
Competitive Strategy Quotes

There are 811 quotes

"We've taken a very aggressive approach... we will be relentlessly upgrading this car."
"Selling something that is not ten times better than the nearest competitor is very hard."
"Fake out is so good that even the threat of it can be amazing support."
"Intimidate is so good that a Pokémon which doesn't find much success in singles, such as Arcanine, transforms into one of the most important pieces of the format in VGC."
"In singles, Incineroar is decent, all things considered, but in VGC, everything about it is absolutely perfect for the format."
"The only true competitor in an infinite game is yourself."
"You never really want to go behind by two games in a best-of-seven."
"No one's interested in people that win by advantage or by the minimum amount possible; they want control to submission."
"In order to beat the top of the pyramid, those are the guys you're competing with, you have to know the game."
"Our girls are two weeks from Nationals. Why Abby would ever consider adding a new girl to the team right now is beyond me."
"Everyone wants to win, but in order to know how to win, you got to know how to lose because you're going to lose more than you're going to win."
"All happy companies are different because they're doing something very unique; all unhappy companies are alike because they fail to escape the essential sameness that is competition."
"When you have the highest average speed and you sail the shortest distance."
"I never bought a course... getting my information straight from the mouth of the top killers."
"If you want to become an excellent poker player... figure out how to exploit their weaknesses."
"Even at our level and beyond, even top super GMs like Magnus Carlsen are using London to completely destroy the competition."
"When you smell blood in the water, you gotta behave like a shark would."
"Unpredictability is the key to beating higher ranks."
"Attack speed: what we need to stay ahead of the game."
"We've got to make Old Trafford a fortress. We've got to make teams not look forward to playing there."
"I think this could make for some really interesting battles."
"Look at the guys in front though they're going wheel to wheel through Corner one that's gonna slow them down maybe we could actually end up on the podium here we're in P5 keep going."
"You got to make better content that's really it it's an influence War right now"
"If you're petrified of the objectively less advantageous version by your opponent, the answer Dennis is yes, yes you should."
"We must get back in before they can repair it."
"Facebook is going to win that fight in to put the advertising dollars because I think that they constantly keep when you think about stories they find ways to make this story richer and bigger each time."
"Is everyone on their roster gonna get a king of the hill sweep by the end of the season this is insane."
"Virtually everything is stealable, so the way you succeed is by making a product that's better than everyone else's."
"I think they have decided to try to beat Johnny at his own game."
"Crypto has a lot of work to do if the plan is to defeat Facebook."
"If I could take both I'll take both overtakes and wins."
"Feels like the second coming of team domination."
"Fnatic's identity: hits you fast, hits you hard."
"Champions don't just take advantage when other teams drop points but they also lay down the gauntlet when they play first."
"I see Red Bull being utterly ruthless and utterly dominant."
"That first capture, especially on the main stage, is so huge because then you really put the pressure on the other team to step it up."
"Do not be afraid to move up levels as you get better, because the better players you're exposed to, the better you're going to get."
"If Jake loses, now we start talking about maybe the KSI's of the world, which are big fights but there's a big difference here. If he wins, he really does open that door." - Ariel Helwani
"We have officially survived 100 days as Steve in Minecraft."
"You just go in and you do it better. You want to be faster, you want to produce more and cover all your bases, cover all your loose ends, come out with a win."
"I just blind second and make him go first and then I just try to absolutely rip him to shreds."
"We need to be the complete and total opposite of everyone else."
"To win the game you have to invent a new game."
"A key piece of Intel's competitive strategy is to highlight their software smarts."
"I soon learned the art that if I let coke know that Pepsi would definitely, and that Coke would then jump in..."
"The jab from the Southpaw stance forward pressure just like he told us he wanted to establish early as Juan Torres."
"Your amount of kills do not matter, I cannot stress this enough."
"If Fox really wants to win this and more than just a moral Victory, he has to take some risks here. No question."
"Renekton is sort of the poster child of the early game fighters. He's a very self-sufficient champion with all the necessary tools to be a lane bully and a terrifying mid game threat."
"They have made it so that they will remain the largest in the field."
"Most affirmed for the most part just making that big difference, you know, finding those sleeps, enemy pressure, finding those needs to shut down the enemy."
"Tesla has in its crosshairs trillions of dollars of industry. Big oil, legacy auto, utilities and more."
"Tesla is going after EVERYTHING and EVERYONE."
"You will be able to push the big guys around."
"Well, they started P3 on the track here today and took it to P1."
"We are gonna have to get a win at Monaco to be any chance of winning this championship."
"That's the aim of the game: if you take the opportunity, you win; if you don't, you probably don't win. So you gotta be clinical, right?"
"I like it when teams have players that force that level of precaution from every team."
"Liquid now in the second place as I was saying five-game sweep with more towers taken than Immortals also on a five-game sweep."
"The goal is folks to beat CNBC to the earnings."
"It's super good to be back super excited for the LCS I wanted to give really quick call us to the other leagues because there's the two teams I'm gonna be watching"
"We're gonna have a very aggressive game for us."
"Competition is getting fiercer on YouTube, but with the right strategies, you can still stand out and grow."
"That is how you can win and succeed in this dropshipping game in 2021."
"Skills win fights. When you really get to the top, skills win fights."
"He knows how to win the game. He knows when to be aggressive, when not to be."
"Nick Foster's confident move to take the lead in pro class."
"Hard workers are dangerous. Lazy competitors are your friends."
"Goldberg will help me take down these clowns and then when we win, I want another shot at AJ Styles."
"Tom Brady's told us why winning is easier for him now he knows all the answers to the test he's won a million different ways."
"Both search and destroys go to Huntsman and it seems something that was impossible a month ago that they'd win a five-game series by taking both the search and destroys."
"It's not really that you single out one individual, one team that you have to beat, you've got to beat them all." - Tom Slingsby
"Tundra have been fully disciplined this entire time like while secret had been holding on Tundra have not overextended as they've seen many teams do here at this TI."
"They don't understand that losing is a necessary evil to win."
"It's all about where we want to win. Raptor started 15 years ago with Gen 1. It isn't about going fast on pavement, it's about creating a product that competes in a well-defined off-road space."
"You're balancing for your environmental exploits right so like what was winning then isn't necessarily winning now because the environment has shifted drastically."
"It's a reaction to Disney Plus and HBO Max coming through and honestly dominating the content game..."
"You need to guarantee in the words of Charles Barkley, right, that you win material or get checkmate."
"It's the same idea but falcon ledge and fastball for one frame before jumping on stage."
"He will always be an extremely strong Champion especially in the lower ELO brackets."
"Tesla is going to be there to clean up the mess and eat everyone's lunch."
"Rather than build up our own competitive edge and invest in our country, the strategy in Washington is to bully China."
"The better you make your opponent, the better chance you have to become."
"Disney Plus is Disney and Disney doesn't lose at anything at this point."
"All it takes is one blowing up... I think Daily Wire is going to grow much faster than people realize."
"It's about winning four games by any means necessary."
"So I'm happy that we are hijacking this deal and you've got to give blood it's where plant it's due this is what we should be doing this is what a a successful Club in the transfer market does so I'm happy about this."
"I think if everybody's in shape, James and Akeem have enough muscle that they could potentially squeeze in there and be somebody else."
"The only way for us to win is when you run faster than the competition. Everything else is commodity."
"Phil Spencer basically explaining that he's going to destroy everyone in the world and leave no bodies around."
"If we've learned anything about FaZe this year, they enjoy starting in the loser's bracket."
"And he is basically the OG 1v5 quintessential top lane carry."
"When you're in the NFL, you have to know your opponent better than they know themselves."
"That's step number one, fill the holes, because when you're first starting, it's really hard to compete with all of the other videos that are out there."
"It's kind of hard when you know for his followers to see someone that can actually build something bigger or more competitive than what he has."
"I think there's going to be some upgrades coming soon, and we're going to have to keep pace if we want to stay at the front of the field."
"These best bases are gonna be coming in the semis and then the finals."
"If your competitor is playing a level one strategy, that is just simply customer product market fit, but you figured out a Nespresso strategy."
"Apple has entered a new battleground with its health initiatives."
"Vince McMahon would go out of his way to prove the WWF was superior to WCW and ECW through a series of questionable booking decisions."
"We're putting our literally our fate fully in the hands of our audience and saying look we need you in order to try and in order to help us if we want to compete against these people."
"You're getting in now before anyone else... you can keep the maturity score low and find very new markets to compete with and enter into."
"So what you want is a business that has a deep moat with lots of piranha in it, and that's getting deeper by the day."
"Whatever tool Heatran wanted to use, it'd be incredibly effective."
"In any event, she was barreling into her, barreling into her, trying to set the angle, and Shevchenko cashed a fade."
"Ellison knew he had to pick a fight with the reigning champion Bill Gates."
"Turn off the losers and leave on the winners. See we're always trying to beat our best result."
"Until someone shows that they can beat TL playing TL's game, that is what I'm very excited to see."
"Heads up is always really fun. It's like playing chess or something."
"Everybody is going to try and tilt you. They're not actually [cheating]. They're metagaming you."
"They want other teams to be able to put a trade together and that's what they afraid that that's going to keep happening you know what I'm saying compete for the for the."
"If your opponent's just sitting there doing nothing... you need to do something or he's just going to win the cycle for free."
"When he scrambles man he is breaking your wrists apart he is breaking your hands apart he's controlling your wrists he is scooting his hips away he is moving at all times he will accept nothing."
"It's all about competing where you're strong."
"I think the architecture of Dojo has the right architecture to win."
"If you want to disrupt Valve, you need to focus on making a radically superior customer experience."
"If you can't beat them, you've got to join them."
"Sometimes just looking scary as hell out there could really elevate your position fast." - Vitor Belfort vs. Marvin Eastman
"I want to play the game more, I want to get more chances to outplay you."
"These are cards that basically are saying, hey, you know what if I can't win there's something I can do to disrupt their plan."
"As the game changes, you need to do what it takes to succeed within it."
"I think a lot of people in G2 have the X Factor and we can, like, I think we have really good eyes for like seeing the right opportunity to like punish enemy's mistakes and I think in EU a lot of people do a lot of mistakes."
"How can I beat price? What could I possibly use?"
"This guy wants it or he doesn't want it as hard as everyone else or you know it's not there that drives not there so why are you gonna wait."
"I'm the wild card with nothing to lose I'm the guy who's gonna play like a maniac and I'm the guy who is gonna surprise you."
"He's gonna have to lose two entire sets in order to be eliminated from the tournament."
"Zombies is just a premier aggro deck in the format."
"I got everything, bro. Hakeem is running through every one of y'all big men on here."
"The first pick on blue side ideally is a flex or something that is very versatile and strong."
"It's one of those things where uh those are champions that are way more heavily execution based you have to take risk you're more aggressive plays snowball the game."
"Wins against Energy and Cloud9, that's good."
"They're gonna dominate, both of them. Get the [expletive] out of it. Maybe one would be tough, pops. Both? That's your plan. That's father's plan."
"Speed is one of the best all-time competitive advantages."
"In heavyweight boxing, this isn't a three-round fight based on skills, this is a 12-round dogfight."
"I thought after that double chain role or turned Domingues really had it he had such as and such an advantage and that one hazard doesn't look like much but it is in the end the clock that just doesn't stop taking."
"He's got his hands full; he's got to beat Javier Dominguez if he was going to be our World Champion."
"There is no shortcut that Ethan Page will not take. I respect it."
"If you're a better player, yeah, and which is definitely the best dive tank as well... definitely above Winston."
"How do we win the game with it? That's important."
"Fraser doesn't need to win this event, but he's had two solid results so far."
"Now it's time to chill for about a year and wipe out these other small guys."
"This is a single lap shootout now, forget the results, win one, it's essentially zero-zero."
"Phenomenal off-stage game, able to just have complete dominance."
"The WZ-120-1 FT, it definitely deserves that super competitive slot."
"The mental warfare they have with each other while they're playing is just spectacular."
"High ground wins games, low grounds win tournaments."
"You need to play aggressive, you can't let the nerves get the best of you."
"I don't care if you're able to play around my offense, I'll just overwhelm you."
"It's just a pack full of Dan Biggums it's just everyone's everyone's optimized."
"If you can start winning these and coordinating, you could keep bringing them back."
"Another thing he's going to do right, matter of fact I should be teaching you stuff specifically to beat him."
"How do you stop a rocket ship? You stop it with perfectly timed strikes."
"Sometimes you don't need the best product; you just need to be good enough to take advantage of a company that has rested way too long on their brand."
"We've got to be stronger than any neighbor early on or we could lose."
"It's still all about map control, dominance, being the best player. Wins and losses really matter."
"This is what you do, you play it to win the game."
"There's just no other support in the game who can match the same kind of consistent skirmish strength that Malai brings to the table."
"The very best way to get these guys to spend is to get two rich competitive guys to fight each other."
"Deoxys defense didn't take long to go from bl to a genuine ou pokemon as it had already established itself as the new face of the hyper offense playstyles immediately in the wake of deoxys speed's banned in black and white one."
"I'm gonna punch more but I'm gonna punch harder."
"We want SKT, we're seeing weaknesses we can exploit."
"There's something just so satisfying in figuring out how to beat every single one of your opponents."
"That's why when I put him into those cage matches dude it was like so risky for me because I really wanted it because it was like if I didn't if I lost those I would have him now and this would be completely different."
"Pac-Man is obviously insane, has grab combos, has camping, has crazy damage output, has some of the most consistent and best like probably the most consistent kill setup in the game."
"A brilliant win for Rasmussen, a super move at the end there."
"If they can make it out, I think they can do some serious damage in best of fives."
"This is exactly the start you need to have to even get in the conversation with Tom Brady."
"Cinderace says ever since it got Libero, you know, it rose up, you know, top 10 usage. Fantastic Pokemon."
"Do you want to know why Zygar's broken? Because there is no clear answer to it."
"Survival will require making gains at the expense of the same competitors."
"I will do to you what I did to WCW, what I did to ECW, I will break you down and then I will buy you out." - Vince McMahon
"His ultimate's gonna be crucial catches just one is not going to be crucial not gonna be relevant there gonna get the reset there on odors ulti"
"We just tried to shut them down and yeah I think this is the result."
"He's hitting historic highs in damage and laning prowess."
"This really is a team game, you cannot win this alone."
"They're gonna continue to take over all of Texas, and they could end up winning the entire thing."
"Nvidia will drag everybody down with them until they are the only ones left standing at the top."
"If she wants to win this fight, she's got to bite down that gum [ __ ] and push forward."
"Oversaturation is a myth. If someone else is doing it, you can kind of find flaws in their system and build your business just in a better way than they are."
"The challenge is the threat. Yeah, a person with absolutely nothing on her board is the threat."
"Having a powerful engine provides a competitive advantage when it comes to making games."
"I just want to see Man United winning things and the way football's gone we won't win things by being moral Crusaders we need wealth."
"The game brought about the true spirit of the tank."
"And while there's nothing wrong with mentioning your products, if you want to create content that's better than your competitors', then you're going to have to keep the user's best interests at the forefront of your content creation efforts."
"Look at New Zealand, you know, they play a terrific brand of cricket and they played in a great spirit. You don't have to be aggressive to win matches is, you know, my belief."
"Bezos continues to outmaneuver his competition."
"If you're taking a fight on such short notice and you want out, alright, maybe they have less confidence in you."
"From the word go, Sony crashed Sega and Nintendo’s party quite expertly."
"Just imagine dominating all the things, you know, we could just... what if everything that we made controlled the majority of the market share?"
"He's able to sense how his opponent feels going into a round, especially given the situation, and he's able to play in a way that is going to make them uncomfortable."
"The first checkmate threat on Carlsen right from the opening."
"Magnus draws that human back has a realistic chance of catching up to world."
"Jio's launch offer shook the entire industry to the core."
"Nvidia, with each generation, basically defined the feature set of the future. So, I want to see AMD come up with something that I maybe don't expect at all, and it makes me think their GPUs are something that I would really want."
"It feels like Exet just have such a great sense of what's going on at all times"
"You have to learn how to play the game better than they do."
"We've got a perfect opportunity to inflict some real damage on them."
"With enough offensive capabilities to take on an entire team of attackers at once, it's no question that cobras are one of the most competitively viable builds."
"In the game of chess, you really don't want to take it too easy."