You seem to be the most reliable source of mainstream political global news today."
"Integrity and honesty in the media is critical for people maintaining trust for their sources of information. It's important that we all admit when we are wrong so that we can grow and move forward."
"The traditional rules of Journalism are being brought back. It's why I got into the business in the first place."
"The ABC is toughening up its complaints procedures and appointing an ombudsman to review contentious decisions."
"We're allowed to tell you the truth because we're not beholden to a corporate donor."
"Journalists' promises of confidentiality are vital to reporting the news."
"We're going to continue to do on this channel what we've always done: tell you the truth as best we can, listen to you as best we can."
"The discipline of verification has been there for 100 years. You have to check things out; you have to verify."
"We need an informative, neutral press that is holding government and political parties to one standard of political accountability, no matter what side of the aisle they are on, no double standards."
"I don't accept many sponsors on my show, so when I do take on a sponsor it's always something that I've personally used and I really like."
"CNN's new CEO Chris Licht indicated that he wants to return to CNN's Roots as non-partisan."
"YouTube very much so secretly takes videos down."
"He lies so often on his show that I'm genuinely wondering why we can't have a law against professional news anchors purposefully misleading the American people."
"I'm firmly on the side of my viewers and readers."
"The way you solve disinformation is by telling the freaking truth."
"No one has ever or will ever instruct us on what to cover what to say or anything like that."
"I don't care, I just want the viewers and the readers to know the truth."
"Five minute news: True news, factual, verified, responsible."
"Real journalism is not infallibility, it's transparency."
"Clear distinction between opinion and hard news."
"A strong democracy requires a fair and honest press."
"Nothing and no one is off limits here on the Megan Kelly show. We will keep bringing you the truth."
"Newsmax accepts the election results are legal and final."
"The problem is, the media has to start living by the truth and not trying to create a narrative."
"It's important that even conservative outlets... be factually correct."
"If you appreciate the work that we are doing through Uncover DC and the work that I am doing to bring you guys truthful information with integrity, please consider signing up for a monthly subscription at uncoverdc.com."
"Story still valid. Story still true. Story still has impact. Story still has meaning. Stop victim blaming."
"It's fine if AT&T wants to spend the money to have diversity of opinion on their channels. That's fine. But they put this OAN in their news block and they call it news. They shouldn't be allowed to do that."
"We want you to support what we do because we are all about fighting disinformation."
"It's not an issue of right or left, it's an issue of truth or not."
"It's just journalism. It's what journalism used to be."
"You either respect a free and independent media or you don't."
"People trust us because when Doug Ford goes off course, we criticize them."
"You either respect a free and independent media or you don't. You don't get to selectively respect it."
"Journalists have destroyed journalism and they've gone in so deep at this point and lied about so many people and so many things that they don't know how to back out."
"Ultimately, people are going to believe in an unpolluted, uncontaminated message, which is fair income and not paid for by advertisers or governments."
"There's a need for shared truth and shared reality."
"But no, your garbage person of the week with 53% of the vote is Rupert Murdoch for admitting his Network lies to keep viewers."
"Yo, I like this Tim Cast news website. They never tell me what to think, they just tell me what happened."
"We need real journalism and real fearless journalism."
"The reenactments I made were not misrepresentative nor were they defamatory. I didn't make Basil look bad, he did that to himself."
"Our most noble outlets could drink the kool-aid and go along with it."
"Our channel and our integrity are not for sale."
"The mission of the Epoch Times is to chase the truth, to ground all statements and facts, and prevent people from being misled."
"The accuracy, neutrality, and quality of presented content, together with purity of intent, are of prime importance."
"I genuinely believe that our democracy... our media... cannot survive unless people can have good faith genuine substantive disagreement, debate, arguments."
"I believe that we deserve an open media that's not owned and co-opted by financial interests."
"Journalism in its real form remains so important."
"What do we do on this show? We tell the truth because the truth is simply indisputable."
"Truth matters. If you are fair reporters, you will cover that fairly and appropriately and you will allow coverage of our media team here and our legal team."
"Everything we do on this channel is about making sure that you make money and you don't lose money. If you ever hear any other narrative, that's 100% inaccurate."
"In a world where narratives are increasingly weaponized, his voice is a clarion call for integrity and honesty."
"It's not that we're never wrong it's that we bring you the facts without blowing smoke or sunshine on a regular basis"
"The real thing that caused Steve Harvey to lose his show is showing the public that he's a gatekeeper."
"It is time to return to investigative journalism we can trust."
"What do we do on this show? We tell the truth."
"No matter which side you're on, you should embrace honest news."
"Good journalism is factual, verified, and takes into account multiple points of view."
"Of all the mainstream media journalists I've encountered, Taylor is one of the only, if only, who I've actually said, like, 'Hey, this thing is not true' or 'This thing is actually like this.' And she's been really great about it."
"Exposing lies of dictatorial regimes is the way forward to increase interest in truthful sources."
"If you go to the consumer public that we're gonna be legitimate and we're not gonna be violent we're not gonna give you fake news and and that somehow somehow this has been violated by virtue of this project Veritas revelation."
"Truthful reporting in the media is essential to our democracy."
"This content has been rated false by a fact-checker and we link them to it."
"We have not only the video that JTBC used for the first report but also the CCTV video."
"The American public wants honesty, they want truth."
"You know, when you lose the press that you can respect and believe in, it's a terrible thing for a free country. The press has broken bad."
"This story is completely false. It's never been more important for journalists to tell the truth."
"We provide honest news analysis that is based on reality."
"Armchair History TV is the home of uncensored, ad-free, click-bait-free historical content."
"If you say you're news, I should be able to turn your [__] on and everything you tell me is what happened. That's it."
"Admit they made a mistake and correct it. We appreciate you noticing that we are honest to people who actually listen to the substance of the show. Thank you."
"I love the honesty, and there's no BS behind the news."
"If you think it's important to have all angles, all sides of those types of stories be disclosed, please don't lose touch with us."
"But it is vital that American journalists resist the temptation to embrace false claims because they're pleasing or help the Ukrainians because doing that in the long run will only serve to further erode trust and faith in American Media outlets."
"I have to deal in the truth because if I'm not accurate if I'm not right you won't watch me you won't watch my shows you won't listen to me you won't follow me you won't read my stuff."
"My reporting of the news and my accurate predictions get turned into support."
"You should stand up and say mediaite tell it like it is be truthful be honest."
"We don't want fake news; we're trying to promote truth in science here." - Matthew
"If you can't handle me one individual talking about your project in the negative light, I shudder to think what you're gonna do when bigger websites actually grow some balls."
"The media who is actually promoting and telling the truth, that's democracy."
"Now that the emails have been published for several days and the Biden campaign hasn't denied a single one of them, shouldn't we all admit that they're true?"
"It is a dangerous time to be an excellent journalist, a journalist that's not bought and sold by billionaires, supporting some narrative."
"Don't trust Hannity, don't trust Tucker. If they had any integrity whatsoever, they would have been resigning after Fox News did what they did in the midterms."
"I do the best job that I can. I have never said anything on this show that I do not believe."
"They're fantastic, they're really good, he does genuine journalism and he actually exposes the corruption that takes place in the system."
"I boast that the History Hit YouTube channel will definitely get to a million subscribers."
"Reasonable people who want to be honest and present factual news are actually doing really well."
"When you lie on the behalf of the establishment, there's never a price to pay."
"Everyone in news should say, 'Look, if you don't cover this honestly and tell people what's actually happening in the trial, then we're never going to call you Fox News anymore.'"
"If an organization portrays itself as balanced but is not it should be labeled to inform the public."
"You're not sensationalizing anything, you just report."
"I urge Fox News to order Carlson to cease propagating the big lie on his network and to level with their viewers about the truth."
"Journalists must be independent voices, not acting on behalf of special interests."
"We stand by our reporting and we do not apologize for our methods."
"Widespread verification will democratize journalism."
"We tell the truth on 'Indisputable' because the truth is indisputable."
"This is not a liberal organization reporting this, this is the Associated Press, the most respected newsgathering organization in the world."
"The best way to respond to disinformation is to ensure we have a free and independent press."
"We will never lie. It's going to be as honest as a news organization has ever been."
"When a news organization begins to change facts in a story to meet a political agenda their product ceases to become news and becomes propaganda."
"Calling out lies and deception and fraud is not fake news."
"We're just trying to give you what we know: facts, truth, not misinformation."
"All the media has to do is start behaving honestly."
"Democracy without honest information creates the illusion of popular consent while enhancing the power of the state and the privileged interests."
"We're going to deliver honest information on a daily basis."
"We tell the truth on this show because the truth is simply indisputable."
"We want to make sure we get you guys accurate important information on a daily basis." - Ana Kasparian
"We make sure to clarify when it's authoritative or independent news."
"Every day is a battle for your mind, you found the place for truth."
"This video was so much worse than I expected. I was expecting a slur every night on them, but instead of just doing that, you just straight up decided to lie on video."
"When we publish something you guys can trust that that's our real opinion."
"Investigative journalism should still be a thing."
"We should have a media that tries its best to give us plain facts and allows us to sort it out among ourselves with plain honest open discourse."
"You shouldn't give them an inch. You shouldn't allow them to change a source material in any respect."
"If you publish something that embarrasses the powers that be, they will come for you. The only reason why Julian Assange is being persecuted..."
"Legacy Media is already totally compromised."
"If every news agency were as honest and reporting facts as you, fake news wouldn't be a thing."
"You can't go out on a News Network and knowingly espouse views that you understand at that point to be false."
"Real journalism, real investigative journalism, real infield reporting."
"I just got to say how much I appreciate you giving us the facts and truth, Anna. You're an inspiration."
"Stand for truth: 'Subscribe for truth... hit subscribe on our YouTube channel and thank you so much for watching.'"
"Here at Rebel News, we work hard to get it right... Saying sorry once in a while actually improves your reputation for accuracy."
"It's important that there be both the reality and perception of trust for a wide range of viewpoints."
"I don't need fear mongering in my life. If you're going to tell the truth, tell the truth."
"In an era of fake news, public service broadcasting and a free press have never been more important."
"I don't want to be one of them content creators that's lying."
"so everybody who still works at NBC News as compromised bought and has less integrity than you do and less integrity than a nightclub comedian me uh here's another great journalist pressed by Casey on NBC's reporting"
"If you as a News Network cannot host the Republican front-runner for the presidency, you're not a News Network."
"The Daily Show is supposed to be about truth right like you're supposed to so the guy who is admit to not telling the truth um can't host the truth show."
"Discourse and disagreement are good things. Bald-faced lies and intentional misrepresentations are not."
"What the BBC is for if not to be a kind of bulwark against that to serve the public as an institution."
"We can put factual based information back into the mainstream...so people understand what's there."
"Without a credible unbiased fourth estate, the first amendment crumbles and our republic fails."
"Actors discrediting valid trusted uh decades-old media institutions just because they don't serve them or, they don't paint a positive portrayal of them that's not what an independent media is supposed to do."
"I think there's they're one of the last true investigative journalistic outlets."
"Remember, we're independent, no one's cutting me a check, okay? We build our own programs and we bring our own value to the space."
"I'll always on my news platform give you a fair shake and uh, you know be as honest as I possibly can."
"Journalists lose the trust of their readers when they're unwilling to admit they're wrong."
"My channel is not a fan Channel. It's a proTube channel. Everything I speak about, we have to seek out the truth and let go of the fanboy ISM because that's why there's no progress."
"We need some press accountability. We need people to be held legally liable for knowingly publishing false, distorting information."
"Hirsch was once widely celebrated for his journalism which uncovered the 1969 mili massacre in Vietnam and also helped expose U.S abuses at Abu garib in 2004."
"Thank you for keeping your audience constantly armed with truth and facts."
"One man or one media outfit armed with the truth constitutes a majority."
"I've never seen something this misleading and this dishonest from all members of the media."
"To come in here and to say that I'm deliberately lying to my audience, misleading my audience, and directing them towards some sort of sinister agenda, that bites."
"It is absolutely impossible to have a democracy without a fair press."
"I'm still waiting for one honest anchor in the mainstream media to just look their own audience in the eye and say, 'Hey, I apologize. We lied to you, we got it wrong, and we'll never have this happen again.'"
"For an announcer to go up there and lie on the air, twisting the words of a struggling quarterback to make it seem like he doesn't care, is just wrong."
"You've completely torn apart his brand in a very natural journalistic way."
"The show that is the sworn and totally sincere enemy of lying, pomposity, smugness, and groupthink."
"BBC World Service... they give quality unbiased news in my opinion."
"We're not like the other media outlets out there that cut and edit what other people say."
"We're very committed to a free press."