
Appointment Quotes

There are 204 quotes

"Thank you, President Trump, for appointing sensible Supreme Court Justices who protected constitutional government."
"Hindenburg reluctantly appointed Hitler as chancellor."
"This is the guy that's going to head up HHS."
"I'm very proud of John Durham and I do take responsibility for his appointment."
"Here's the good news. Amy Coney Barrett is going to be the new Supreme Court judge. How about that?"
"Legendary special forces Green Beret hero Christopher Miller has been appointed acting secretary of the Department of Defense by the president."
"Hello I had a 12 o'clock appointment with Dr Dre."
"...he remembers that they have an appointment for a much anticipated Beach episode with them and they get set."
"When we decide on the future of people who are being appointed as judges, we are dealing with the lives of individuals."
"Devlin assigns her as the new Warden of Santibaron."
"Did you know that your father appointed me to be your godfather?"
"Schedule an appointment with us for free."
"It was funny enough I got appointed as an elder when Garett Bro, helper to the governing body, was visiting our congregation."
"I'll see you back here on Friday."
"A tattoo deposit is a non-refundable payment that reserves time for an appointment."
"He literally gave me the original date that I wanted."
"But today is hair appointment day so we're gonna be getting this situation taken care of."
"Marshall appointed a good group of guys."
"I remember being really excited on the day I decided to visit the Parlor and I rechecked my phone over and over to be sure that I got there at the right time."
"Now tell me again, what did it say exactly? 8 p.m., Robert here."
"I'm glad I made that appointment. We're all super busy, and it's so easy to put those appointments off."
"Girl I'm not gonna be I'm not going to be be able to make it until you know this week or whenever I can get to the dentist for them to fix this."
"Let me go in and do my styling appointment and then we will catch up."
"We got in with the actual uh doctor 3 days after I had a little more trouble getting my appointment."
"Tomorrow, we're doing it at two because I gotta be in Jersey City for something."
"We'll see you guys this Saturday."
"I actually canceled my appointment and I'm going switch it to a day that my mom is off work so I can like force her to go with me."
"You're not here by accident. You're here by appointment."
"I am delighted to announce the appointment of Roy Evans as team manager."
"I can't go back to Auntie Pam's until they see Dental x-ray anyway."
"We have a scan appointment this afternoon anyway, so I would have to finish early. But done even earlier and can play around with the pram. What fun!"
"You had a 3:30 appointment with a Mr. Ronaldo. Hello ladies, you kept me. We killed you. Last week you actually think two amateurs nitwits could kill the great Ronaldo. Come on man."
"Katie has a doctor's appointment coming up."
"Hey guys it's Maggie and I am back today and today I thought I would bring you along to my fluids appointment again and maybe answer some questions."
"My appointment was confirmed, my hands started to shake, I got so excited, you just do not understand how excited I got."
"Appointment cards... you always want to make sure you give your person an appointment your patient an appointment card."
"She needs a little appointment with the orthopedic surgeon it looks like, but uh, and a chiropractor maybe."
"Tomorrow morning, I have a facial appointment, so I will see you guys there."
"If you did this for a customer, they're gonna have to book the detail after that."
"We'll see you on Friday, goodbye."
"Once you understand what's happening in your body, people are like, 'Can we do this right now? Do I need to schedule an appointment?'"
"You want everything, and that's all right. There are seven people in here. I'm going to let somebody else in. I see you next. Name with the z. I'll be right back. Hold on."
"Thanks so much. I'll see you next week. Okay, bye-bye."
"I'll see you tomorrow, be ready at noon."
"I have something to talk to you about tomorrow, so come to my tent early in the morning."
"I just got back from the dentist."
"Puts Megan Clark as our new event leader."
"In the end Marshall's qualifications for the job couldn't be denied and he was finally confirmed in a 69 to11 vote. It was an electrifying appointment because it symbolized so much and also because the man was substantively so beyond question."
"Here is a black jurist, a man who believes in the rule of law, whose life has been defined by the rule of law, and I'm appointing him to the Supreme Court."
"By holding temporary command, the high chaplain and sanguinary high priest contest the will and worthiness of the new candidate to ensure a rash appointment does not occur again."
"The president appoints by and with advice and consent of the Senate."
"Should I swing by watch headquarters in the morning?"
"I'd like to see Mr. Schubert, please."
"Grant decided to bring his old friend Philip Sheridan to take command of the cavalry."
"...I got appointed to the property tax appeal board... chairman of the most powerful board in Washington DC... transformed the city."
"He wants to meet with you he can't catch it."
"You face significant challenges; many are called, but only a few are appointed."
"We're going to collect your car on Monday."
"I'd better see the governor as soon as we get to the castle."
"See you again Sunday at 3 Pacific time."
"She told me to come at two for my hair appointment, so that's what we're gonna do. We're gonna come at two."
"Imagine that you leave this appointment, you get your car, and you drive home. You have dinner with your family, doing whatever you think is the normal routine of this client."
"There is always a gap between when you are anointed and when you are appointed."
"What are we going to do with you today, Mr. Albarelli?"
"We'll be back on Wednesday, man. Same time, same place. You know the vibe."
"You will be the perfect successor."
"So we're heading in for our morning ultrasound and blood work I got a call yesterday a nurse telling me to tape take it out of here..."
"We didn't pick you you've been selectively pointed at the Salem you've been selected by members at the highest level of government."
"When the wall had been rebuilt and I had set the doors in place, the gatekeepers, the musicians, and the Levites were appointed."
"Dr. Clark will be in to see you momentarily."
"I did, uh, take my oath when I was uh appointed and when I was elected subsequently."
"One of the best things you can do is before any doctor's visit, whether it's virtual or whether it's in person, check your blood pressure at home a couple of times."
"All right, well, we'll see you tomorrow."
"We'd like to make your appointment so we look forward to hearing from you."
"See salah as that appointment with the king of the universe."
"See it as a beautiful appointment, the most important during your day."
"I've got a special. When can you work him in?"
"Oh my gosh okay let's come back at 3 for Bay."
"A week next Saturday at the Stork Club. You got it?"
"Just look at it and you're like, 'Alright, she needs an appointment. Delete.'"
"I'll see you back here in two weeks."
"You then hold an appointive office."
"I have my retainers in tomorrow we have our fertility appointment to tell us all of the results."
"I'm very excited to meet everyone if you haven't had a chance to book an appointment yet."
"It's truly an honor to be named the next general manager of this historic franchise."
"Years after his father's death, he served King William III and was appointed Constable of Windsor Castle."
"I will see you in the morning tomorrow."
"I'll catch all you guys next Thursday at two o'clock, peace."
"He's the one that inaugurates the selection of the twelfth Apostle."
"There is someone here to see him."
"The baptism of the Holy Spirit is something that Jesus whenever he was getting ready to leave he told his disciples he said I have set up an appointment."
"Death is the only appointment every human must keep."
"You're making myself miss it. I'm disabled and I'm missing my appointment because of you. You're paying for my co-payment, I'm not kidding."
"My makeup appointment is at 10 I don't know what I'm going for I think I just want like a basic beat."
"Thank you, Connor. The hardest part about doing therapy is just making the appointment."
"They told me not to bother, they said we'd exchange on the 26th."
"God wants to meet us at his appointed times."
"Be at the shop at 1 p.m. sharp tomorrow."
"He has a goal in mind, and, giving him credit, he has achieved it by and large, and that is to fill the federal judiciary with nominees who meet a certain political ideological test, who will receive lifetime appointments on the bench."
"Disappointments are His appointments."
"Two miles, I'll see you there, all right, have a great day, take care."
"I wasn't sure if he took walk-ins but I read online I could just drop him off. I tried to call but no answer."
"please don't feed any food before an appointment"
"Schedule your appointment today and see a full list of states where services are available."
"The process is really easy you go into a room you can book an appointment I'd suggest booking an appointment because it is there's only two rooms and the queue is so long."
"Our time is up. It's 6:05. I do not want to leave."
"And they give you the chair of English literature at the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters of Buenos Aires."
"I, Tyrion Lannister, name you Hand of the Queen."
"The Voice of Terror: a tactical bolter bestowed upon Rogal Dorn as a mark of his appointment as the Praetorian of Terra."
"Let me head out now 'cause I don't want to be late for my 7:00 a.m. appointment."
"I'll be honest with you, today I also made an appointment with Prince Wang."
"We'll see you this Tuesday for power."
"You are going to have to stay here until further notice, and Izzy is interim village president until further notice."
"yeah yeah you are dismissed see you at 6"
"It's 5:00 p.m. broad daylight, and it was supposed to be at the Fat Black [__] Cat Lounge."
"In 2005, she was appointed to the post of children's laureate."
"1805: Napoleon named his brother king of Naples."
"See you all next Sunday at 5:00 pm Pacific."
"Jackson’s supporters cried foul when Clay, after throwing his states’ support to Adams, was subsequently appointed Secretary of State."
"There are people that men appoint, and there are people who God anoints."
"Meet me at the ninth green at nine, Gilmore."
"You have an appointment with destiny."
"Same B Time, same B Channel, next week."
"They all supply services by appointment to Her Majesty the Queen."
"The Senate, which consists of senators appointed by the Governor General on the advice of the Prime Minister and serves until age 75."
"I'll see you next Monday. I mean, damn straight."
"Same time next week," she winked at him, and he blushed.
"Thank you, meet me here at this time tomorrow, there's something you need to know."
"I just finished getting ready because I have a hair appointment at 12:30."
"So here's your reminder just to book in."
"I'll see you on Saturday at 6 p.m."
"Stay positive, take care, and I'll talk to you Wednesday, okay? Same bat time."
"He hath appointed heir of all things."
"Meet me at 8:00 p.m. at our spot."
"Edward recognizes the loyalty and respect Utrid has over the Mercians and decides to appoint him Lord and Protector of Mercia."
"Take a second right now, go get on your phone, write a little reminder that you're going to make an appointment today."
"God could be setting us up for a divine appointment this week."
"I'll see you on Saturday evening then."
"I look forward to meeting you on Tuesday at 5:00 PM."
"We have an appointment with life, and that appointment takes place in the here and now."
"He was appointed by Jupiter and nothing less than Jupiter's agent on Earth."
"Thank you so much for agreeing to meet me later."
"I'll see you next Friday, twelve o'clock. It's a date."
"Good morning, so today is the day of my appointment, I'm so excited and super duper nervous."
"I'll see you guys on Thursday at 5:00 p.m. eastern time."
"What we sometimes think of as adversity or affliction can be an appointment."
"The Lord has appointed you to be the leader of his people Israel."
"Book the next appointment. Don't let them walk out the door without booking the next appointment."
"God has appointed this time for you."
"Thank you for registering. You have a new appointment with Daryl's salon. We are looking forward to meeting you."
"Terrific, and welcome back tomorrow at 10 o'clock."
"I hereby appoint you ambassador to Disneyland."
"You've got a playdate with destiny!"
"All the very best and see you on Friday at 1:30 p.m."
"God has set a divine appointment and you don't want to miss it."
"I think it's a great appointment for the club."
"Despite this, the principal has chosen her for the job, placing extreme trust and belief in her abilities."
"That's it, your appointment is now scheduled."
"Good morning, this is [Name] from the gas company, you have a meter exchange appointment booked for this morning."
"May I book an appointment with Dr. Smith?"
"In America and in New Zealand, they have a tendency to appoint specialists, people who actually know what they're doing."
"Great General Oki is appointed the commander-in-chief of the emergency forces of Qin."
"I welcome him to the club. I really do. I welcome the appointment."
"I wish you good luck if your visa appointment is approaching."
"He ordered us to herald to the people and solemnly to testify that this is the one who has been appointed by God as judge of the living and the dead."
"Good night, Mr. Wong, and thank you again. I'll see you tomorrow morning at 10."
"I appoint Shari as the new Guild Master of Anel Gown."
"You will make your reservation; somebody say I got an appointment."
"Eagles are hiring Kell Moore as an offensive coordinator."
"I'll see you next Saturday at the same time, at the same place for the live."
"Father, your injury has long been healed, and now you are about to be appointed as a general by the lord of the state."
"Everybody in the House of Lords has been appointed there and has in some way earned their place through service to the British people."
"Great, let me just pull up the appointment book."
"We're here right now at this moment by your divine appointment."
"I'm really hopeful for today's appointment."
"I have a psychiatrist appointment in 10 minutes."
"I have an appointment for my Tesla."
"By appointment to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II."
"Monday, May 16th, 9 AM, right, alright, thank you."
"Thank you all and we'll see you next week for your appointment."
"Thank God it's Friday, yes, but we have an appointment to the doctor in an hour's time, so I have to be quick."
"We're looking forward to seeing you tomorrow, just wanted to send you a friendly reminder that we are scheduled at this time tomorrow."
"Now if you'll excuse me, I'm late for my appointment."
"We will see you all tomorrow at 6:00 p.m. Good night."
"Shall we see you all tomorrow, six o'clock? See you later."
"I've just got back from my appointment, I feel like I've not spoken to you in a little while."
"Look forward to joining you tomorrow, same time, 3:30."
"Thank you so much for joining us, we'll see you next week for your appointment."
"They vacated the entire board, and Governor Lee appointed eight new board members."
"It's a good time to see if you can't go ahead and make an appointment to get in to see a dermatologist for evaluation and management."
"That's what he's going to bring, Emery, I think it's an excellent appointment."