
Policy Analysis Quotes

There are 95 quotes

"Is it personal responsibility or is it really bad policy? And I realize it's bad policy."
"Understanding the longer-term trends is also essential for addressing today's policies."
"I want to start out from first with the causal link between the Australia gun buyback program and the lower homicide rate."
"We need to be thoughtful and have a very comprehensive approach to looking at all of the different ways our current laws and policies and culture feed into each other."
"If you haven't accounted for the cost of your policies, then you're not done with the analysis."
"Prohibition in a general sense does work. We often refer to Prohibition as like drugs and alcohol as a failure."
"Worry less about what you like or don't like about a policy and worry more about who's actually going to be there when it's time to think about big issues like, oh my rights, my freedoms, the rule of law."
"I'm not blaming you, blame anybody else, I'm saying that the policy has been misrepresented."
"But knowing that it's not I I I would like to look at countries that I don't want to be like and say what do they do and if they do that then maybe we don't do that."
"Decrim is kind of the worst of all worlds because it does nothing for the economic problems that people are facing."
"What makes a policy successful heavily depends on the policy and the type of policy it is, I think."
"Consider that shutdowns are - the way we govern today as combustion is to corrosion."
"Look at the policies, figure out what's better for your family, go with it."
"No, well now Trump has supposedly changed the policy. Now, as I explained, I don't think the policy actually changed legally speaking, but supposedly Trump changed the policy."
"The only difference between Trump's policy and Obama's policy is that Trump is doing it more often. That is literally the only difference."
"Let's actually dive deep into the policy and the potential consequences for our lives that these policies have."
"Stimulus checks... are all based upon three major factors: unemployment, lockdowns, and economic data."
"I can't make any definitive statements on if UBI's good or bad just because it's hard to carry these experiments on large scales."
"Who is this policy for and that's what I always wonder about."
"CNN portrays Biden as a moderate while radical policies are pushed by his administration."
"It's such a common-sense policy but it's one of those things where you think I wonder if Western politics Western policies are now so incapable of actually solving problems."
"An unlawful policy can't be saved by the possibility that a lawful policy could be written."
"The policy lacks a plainly legitimate sweep."
"When assessing any policy, you have to ask who gets what and out of this policy."
"Why is there a gap between the policy preferences of voters and the policy preferences of legislators?"
"There are pros and cons to both Schumer's proposal and Romney's proposal so let me know in the comments what you think of each."
"Genesis has the potential to go toe-to-toe with the best from Japan..."
"There are people who hear the question can't we just empirically determine the right COVID policy and the problem with the question is that it ignores that every choice is subject to trade-off."
"Ultimately to me the test is the policy and what they do on the policy, but following the money is a good indicator of what will happen with the policy."
"The risks to the so-called mitigation strategies that we've put in place seem to have way more risks than rewards."
"The central argument here just doesn't work in favor of tariffs and I think that is worth noting."
"Nobody stopped to say, 'Does this make sense? Is what we're doing applying reasonableness and common sense to these laws?'"
"Policy evaluation computes how good a policy is."
"Policy evaluation uses the recurrence V pi = Q pi."
"What is really interesting here is that all the things that Biden has done from the American Rescue Plan to the guns bill to the inflation reduction act are incredibly popular."
"The CCP zero covet policy could have a more significant impact on the global economy than the Russia-Ukraine war."
"They released this study trying to show Medicare for all cost 30 trillion dollars or whatever, but they actually showed it spent less."
"At no time in history have the records or documentation of this policy been compiled or analyzed to determine the full scope of its reaches and effects."
"Traditional mainstream approaches tend to imagine the history of policy as a series of incremental steps leading gradually toward improved attainments and ever greater degrees of equity and social inclusion."
"Critical perspectives view policy very differently. CRT views policy not as a mechanism that delivers progressively greater degrees of equity, but a process that is shaped by the interests of the dominant white population."
"Every sensible immigration policy has two objectives."
"There is now mounting evidence that when you weigh the negative consequences and side effects of lockdown up against its negligible benefits, the whole thing was an error."
"Truly amazing policy making from this disaster of an Administration."
"The cure can never be worse than the problem itself."
"Andrew Yang and Tulsi Gabbard hold policy positions I disagree with, but they have the most comprehensive platforms."
"One speech full of analysis, policy decisions, facts and figures, plans for the future of his country. Much more detailed plans than the ones that President Biden discussed in his State of the Union Address."
"Scotland's relatively high COVID death rate prompted questions over Scotland's strategy."
"If you systematically go through Trump's policies, he makes significantly more sense."
"A cold turkey take away of the $600 per week unemployment would have a big negative impact on the economy."
"We should be interested in whether the policies that are being put forward are good for everyone, including yourself."
"The solution does involve taking a careful look at those policies at the school level."
"The approach of the administration so far has been like its approach to so many other things: fundamentally unserious."
"This is absolutely stunning and I want to go through it in detail because it definitely shows just how open Joe Biden has left the border."
"If the government regulates TOS on Facebook there are good and bad ways they can do it."
"The new panel called the weaponization panel."
"If our goal is to be good stewards of the planet... we have to understand all the costs."
"You save a shit ton of money under a single-payer system because you take out the profit-making middleman; it's that simple."
"He further wrote in his editorial: 'The world today is overwhelmed with problems, policymakers seem to be confused and at a loss.'"
"Macro is everything beyond that. It's the what the government's doing with monetary or fiscal policy."
"The Republican Party and conservatives generally do not have, and the studies bear this out, any policies to make people's lives better. Studies usually show that conservative policy ends up making the average person's lives worse."
"Policy is not law, policy doesn't have a force of Law."
"I have the ability to just focus on policies."
"Every policy the Republican Party...has been proven abjectly false."
"We have whole policy prescriptions and protections and allotments and and and an expanding knowledge bases there's a whole lot that goes with that you can't just but you just can't cut the check because they just squandering the check"
"Sweden is like one of the worst countries when it comes to all of this."
"Polling on specific policies gives a more accurate gauge."
"That's the sophistication of real policy, not armchair policy makers."
"The green new deal has nothing to do with climate change, it's everything to do with remaking the entire United States in the radical left's own image."
"The right way to go is to assume first that there's government failure before you look at market failure."
"Particularly, Trump keeps touting his ban on travel from China, but, according to experts, the ban only served to buy the White House time."
"...the first step is to measure it and then to ask the question when you introduce different policies to ask not only what is their economic effect but what is their effect on perma."
"Austerity policies: a story of institutionalized failure by design."
"To judge a policy by its intentions, not its results, is the biggest mistake in politics."
"We need to study these issues and then choose the policies that produce hope, love, and cooperation, avoiding those that feed hatred and disgust."
"This one has been widely discussed... in Jewish communal organizations, synagogues, public policy institutes in the US and in Israel."
"The policy triangle is a framework we can use when analysing policies."
"The major question for this framework is why and when do these streams come together."
"We work a lot with the Automated Reasoning Group at Amazon in AWS, and they do a lot of fantastic things with Policy Analysis."
"Let me look at the loss, apply the policy, and give them every benefit I can."
"At what point should the West remove them? Can it even really undo the damage that has been done?"
"...you have two things to really base a vote on in my view: a platform, policies that are laid out, and then you actually have the policies themselves that have been enacted."
"Machine learning has a lot of potential for improving our ability to do policy analysis with data."
"Policy analysis that involves analysis of process is concerned with how interactions among political, governmental, and interest groups, as well as the citizenry, affect decision making."
"An anti-racist is trying to figure out what is wrong with policy."
"What policies does government pursue? Why does government pursue certain policies? And, what are the consequences of policies pursued?"
"China has a few weaknesses, and those weaknesses are its energy consumption and its irrational and hasty economic policies."
"Our role really is about assessing what policy options might be and offering some level of opinion of what if you turn this knob, what outcome do you get."
"We should think through our policies based on these numbers, on the science."