
Personal Clarity Quotes

There are 147 quotes

"Clarity is power. And you so intimately know what has to happen during this day, this week, this month, this quarter, this year, to get you closer to your mountaintop."
"I am clear. I'm clear about my intentions. I'm clear about what I need, what I want."
"You need to find clarity about your life first. You need to heal first."
"Hearing this news gave me a moment of absolute clarity about what my life is about."
"Islam provided stability, provided a clear picture with regards to what this world is about, where I should be going, and what my goals should be."
"Meditation gives one both a calmness and a clarity."
"Be clear on what you want and use the yes and no technique."
"This person is awakening you from your shell to help you feel protected even without it."
"You need to master the ability to suffer in solitude. Sometimes, being alone allows you to think and get things out of your system."
"You need to completely remove yourself from that environment... you can finally consolidate and figure out what it is that you want."
"Revel in the wake-up call of your own creativity; it will lead to rejuvenation and clarity."
"You've essentially enabled me through your little tricks and ideas to essentially be myself."
"Sometimes the things that break your heart end up fixing your vision."
"Living your life as a woman or as a person period without a sense of clarity is like walking through a minefield without a sense of caution." - RC Blakes
"I mean like I actually do have clarity in my life today and that's a good thing."
"You have to know what you want in terms of emotional Harmony and reciprocity do you want someone who's on the same page as you yes or no."
"I got clear about that. That's dope. I like that. A layer of clarity. Become clear. Get you some."
"Clarity, truth, revelation... time to move forward."
"Be honest with what you're looking for... Transparency, honesty with what you're looking for, with what you need to do."
"There's gonna be Clarity I think you guys are going to be talking to someone from the past and the end of this year where you guys are going to be actually experiencing a lot of clarity with what you want in your life and what you don't want."
"Thank you Universe, thank you for allowing me in this full moon to reflect upon who I was, what I want, what I don't want, and giving me crystal clarity in what I want to do next."
"Feeling good, looking good, getting clearer about who you are and what you want."
"Make sure you have your mind made up of what you want."
"Post-nut clarity hits harder when you're having fun with a pig. Personal clarity hits hella hard when you're wrestling them up with a pig."
"I feel like they've matured, they kind of have gotten settled in their careers, they know what they want."
"A big month for success, clarity, and being in a strong position of power."
"The problem isn't knowing what you want, the problem is the courage to say. Clarity and courage are the keys to confidence."
"One of the major keys we found: seek clarity."
"Every man has power to lift the fog in his life."
"Whether you're single or married doesn't matter. What is desirable is clarity of mind and purity of heart."
"You will feel like there is a lot more clarity in your life."
"If you don't know exactly how you feel about me, you're not the person the universe picked for me."
"It never failed to engage me... it's never not been interesting and that's an achievement."
"December is going to bring you clarity and that is something that is priceless."
"You're attracting someone who is mature enough to know what they want."
"The road becomes clear and the confusion, the clouds separate, the mist just disperses as we come more into alignment with this is who I am, what I believe, where I need to work right now."
"Having a definite chief aim brings clarity and contrast."
"If you have an exchange with this person, you may find they may tell you directly what was going on the whole entire time. And you may get clarity as to why it never happened or why it went the way it did."
"I finally feel that not just the house, my life is clean now. I can have a fresh new start."
"It's about a commitment, you're waiting for some kind of a commitment, you want that offer, you want the seed planted right."
"Setting yourself free, gaining clarity in the situation."
"Start the new year on the best possible note, clear mind, body, and spirit."
"You are on the beam when you can truthfully say, 'I know precisely what I want from life and I have faith I shall get it.'"
"Sitting in silence allows your true dream in life to take shape and clarity."
"No more moving on, getting clear, making that decision, getting off the fence, and owning it."
"Just get very, very focused on what I do want in life."
"This is a big month of clarity for you as well."
"Books tend to help me when I'm feeling down and make everything so much clearer."
"It could feel like you're just so done with certain experiences and cycles karma healing etc that it becomes really simple that what you want is even clearer."
"Your heart sometimes needs to break in order to give us clarity and openness."
"I knew what I wanted and I knew what my soul wanted, that's why I wrote the list."
"Clarity became the focus... Life has really felt shifty lately, it's felt like I've had no idea what my future was gonna look like for a while."
"You gotta hear yourself just like speak about what you want to do."
"In search of insight and light, finding clarity."
"You should always say what you want, that way you know where the people know where you stand."
"Your true love is already a part of your life. Clear your energy field and focus on yourself before acting."
"Trust your intuition to make choices, decisions, get clarity on situations."
"It's going to put you in a really good mood, okay? I feel like a lot of you guys are definitely receiving some form of clarity."
"Get your energy in now, go do whatever it is that you're called to do."
"No more time for doubts or old stresses, clear the junk and go for it."
"Be very specific about the type of relationship that it is that you want and what your life is going to look like."
"Get your ducks in a row and figure out what you truly want."
"Scientists have found that microorganisms like bacteria fungi and actinomycetes can help get rid of waste plastic on Earth."
"Get clear and honest with yourself about what you want."
"Recognize what you are, and then the doing becomes more seamless."
"Know what you want and really be able to use that as a compass to make better decisions."
"If a man tells you you are not in a relationship with him, I promise you, you're not in a relationship."
"They see you as someone who really knows what they want in life."
"It gives us clarity. You don't have to feel out of place anymore. Now, you can choose your place and that's different."
"Thank them for not wasting any more of your time."
"Just being able to talk to him and see him with a clear mind... it showed me where I needed to be."
"You can move forward, you can take this opportunity, you can have this relationship, whatever it is, but you just need to be very clear in yourself about what it is that you want."
"Stop downplaying things, speak your mind, Capricorns, and everything will be fine."
"You're gonna be able to see right through people the High Priestess the veil is coming down secrets are being revealed the truth is coming out and you're gonna see right through people's intentions."
"Clarity feels good. It feels clean. It feels peaceful and a lot of stress falls away even when the truth you're facing is that you need to leave a relationship or two."
"It's time to shed the illusions and see what's what."
"It's nice to just kind of step back sometimes and just take a clear-headed look at things."
"In the midst of this energetic whirlwind, it's crucial to maintain a sense of clarity and discernment, especially when it comes to making significant decisions that can have long-lasting consequences."
"You're invested in separating something out or getting away from something very clearly."
"I think everyone should just be authentically themselves and then there's no confusion."
"Clarify your thoughts, actions, and desires."
"A freeing-up of thinking, the exploring of new paths, the shattering of another great silence, new clarity in personal relationships." - Adrienne Rich
"If you have not discerned what you're supposed to say no to, you will never be clear on what you're supposed to say yes to."
"I'm just happy now that I know where I'm going and what makes me happy."
"You're going to have the clarity. Everything you need to know is already here."
"I feel so liberated, clean, and clear-headed."
"The clearer you are about what you want to do and who you are, the sooner you can bring it into your reality."
"This week is going to show you with clarity what you want, what you don't want, what you need, what you don't need."
"There's a huge relief in knowing that you know what you want."
"I'm finally starting to figure out what I most want in life because of you, I'm trying to get clarity, I feel like I'm finally ready to take a risk and do something new in my life because of you."
"Clarity on what you want... Crystal Clear Clarity... universe starts to work its magic."
"Trauma made you vulnerable and unsure of yourself. It's time to become clearer and stronger."
"The sun and the star signify ultimate happiness, illumination, and clarity."
"Never judge your clarity on how other people respond."
"There's a clarity here that's coming through as well as you are starting to get out and play and again having resolution with people from your past and present."
"It's not about being emotional or motive at it, it's having clarity."
"The right thing won't be confusing, it will feel clear, it will honor your boundaries."
"I'm tapped in, I'm tuned in. When you are in alignment with who you are, you can see everything."
"Embrace the clarity that shows you a new direction, it's meant for you."
"The pressure is off and then we clear the path and we are guided to the next right action and that is the most magnificent thing we could do right now."
"Clarity comes from within... you're gonna need to trust yourself regardless of the help that may be coming in from different directions."
"It's not enough to know what you don't want, you need to know what you do want."
"You're just now building more room for direction, clarity, and guidance in your life from spirit."
"There's clarity and a restored sense of what you want, indicating a new beginning in love."
"You'll know exactly what you're supposed to do next."
"You're finally getting the clarity that you needed."
"You're manifesting love, you have all the tools you need, you're going to be grounded, practical, you know what you want."
"It's now time to release yourself because this place is usually an illusion, right? We have the moon in the background that's illuminating your life so you're able to clearly see things, okay? And it's now time to take the blindfold off."
"This week, you may finally be able to move forward or have clarity about something."
"Identify conflicting desires to find clarity and move forward with purpose."
"Gain clarity, move forward, despite conflicts."
"The more you know who you are and what you want, the less you let things upset you."
"What sort of religion would you invent? You would invent a religion that's doing the things that you want them to do while thinking that they're serving God."
"Billy is just a man that knows what he wants, aren't you?"
"You have something there should be people in your life that clarify your vision."
"I can see clearly now because I've got that ace, what needs to be tweaked, what needs to be changed."
"Once people can separate what they want from what they don't want, they can change it."
"Your eyes are going to open wide, no more half or zero vision."
"It's all about being clear within yourself, knowing yourself."
"I feel like your vision is very clear this week... there's a lot of success coming in for you."
"You're going to know exactly what you want when you meet this person."
"Declutter your house... Take the trash out of it, remove the clutter, and you'll begin to see things more clearly."
"You get a lot more clarity about who you are, what you want, and what you need to do to get what you want."
"You will save yourself a lot of years of therapy, a lot of dysfunction, if you simply tap in and tune in to who you are."
"Reflecting on this trip has given me clarity."
"Most importantly, you realized what you want in life."
"Being yourself, really having some clarity around your own direction."
"Clarity is power when you really own in life authentically this is what I want, this is what I desire."
"The 'why' behind every goal is often bigger than you think. It gives you clarity and helps you know your priorities."
"Be clear with your intentions, be clear about your boundaries, what you can handle emotionally."
"...as a guy, you need to know where you stand and what you want before you even involve a woman."
"Career coaching helps you gain clarity."
"Being clear about who you are and what you want."
"You need Clarity, some of you really need to gain that Clarity."
"Don't be afraid of rejection because the worst thing they can do is say no, which is doing you a favor because now you have that clarity."