
Performance Art Quotes

There are 508 quotes

"Thank God it's Freaky Friday; today, we're going to explore the weirdest, darkest, and most disturbing pieces of performance art."
"Each performance was so fundamentally different from the rest, even though they are doing the same movement."
"Drag is just a form of performance art that's about pointing out and heightening our ideas of gender in that performance in a comical or over-the-top way."
"Paradoxically, real magic is fake magic, and fake magic is real magic. The only real magic in the world, produced by magicians, is the fake magic."
"It's an immense privilege to put a date on the calendar, show up in a theater, and have all of you come out. Really, it's amazing."
"The servers in this place are all apt to throw in a little performance art during your visit."
"It's like yes, I know all my sisters are gonna be in rhinestones and beads... but she was like, you know what, I do sexy, I give you body, I give you Georges."
"Before it was over, she struck ballet poses and reclined on the street, altogether uninhibited, making a statement of resilience."
"If you want to see a show of star power, where two mega stars work an audience like a fiddle, getting the absolute maximum out of every move, sequence, and facial expression, then this is it, brother."
"Inside is a wholly unique experience and one of the most vital, helpful pieces of performance art made in the last few years."
"The best performer probably Elvis Presley. I don't think anybody could touch him. He had a lot of rhythm, he was a very good singer, and he was a fabulous performer in the way he moved the people."
"It's not the role of our news media to perform for us."
"Stand-up is still the last bastion of free speech."
"We need to trust acting as an art form and find beauty in the many ways it can be mastered."
"That's the fun thing about pro wrestling, not everything needs to look perfect."
"Speedrunning combines puzzle solving, technique analysis, and perfect execution to make a work of performance art."
"Performance art can be interpreted in a lot of different ways."
"Everything else is just a catalyst for that, live shows."
"If I had a bad set, it just makes me mad and I want to get back up right away."
"I want them to think that I just appeared in a fucking puff of smoke, fucking did my devil shit for an hour and then boom I'm gone."
"If you stop acting, your best will come through you."
"Blackpink has already taken the world by storm for their impressive live-singing capabilities."
"Every single one is deeper than the one before it. And then whenever they show the clips of him like trying to set up the live show and everything, I'm like, 'Okay, this guy, this is his talent here.' His live shows, I guess, are just remarkable."
"You're going to have amazing dancers, costumes, set pieces, video sounds, everything."
"If you still believe that every single thing you see on stage is how the game should look, then you're just missing the boat."
"It really makes the puppets pop out and me kind of recede in a way that makes me even like well."
"Nivellen was pretty extraordinary just because of Christmas performance and the amount of hard work that went in."
"We don't need black performance art, we need policy."
"Love the bomb means that you just embrace the absurdity of you being on stage."
"Inside is the performance of a lifetime for Bo Burnham."
"Nana's core strength lies in its ability to invoke genuine emotions from the audience."
"I hate counting while I sparkle and crystal breath."
"You hold so much power doing comedy, it's like you're holding the mic, holding the room, you are the attention."
"She can sing, she can dance, she can get laughs."
"Blaine's performance impacted thousands of New Yorkers who halted their hectic lives just to look up at him."
"This is camp Lady Gaga I have to say really truly did camp in the regards that she didn't go for the obvious which was clothing she went for the obvious which was a performance art."
"Connecting with the audience is super important."
"The audience actually wants to work for their meal. They just don't want to know that they're doing that."
"Acting is not pretending... It's surrendering to the spirit of the character."
"It's kind of not the same... it's not just bars, it's like guys performing their bars, moments is like amazing."
"Funny's not easy man, funny is the hardest thing."
"Not only did the narrator herself give an absolutely stupendous performance, but there were touches of atmosphere added throughout this audiobook that actually ended up proving me wrong."
"Those guys are fearless, and there's a lot of ad-libbing, they call themselves the group that heckles back."
"I think one of the best things that anyone can do for a special show like this is sell and give away as much of our stuff as possible."
"Phil Hartman had an outstanding ability to control the stage and captivate the audience."
"You know, a lot of people don't realize I keep telling people this all the time: You do shows, you gotta change stuff up from time to time."
"Is stand-up akin to an argument? Not at all. Stand-up is a discussion."
"Kaufman's entire career was built on defying audience expectations."
"Andy embraced the persona of a chauvinist who, as part of his stand-up comedy act, would talk down to women and claim they were only good for cooking, cleaning, and making babies."
"You can read the words of the Doctrine and Covenants and they're great, but then once you watch the play, then you love the songs because you understand what was going on in the background."
"They don't find it funny, you shouldn't moan about the audience. There's nothing wrong with the audience. If they don't laugh at your jokes, there's something wrong with your joke."
"Genius is just getting in front of god's people and getting out of god's way."
"This is like a dog and pony show for them and they're gonna cling on to it because they love that...yeah, they love that."
"Reggie Watts... he's like the modern version of that where he's just nonsensical absurd."
"It was glorious torture," a reflection on the challenging yet rewarding nature of performance.
"The Niagara Falls challenge was a horrifying beginning and a relieved ending," describing the intense experience of a daring feat.
"The flying illusion changed magic in many ways," discussing the transformative impact of a groundbreaking performance.
"Perhaps the single most distinguishing characteristic of Penn & Teller's act is teller's silence... You can't heckle a person who won't answer back."
"SCP-3247 stopped its performance, throwing up its hands in a gesture of defeat."
"Wrestling is choreographed but the risk is real."
"Jamie for the working class people. I always tell people you can listen to him on your phone but when you see him live is when you know how good he is. He's just different, he's a showman."
"Loren Bouchard first discovered John Roberts while he was performing his mom act at a now-closed comedy club called Comics."
"I'm gonna post that, uh, coming up here. I was this French robot and I handed out, uh, croissants to all the kids."
"If an idea is gonna resonate with someone, it's gonna resonate with someone. It doesn't matter if you're playing a character."
"The only man who puts fear my heart on stage, Dave's mother [ __ ] repeal."
"Seeing Dave Chappelle as a comic in a comedy club is like seeing a great white shark."
"I think for me to say that I'm not inspired by RuPaul or Lady Gaga would be like a slap in the face to their art and their work."
"Those intangibles in performances is what I was really, you know, it's everything to me."
"Actors in Italy are embracing a new kind of performance stage."
"In 1972, David Bowie took all the elements he'd learned about performing arts and fused them together to create a daring new stage persona: Ziggy Stardust."
"People think it's easy... anybody can come up here and run their mouth and entertain... it's a lot of work... it's not easy."
"You're not a setlist comic. You are a feel it, speak it, say it comic."
"I'm about to make you believe in the danger right now."
"Pasha has this very expressive and comical style."
"He immediately announced to the audience that the corpse was a fake and Joyce was still alive and performing somewhere else."
"When you record a video, you've got to amp it up because you're there to entertain people."
"The pair leap onto the dance floor using pretty much every surface while performing a perfectly synchronized tap dance routine."
"It's a show-stopping performance from start to end."
"I need the full Missy Elliott experience with the fashion, the dancers, the hanging from the ceiling, the futuristic vibes."
"Said Brown Girls Burlesque performer Chicava Honeychild, 'For black women sexualized or other, to intellectually take to the stage and own yourself, that is very revolutionary.'"
"The magic that we get from the dynamic of the cast in Critical Role is largely based on the ability to be able to actually make contact like eye contact and to be able to read each other's body language."
"Acting is not easy and no matter how many times you practice your lines sometimes a convincing performance is just not possible."
"Yeah watch me do drugs until I die sit on the toilet if if we did a show where we just consumed as many drugs as possible until we expired on stage."
"Tonight, Matthew, I'm gonna be Tina Turner." - Mark
"But that's what I love about stand-up I I love it it's so hard there really isn't the most difficult thing I've ever done."
"A story is a rhetorical representation of reality."
"It's a form of Hindu performance art and Indian classical dance that combines comedy exaggerated facial expressions and elaborate costumes with myths Legends and live music."
"Astaire starts the routine by looking cool as a cucumber as he masterfully taps around the stage with a cigarette in his mouth. Suddenly, he takes things up a notch by throwing a firecracker to the ground in time with the music."
"Sitting and smiling. A series of videos posted on the channel of Benjamin Bennett, first streamed on July 28, 2014. Bennett simply sits and smiles at the camera, unspeaking for hours on end. It's described on Wikipedia as endurance art."
"Practice until your performance is ingrained in your muscles and your soul."
"There's just no substitute for honing your craft in front of a live audience."
"The audience is very important because they complete the work."
"Billy Joel lives the best life, takes a helicopter from his house, sells out MSG in 20 minutes."
"The most difficult thing is to have chops and play interesting melodic ideas."
"Adore Delano, giving you smell my ******* poetic justice realness."
"Gotta give it to Jimbo... such a concept so well done."
"Making people laugh and you laughing yourself is kind of the best feeling you can get."
"There's nothing better than great stand-up, just someone getting up on stage and telling a story."
"A gifted performer can move around. Carlin, Pryor, every comic should be going, 'We're all Carlin.'"
"Every giant comedy star knows, you can walk out at a comedy club and you'll get the biggest ovation in the world. Two minutes later you can be dying because it's involuntary."
"Do you feel the energy vibrating? This is the beauty of drag."
"Nobody did absurdist comedy played perfectly straight better than Leslie Nielsen."
"Method actors, like them or not, if they're good, if they're good, can bring a really good sense of emotional realism to the material."
"Every single queen looks so incredible, it just goes to show how seriously this cast took this season and how much talent there was."
"That could actually be really fun and different, and I'd love to see her in those like full chain mail hoods during a performance."
"Hoffman's death was a profound loss to the entertainment industry, leaving behind a legacy of outstanding performances and artistic excellence."
"Retro today but was absolutely revolutionary back in '82, Daniel brings together elements of mime and breakdancing to his performance."
"Magic for me is like an emotion, but you bring out and create an atmosphere of a room."
"Brilliant one-liners, a plus physical comedy, those outfits, plus tons of references to Broadway and classic Hollywood."
"I don't dress up for my show anymore but I dress up for you. Thank you."
"I love doing stand-up comedy man, it's really, I've kind of figured out my own approach."
"Enjoyment is the thing, whether it generates laughs or not."
"Acrobats by their very nature are automatically on a whole other level to most of us."
"Troy James now works as a successful Hollywood creature actor using his flexibility to bring some frankly horrifying creatures to life."
"It was absolutely masterful: the idea, the content, the delivery, the performance."
"The food was incredible, all the performers were incredible."
"I never felt like I was performing. This performance awareness, you know?"
"Comedian Norm Macdonald: 'Starred on Saturday Night Live anchoring Weekend Update and doing impressions of celebrities.'"
"When I'm in drag I feel like if I got in the shower and the water ran down my body I would wash my face and that makeup would still be on in a way."
"Misdirection and sleight of hand is super important."
"There's like different percentages that he can pour into it."
"USA... she gave honestly like a flawless performance tonight."
"Her greatest talent was that she did all of that in a way that made it seem like she wasn't performing at all."
"David Bradley did such a fantastic job here performance-wise. It really immersed me."
"Be yourself, do whatever it is you do. Whether you stand there the whole night or whether you run around, it doesn't make you a better performer."
"It feels really good to be back doing KJack, doing the darn thing, lighting ourselves on fire, committing arson, all that stuff. It feels really good to be back at doing it."
"I adored it, I adored the shapeshifting nature of it."
"He's the one that kind of unleashed that and gave me the opportunity to kind of have fun with that. And I'm also getting more confident in myself as a performer that I think I can do more and more things."
"Once these bars are said, they're specific to that moment; it's a unique art form that demands respect."
"I was pleasantly surprised by the setup of total slaughter and by the fans' respect for the actual craft taking place."
"It's like a TikTok For You Page but put on a stage."
"What she is really doing by performing for johnny (on and off stage) is teaching him and the viewer a lesson–that his (and our) relationship with her should not be one of subject versus object."
"Some people might enjoy that, some people might not even like rap, but they love to see people juggling."
"It's been a long time since we've had somebody who can just stand in one place and evoke all sorts of tension and fear, just really unsettle you, right?"
"Why did they put my line up there at the beginning of their performance? That line really got under their skin because it was a clear articulation of the conservative position."
"It's not about doing an impression, it's about finding the humanity."
"The show manages to slam in a ton of songs and it never really feels awkward."
"You're a performer of course, I sing as a character, I put on the mask, I perform for the people, I'm not my real self."
"It's so easy to criticize but it's very difficult to perform art because art requires thinking and all same concept."
"This video has no story at all at all but we are jamming and these girls are definitely serving yes to work yes that hair oh my god twelve girls just waving it whipping it back and forth looks so good."
"I do a Zatanna number, and the wand is like a fun prop for drag. But I hadn't practiced it enough."
"You really gotta delve into your own imagination for it to work and look authentic. This [expletive] is really hard!"
"Think of your script as an experience and metaphorically strip on stage."
"It was amazing, like across the board, the commitment to the bit."
"It's pretty neat. A world-class acrobat performs all types of physical feats learning to mime."
"If you're in a speedo, that's not comedy... Everything is what you do."
"Jackass infuses bland spaces with creativity and performativity."
"What we do is a performance to a certain extent."
"You need the attention. You need the lights. You need the release of performance."
"That was a pretty special moment... become aware of the audience... people's hunger and appetite."
"The best jokes for you are ones that other people couldn't do."
"Rock opera was absolutely incredible, such a spectacular show!"
"Burlesque is a uniquely healing art form that celebrates the body."
"Comedy would be trash if I didn't have to bomb."
"Sasha Velour's lip sync against Shea Coulee to 'So Emotional' is still talked about today."
"A 90s beatnik doing a spoken word piece about her genitals."
"The Harold is an improv form, it can be a little constricting."
"Some might also remember Shia, though, for his strange performance art."
"Of all that equipment the greatest thing he has on him is his voice."
"The performance is what separates, you know, characters."
"Check out Latvian freerunner and Red Bull Art of Motion champion Pasha Petkins as he takes on an actual life-size pinball machine."
"I think everyone at this time in 2018 found themselves that they wanted a hot fiery moment. And imagine to come up with something unique for their personal character. That's what I like when you get really deep into a match."
"My goal is to focus completely on the performance while having it look as unsuspecting and as grandma-like as possible."
"A unique viewing experience for the audience."
"As an actor, I should be able to play any person or any tree or any animal because that is my job and the requirements of my job." - Scarlett Johansson
"Wrestling is a collab, it is a dance, it is an art form."
"One of the greatest stand-up specials that's not actually a stand-up special because you were sitting down."
"When they do something that kind of sort of is like well how the [ __ ] did he do that that's the cool part."
"You use your past, you use what you observed sometimes putting on a wig or a costume or a shoe or a funny nose or an accent can just sort of be a great trigger."
"Pro Wrestling isn't working without the live audience. The audience is the 100% driving force behind what wrestlers do in the ring."
"Last year, I did 880 shows in six different countries."
"Having so many loops where you have to question your own sanity, it's very jarring. They captured that really well, and Ethan Hawke's portrayal of Dr. Harrow has been terrific to watch."
"Real magic. It's about your dedication to the craft."
"This was exceptional it's fabulous creative it's a visual show."
"I love stand-up comedians because it's so brave, you're just out there by yourself."
"William Pope L's legacy will continue to inspire artists and audiences alike for years to come." - Tribute to William Pope L.
"His passing marks the end of a remarkable career that forever altered the way performance art is perceived and engaged with." - Tribute to William Pope L.
"One thing that stands out for me is in the choreography there's intention behind every move."
"He's kind of like the Andy Kaufman of YouTube where it's like you just don't know."
"Actors play people and things that they are not."
"If you're a comedian, you're just roasting, and that's how you love."
"It takes a great deal of skill and restraint to make moves look violent and simultaneously protect your opponent from injury."
"This brother is super talented hands developing a vast amount of Headroom that allows him to create a professional level freestyles using only 50 percent of his capacity during performances."
"Who are these drag queens who are like I guess I look okay? No, you should walk out there and be like you should be the last one on the runway cuz you're just looking at yourself in the mirror."
"Think of our show as a standing comedian show. Exactly. Nothing that they see on that stage is factual."
"It's not just a costume, it's the performance."
"Humans are designed to be empathic right so we're designed to relate to people who we see on stage."
"That baton choreo was a cultural reset and I will never get over that."
"Lady Gaga is so theater though, she like the rev, the way she did the reveals, the way that it was each part, it was a whole, it was a whole performance."
"Good sleight of hand is as much about psychology as it is sleight of hand."
"We want to move towards real-time improv shows."
"People want to watch magic because people weirdly do like to watch magic."
"He faked out being Muhammad Ali, did a convincing job. That's some bad [ __ ]."
"His Quick Change act as variably a British officer, a German scientist, and the president of the United States cinches the disparagingly universal subtext."
"The thing I think is cool is finger drumming."
"I will only succeed not if I sell it out but if I go into this venue do my show and then I spent... I want to go, 'Oh, that's right, Wilko's and [__]! Sure!'"
"When you can achieve something like that, I think that's, I mean that really is acting, right?"
"And that is how you do the classic scotch and Soda magic trick."
"The audience is such a big player in how you work and how you play."
"I miss having a lot more of that human element and a lot more of that showmanship."