
Personal Resilience Quotes

There are 983 quotes

"I feel good today; I'm not going to let you bring me down."
"Attitude is more important than circumstances, more important than failures, more important than success, more important than what other people think or say or do."
"I've always had the tools to solve my problems myself when those people arrived, and I've had to learn to deal with difficult people."
"It is not what happens to you, but how you think about what happens to you that determines how you react and how you feel."
"To what degree are we capable of bearing suffering and prevailing?"
"I as a man can be shaken, but He is unshakable."
"It's my ability to get up and keep going that allows me to eventually obtain my goals."
"Sometimes climbing over problems is how you need to fix them."
"You are replaceable... learn to adjust, learn to live."
"Shiloh Pepin: The mermaid girl who defied all odds."
"I remind myself that it's win or learn not win or lose and then I take a breath and go again."
"Sarah stood firm against Chayon's manipulative tactics, refusing to be swayed by her ulterior motives."
"You give me strength to stand and fight, I find my guiding light."
"You were falsely accused but won the battle."
"It's so interesting to me that this year you've traveled the most, you were busier, but it didn't deplete you like I normally see you."
"Don't ever let how things are going determine who you are."
"It's not what other people think about you that brings you down, it's the belief system you have about yourself."
"This is temporary, this is, this is, this is what's happening right now, but the sun is gonna come up, I'm good, I'm gonna be alright."
"There's no point in complaining about things that are outside of your control."
"I'm realizing that like it's okay to not be okay I don't always have to be the strong one."
"Success after some sort of either this relationship did not go well, they're indicating it will be successful if you want it to be."
"I'm totally fine with criticism, like if somebody's like 'that sucked,' I'm like 'okay, I'm going back, like I'm ready, you know?'"
"Enough isn't like weak... it's actually an extreme form of power."
"Weakness is real, but it can't be your excuse."
"Don't give too much power to negative comments."
"The future is bright guys I promise you as long as you don't fall victim to these things."
"If you have your health, you can figure out anything else."
"If you're to do just one thing do anything you can to keep your heart open to open through the extremes."
"You can either laugh or you can cry, so I choose to laugh."
"Accept the fact that not everybody will like you."
"I'm used to it... I'm just used to people not liking me and that's fine."
"Ethan's resilience and ability to stay ahead of trends has retained a core audience in spite of or maybe because of the regular controversies he is now in."
"If someone judges you or says something nasty about you, it has nothing to do with you. It's something within them."
"Remember to be sweet to yourself because that is it. The more that we're sweeter to ourselves, the easier it is for us to be resilient in things."
"Let God handle it if you can't handle it, let the universe handle it."
"We are more than our traumas, our heartbreaks, our breakups - we are more than all the bad things that happen in our life and we are more than the self-scrutiny, the judgment, and the labels we carry."
"Stay strong, have patience... stay true to your heart, your soul, your aligned connection."
"When some mindless mouth-breather lobs a racial slur against me... I know it's the result of ignorance and insecurity."
"I made it through the storm in the rain. Blesses people, so, when I'm on stage, I always say, 'Lord, let somebody dance that ain't danced in a long time. Let somebody laugh, laugh in a long time.'"
"Life is not about what happens, it's how you react to what happens."
"It's time to swim against the currents, follow your intuition."
"Don't let compliments get to your head and don't let criticism get to your heart."
"Haters gonna hate, and I'm just filtering out the negativity."
"I think it's important to illustrate that I came out on the other side."
"I think I cried after every single practice."
"Do you risk it, or do you remedy it and come back stronger?"
"She saved herself, and Joel was there to take her at the end."
"My biggest fear was not being broke because when you're at rock-bottom and you're on welfare you can still like afford food."
"Happiness is possible even in struggles and pain."
"Don't let this world bring you down and stop you from achieving your goals."
"I could take a hit. I raised a child from 17. So let's trust ourselves."
"No matter who come what may Aquarius your very resilient you're going to get through any changes."
"You can do it, you can do it, you're not a victim, Lara wasn't a victim, never was that woman a victim."
"Time heals all. It might suck right now but a couple months down the road a year later you're gonna look and say wow I got through that really tough time."
"It's pushed me to the point where...no matter what you do, someone is going to have criticism for you. And that's fine."
"Don't let the haters stop you from doing your thing."
"If there is a definition of a fighter, it is Suzanne."
"Life is suffering, but if you're sufficiently courageous and forthright, you'll find something within you that can transcend it."
"Life was probably never going to be easy for Lorina Hill and her boys."
"Do not fear. You must fight. People who love you will find you."
"Hardship is not the same thing as victimhood. We choose victory."
"Life was gifts... you have to fight for it, no matter what."
"I'm going to do what I can do, give God what I can't do, and trust God no matter what."
"I'm not going to let them live in my head; I'm never going to be scared by these people."
"It's a blessing and every lesson, and the blessing in that is hey, man, I'm still here to talk to y'all."
"People who feel good about themselves stand tall even as everyone else is attacking you."
"I'm not going to let the people who've hurt me continue to hurt me I am certain I will be facing these things this week but that's okay I'm like bring it."
"The investment has to be indestructible... so I'm indestructible."
"For all the water in the oceans cannot drown you unless you let it inside you."
"Life rips, man. A lot of people write in to me about the hard times that they're going through and life is as good as you make it."
"You are the exact example of why other people's opinions of you don't matter."
"If y'all can pull yourselves out of a bad situation, there's no reason I shouldn't either."
"I believe that there's a reason for everything, and I think part of my secret sauce was my optimism."
"Depp's story is one of courage and resilience as he continues to deliver award-winning performances on the big screen."
"No matter how much hate you get, you got to be real with yourself."
"We want to minimize the weakness so the enemy can't capitalize on it and that's in many areas of life."
"There's something inside, that they can't get to, that they can't touch. It's yours."
"People are always gonna hurt us. We're always gonna get burned a little bit by people's actions. But it's about how we handle it within ourselves."
"It's supposed to be hard... the trick is not minding that it hurts."
"Stay calm and do not get pulled in by this situation."
"I'm not scared of losing everything because whatever is meant to be is meant to be."
"Every shock, be it personal or society-wide, more often than not brings benefits in the long run."
"You refuse to stress anything that you cannot control."
"I definitely feel like I'm extremely adaptable like you can put me in any new environment or any situation and I will always try my best to succeed."
"You can have anxiety, you can feel overwhelmed, and you can still push yourself forward all the time."
"You've already faced the worst. What can get you down? Absolutely nothing. You're unbreakable."
"Stop worrying about being offended all the time."
"If they are actively trying to end you, nah, deal with the man sucking."
"It's vital to understand. Let's hope he pulls through and that he uses the opportunity to start again and encourage everybody to take this virus seriously."
"Challenges remind you that you're stronger and more capable than you give yourself credit for." - Bob Marley
"If you don't have a rock-solid sense of who you are, negativity can lead you to just trying to conform and be liked."
"Finally 20 years after Tim Couch walked to the guillotine with pride he looked on in tears."
"Trouble means nothing to me, there's nothing to him."
"You're someone who overcomes their challenges. You don't get stuck, but in your mind, you're someone who doesn't see boundaries like other people. You see them like the limit does not exist."
"You will persevere from this, you will come out of this."
"My problems may change but my promise never does."
"The journey is the goal, realizing that you're going to have wins you're going to have losses, and I realized over the last couple years... every single person that I've ever looked up to... they all have losses in their past."
"My life has been hard, I've had battles all my life, but I never bow down to a bully."
"Your joy no man can take from you." - John 16:22
"Life can be a [ __ ]. But something that I've noticed personally is that when you don't run from your problems but face them head-on, things always seem to work out in the end."
"God will deliver your soul and you'll find the power of God kicking in where you have been weak."
"It's not about what happens, but how you react."
"If people give you [ __ ] online, especially if it's just one geezer, do not let it affect you."
"I ignore all the [__] that lets that happen."
"You gotta move forward. You gotta live with the skin you got."
"You cannot ever get up. You have to continue on and learn to care about yourself."
"It's not over the high that you get from knowing that, but you find your identity... I'm a son of God, He's my father, I can't lose."
"This isn't about getting stuck in hard times, this is about moving forward into better times."
"Now is not a good time to take things personally."
"It's never been my thing to let what people say about me affect me."
"You can be in a bad place but know at the end of the day I'm gonna get through this and it's gonna be better."
"Negativity can't penetrate my armor unless I allow it to."
"I've been cold-cocked, I've been picked up and body-slammed. I've had my head run through a wall. Part of the journey."
"You can't just take the praises and then when it comes to the negativity then it's, 'Oh no, I don't want to see or hear any of that.' Well, that's life and that's how life works."
"I forgive everybody. I don't forget, but I forgive."
"That Underdog was his foundation never left."
"Shake it off. Believe me, whenever I get any hate comments, I crank the song 'Shake It Off' by Taylor and all of a sudden everything's okay."
"Failing for me would be giving up and, you know, giving up my dream and selling out on something else and that's not something I'll never do."
"You'll be fine again. Don't forget to keep note of the information you're getting for your own careers and your own stability."
"I was bullied she was bullied you go down today everything will be okay so I'm gonna shout out that it does get easier and if you need help there's always help available to you."
"It crunches you up and then it goes back... but that's."
"In whatever circumstance you are put, in whatever be the mode of life, none of that should make absolutely the slightest difference to me."
"Find the humor in your day because if you can't laugh at some of this [__], it just becomes emotionally insurmountable."
"I try not to take anything too personally. Occasionally I get mean emails."
"Her passion for the written word survived even when she did not."
"He got a lot of criticism... but I think he was prepared as he wanted to be."
"I don't believe in being a victim. I believe in, 'Okay this happened to me, let's figure it out, let's push through it.'"
"It may be hard, it may be tough but it's still a good day, and it's up to you to drive forward."
"You don't give up, you get up, you go to work, you do the best you can."
"I'm learning that no matter what hell we go through in life, that I am still madly in love with this life."
"I won't give up even if the skies get rough, I'm giving you my all."
"I thought for sure Caitlyn would crack under the pressure."
"The flood is always coming. You want to be the person who built an ark, and that's what the story of Noah is about."
"It's not the trauma that made you who you are, it was you who got yourself through that."
"My confidence lies in the fact that i know if they break up with me i'll be able to deal with it that's right that's that."
"I had enough incentive or something inside of me to... not be destroyed by two pathologically selfish people."
"You don't go, 'Look at how great I am' if everybody's criticizing you."
"If anyone ever just tells you that they don't like your art as a piece of constructive criticism, you just don't listen to it."
"If someone's words make you feel less confident, don't listen."
"Their disgust does not break him as he would still choose to be him in the next world."
"Consider the source, I don't care if she thinks I'm weak."
"The Climb: an anthem of strength and resilience."
"The only reason why I'm here today is because I didn't quit."
"Despite being hated, I didn't give up because I know I did nothing wrong."
"Be yourself, that's what enables me to keep on powering through."
"I've been able to get through everything I've been through just with the help of God."
"You can't go off what happened in the past. At some point, you can't make so many enemies that when you are at a down slot, not everyone piles on top."
"And I don't know if you have people supporting you or not but I do know you can win anyway."
"It was very overwhelming at the same time I think my experience and maturity helped me kind of remain very grounded."
"But yeah I mean, you know what it comes down to and I'm curious how you think about this and I hope you've been able to hold on to this because they'll make you unstoppable."
"Your personal infrastructure is the only thing that's going to save you."
"You're no longer going to have to worry about those same problems."
"If things ain't going well, you gotta look after yourself."
"This is a pathetic sad little weak attempt at intimidating me, which has decisively failed."
"We all have challenges, it's how you respond that matters."
"It's okay to get rejected because it is truly like a shot in the dark."
"As long as you stay your true self and show it to the public, it's hard for them to flip the script on you."
"Sometimes it is the appropriate decision to fight back against a bully."
"Successes and failures are part of living, you know?"
"You have a chance to let go of something and be a little bit stronger."
"I was dying for a way to get out. But luckily, because I worked... I'm here because of that job."
"You can't let anybody's words affect you at this point."
"Thank yourself for still being here, for learning, for growing, for failing, for crying, for being weak, for being strong."
"It's okay, it ain't really half bad. No one got killed, I'm still alive."
"If that was me, I wouldn't be devastated that Netflix poked fun at my viewing habits."
"I get that it's hard to walk away from. Whatever this resonates with you in your life, it may be able to be salvaged."
"It makes us confident in our ability to survive."
"In the situation that desperate, you have to do what you have to do to survive."
"It's not about getting an apology or giving an apology anymore. It's about gratitude for your own resilience and your trust in yourself."
"Your identity in Christ will be challenged; know who you are and stand firm."
"You can't allow that negativity to be a part of your life. You have to go on with your life and find friends that love you for who you are."
"I've been through the worst, but I never thought about harming myself."
"Be respectful of other people's opinions in the comments below. I can take the abuse if you don't like my opinions. I don't care. Go nuts at me. I can take it."
"If people are gonna come to you online and say mean, hurtful things to you trying to hurt your feelings, trying to upset you... chances are, my friend, the problem is not with you, but it's with them."
"But it's actually something that every single person in the world deals with because there's always people that aren't going to be happy with you..."
"I feel like even through the shock I feel grateful..."
"Despite the death of my son, I still love people."
"You can have nothing and still have your own back."
"Don't ever let life feel so overwhelming to you."
"I survived high school and all the problems, go and I grow from them and I learned from them."
"Life throws stuff at you but you get to choose how to deal with it."
"Commitments are not always convenient. It's not a commitment until it's inconvenient."
"Trust means being okay with whether or not you succeed or fail."
"Who cares what some numpty has to say about you, really who cares?"
"Starting a business is like eating glass and staring into the abyss."
"A strong man does not run from reality, and that includes the reality of his emotions."
"Doesn't matter how big of a man you are, sometimes you just gotta accept your fate."
"You still gonna have a problem, but the problem won't have you."
"God is good and I'm gonna believe that can change situations."
"Ignore the negativity and put your blinders on."
"Recovery is possible, stretching and strength building is important."
"In any event, I'm back and I'm stronger than ever."
"The fact that she wanted to live is something that really shone through in so many of her TikToks."
"Black love kept me moving, that's love for myself and my life."
"I don't see myself as a victim, I stopped looking at myself as a victim a long time ago."
"May you always find your way to higher ground, may you always keep your head held up high."
"She picks herself up after every failure. She did that often."
"I just accepted like what the current situation was and did my best in that moment and just trusted I could handle whatever happened next."
"No matter what happens to you in your life, what's important is really how you deal with it yourself."
"People that hate and just dare to hate just you how are you happy to see somebody lose?"