
Power Balance Quotes

There are 71 quotes

"Media information in a free country is a counterbalance against entrenched power... if sources of information align with entrenched power, then you have a powerless population."
"Federalism and the vertical separation of powers protect against the concentration of power in any one place."
"The only way that you can rebalance society against the rich and the powerful is by organizing collectively."
"I just think it's really fun to play with, the power level is sort of there."
"If we swung as far as possible away from anything that would make him feel that way...but in a way I feel like it kind of put him in the driver's seat."
"The Russians have the capabilities right now and the upper hand."
"It's a battle for the soul of our nation, a delicate balance between power and accountability."
"I love the god retrains because the idea is like the god cards are too powerful to be played at Yu-Gi-Oh."
"Power creep is a real thing, and we're definitely in the thick of it."
"All relationships have power dynamics, and a power dynamic is not inherently a negative thing."
"When women have leverage, they're gonna make your life a living hell."
"The E25 is just absolutely crazy op... It's still one of my most recommended tanks for all of you seal clubbers out there if you know what you're doing."
"How do we create a world where wisdom is actually greater than the amount of power that we have?"
"You've got to maintain balances of power in a system. It's important to keep this alternative."
"It's time for a jubilee: the erasure of debt and a rebalancing of power."
"So this is where I see it here moving forward... as far as the new triangle for the global balance of power."
"It didn't seem like it was a power that was completely off the rails from what, oh, and if you go back to..."
"It creates a better balance of power, checking the worst impulses of any individual nation."
"Power level goes back but satisfaction is here."
"Spells are generally tuned so they are the ones that one shot you."
"The moment you give a guy sex, you've given them everything already."
"These slight increases in power...every time people were crying that it was going to be overpowered and the game's doing just fine."
"We can't have a balance of power without dialogue."
"And the last one worth bringing up is Cat Mario and Cat Peach. They're both well-detailed but they also give you access to the invincibility belt. It's about as broken as it sounds."
"There has to be disagreement in a structure; otherwise, you get a dictator."
"Zemo had the right idea. There's already too many super people around."
"Media in a free country is a counterbalance against entrenched power."
"Super powerful but also has a very notable downside."
"We are the number one great power by a ridiculous margin."
"Social stability is a balance of powers; centralization disrupts people's power."
"Republicans of today and tomorrow must find their way back to a national ethic of natural law morality, and with it, a healthy division of power between the state and civil society, which is to say, rediscovering their political culture."
"Captain Marvel brings a much-needed balance of power to the Avengers side of things against Thanos."
"There's no longer this power struggle. A new cycle is starting for you."
"One of the defining features of the Senate is it's always been a check on the arrogance of power."
"It's a lot of fun but feels powerful without blowing your hand off."
"Is the solution to just set the power level so low that even mistakes can't be that impactful?"
"The strong west and weak east is history. The east is rising and the west is declining."
"The person who cares the least has the most power."
"The power level of this is not as high as Murloc Knight, but the fact that it also works with your hero power is insane."
"I still think vassel spam is way too powerful... but it was still really fun to do that."
"they also play an important political role in balancing the powers of the world."
"The compromise of 1867 created a new political entity that aimed to balance the power between Austria and Hungary."
"It's crazy to think that luffy may be rolling up to the world government with like an equal force by the end of the series."
"The U.S should focus on the areas where its political and military power can take the balance and therefore become a critical player."
"Flex matchup: both Darth Vader and Obito were roughly even in power and speed."
"If China disappeared, the West gains a lot of power."
"Vex can’t put Fassbender into the locket, probably because Matt feels that would be ridiculously overpowered."
"Actual changes and fundamental power balances take a long time to eventuate."
"...democratic India simply by becoming more powerful and influential helps preserve the balance of power in Eurasia."
"If you believe it's that kind of Technology with the ability to deter conflict, project hard power to that degree, then it's also going to fundamentally change the balance of military power."
"No matter how you slice it, this technology... is at the core of the balance of power globally for the next 50 years."
"Such an egalitarian and democratic system with checks and balances on the abuse of power."
"By giving your significant other time and space to own their decision, you start to balance out the power struggle."
"The United States has always said that we believe in a balance of power in Asia."
"The terms of engagement and the relationship and leverage and power is established within the first few minutes of your dialogue."
"Democracy is such a vital protection... they are a check on the abuse of power."
"A balance emerged between the five regional powers, characterized by diplomatic and military balance."
"The most important legacy from the New Deal was the creation of countervailing centers of power like labor unions."
"The enhancement of a near-abroad ally's ability to project power should restore and keep the balance rather than destabilize it."
"Balance of power diplomacy... is where you form a temporary alliance for one single purpose."
"I think when people are controlling the other, or there's an imbalance of power in the relationship, that's a problem."
"Financial privacy isn't about enabling bad actors; it's about making sure that pervasive surveillance doesn't tip the balance of power so far away from the individual that we lose our free society."
"A good combination between power and strategy."
"The purpose of the eighth family was not to oppose the seven families but to maintain a balance of power."
"It's not in our interest to have too much power and too much dependence concentrated on China because we would like to have a balanced system."