
Privatization Quotes

There are 112 quotes

"We're quietly privatizing public higher education throughout the country."
"The losses are socialized, and the gains are privatized."
"Privatization and corporatization of public assets is increasingly the result, much to the delight of slews of corporate entities more than willing to monetize and profit from what had formerly been publicly funded public services."
"This is not about a few consultants behaving badly; it's about the systematic replacement of a once fearless public service with voracious private sector operators driven by profit, not public good."
"Under neoliberalism, privatization of public works and de-regulation are both permissible if they are profitable."
"Private corporations are essentially privatizing tyranny."
"It's privatizing the gains and socializing the losses."
"Neoliberalism started in the 60s, basically it was a mass push to get rid of the government sector, to get rid of the public space and make everything private."
"Nationalized services are bloated and slow... Privatization drives down operating costs and results in a blossoming of innovation."
"Public goods and a public commons are what is necessary for thriving communities, not private property."
"There is no freedom in a country that is privatized tyranny where your bosses can do whatever they want and never even give you an exam."
"The main cause of inflation has been on infrastructure Services... privatization of what used to be social infrastructure Services."
"It failed to convince the UK public and the world that the privatization of railroads was the best path forward for passenger train travel in the 21st century."
"In Chicago, they privatized the paid meters - epic debacle."
"The routine steps of space activities are slowly being ceded to private enterprise that can do it faster, better, cheaper."
"I think privatisation has brought many advances."
"The town square got privatized, free speech got digitized, that caused the town square to get privatized and the First Amendment got euthanized."
"To what extent do you really have a First Amendment right in this country when the town square has been privatized?"
"There's certain things that should not be owned by private business Health Care in my opinion is something that's too important to let private businesses own."
"I'm convinced that the way to go for the future of the space program is to privatize it."
"Nearly every modern facet of civilized existence has been extensively developed and organized using public money, only for it to be handed off to private business."
"Privatization intended to create stakeholders and lead to the efficient running of the economy."
"It's a public utility, shouldn't be in the hands of these corporate, profit-driven, private companies."
"What we need to do is to strengthen private mechanisms and use those instead of the compulsory mechanisms of the state."
"The military shouldn't be privatized, that's a no-brainer."
"Once you privatize something it's very difficult to get it back."
"So they separate by saying the most important things are run by the government, but you can have some private companies."
"The town square has become privatized... Control of it got centralized in the hands of a small number of large tech companies."
"You're talking about privatizing your gains and socializing your losses."
"You run down a public service as an excuse to then privatize because said I was in complete crisis we're gonna have to have such a radical reform that we get rid of the goddamn thing."
"Privatizing our roads has led to bad faith practices that bleed the poorest Americans dry, while diverting vitally-needed infrastructure revenue directly into the pockets of assholes."
"Private military companies are big business."
"Sadly, this is yet another example where a well-meaning public program has been corrupted by the presence of private companies."
"This is you end up with you know dystopian things like asset recycling."
"Prison is a multi-billion dollar industry, amen. It's being privatized, meaning I can own a prison the size of grapefruits, decide, 'Okay, well, size of San Quentin,' and be a private owner."
"We've privatized virtue... you are going to be stuck in these situations where the social fabric is so torn."
"Privatizing essential public services is just a license to print money."
"I think though we should keep the monarchy, we should just privatize them. They're rich enough to do their own thing."
"Publicly funded universities are far better off than private ones; to privatize the entire system ends up in a disaster."
"The government doesn't know how to run anything and we should privatize all of these organizations and services."
"The public education system, which is just, you know, the best public education system in the world, is being destroyed. It's being privatized for the rich, of course, for the rest of some level of mostly technical training."
"One of the ways is defunding it... then it won't work. People will be angry... that's a standard technique for privatizing some system."
"Iran Contra becomes an exponent of the privatization of military intelligence."
"We're talking about trillions of dollars every decade being given to private for-profit corporations in the United States."
"First of all, government is shrunk. So cut government spending, privatized state-owned enterprises, deregulate."
"In the historical record, Roman Greece were the only countries to begin privatizing what was public in other countries."
"You can't have it, but I did you a big favor. I have successfully privatized world peace."
"But it's the responsibility of local officials to speak out against that and to recognize that there is no future for this planet if we assent to the kind of privatization that has run amok."
"The effects of privatization are obvious. Privatization meant, as usual, handing over public assets to friends of the President or other rich people."
"We just need a straightforward politics of rejecting the privatization logic."
"Waterfall City exemplifies a unique type of privatized urbanism as it is built on privately owned land managed by a single corporate Enterprise and financed by a group of large-scale real estate developers. It is the epitome of a corporate City."
"Privatizing the Post Office is like turning your local fire station into the cable company."
"The internet should be a public utility and removed from the private sector,"
"Privatization was supposed to increase competition, improve service, and reduce prices."
"The problem with privatizing everything is you run out of your own money a lot quicker."
"...privatization is and this is what these companies are looking at. What can we privatize? Like water. And charge for water. This is exactly what their strategy is."
"Restructuring of international institutions to enforce private property rights and investor interests against government."
"Mexico had little choice but to embrace privatization and neoliberalism albeit with the Mexican twist."
"We shouldn't be so hung up on who's providing it. We should be using the independent sector to provide choice, to provide competition, drive up quality."
"So, if you ever have a moment where you're like, I wonder if privatization could work, just look at Dentistry."
"Government sooner or later going to say, 'You know that company over there, they provide the same services and products that we do but they do it for about 50% less cost. Why are we wasting budget money having you guys do it as an agency?'"
"the privatization of stress has been part of a project that is aimed at an almost total Destruction of the concept of the public"
"The basic right today is the right to remove all possible laws or barriers to deregulation, to privatization, to the making of profits, including removing barriers which were taken for granted in the United States at the end of the 19th and for most of the 20th century."
"The central idea behind all of this is to modernize our system and incense substantial private sector investment."
"The bottom line is always profit if schools can be privatized."
"Everything is privatized until 2526, and this is very important because of course it increases the market dependence of workers."
"I don't love the privatization of this... Doesn't that slightly mess with a citizen's constitutional rights? Isn't that scary territory to walk into?"
"'Our prison system is a business. They're privatized prisons that make money.'"
"California's real lost boys never age because there will always be those abandoned by society when privatization is the name of the game."
"Chilton's passenger numbers have tripled since privatization."
"The feeling of euphoria and hopefulness that we had in '96 when it started, when rail track first became a privatized company in an industry, it was an exciting time for us all."
"The best way to keep a secret is you privatize it, make it proprietary."
"Privatization just doesn't work, not just in health but in water, in energy, in rail, anywhere you look."
"If it moves, privatize it; if it doesn't move, privatize it. Since everything either moves or doesn't move, privatize everything."
"I've successfully privatized world peace."
"The country had begun to open up... which resulted in Poland possessing the largest private sector in Eastern Europe."
"Space travel has been taken out of the hands of government organizations and put into the hands of private individuals."
"Space used to be the preserve of governments; it's now become the preserve of the private sector."
"A privatized public service will always seek to maximize profit, so a privatized public service will do the same, they will seek to avoid providing services which don't make money."
"Healthcare in the United States is privatized, meaning the government does not supplement it."
"RoboCop is a scathing critique of privatized police and the dangers of allowing corporations to get in bed with the government."
"Judicial punishment belongs to the state alone and not to some private company."
"Just two percent of India's state-owned enterprises have the potential to yield as much as 80% of total value from privatization."
"All technology comes from taxation, and then once they get it, they privatize it and feed their families with it."
"Privatization facilitates globalization by opening out the economy and increasing its competitiveness in the international market."
"It's time to not just privatize all, but to increase government revenues and provide a more liberal economy which can grow faster."
"Privatization of previously public sector industries could increase competition and efficiency, lower costs, and increase employment."
"We should not be privatizing the goddamn Universe."
"These things need to leave the private market; they need to be put into public institutions."
"Military defense actually is a lot more of a private good than people normally think."