
Wealth Disparity Quotes

There are 517 quotes

"We've seen massive increases in depression, anxiety, suicide in rich nations more than in poor nations."
"People in poorer countries report higher meaning in life than people in richer countries, even when you control for religiosity."
"It's not enough to give a million dollars in charity if the system is such that a billion dollars are being sucked out of the pockets and out of the opportunity creation for millions, and millions, and millions of people."
"Billionaire fortunes will destroy our democracy."
"The fact that a few black people are doing well is dope, but another black billionaire is not going to move the needle for black people as a whole."
"The discrepancy in what committing criminal activity means for the wealthy versus the poor is an incredible societal problem."
"The difference between rich and poor nations is health and education."
"Africa is very rich, but its people are poor."
"The Gilded Age...although things look great on the outside, on the surface, there are many societal issues and there's a huge gap between the rich and the poor."
"Billionaire wealth has increased by 95%... They pledged to give away half; instead, their wealth has almost doubled."
"You can't really call a nation a society when the three richest people have as much money as the 50% of the poor."
"Don't expect change to come from the top because the top is too busy being rich and enjoying it. It's got to come from the bottom, but it will grow."
"We're all richer than somebody and we're all less rich than somebody else."
"If you've always been wealthy, you don't know what it's like to be poor."
"The 2020 pandemic made some people incredibly wealthy and it made other people incredibly broke just like that."
"Does anybody really think the tax code is fair? Really think the wealthy and big corporations need another 2 trillion dollar tax break? I sure don't. I'm going to be fighting like hell to make it fair."
"It's my favorite thing when extremely rich people fight and us peons just get to sit back, relax, and grab some popcorn and watch it all break down."
"The narrative of Africa is the richest continent in the world, but the people are so poor; that narrative needs to change."
"We're working class people; these people are the rich, the billionaires, they don't give a [expletive]."
"Some people are rich and many are poor, some are fortunate and many are not. On the very face of it, that is wrong and unfair, and something must be done, or so you might think."
"Most rich people do not see the plight of poor people. They are not around it, nor do they even detect it."
"The inequality problem exists on this coast is extraordinary, where you have the richest people in the world cohabiting with the world's destitute in such proximity."
"The median wealth for white families in America is $170,000; for a black family, it is $17,000. That is 10 times the amount."
"We created 400 new billionaires during COVID while you went broke and they didn't give a damn."
"Environmental policymakers seem to ignore that climate chaos is rooted in the unequal possession of production concentrated in the hands of the few."
"It is significantly cheaper to be wealthy than it is to be broke. It is much more expensive to be broke."
"The richest 15 people on the planet have as much cumulative wealth as the poorest five billion."
"It's a system that basically penalizes you for being poor, makes the poor poorer and the rich richer."
"This profound and really immoral transfer of wealth into the hands of a very tiny few under the canard that they would create jobs... their business model is not job creation; their business model is job elimination and worker exploitation."
"The problem is that corporations are making record-breaking profits and over 700 billionaires in America became nearly two trillion dollars wealthier during the pandemic while engaging in obscene levels of price gouging."
"Wealthy people are doing better than ever before... meanwhile, America saw the largest increase in poverty."
"You have a criminal justice system that clearly treats you better if you're rich and guilty than poor and innocent."
"The three things that I've seen happen over and over again and have profound implications are the long-term debt cycle and the effectiveness of monetary policy, the gaps (political, economic, and wealth gaps) and what they follow through in the way of redistributions of wealth, and then the external gaps in terms of the economic wars."
"The biggest thing that causes wealth disparity is not being invested. Investing in stocks and real estate is where you want to be."
"Mister Bezos, you have enough money to buy a 5-hundred-million-dollar yacht, you got enough money to buy a hundred and seventy-five million estate in Beverly Hills and a twenty-three-million-dollar mansion right here in DC. Given all of your wealth, how much do you need?"
"For every hundred dollars of wealth held by a white family, black families have five dollars and four cents."
"It is regrettable that many personal fortunes are made by people who simply manipulate money and contribute nothing to their society."
"I think that it's wrong that the ultra-wealthy should be the only people with access to security."
"Inter-generational wealth creates inter-generational wealth. The lack of access to that wealth creates inter-generational debt."
"If I'm making $100,000 a year and you're making a million dollars a year, we have a bigger wealth disparity than if I am making $10,000 a year and you're making $5,000 a year."
"When you have vastly more wealth than most of your subjects, their love is never guaranteed, especially when taxpayers spend $18 million a year to keep you in style."
"The wealth disparity, especially over the last two years, has largely been created by the Federal Reserve."
"An economic system that has done so much to enrich those with so much wealth and power that their money will make more money for them in a day than many could make just working for our wages in a year."
"We cannot all be bazillionaires. It's just that way. It's an aspect of karma but it's also an aspect of the mathematics of economics. Scarcity does rule."
"America is incredibly rich, insanely rich... but in dollars, we're rich. And yet, half of all Americans couldn't deal with a $500 emergency because that money has been siphoned to the top 1%. That's not okay."
"Poverty in America is a concept that shouldn't be a thing. We are the richest nation in the world."
"A rising tide does lift all boats, but if you don't have a boat, you're not lifted; you're drowning."
"The big argument of the book is about social justice."
"You have incredibly rich people who are out of touch with reality."
"Never let a rich man tell you how to stay broke."
"Homelessness is at an all-time high right now, which sucks because in a country as wealthy as mine, where there are more empty houses than there are homeless people, we better have some strong reasons why some folks are left out in the cold."
"You had a group of people who said, 'We're tired of these hedge fund managers rigging the system and basically stripping our wealth away from us.'"
"Suffering great for the poor, terrible for the rich."
"Storm coming, Mr. Wayne. You and your friends better batten down the hatches because when it hits you're all gonna wonder how you ever thought you could live so large and leave so little for the rest of us."
"There's some nasty guys that get let out and then there's some really rich guys who shouldn't get out because they got a lot of money."
"Inflation makes the rich extremely rich. The middle class will pay higher taxes and the poor will get poorer."
"It is not normal that so few have so many and so many have so little."
"The wealth difference... arose because of a history of state-sponsored segregation."
"The average person would need to work full-time for over a million years and they still wouldn't be as wealthy as Elon Musk."
"No more respect needs to be placed on the billionaires of this world or the political establishment."
"The Roy family is a group of out-of-touch billionaires who use their enormous wealth and power to make the world their playground."
"When prices go up, someone is getting rich, and it ain't you."
"You live in penury. My car is bigger than your house and you're saying you feel special."
"There is such an aggregation of wealth at the top disproportionately among these technology companies that they are able to put us in a feudal peasant relationship."
"can it be money because, uh, sure, why not hashtag rich lives matter."
"It must be nice to judge people's financial situation when you have a net worth of 475 million dollars."
"Most Americans understand that that's like super important, the problem is those with money don't."
"There shouldn't be two sets of rules for rich people and other people."
"So the rich get richer but the poor and middle class are getting poorer, it's tragic what's happening today."
"The logic of money and the desires of those who have most money starts to take over whole of society."
"If you really believe the (beep) they say, that rich people are actually good and better and vulnerable people are weak or lazy, that sounds terrible."
"We have to understand something is going to rich people, better ask his questions, mmm-hmm."
"If we can't address the vast disparities in wealth and power, it's over."
"It is morally obscene for billionaires to use a global pandemic as an opportunity to make outrageous profits."
"I guess rich kids are no different than actual kids from poor families. Nobody bullied me, nobody hated me. They just kind of ignored me altogether."
"Somebody smashed a window at a CVS, and Jeff Bezos just became the world's first trillionaire. Guess which one we'll frame as a danger to the public."
"You can punish Jeff Bezos but how do you really hurt the poor and the middle class? Bad economic policy, that's how you hurt them."
"There's one other thing they can do with that massive amount of income... they can buy your mom's house."
"The top 10 percent of wealthiest people control more than half of all the wealth."
"The median net worth of white families in Boston was $247,500, compared to $8 for black families."
"The rich have all the assets, and everybody else is basically leasing from them."
"It's about power. It's about hierarchy. It's about wealth."
"That is not an economy that's working for the American people, that's the economy working for the 1%."
"The wealthy want to get bigger, while the middle class just wants to be happy."
"Here's a little something to chew on: a new report from Oxfam says that over the course of the pandemic the world's billionaires increased their wealth by 3.9 trillion dollars."
"Republicans are racist and they only care about the rich."
"Wealth inequality gap increased dramatically."
"The size of your bank account too often determines the quality of representation."
"As if maintenance costs on your Gulfstream weren't high enough, the failures of capitalism mean your disproportionately large slice of the pie has you looking like a snack."
"What good is being the wealthiest country in the world if people can't even afford to live?"
"I think those numbers are different relative to what you put in but that's the dynamic we want to create, a culture where you're looked to askance a little bit if you're making over a million dollars a year."
"Who are the true villains of this story? The one percent."
"Tories are the party of the one percent and they will always do the bidding of the one percent."
"Treat people with respect, no matter what you got in your pocket."
"Your ability to be resilient is defined by your wealth position."
"We shouldn't have an economic system that lets someone become a billionaire while their employees are reliant on food stamps."
"The vilification of the wealthy is inevitable at this point."
"We allow our richest people to be way richer."
"The rich are nice and happy because they're rich and the main characters feel justified in taking advantage of the rich because they're poor."
"We're living in the second gilded age; it's all about glitz and blitz and spectacle and money and status."
"I think if you're super wealthy if you were born with a silver spoon it's going to be a little hard to connect and to empathize with regular Americans."
"The rich had gotten rich by taking from the poor."
"92% of all the Bitcoin out there is owned by essentially 1 million addresses."
"Married couples are four times as wealthy as unmarried couples who live together."
"It's a victory for capitalism... going full speed ahead backwards to create new pharaohs who instead of building pyramids compete to sit in rocket ships."
"People with no money are just not very good at taking it."
"You're competing against billionaires, hedge funds. They're robbing you, brokie."
"Why should he be the richest person in the world?"
"A drop in the bucket for her, just a quick reminder."
"Whatever you think of all this, the wealth gap is growing."
"We got a working age black population that largely has no wealth, no pension, and ain't dealing with the fact of how that affects the structure of what your family should look like."
"You're being ripped off by the wealthy elites."
"An obscenely rich person sits around watching others work hard and the crowd applauds."
"We can't have a society where one percent of the population controls 50, 60, 70 percent of the wealth."
"The real enemy in that equation has nothing to do with the immigrants."
"If you have a hundred million people and they all invest in the same market you know what's going to happen a tenth of one percent of them are going to make billions of dollars in that market."
"The ultra wealthy, okay, no I know I get it, I'm rich but I'm not like a billionaire or anything like that right, certainly the powerful elites know something we all don't."
"That four dollars in his pocket didn't mean [ __ ]. He had a million dollars worth of whiteness."
"The gap between the haves and the have-nots has grown and there is a lot of resentment toward the richest 1 percent in this country."
"No, the rich just get richer, the comfortable just get more comfortable, and the working people get left behind."
"We have more billionaires than ever in our society, more poverty, and a bigger mental health crisis than ever."
"Rich people are building bunkers; that's not a good sign."
"Just the amount of wealth concentration is just incompatible with democracy let alone socialism."
"If you're in the wealthiest country in the history of the world it should not be that you have to uproot yourself and your family to live a decent life."
"The ruling elites, the billionaire class took everything they could for themselves."
"You know how some people say it could be so many people in the world and only the rich control so much? Some of y'all are willfully dumb. You want to be pimped."
"The investor class has made more money globally than the rest of the world times 10."
"Inflation hurts the average person but benefits the financially educated and the wealthy."
"There's going to be a lot of people who lose everything in these market conditions and only a small amount of people are going to make a shitload of money."
"We are governed by a tiny few people who have enriched themselves to pharaoh-like levels of wealth."
"You don't have to worry about whether or not there's a public park or a bus in your area. You own more miles of property than I have walked in my life."
"The biggest problem we have in America... rich people screwing poor people."
"When you're sitting there and you're working months on end to take a good vacation that vacation is very valuable to you but if you're a multi-millionaire and you can vacation anytime you want it's no longer as good."
"Overall you say hey we added 20 trillion to the economy but what it doesn't tell you is actually half the country suffered and went backwards and only the top one percent gained."
"Every single cent that somebody is hoarding that means that somebody else now has less money because we like I said in the beginning of this video we don't live in a world with infinite resources."
"Flex on all these broke boys, that's life, that's Humanity."
"Bitcoin is the way out of their controlled system that favors only the wealthy and the elite."
"What happens when three kids from modest backgrounds find themselves thrust into the world of the rich and privileged?"
"Whether you're a billionaire or someone who's been deprived of economic opportunity..."
"17 million households experiencing food insecurity in the richest nation in the world is unacceptable."
"It's harder for a rich man to get into heaven than for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle."
"Real rich is like billionaires... fulfillment centers having slave-like conditions where workers are peeing in bottles."
"Did you think eating the rich was a metaphor? No, this is what eating the rich looks like."
"People are going to be starving, and the people with money are gonna have to help or they're gonna get eaten themselves."
"Polluters make themselves rich by making everybody else poor."
"The elite, the wealthiest people on the planet, they have private doctors they fly to in other countries who have treatments that we don't even know about."
"Create as much disparity between the haves and the have-nots."
"So the rich getting way richer and the poor getting way poorer."
"This might be one of the few bipartisan areas in modern history where we might actually be able to get something done."
"We cannot even do the most basic things despite being one of the wealthiest countries to ever exist on the face of the Earth."
"The world is unfair, some people are born into wealth, power, and privilege and never have to work a day in their lives. The rest are forced to struggle and slave away just to make ends meet."
"We live in the richest country the world has ever seen, half the people are poor or in poverty."
"Things are being built, people getting richer, others getting poorer. Miracles."
"Our ruling class have robbed the public to enrich Elites."
"So many rich people that you suck up to and you kiss their ass and worship the ground they walk on they do jack [ __ ] for anybody but themselves but yet you worship these people and Elevate them."
"Imagine rich people problems I'd pee myself limb bananas are on sale."
"The system rewards one person with 200 billion and another one with thirty thousand dollars. That's a remarkable decision in a democratic community."
"The top 1% now holds more wealth than all of the middle class combined."
"The legacy of Numenor... turned darker and darker... the Black Numenoreans levied immense taxes... and took a huge amount of their wealth for their own."
"We have more income and wealth inequality today than at any time since the 1920s."
"It's not so much of an income gap, but an investment gap."
"All HBCUs' endowments combined are 10 times less than Harvard University."
"Why do so many people hate Elon Musk? Because he's really rich."
"Most people look at billionaires and know that what's best for them is not what's best for us."
"It's a rare thing where we're all in it together, and the rich scoff. But only up to 160,000, and then they have goons like Ron Johnson fight you like hell while pretending they're on your side."
"It's not the case that just billionaires are doing 30% better than they were in December 2019 or anything like that."
"It's more expensive to live in poverty dollar for dollar than it is to live in wealth."
"It doesn't really matter if you're poor or rich... it's horse crap."
"It doesn't matter which country you look at, whether it's an impoverished African nation or whether it's a developed Western nation, you see these same kind of patterns throughout different nations in terms of severe wealth inequality."
"The median black family today owns $3,600, just 2% of the wealth of the median white family."
"Since Adam Smith started theorizing about the origins of wealth of some nations and the poverty of others, the disparity has become much wider."
"It's actually insane man. Yeah, it just [__] up so many people's brains. I still can't get over the fact that people give money to millionaires."
"In the seventh richest country in the world, no one should be going hungry."
"In the context of incredible wealth, poverty and income inequality go hand-in-hand."
"Our billionaires that run this society they are not f***ing philanthropists. Can we stop calling them philanthropists? They are sociopaths."
"You make more money taxing poor people than you do taxing the very few rich."
"You're going to see more there's going to be more separation between the rich and the poor."
"Africa, like every other continent, has a small percentage of mega wealthy individuals whose combined fortune surpasses that of the masses a hundredfold."
"I fear a few wealthy islands in the sea of poverty will also turn into a global calamity like climate change."
"A partying PM and a law-breaking ritualist chancellor have lined the pockets of their wealthy pals."
"There's only two ways to be rich in this world that we live in: be born rich or change the rules."
"There's more Rich [ __ ] than there are good people."
"Regular people are paying so much more in taxes than the richest among us."
"Stop trying to market wealth to poor people."
"Capitalism is many things but... there are a lot of people getting very, very rich off of doing business in and with the Chinese."
"Falcon Heavy is going to be the world's most powerful operational rocket."
"The poor kept getting poorer and the rich got richer."
"Gamers who see games journalists as out-of-touch millionaires ruining games while sipping champagne in their mansions are arguably, in microcosm anyway, carrying out a criticism of capitalism."
"The problem is every time they print money, it never goes into the economy. It only goes to the investor class."
"Dan is only another spoiled trust fund recipient posing as a beneficiary to the fictional American dream."
"There is a growing divide between the rich and the poor."
"If you are wealthy or affluent, you get the best of everything. If you're poor, you get the worst."
"Inflation causes the rich to become richer and the poorer to become poorer."
"That's a bizarre standard to place upon people. If somebody has more money than you, then you're not allowed to criticize their behavior."
"Life is good, but in general, people don't just send me as much money as they send politicians."
"The wealthiest people live literally across the street from the absolute poorest people."
"The rich and the financially educated are becoming richer."
"If our stock market investment participation rate was the same as our voter participation rate, a big chunk of the wealth gap would disappear in one generation."
"The top one percent of the US is further ahead than the median, and it is that delta that motivates the end of democracy."
"All you guys are doing is getting minimum wage jobs. Today is not about minimum wage, it's about wealth building vehicles."