
Ethical Issues Quotes

There are 94 quotes

"Attorneys for former President Donald Trump and his co-defendants have argued that DA Fanny Willis and special prosecutor Nathan Wade improperly benefited financially from this case and then lied about it under oath."
"Until you do that, if you go after companies or individuals, which is what we tend to do in a country that's about the rule of law, they're going to say we don't care just like they can harvest your organs as a Falun Gong."
"We lie to the people, we don't care." - Charlie Chester
"Plagiarism can't be separated from an imbalance of power and a lack of respect."
"The violation of personal freedom, forced sterilization, mandatory abortions, and infanticide are evils that no amount of economic growth can justify."
"So far, nobody's had an answer that can justify the existence of NFTs and the harm they're causing."
"Chris is such a heartless bastard he founded an e-commerce company with his two closest friends ghosted them, stole the company's money and kicked his friends out of the game before using that money to found XI."
"You exploit your power over others, you play God."
"There are people willing to tolerate the total perversion of our political system for their own political interests, for their own partisan interest, and that's I think the real issue we're facing right now."
"Is this the most blatantly evil thing you've seen out of Facebook so far?"
"America kills its enemies in our name and then keeps it a secret."
"When the law allows a baby at 42 weeks to be aborted, then someone can go, 'Well, better not let the living baby go to waste.'"
"It's not a problem to make money... but what the real problem here is when they use their enormous amounts of wealth to control our lives."
"Pfizer was notified of problems at Ventavia with the vaccine trial and that an audit took place."
"Ubisoft spent years protecting abusers of every type at every level of the company."
"It's odd how far we have come from a crisis, a pandemic, a health emergency, an opportunity to acknowledge the sanctity of human life... now it has to just be sold ruthlessly as a product."
"Killing sharks is not the solution. The system we've trialled could save lives, theirs and ours."
"It does create an environment where positive views on certain products or interests or behaviors are being supported are being funded while their critique is not and it is a huge problem."
"This document is 29 pages long and I read the whole thing. It is a torrent of absolutely sickening allegations against Blizzard and sometimes specific named members of the Blizzard upper management."
"The cover-up is almost worse than the original crime."
"But threatening to take copyright action over an issue that isn't even remotely related to copyright just to shut them up is so not acceptable."
"Problematic is an understatement in terms of what it displays in terms of giving some, I don't know, hope or boost to what is and should be illegal activity."
"We've doomed thousands of kids to brutal, mutilating surgery and premature sterility."
"I'm angry, I'm angry. I don't like murder and I don't like thievery."
"This is one massive scam all in the name of watching people get tortured."
"This isn't just a legal issue, it's a question of ethics and the integrity of our legal system."
"It's essentially on the honor system, and we all know how that goes." - It's essentially on the honor system.
"The worst part is the insurance agent that she bought these life insurance policies from was another ex-boyfriend of hers."
"The whole situation is just monumentally scummy."
"It's like this really sick money-making business."
"The most morally reprehensible decision... was taking the infected COVID-19 elderly... and putting them back in nursing homes."
"She keeps going... she did not give the money to charity, it was the bottom line there."
"People need to understand that in war reporting these journalists are basically cranking themselves off to what's going on. They're excited, they love it, they get a thrill from it, they smile and laugh when they watch people getting shot."
"His ethic stuff and his substantive behavior as the head of the EPA are not at all separate things."
"It's disappointing that celebrities fake their medical records to avoid their Duty and therefore make it harder for people who actually suffer from those medical conditions."
"These are evolving situations that call into question the amount of force that police are authorized to use."
"There is a link between the impetus towards saying that a human life in the womb has no value and our military-industrial complex... The authoritarian spirit of international governance to try and submit the freedom and free will of people."
"The bottom line is she really doesn't see a problem with taking someone else's life."
"Indiana Jones and the list of Schindler would this be a bad time to mention that Disney thanked a concentration camp in China."
"We do not have a budgeting problem in this country—we have a moral problem."
"The only standards TSM has is double standards, fittingly these are people who think they can lash out and pull shady [ __ ] behind the scenes."
"We are slaughtering babies and telling the poor people to kill themselves."
"Forced organ harvesting is truly a monstrous practice that is difficult to conceive even exists until it is brought before you."
"Zoos are slaughtering their own perfectly healthy animals to save money."
"Torture shouldn't be the solution for any problem."
"Forcing someone to remain pregnant violates bodily autonomy."
"Imagine your friend tells you they have cancer, who here would respond with, 'Let's find a way to market that'?"
"Throw your friend under the bus for your own gain. That's all it is. It's plain and simple."
"There's an inherent conflict of interest driven by the desire to make money."
"It's disgusting, it is absurd, it needs to change."
"It's not the lie that is so bad, it's the continued cover up."
"The unborn child should be protected legally."
"Cancelled the Christmas party and Christmas bonuses... the CEO and the CTO used company funds to take a week-long ski vacation."
"There's often nowhere for them to go, with better equipped sanctuaries and zoos already overrun thanks to many owners buying a cute little easy to manage tiger cub."
"Doxing people, a little bit of a sketchy business."
"People don't realize that when they're voting for free stuff, they're actually committing robbery."
"Genocide isn't just about killing, but it can be the destruction of the group through bodily harm, preventing birth, or other means."
"Nuclear colonialism is not the solution to the world's problems."
"The bodily autonomy argument needs to be considered in the context of rape."
"The concept of AM is inherently problematic."
"You don't need to make something illegal to still violate someone's rights."
"The story of a human experiment gone extremely wrong... during World War 2... US military wanted to make their soldiers stronger..."
"The value of human life... it's just worse when you make it for so little."
"That's called cultural appropriation and it's wrong."
"Forced organ harvesting... it's a crime against humanity."
"I don't think anybody deserves to get doxxed in general. It's absolute garbage."
"Huma admits in email communications that she's engaging in something that is probably unethical."
"It's not a dietary choice to decapitate animals, it's a justice issue."
"Wrongful birth lawsuits reflect a troubling embrace of eugenics in our culture."
"That's why I always say we have a second humanitarian crisis going on with our big tech social media platforms."
"Animal agriculture is responsible for the death of billions of animals every single year and these animals feel pain just like we do they suffer like we do and we kill and exploit them by the billions like on an unfathomable scale."
"Watching people inside their houses and their children is overreaching."
"It is illegal to transfer any human fetal tissue for valuable consideration."
"People need to call CPS because to me, that was just disgusting, that was just some incestuous [ __ ] and if you can do all that in this small raggedy studio apartment, you can't tell me she's not apartment [ __ ] in front of her mom and her kids."
"Your promoter can also be your manager... If you can't see the immediate conflict of interest here I just don't know what to tell you."
"This is evil, definitionally evil, this is a God complex."
"Trouble results from falling into these traps for example a false conflicts between the social and spiritual dimensions or the often contrived divisions on ethical issues."
"There is no single issue that threatens innocent human life more directly, consistently, imminently, and urgently than the deliberate killing of baby boys and baby girls in their mother's womb."
"Our attitudes towards suffering have changed considerably over the past decade. Think of all the work involving animals and the ethical issues that treatment has produced."
"This is not the way, YouTube. This is deplorable."
"The problem is that large-scale human sacrifice is terrible and the solution is to, well, stop doing it."
"Disaster capitalists will try to profit off anything even as the ship goes down."
"They're stealing so much money from random people though by pretending to be homeless."
"It’s impossible to estimate how many people have died in order to manufacture the phone you have in your hands right now."
"They knew what they had done was wrong, otherwise they wouldn't have lied in the reports."
"Some people made the most of it, they made their fortune, they saved it carefully and now they're set for life."
"Unethical leadership breeds unethical cultures, which perpetuate unethical behavior."
"MK Ultra stands as a dark testament to the lengths that institutions will go in pursuit of power and control, often at the expense of ethical considerations and human well-being."
"It's our biggest ethical blind spot."
"Where is the problem and why human rights abuses by corporations occur?"