
Paranormal Experience Quotes

There are 75 quotes

"The first time I actually ever felt like I was communicating with a ghost... in the Boiler Room."
"I was never a believer of the paranormal until I had this bizarre encounter that changed my life forever."
"I counted to three and said, 'I'm awake, I'm 100% awake, I know I'm awake, I know I'm being squeezed right now.' I thought I heard something. I guess someone's standing above me. It's either do I might get killed right now."
"Many reported hearing a long silence followed by muffled voices or heavy breathing."
"I'm a bit of a skeptic, but man, that was the most terrifying thing that I've ever seen."
"I just stared at them frozen stiff trying to make sense of what I was seeing. I couldn't see a face at all, the eyes were just so bright that nothing else stood out."
"That was far more paranormal than anything we've seen thus far."
"He felt a sharp burning pain on his neck... five deep scratches."
"These spectral sightings and stories contribute to the hotel's allure, drawing both thrill seekers and the curious eager to experience a brush with the otherworldly."
"It had all the creepy and strange elements... four regular guys deep in the woods... who see a ball of light."
"The first time ever I saw like a shadow figure, and I say that because two other people saw it with me and we all had the exact same reaction."
"I feel genuinely like I can see... shadow figures just standing here."
"I thought I was gonna see something but I never thought that thing was gonna be so clear and literally right in front of my eyes."
"The camera legitimately captured a ghost or something right in front of me."
"Mason Kratz has never caught anything paranormal on camera, that's not even a believer in the supernatural, but this experience just might have changed his mind."
"I have seen a lot of strange things in my life, I can find logical explanations for most of them, but I know the shadow I saw in the forest that day was real and it was not a human."
"I honestly don't know too much about skinwalkers but I know I saw something that wasn't in the realm of normal."
"He kept waking up at 3 AM and wouldn't be able to sleep afterward because he felt like someone or something was watching him."
"The apparition was clearly visible to me for about 15 seconds straight; this wasn't a glance or a corner of the eye trick."
"This may have just opened up the spiritual door for me man holy moly."
"I heard footsteps all across the house, even off-camera."
"I was left with a whole new perspective of otherworldly beings."
"Real or not, there's no denying UFOs are real to those who have seen or experienced them."
"For many people, a chance to experience a real ghost is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity."
"I started having night terrors of a man in old timey clothes sitting on the edge of the bed with a knife."
"So when my senses were blaring red alert I felt my bed shift like someone just sat on it."
"We caught it on audio. We need to leave. You cannot harm us. You cannot follow us."
"...they felt a very negative energy... everyone froze... what he saw appeared to be a shadow standing over 10 feet tall..."
"The ghosts seem to be friendly, not evil whatsoever. So that's a good side, I guess, to being haunted by ghosts."
"I thought that maybe I was having a stroke or something so I ran to my door to get my parents to take me to the hospital I reach for the door handle and just like with the blanket my hand passed right through it."
"I was super skeptical about this board right until I did that Estes method. All of my mind has changed now."
"I've had quite a few paranormal experiences in my life but this one has to be the most terrifying."
"This experience happened when I was about 12 years old and I was home alone with my brother."
"It might sound crazy if you have never experienced anything paranormal I don't blame you if you don't believe what I'm about to tell you."
"Sometimes spirits will call your name using a familiar voice of someone that's living."
"This house is with me man I keep seeing stuff like everywhere I look."
"I am an ordinary man who didn't believe in ghosts and paranormal stuff. I never thought that one day I would be on a date with something that made me reconsider my whole belief system."
"I wasn't a believer in anything paranormal before this night, but after you learn what happened to me, it made me believe just a little bit more."
"It's about a ghost beside his bed."
"I was at Disney World, we were watching the fireworks, and then someone, okay, a ghost, the entire time. When the fireworks ended, I was like, 'All right,' you know, I turned around full speed. I'm just like, and my nose just started bleeding."
"I haven't really heard from this thing since, so I hope whatever it was found its peace. At least this one was a pretty chill ghost."
"No words were spoken and I was frightened but I did not feel any malice from these entities, only love."
"I thought ghosts were a joke, but after this, that changed my mind."
"...the glowing light just kind of winked out and disappeared."
"I just got chills too. Somebody was standing next to you, not near you, right here."
"It's not a paranormal feeling, it's definitely a sad feeling."
"...I had never experienced something that I would consider to be paranormal."
"I later caught an EVP in my bedroom of two female voices talking about me as if they were wondering if I could hear them."
"Would we experience any strange activity?"
"You're telling me you have to believe in it for a spirit to want to come through? Yes. You've got to be open-minded for a spirit to want to present it."
"I've had the Mind speak things they have touched me and I've seen some kind of transparent thing climbing a tree so it's not been fun."
"I saw a three-dimensional shadow... it doesn't physically make sense, but I saw it."
"I really feel like I saw a shadow pass through up here in the bar."
"It was that one night alone that just changed my whole perception of the paranormal."
"There's absolutely no doubt that there was something standing outside my door, and then I felt it leave."
"I've had many other experiences at my parents and friends houses but this is the only actual full apparition that I've ever seen to date."
"I've experienced weird things throughout my life, but this particular instance I eventually just chalked up to sleep paralysis."
"I'm not a big believer in the paranormal, but what happened three days ago has honestly changed my mind permanently about spirits and nonliving energies."
"I knew I was special when one night a little girl in a light gray dress appeared at the end of the hallway."
"The girl then started talking to me... it was more as if her voice was coming from inside of my head."
"This is my paranormal experience."
"I felt like it hated me and wanted me dead, almost like it wanted to scare me or even push me off the cliff."
"So I asked my pendulum if she had a spirit or something attached to her a few years ago, and it said yes."
"Everything I believed about this place changed when some friends and I went ghost hunting the other night."
"I believe that Harry Price was speaking the truth and that he was both frightened and shaken by the experience."
"Although we enjoyed spending the night in this historic building and communicating with the spirits of the past, Edinburgh Manor has definitely lived up to being one of the most haunted locations in the country."
"I've never actually seen the apparition of Sharon Tate; I've heard her, we've recorded her, we've sensed her presence."
"I never was a believer in this whole paranormal stuff until I moved out here and seen it with my own eyes."
"Many of these people were skeptics until they caught a ghost on tape and were never the same again."
"This is the experience that we at Paranormal Quest dream of."
"I don’t really know what I’m looking for…Well I do sort of. I want someone with knowledge of paranormal to tell me if what I experienced is deemed common in the realm of ghost sightings."