
Philosophical Inquiry Quotes

There are 554 quotes

"Does it really matter what makes us human? Not in a biological sense, but in the sense that Philip K. Dick thought of it when he wrote 'Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?'"
"Marcel Duchamp brought to the art world the very significant and everlasting question of what is art, and as of right now, Spec Ops: The Line is the crowning jewel when it comes to bringing that level of discussion to the realm of video games."
"The question is, given what we are, how do we maximize human well-being?"
"Without consciousness, nothing matters. But is it also possible, as we have explored today, that without consciousness, nothing would exist?"
"What right does anybody have to tear away any amount of experience from some other person?"
"The big question is like why are we here and why are we so elegantly designed? Why do we look like well-functioning machines?"
"Physics is the closest we get responsibly to asking, 'Why are we here? What is it that we're made of?' It is the thing that would best substitute for a religion if you were able to understand what it was."
"Is love possible under advanced capitalism? What kind of nihilist is that, concerned with such a significant question?"
"What is consciousness? Is it something unique to humans? Why does it exist in the first place?"
"We always talk about human rights and humanity... but we don't really talk about what it means to be human in the first place."
"There are some people, many of my colleagues, who say, 'Well, that's a stupid question, the meaning of life.' But I think there's more to it."
"The idea of worthiness is an interesting one because it's never been fully defined."
"What do you think is the single most important element that makes a person worthy of Mjolnir?"
"We've defined time as the beginning, so to ask what's before it would be like asking Santa Claus what is north of the North Pole."
"I think that, you know…and the question I really like is that is there a need for a definition for life?"
"How valuable is truth? How valuable would Jesus say that truth is?"
"Then again, is this simply a new version of the philosophical question made famous by Descartes: Can we be sure that reality is not a dream?"
"Justice requires giving equal things to equal persons, but the question immediately arises, 'Equal in what respect?'"
"Then again, if all of reality is an illusion anyways, does it even matter?"
"What is real? How do you define real? If you're talking about what you can feel, smell, taste, and see, then real is simply electrical signals interpreted by your brain."
"Why should his love be evidence of his non-existence?"
"Whether someone can forfeit the right to life with a sufficiently horrible action or series of actions is a moral question, a philosophical question."
"This brief but obscure work locates the origin of evil in the very process of creation itself."
"What is man, that thou art mindful of him? And the son of man, that thou visitest him?"
"Isn't it a point against me that some of the conclusions I draw are not such as to make one happy?"
"All of this has happened before, but the question remains, does all of this have to happen again?"
"This brings us to the big question that drives all these themes: What is a hero?"
"Are we all so blinded by our own pride, oblivious to our errors? We all perceive we are doing the right thing, that we are heroes. But what really makes a hero? Are they born? Are they made? Or are they even given a choice in the matter?"
"We're so bombarded with stuff that the question 'what are we going to do with it?' isn't a natural question. But 'why did we invent so much stuff?' is a more fascinating question."
"We live in a post-Socratic world. We are used to demand reasons for our convictions."
"In that journey, Collins found the beauty in space and got to ponder questions that form the basis of life."
"The question of one's significance is a profound and timeless question that has captivated the minds of thinkers throughout all of history."
"Do you agree that, in general, it's better to believe things that comport with reality than things that do not?"
"Truth is that which conforms to reality, whether or not we can identify that or confirm it is a huge problem about whether or not we actually have access to truth."
"So, are they right? Well, I think I have freewill, but maybe they are right."
"People based their entire lives on the answer to this question."
"Clearly death, and what comes after, is the most profound unsolved mystery of them all."
"We know so little about the nature of reality that I think it'd be very, very foolish to say that this cannot happen."
"It's entirely possible that we are all living inside a simulated reality and that everything around us is nothing more than lines of advanced computer code."
"The denial of the reality of consciousness from people who are fully aware that they're conscious."
"What does it mean to be human? At what point do man's creations become equal to man?"
"Can something be objectively good yes absolutely."
"How do we create a system that emphasizes the good and minimizes the bad?"
"Is it I who thinks or is something else thinking?"
"Can you be wrong about everything you say you know? No, I can't because the definition of 'no' would entail that I know things."
"Can a scientist be religious? On the face of it, it seems absurd."
"What this is really about is, do you believe in reality or not?"
"It's one of the greatest adventures of the human mind to find out where we came from, where we are, and of course in the end where we're going."
"Does that threaten Western civilization and the very foundations in everything of value in our society?"
"You only live once. Yeah, I mean, I think it's unlikely that you're like reborn and [ __ ]. But who knows? No one knows for sure."
"What has the future in store for this strange being, born of a breath, of perishable tissue, yet Immortal, with his powers fearful and Divine? What magic will be wrought by him in the end? What is to be his greatest deed, his crowning achievement?"
"Truth is more like a process, exposure to the truth. He was once in the truth. What is the truth? You can't handle the truth. The truth hurts."
"If you could define the human experience in one word, what would it be? Sacred and profane."
"Keep questioning what truth is, keep going down the same lines of logic, and see where it takes you."
"If we have no self and no control over our thoughts and actions, we are essentially bound to a deterministic universe."
"We might probably never be able to discover the origins of our world and might forever remain in the position of someone chasing the horizon."
"Let's stick to the Zen question: Are we alone?"
"The concept of linear time is clearly a flawed idea... There was a time when humans thought the world was flat."
"Well, what do they mean? Well, just take that quote: 'you are not a body that happens to have a soul; you are a soul that happens to have a body.' Well, is that the teachings of Genesis 1, 2, 3?"
"Is a man not entitled to the sweat of his brow?"
"It would be pretty arrogant to think we are the only planet with life."
"I love how introspective you get. You give me an answer that you know you don't know."
"Blade Runner 2049 raises questions about what defines life and humanity. What does it mean to be human?"
"You see, operation does not explain origination. Where something comes from, that's more of a historical question."
"The big question is how you liberate yourself and others from suffering."
"Because once you've deconstructed everything, what's left? If everything is meaningless, you just end up with utter nihilism."
"It isn't incumbent upon us to prove your God, your religion, or your faith as false. It is incumbent upon you to prove that it's true."
"Do you believe that you can know yourself without thinking about yourself?"
"On what basis can anyone say this action is right or this action is wrong?"
"Science offers us one level of explanation of the way things are, but it does not prevent us from adding extra levels of meaning on top of that."
"Do we really make any choices of our own or were we always going to make these choices? Do we have free will? It's an eye-opening show and honestly, it's terrifying thinking about that."
"I would rather have questions which can't be answered and answers which can't be questioned."
"Real is simply electrical signals interpreted by the brain."
"We are here arguing, questioning, discussing if this universe has a Creator or not."
"If all observations show that it is in fact the case, it may seem absurd that a creator deity would resort to a mechanism like evolution."
"Absolute truth? No, that's a slippery slope that we all want to slide down, right? Of course."
"What are values? Where do values come from? Why do they matter?"
"There is only the natural world, so how do you explain things like purposes and meanings?"
"The hard question is what makes consciousness, not just how it happens."
"Who's really in charge when I pray to the star-filled sky at night? That leads us to this week's big question: who is the more powerful force in the universe, the Watchers or the Celestials?"
"Where does that energy go? That is, to me, the story..."
"If neither our hard times nor our own shortcomings define us, then where does the basis of our value come from?"
"The methodology of inquiry: hearing, reflecting, meditating."
"Contemplation leads to deeper exploration, even if answers aren't immediate."
"Eventually you are left with this same question that people always are left with in that situation."
"There is an order in reality itself, because otherwise why bother investigating it if it's not?"
"Nothing comes from nothing, therefore matter and life must have had a source."
"So, is God love?" - "Questioning the nature of God's love."
"Asking deep questions about life is the best use of one's time."
"I want to know God's thoughts. The rest are just details."
"Is it more reasonable to believe that there's an intelligent mind behind order and design, or is it more intelligent to believe there's no intelligent mind behind order and design?"
"What's a good way to build a foundation or on any belief?"
"Is there any position that somebody could hold that they couldn't just say hey I take it on faith I don't have to provide evidence sure I mean that's what faith is you know you don't need of it you don't require evidence."
"How do we balance strength, power, and self-interest with tolerance, virtue, and magnanimity?"
"Are we these things that contain DNA or are we just transport mechanisms for the DNA?"
"The true question is what leads to the most love, consciousness, and truth."
"Is it possible that we, as human beings, as we're developing and as we're transforming and metamorphosizing, is it possible that we would have two hearts?"
"There's something fundamentally wrong with this worldview."
"Until we know what Consciousness is we can't say that it doesn't exist."
"There is only truth. How can justice be served without truth?"
"The conclusion that we don't have a solid knowledge of sort of what this universe and reality is."
"The appearance of consciousness is consciousness."
"Do your rights come from the government or from a source higher than the government?"
"It's about what is behind those arguments what drives those arguments."
"Am I really an individual? I do sort of like to believe that we're all a little more connected than we think."
"Its primary purpose is to open up, not resolve; to inspire questions instead of answering them."
"What if your life is nothing but a computer simulation?"
"Why do you stay in prison when the door is wide open?"
"The choice is yours but where did it come from? Where did we get the ability to choose? I want you to be asking yourself that question."
"It's not a false dilemma; both the individual ways and their cumulative case are convincing."
"Everything is God, and from that perspective, is there any reason to try and describe God at all?"
"What is the reason why we're having the experiences that each of us do have each day?"
"Can you actually lead a meaningful life there?"
"And the whole concept of philosophy is based on asking the question, you know?"
"Are we willing to wait?... Nature has an answer for everything."
"Our book is an invitation to think deeply about what we are and how to live better lives."
"It's either true or not that no one is above the law."
"Do you believe in magic? That's not just a philosophical question and a classic pop song."
"A wise Sage once said there is only one question that really matters: What is it that you are unwilling to feel?"
"Just because there's no real practical way to answer this question with any kind of objectivity doesn't mean there isn't a right answer out there."
"We're all looking for something to fill that void inside of us, right?"
"Do you not use your minds to him? Do they not reflect within themselves and in themselves? Do they not see?"
"We need to go to our philosophy to find the answer."
"There had to be a designer. Whether you ever meet him or not, there just had to be one."
"Says who is perhaps the greatest moral principle we have yet to discover."
"Do you think we're all trapped in the Matrix?"
"If there's such an evil malevolent force in the world, why are they still bothering?"
"I'm the guy walking this out to Jesus at one point, and he says, 'What is truth?'"
"If you're trying to assess whether a political philosophy is a good philosophy or a bad philosophy... look at what it produces."
"I think it's just a fundamental question that human beings should want to know."
"The whole point is that there must be an explanation for the reason the universe began to exist."
"The story of Oedipus and his parents raises another age-old question: Are the lives of humans preordained or do humans have the power to exercise free will?"
"The possibility question has to be dropped itself."
"We now have a need to understand our relationship to meaning."
"Is there still enough light in the world to truly banish this darkness and unseat them?"
"What does living in the fourth dimension mean to you? It means being in a state of constant conscious awareness of the fact that we are infinite and eternal."
"What do we mean by truth? It's something that has to be subjected to some type of evidence."
"Shall we accept good from God and not trouble?"
"Are we the sum of our parts or are we something more than just our bodies? Personally, I think we're something more than just our bodies."
"Freedom is an empty word unless you ask further questions. Freedom from what? Freedom to do what? And beyond that, where did my freedoms end and other freedoms begin?"
"What we're interested in is the gray area between good and bad."
"Through self-inquiry, we begin to wonder who is aware on whose behalf are these thoughts arising."
"Does a life have value for its own sake or is that life more or less valuable depending on what it believes?"
"What kind of a God would do that?" - "The one we've got."
"Will we ever get rid of Illusions and false beliefs? Of course not."
"Not one shred of evidence so far points to even a trace of an Ice Age civilization."
"What is good enough? Who do you have to be to be good enough?"
"What's your empirical evidence that truth should matter? That's a good question."
"But what if the actual level of reality is like way way way up there and we're just not there yet."
"Is it worse to be prisoner of the moment or is it worse to be a prisoner of faulty logic?"
"Fire blinds us just like darkness. But darkness blinds with absence, with loss. What does fire blind with? Beauty."
"We exist, so someone must have brought us into existence."
"There isn't one right, there's not a right or wrong answer."
"What if reality wasn't what you thought it was? What if everything you know is false?"
"There aren't going to be answers here tonight, just deepening questions."
"Really what this whole thing is about is the question how to be human and we are as a species or at least as a civilization reconsidering that question..."
"You sure don't act as though you're living in an illusionary world created by an evil demon."
"Where did the space for the universe come from? Where did the laws of the universe come from?"
"When we talk about the meaning of life, what we're talking about really is recovering the questions."
"Could our waking reality be just another layer of a cosmic dream, a simulation crafted by forces beyond our comprehension?"
"We need to reassess what it is to be a human being."
"How can I walk out of an alley it didn't go into? Once you've ruled out the impossible, then whatever is left, however improbable, must be the truth."
"There is a body that will finally and fully give us freedom, but it's not our own."
"Truth, justice, morality, sexuality, freedom, meaning, love, identity—everything we care about—are grounded by the answer to that one question."
"You never get to any firm grounding or any kind of first principle way to move the debate forward."
"You can only really look to history to have any kind of means of verification of your ideas."
"Do you want a country or a civilization where truth is the ultimate principle? Yes."
"Why should it [horror] exist, rather than to enjoy the fact that it does exist?"
"It is impossible to determine the true nature of reality without more information or evidence."
"Ultimately, we're all just trying to figure out what the hell are we doing here. Like, how? What is life? What is the meaning of life?"
"How can you be conventional when there aren't even conventions that exist?"
"Do you ever wonder why are we living? Searching for a reason, searching for something."
"Until we can explain this subjective experience of experience thing, I think that we should accept it as being there, and I think that it's more honest simply to say well, our understanding is incomplete."
"Now what do you think about? I don't know, it's like Jesse Ventura all of a sudden. I don't have the answers, I'm just asking questions. When do you think life begins? Genuine question."
"Is there still any value in human existence?"
"Awareness seems to be unknown not because it is so mystical, but because it is so close to itself."
"It is the why that matters because what's happened has already happened but why did it happen?"
"How can you be an individual in your body, a cosmic being, and still be an American with an identification, you know what I'm saying? This is the contest."
"All my life I've been obsessed by these questions."
"Do you see how there isn't universal truth when it comes to this stuff?"
"What if we’ve been thinking about this the wrong way all the time?"
"Are we just the science version of a miracle?"
"The search for truth is what we should all want."
"What's it like to be a consciousness trillions of years old? I'll probably never know."
"Your eyes are useless when your mind is blind. It's always time to think, why?"
"The supernatural needs to be demonstrated and accepted before it gets to be included in a case on rationality."
"Seekers recognize that genuine understanding arises not from rigid beliefs but from a readiness to embrace the unknown, question assumptions, and embark on a journey of self-discovery."
"If everything is subjective then how can anybody strive to hit that title?"
"Ask bigger philosophical questions to find your calling."
"This question is much deeper than most people understand. It's an extremely deep question that takes us into the nature of reality and existence and the mind itself."
"Is there a difference between true reality and a manufactured reality? If we're unable to tell the difference, are you real? Well, if you can't tell, does it matter?"
"He wouldn't dispute a priori the idea that Muhammad was a true prophet but I don't understand what that means."
"What you believe is not as important as why you believe it."
"The film articulates an idea of the tension between our subjective view of the world and our faith in an objective reality beyond that."
"As long as we continue asking ourselves these questions... we will continue evolving and growing."
"Question everything... it is necessary that at least once in your life you doubt as far as possible all things."
"Faith must be increased in everything we do."
"How can anybody claim to have arrived at the Haqq, with a capital H? How can anybody?"
"Is there a meaning to life? That is the question every philosopher has ever asked themselves."
"Reflect upon everything, investigate everything."