
Societal Problems Quotes

There are 269 quotes

"Your entire kingdom is dying and starving, and the duty that you were born to fulfill is to give them a better life."
"What was supposed to be a celebration... has now turned into a really sad story."
"All the problems we face, when you boil it down, are behavioral problems."
"Bringing out peace... figuring out deep solutions to very deep-seated problems in our society and in our world."
"The progressive era reforms aimed to find solutions to the problems of society, believing that humans had the ability to solve these problems."
"There are no real individual solutions to structural problems."
"Understanding that any problem that one of us is facing is a problem for all of us is the only way we're going to tackle these huge generational problems."
"Homelessness encampments are a manifestation of how broken our housing and homeless system is."
"Lazy thinking is one of the problems we have these days, isn't it? A massive issue."
"Women not being believed personally and institutionally, is a very real problem, even now."
"The appeal of demagogues arises from their ability to resonate with people's grievances, offering simple solutions and scapegoats for complex problems."
"You can have a country that's 'perfect' and has everything very well polished but if there's a problem that's kind of in its soul then it's gonna mess everything up."
"It's also the world we live in, but that doesn't mean we can sit idly by and ignore the major problems of our daily climate change, like inequality."
"I think it's indicative of a lot of problems that we have in this country that wealth inequality creates this dynamic where people...feel this undue pressure to excel and to have status."
"We're all Americans and because we're all Americans, we know that America has a bunch of problems."
"The reason I think we've got so many problems is that the people we have in government are the people who want power, not the people who want a good country."
"The need for decolonization is pertinent, as is assessing and understanding the intricacies and nuances of problems we face as a people."
"The issue is none of these things that they complain about...are not actual problems...these are deflections away from the actual problem."
"If you want to complain about women breastfeeding in public, you're the problem."
"I mean, my other example would be what's happened with drugs."
"This is a major problem from Russia's point of view."
"The cure to the divisiveness of parties is worse than the disease. The Cure is worse than disease."
"I don't have any solutions and I'm part of the problem."
"I think it's easy in my opinion to fix a lot of the problems in America. It's just nobody wants to do it."
"Your life has not been made harder by the color of your skin."
"The problem with poverty and socio-economic deprivation is not money, it is priorities."
"Mark my words, there will be no resolution of America's problems if free thought and free speech are no longer upheld as sacrosanct."
"The natural human instinct is to say, 'Why doesn't the government do something?' What government usually does is make the problem worse. Why don't we ever learn?"
"Racism is a hard weed that grows so long as one seed remains in the garden of public discourse."
"This whole excuse that money makes everything cool, I believe it's problematic."
"I care if you care about peaceful civil discourse, fixing our problems, saving lives."
"Therapy was being crop-dusted across the entire population, making mental health problems much worse, especially in kids and adolescents."
"If a black man running down the street is a crime, then this country is in trouble."
"Anti-Asian is always rooted in white supremacy, but a person of any race can be influenced by white supremacy."
"Some people would say that our problems in this country are more daunting than one election could possibly fix. In fact, our problems are spiritual issues, a spiritual battle going on."
"It's a real issue that needs to be cleaned up and people are not going to like the cleanup process."
"A lot of these issues... are a sad reminder of a failed government."
"The problem of racist speakers being invited to campus or not being invited to campus is not anywhere near as bad as the problem of racism."
"We can't talk about these issues, we can't solve any of these problems, we can't fix our roads, we can't deal with our border crisis, and we can't handle coronavirus because they're too busy fighting each other."
"Throughout this glorious history lesson, we've learned that legislation is often decades behind when addressing these problems."
"White people have a very, very serious problem."
"Elon Musk inadvertently bringing to light so many actual problems with American society."
"Financial illiteracy in the world is killing the world."
"It's erroneous to blame that on the individual when the system makes it possible."
"This is not an American issue, this is happening all over the world."
"A lot of stuff doesn't get talked about at all."
"The community at large is going to be dealing with this problem in the near future."
"It's bad, but it's not a uniquely American situation."
"We have problems like we've never had in the history of our country."
"The pandemic dramatically accelerated our problems... The only hope we have is that COVID also speeds up the solutions."
"If we can't face this truth, how the hell are we going to fix it?"
"This is not going to go away. It's going to go from one generation to the next."
"Trump is a symptom of a larger problem which is called neoliberalism, which is why we live in the richest country the world ever made and sixty-three percent of the country can't afford a thousand dollar emergency." - Jimmy
"There isn't a non-ideological way of fixing these problems."
"We really haven't looked closely enough at the broken systems."
"You have to make one thing that I found is really effective is to make sure that people understand that the other side isn't really offering any good solutions."
"We need to fix our problems before we try and save the whole world."
"Half of the problems that we face as a civilization have to do with the fact that we do not understand money."
"It bothers me when it comes to domestic violence because people put these cops in a bad position because they enable this behavior."
"There are specific people that I know to reach out to when I feel stuck or blocked in a certain space. They make up my trust account."
"From history and international experience, if you do not have accountability, problems will worsen."
"If it could happen with to high profile people it could happen to anybody."
"We can't continue to go down a path of us doing the worst things to each other."
"For African Americans who are being jailed disproportionately... it's not a curiosity."
"Bitcoin is the most revolutionary solution to one of the biggest problems humanity faces."
"There's one scourge whose virality is only increasing: fake news."
"We have to acknowledge there is an elite, and the problem that we're facing right now is that the elite is very, very bad."
"Trump is not the end-all. You don't solve the problematic issues that we're facing here in America just because you removed Donald J. Trump."
"We've got to tell the truth. When you don't tell the truth, you've got a problem."
"The troubling part about this case is not just that this happened, that's problem number one."
"Forget about your need to be right, your religions, your politics—transcend your cultural and religious programs, unify, and address the real problem that is the solution."
"Start to deal with the racial problems in the country in a way that acknowledges that there are legitimate concerns."
"Corruption kills... It gives entrepreneurship... it kills professionalism and it kills hard work."
"We're finally at the point where an individual you and all of us can attack and solve problems at a scale that was only possible by governments."
"This is getting to the point where it's really hard to kind of walk a lot of this stuff back."
"The problem of the modern economy is a failure of a knowledge of history."
"Virtually every day the destruction of the family is at the root of nearly every problem plaguing America."
"Girl, it's 2024. We still got so many of these damn problems."
"This is not political. This is a human issue."
"Every argument on systemic racism goes the exact same way every single time."
"I think it's incredibly sad that those are the ideas that are getting pushed and promoted as answers to man's problems."
"I think there is a huge problem where you have such vast amounts of wealth in the US and Canada around the world that are concentrated in these families like these oligarchies."
"When people say don't talk about cultural issues, I always say, well, that's where everything that's rotten stems from."
"People will put up with all sorts of stuff... but when inflation gets so bad... they really struggle to put food on the table, that's when there's a big problem."
"Resentment has ruined more homes than drink and killed more people than war."
"I think it's a tragedy and I think we all want to pretend we can come up with solutions to these issues but I'm not convinced we will."
"Most of our problems are not caused by a lack of Technology but by human nature."
"Yes we have problems yes you're going to get elected and fix them."
"Everybody needs to take responsibility... to fix them also totally fair."
"The people who had the most pain, the most problems, and the most need... were the people who could actually afford it the least."
"How do we come together as humans to fix this problem of a civil war being?"
"If they're giving it out anyway, what's the problem? You guys create the problem."
"It's really infantilizing and yet we're supposed to think of it as fierceness and sophistication, it's a tragedy that's going on right now."
"No amount of income or whatever makes you immune from these problems, right?"
"Europe has two gigantic problems: the pension crisis and the labor shortage."
"The root of the problem is in our hearts... It's also where the solutions are."
"Ignoring this problem is sure gonna affect people."
"If you solve the wealth equation, you're solving 80% of the problems that Black people have."
"It's systemic. It's been happening over and over."
"You want to solve in a civilization how to keep people alive but the empathy is what's missing."
"We have a real problem with figuring out how do we collectively advance our people."
"Lawlessness, homelessness, substance abuse, and criminality."
"Most of the things that are really wrong with our society are systemic problems."
"This is not someone else's problem, this is all of our problem."
"If you can get everybody to agree on reality, most of us will agree on most of these big problems."
"The real sickness is we've lost our bonds to each other. We have to find ways to come back together."
"Equality when all things aren't treated equally, that's the problem."
"If we cannot fix that, I don't think we can fix anything."
"This is a problem that not one person is responsible for."
"White people, they the root of all the evil."
"That's our problem, and we've heard from parents across the country reaching out and saying, 'Hey, similar situation here.'"
"To avoid dealing with the issues of racial pride, racial shame, pride in one's heritage, people, culture, is creating a cocktail for disaster."
"It really does feel like everything is falling apart."
"I think they manufacture fabricated problems so they can then propose solutions to problems that don't exist and only Empower themselves even more." - David
"Forget about the far-left and islamism and all that stuff... it's a problem with psychology and mentality of our culture."
"The problem is so big that our brains can't handle it. Maybe that's happening. Don't know."
"There's a lot of corruption everywhere. It is a sickness, a poison, disease on society."
"If you do not understand, then you are part of the problem."
"The roots of many problems stem from the end result of a psychopathic entity having power over institutions."
"With determination coursing through his veins, the player readies himself for battle."
"We cannot laissez-faire won't work if you've got a predator in the room."
"There's too many problems with LA right now."
"The biggest problem facing not just the black community but anybody dealing with issues is the problem of sin."
"This is about the people waking up and realizing it's a global problem."
"We've just started doing such a terrible job of looking out for each other."
"Pluto reveals what is not truth, what is artificially created... the problems that have existed for a few years now."
"It's not just an issue in the U.S, this is an issue globally."
"But what I'm saying is that's not what we're going to be talking about here in a few minutes. I'm just telling you how bad it's getting."
"We've lost our judgment, we've lost our way."
"I don't know how we can fix a world where people have been so convinced."
"One of the practical biggest problems with our generation."
"There needs to be an end to the war on drugs. That would solve an awful lot of problems."
"When you lose your child in these circumstances, it's there forever, and I would like people to know how much evil destroys family legacies."
"What's the biggest problem? Financial literacy."
"You need a government big enough to handle problems like this."
"Step one is actually acknowledging that there are some issues men particularly experience."
"America's got a problem and we have to stop talking about this like this is just a specialty issue."
"Christianity says we really don't have a skin problem, we have a sin problem."
"The root of every major issue in Black society is an economic injustice and disparity."
"Our problem isn't the color of our skin, it's the color of our hearts."
"We have a truth problem in the world today and it's multifaceted."
"We have a problem in this country that transcends anything in the political realm: incompetence."
"Corruption in Venezuela is unbelievable in order to get a passport a place in a kindergarten and so on you have to know someone who knows someone who's friends with someone."
"We need to actually be pointing out the scapegoating and saying the reason we can't have nice things is because these folks over here are lying to you about who's to blame for the fact that you ain't got nice things already."
"Toxic masculinity feeds into larger issues we're trying to work on."
"Our cities have become like these dystopian hellscapes, but why is that?"
"Reality is not that way, there are some really bad people in our world."
"It's about giving people an alternative explanation to problems they don't understand."
"It's broken. It's really, it's idiotic and it's dangerous level of idiocy because we don't have any adults in charge."
"I mean, that Americans are saddled with. You want to know why America is falling behind the rest of the world? Just look at our healthcare system. Just a disaster."
"It's really [ __ ] up to see that the same people are still bullshitting about things are still perpetuating the same stuff."
"The drug use... adds more fuel to the already Raging Fire."
"It is horrific to think that people do that to children. And unfortunately, I have seen it happen far too many times."
"Magnifico represents the great problem of something being stuck in the past and refusing to change."
"It's really the core issue of many of the fundamental problems that we face as a society today... it's no different now."
"I hate how there are people in the world today that do everything they can to steal your information, money, and identity."
"It's heartbreaking and it's an absolute mess."
"You cannot lock people up if they've not committed a crime."
"If Indians give up Hinduism, they will also be solving most of their problems."
"The problem really is... the establishment... not capable of charting a new path."
"I think most women know some story of abuse."
"If you solve the financial problem, you solve at least probably 70% of the problems most black people have."
"What are the problems in society that need to be changed? Let's take those away from the radicals by understanding them and presenting liberal solutions to them."
"Cheating in online matchmaking is a societal issue."
"The lesson here is not that we're just screwed... the lesson is we don't have to be screwed."
"Look, people are literally held hostage in these homes."
"We've been saying this for seven years, and the problem just keeps getting worse."
"Professional-level overtakes are almost always set up in advance."
"Every problem could be dealt with if we addressed the problem of missing fathers."
"People dying because they don't have health care - exactly. Good point Shelby."
"Most of humanity's issues it boils down to money."
"This can't just continue. It's not sustainable."
"Baltimore needs to address its cancerous problem of never-ending crime and violence."
"We have rising epidemics of misery, loneliness, drug addiction, and suicide — obviously something isn't working."
"We deserve better... it's all preventable, it's all avoidable, it's all fixable."
"I don't think that poverty in itself is linked to a lack of political participation... the sense that there is no political lever available to pull, that could in any way inflect the way your politics is going, that's a problem."
"It's reprehensible and disgusting and it's also inevitable."
"The lack of security is the reason why a lot of these rappers are dying, and a lot of it has to do with the curses, like I just finished explaining earlier. You see, our people are so evil and wicked, it's beyond me."
"The president argued...that many of the problems the country faces stem from 'extreme indoctrination and bias in the education system.'"
"We're here to make that difference in people's lives, and when you have a functioning democracy, it helps solve the problems that everyday Americans face in just living their lives."
"This is a vicious cycle that will not change until the culture of acceptance to these crimes comes to an end."
"We need to practice common sense, that's the solution, man."
"The government's responsibility is to solve the biggest problems and address the biggest needs that don't have any market incentive attached to them."
"Part of the problem here is if you can't make money anywhere else then where do you go?"
"We can't keep blaming people for the systemic failures."
"The problem is not ignorance; it's evasion and denial."
"The problem that we face today is not that we do not know the solutions, we know the solutions but we don't know how to get there."
"Some of the most important investigative journalism we've seen this year, breaking down what is happening in this country and why. How do we solve our problems if we don't know what the problems are?"
"Living in an old egoic Paradigm of separation is the root source of the problem."
"Blame her for their children going to prison that has got to be the most screwed up mentality you can have."
"But it's us we need not to look to the political leaders anymore because they have gotten us into this mess that we're in..."
"We were born into a world that was created by somebody else, littered with problems that we didn't create."
"I think it's never doing it against they will though I mean that's true you know what I mean but you know people because it's legal unfortunately those type of crimes will happen because people want to profit."
"There’s at least still enough people out there who can recognize it’s really, really, really fucking not okay to keep doing this shit."
"It's too much trouble close to home for many of us."
"If people were treated more equally, we would have fewer problems in this country."
"Anti-semitism is a deep part of world thought... it's a real thing."
"Marxists argue that the problems we face in our society, many of them, many of the most important, cannot and will not be solved so long as you allow any economic system that is so unjust in its foundation."
"Our problems can't be ignored. We are the problem. I am the answer. We are in this together. I am humanity."
"People are dying because of the color of their skin, and it's 2020."