
Commerce Quotes

There are 1814 quotes

"This trading post it's going to be really nice, especially for the people here who need a place to sell their goods."
"The trade and commercial infrastructure around the rivers... watch as our prosperity grows."
"A lot of people think about this as kind of commerce. And I think a lot of it is actually really expression, which is the core social dynamics."
"I think that's a clear through line, both between the social interactions that people have and the types of commerce."
"We're introducing new Store commerce models and policies and creating new opportunities for local publishers and supporting even more apps with Android apps on Windows."
"The internet is now the shipping lane of the 21st century."
"Dallas Mavericks are the largest Dogecoin merchant in the world."
"When a customer asks how good his spear is, the merchant tells him that his spear could pierce any shield."
"To be able to balance art and commerce and to create a path where you can keep your idealism alive is the way forward."
"They did it as a pay-per-view, so you had to pay to watch it, and a number of people did."
"Building a brand is exactly what the future of commerce is going to look like."
"Four out of ten viewers are female but that women make up for 2/3 of all commerce sales."
"The world's oldest customer complaint, dating back to 1750 BCE, was written on a clay tablet in ancient Mesopotamia, expressing dissatisfaction with the delivery of incorrect copper and poor quality ingots."
"The weird thing about art is, of course, that art also has a commercial aspect to it."
"Indeed, commerce seemed to be the main method for Dwarves to feed themselves, and thus be able to devote the majority of their time to their mining and craftsmanship."
"Well, Dominique, congratulations so far. You gave me $80 for each booster box and I've given you absolutely nothing in return."
"The main charge here, from the Commerce Department, against TikTok, is that the owner, ByteDance, is Chinese and the Commerce Department says that's a security threat."
"If Amazon returns, or being repackaged and sold to people at a discount instead of being disposed of, then we wouldn't have to have this question about whether it's better or worse to bury plastic or burn it."
"There's a buyer for everything, there's a market for everything."
"It's just going to be a straight, for purchase, 'I want that thing. It's 50 cents. I'll take that thing.'"
"My income is the biggest store in the world."
"Constantly buying things in at low price, selling them at high price."
"It's going to change what doctors, nurses, traders, salespeople, authors, and editors do."
"So someone can buy your design on a t-shirt, on a hoodie, on a mug, they can even pick their color and their size."
"The market is a multi-building structure, not just one little stall."
"Expression, creativity, connection, and commerce, that's what a good metaverse is supposed to do."
"We've turned commerce into a religion. We've made cathedrals of organizations that have no ideology. Branding is a trick."
"Alexandria now from this moment forward is open for business."
"I didn't realize people literally carry precious metals around to try to like buy stuff with it."
"I know you'll sell everything right, just not for us, not friends."
"So if there's a buyer found or no buyers found, and once the buyer has been found, you can ship it to a mailbox and they'll be whisked away."
"If you've got the money, they've got the time." - Narrator
"When I'm done with humans, they won't be able to say 'honey I'm home' without paying a royalty."
"Being able to sell things...means you need a sense of ownership."
"Someone in Texas is buying some 2000 books next week."
"Making money and standing up for human rights should not be mutually exclusive."
"Trade offer: I receive 24.99, you receive years of fun and memories."
"True trade and commerce, Islam gradually gained ground among the African Nobles."
"The spice melange is the gasoline of the universe. Without it, all commerce throughout the known inhabited galaxies would cease."
"When a seller and a buyer love the wares, that's when a profit is made."
"I feel like criminalizing law abiding citizens because of something they do and like, oh I didn't even like of course, of course you sell something like you're trying to make money on it."
"The surface pottery indicates the platform was built sometime in the mid-second century BC when Petra was a flourishing and wealthy center of commerce."
"People will do business with people they know."
"There's some boat companies that actually sell yachts for Bitcoin."
"If I just say what they want to hear, then I'll make money off of it."
"It's very good to see the Digital Chamber of Commerce coming for amicus brief in the Ripple case. Thank you to Perry Anne Boring."
"We've found there are literally hundreds of these suppliers on social media that you can buy from."
"God's word is not for sale the truth of the gospel is not for sale."
"Money permits you to obtain for your goods and your labor that which they are worth to the men who would buy them but no more."
"I think we've been lulled into the convenience of PayPal and allowed them this monopoly."
"Abandoned because there were no goods to sell. It's that age-old problem that we've had quite a few times in our city."
"Now it's like the sellers are open to anything."
"Patience may have been the indicator of what food the vendor sold back then."
"The couch needs to be taken to the dump, but I was like guys wait a second I know this thing it's called Facebook Marketplace."
"Understanding commerce gives freedom to the artist; it enables them the time and the space to be able to make what they want whenever they want to."
"I am NOT an anti capitalist I like money I plan to sell this book for money and you'll never see me wearing a Che Guevara shirt or sporting the hammer and sickle of the former Soviet Union as a fashion statement."
"In spite of its total wartime destruction, the port today is still one of continental Europe's busiest."
"The greatness of America is that America is the world's first commercial Republic and that's why we kick ass."
"We are up against both an ideology and a business."
"Print to demand by ordering through stores is not as easy and it takes much longer so you're gonna see a discrepancy in when people get those products which leads to that."
"Big big ratchet straps so three units of this 15 foot tie down I don't know I don't think I can justify selling these on ten dollar day."
"I'm banging right now, you're buying right now, literally right this second."
"Jerusalem, a new heart of the Christian faith, a new center of Western commerce."
"Fashion is the intersection of creativity and commerce."
"Guy makes a thing, guy sells it to other guy who wants it. What could be more simple? Why would government want to make it much, much, much less simple than that?"
"I'm not a watch collector, I am a watch dealer."
"Best of all, 90% of these products support small businesses."
"You're making off of putting a hundred and seventy dollars."
"Blockchain adoption will scale, and a range of other currencies will be considered and used in everyday commerce."
"Simoleons by selling your outfits, curating and hyping up new trends."
"We influence the greatest stores on the planet to buy this shoe."
"Let's hope that Jeff sells us some. That was nuts, dude!"
"We need to share knowledge, not profitize it."
"All other rights, including those of property and free commerce, are to be subordinate to this principle."
"Passion for spices reached a high on the eve of the Hundred Years War."
"We will make so much money and sell it to countries that don't have Liquid Gold."
"Now, we need gvgmall to hook us up with a nice Windows 10 license key."
"We believe that the biggest potential driver for future growth is threefold community building, commerce, and customization."
"Negotiation is part of Alibaba, it's part of the manufacturer versus buyer kind of experience."
"That's mine. Would you ever sell it? I got an offer from some guy in Asia for 75,000."
"So what is the value as people normally think of mids as a lower value shoe? You're probably looking at one of the most expensive mids, like 3k."
"It's a good way to just farm a lot of top tier loot and of course after the fact you can take all of that loot and just sell it to one of the local vendors."
"We need a place where buyers and sellers can meet up, organize, and sort by geographical area."
"Words mean things, and we fundamentally think there has to be a way to sell these goods to the public without going through securities laws."
"Global Commerce runs on the backs of mainframes, and when you're running Global Commerce, it better work reliably the first time every time."
"Counting the cost is available wherever books are sold online."
"We sold out in a few hours... the total sales is like a hundred and ten thousand dollars."
"We're gonna sell this on trendy, similar fits are selling for 185. I'm gonna sell it for 200 just so I make a little bit of a profit."
"Etsy stands for something really different. Etsy is about keeping commerce human."
"If you are not already about to head to LankyBoxShop.com, what are you doing? Go over there right now, it is the greatest store ever."
"I think the next five or ten years are going to be the most exciting times of retailing, of commerce, of the last 130 years."
"Best time for jewelry in terms of selling is probably around holiday time."
"I believe that the content that I make actually helps people, I believe that the merch that we sell actually helps people."
"Amazon actually has a whole Mother's Day gift guide up on their website as well."
"Bitcoin is capable of facilitating direct commerce that most inflation hedges cannot."
"They just bring us a truckload of stuff from the warehouse and they just blow it out at incredibly cheap prices."
"I knew since this thing is a Toyota it would sell pretty quick once fixed up."
"Finally some customers! Come and look close at my wares, half of these items come from the bandits. I'm sure there is something interesting you might need."
"Anybody's gonna buy it, and you know, if it's a deal, it's a deal."
"One of the world's greatest commercial Metropolises."
"For every doll that you purchase, you are also donating 10 meals."
"The number one way to support a lot of artists right now is to buy merch."
"So, find the links in the more info box below the video. You wanna purchase that play mat, okay?"
"We can fight back first of all support Mike Lindell MyPillow.com go to my website and buy my hats just to cause them not much anguish but go to Hunter Nation.com might sound like a small idea. It's not."
"We got another like 14 that we still have to order. There's gonna be so... This is ten. There's gonna be twenty-four thousand dollars in aftermarket parts going on the floor within the next month."
"It's hard to imagine how it can become functional for commerce."
"Make not my father's house a house of merchandise."
"If all merchants were like Shirou, the world would be a better place."
"If you want the goods, you gotta pay for it."
"Even if you get a higher price, it's still being taken from you."
"If you missed Yeezys, they're back for a limited time."
"This peace will sell like pancakes on a plate."
"Business law is that branch of law which comprises laws concerning trade, industry, and commerce."
"Free worldwide shipping on orders over $25."
"Arts and commercials go hand in hand. We put the art in the driver's seat, and the commercial aspects follow."
"The city lost its political significance, but remained the commercial center of the Mediterranean and continued to grow under Roman rule."
"You are simply Black by name because you are white by commerce."
"We live in a culture that thrives off the deadly sins; we sell everything with the deadly sins."
"Sherby assures him that she will have Marco's support the whole way and tells him they'll be setting up a trading Guild to continue earning while the welfare fund grows."
"Because there are two things in this world a Chinese person cannot resist: lending money to America and selling stuff that costs a dollar."
"Deep Space 9 is a pretty important place with commerce and political intrigue coming to it."
"What a unit, lots of sellable items, definitely."
"We will not hesitate to defend lives and the free flow of commerce."
"Shopify is a Commerce platform used by millions of people in over 170 countries selling online, in person, and across borders."
"Electronics can be an intimidating category to shop and sell in, but it's also one of the most lucrative."
"The Dutch were very much the equivalent of Star Trek's fictional Ferengi in that commerce was their driving motivation."
"The rush to get everything in the shops for Christmas has been severe."
"Items are best described as the products and services that we buy and or sell."
"The internet is the new dope game for me."
"So real quick, a lot of people don't know what lost cargo is. Well, basically, if you buy something from China and it comes over on a shipping container, it doesn't go back if you return it."
"So if you have any questions, if there's anything here that you want to get, right, purchase... yeah."
"Prime basically pays for the box, and Ironhide almost pays for two."
"It's really windy out here right now, but I know that the sneaker market is insane."
"This is more than just buying and selling; it's actually a community."
"Amazon plans to begin beta testing its network with customers by the end of 2024."
"True, you got an Instagram where you sell at Instagram?"
"Insect selling here goes way back."
"No money, no merchandise, no way."
"There's simply a market for everything. People are selling their farts in jars, right?"
"Gold is the first and oldest recognition of value."
"Our instinct for gold is primal; it is the oldest commercial instinct of the human race."
"They really appreciate foreign commerce. It really brings in the revenue."
"There's a link down in the description or you can go to shopify.com bearded mechanic start your free trial today."
"We wanted to offer variety... so there's different price points, there's cheap stuff there's graded stuff, there's different sports."
"With a Commerce platform like Shopify, building your business has never been easier."
"Yiwu's merchandise has become wildly popular not only in China but globally."
"Everything sells everything's got a price on eBay."
"Traditionally we can also see government zones located next to the port and the special economics Zone which allowed the government to be a key player in the city's Commerce cultural and social activity."
"This PC right here will be for sale on PCRR and don't worry, it does come with a one-year parts and labor warranty."
"So we've also gotten, we've looked up the price on grab and then negotiate the price with the tax EI that's just standing there waiting for us to jump in."
"If Bitcoin stores value over time, merchants that are selling their goods and services will make that decision to say I need to accept Bitcoin as a direct form of Commerce."
"Movies are a collision of art and commerce. Now it's only commerce."
"It's the best of both worlds: selling and buying at the same time."
"A hub for trade and commerce since the dawn of civilization, Bahrain is now a center for cloud computing and e-commerce."
"Sell without needing to code or design just sell the [ __ ] people will run up and throw money at you when you get one of these platform stores here on Shopify just bring your best ideas even your worst ideas they they can make anything happen."
"Magic with Shopify magic you can whip up captivating content that converts from blog post to product description you can make [ __ ] and suddenly it'll just change into a completely different thing magic."
"Shopify grows with your business no matter how far or big you grow so no matter how fat and corpulent you get they will still service you until the inevitable end comes and your arteries are all clogged up."
"Marketing is Made Simple by Shopify removing the guesswork with built-in tools they send you an entire belt you click it on and the tools are all built in right there where you can create execute and analyze."
"It's almost free like you said a minute ago but they won't make you give your merchandise away for free they'll just almost give this away for free because you can sign up for a $1 a month trial period."
"It's a business for them, and so any business that is selling products or moving products, that's commodities."
"Pawn shops, a place where you go to buy or sell valuable items for cash."
"In an Ideal World the art can Thrive while the Commerce can Thrive."
"I need to get into this business of just buying these cheap Chinese products and just trying to sell to people."
"But who is going to grease the wheels of Commerce with their pitches and who is going to be Hawking nothing but flavored water?"
"For both, I could do like 200 credit."
"These places take so much traffic from the High Street."
"My mom actually went to Trader Joe's with me and said, 'This place must be owned by a Korean person because it's Trader Joe's.'"
"Make sure you guys follow me on depop so you can see when I list all of this stuff."
"After about five to seven days on Facebook Marketplace, this baby is going home for three hundred and fifty dollars."
"That's everything. If you are interested in buying or bidding on any of this, text me."
"He learns that the meat is mostly sold to other guilds and some shops in town."
"I love landscape of streets of main streets of America so I don't want to see an Amazon truck on every and no no stores."
"Sewa has been forging links between North Africa and Egypt, exporting salt, dates, olives, oil, and wine."
"All my art that I make is for sale, even if it's for a show coming up. If it sells, then I will make another one for the show."
"Thank you all so much for those who have been supporting us and shopping at fadedculture.com."
"Floating markets like this one were once a central part of life across Asia."
"Look at all the packages going out. People have been buying like crazy."
"If this was perfect, you may talk about three to four thousand pounds. In this condition, 16 to 1800 pounds."
"Dealing exclusively in high-end goods."
"Sales is kind of the grease that makes the economy work."
"My quilt is done. It's really pretty. I'm gonna wash it so it's nice and crinkly and then I'm going to add it to my Etsy shop."
"What really transformed this country wasn't just the westward migration and the development of cities in the East but the ability to move products across great distances."
"I'm more bullish on the merchant adoption narrative of today."
"As native Egyptian goods like papyrus and perfume flowed out of the country, new exotic luxuries like spices, silks, and wines poured in."
"It's like magic. That's why in the 70s in Colombia they called these new people that sold this chalky white substance 'magicians.' So that was a fascinating thing to me. It's pure capitalism. It's immediate demand meeting Supply."
"...the Great Lakes represented more than one-third of the cargo capacity of the entire United States Merchant Fleet."
"If you like what you see and you got deep pockets, come see me at Puddin's Parking and Market."
"The reality is you can find these guys basically anywhere that sells pets you'll see them at most Pet Shops."
"And by the way, you guys, I will do my best to link as many of these items I can below so that if you would like to purchase any of these items, you can with the links provided."
"They have the best prices on the best stuff make sure you buy all your speed parts from summitracing.com with all that out of the way let's go ahead and jump in."
"Yes, we will be having an online American Viscountess gift shop."
"These markets are the beating heart of the greatest cities on Earth."
"...should be a pretty quick seller..."
"I don't make money off of you buying a sailboat for more money or less money."
"That's going to be my thing when people buy things from me they're going to get like the essence of K when they leave."
"What's your main item today? I thought you're gonna sell Tinky Winky."
"But now we're gonna sell this box of random stuff."
"There's Mr. Dibbler," said Ludmilla. "What's he selling this time?"
"The government is there to maintain a fair trade."
"We've got to buy well, but we've got to sell well."