
Game Preparation Quotes

There are 72 quotes

"I remember being on the bus on the way to the game and putting on the movie 300. This part comes on where it's 'Give them nothing but take from them everything.' And that was my mindset going into the game."
"Session zero gives you time to work all that out and I would say in a session zero don't feel the pressure to like let the session zero progress you're gonna want to give a couple of hours for for character creation"
"You want to be in communication with your players over what they want to do. That's going to help you prep."
"If I could pack 20 guns before the game even starts, we're doing something correct."
"I love the Bengals stack, pushing Thursday Night Football."
"Always starting camps like on x-champion depends on matchups."
"The most important thing coming through unscathed, getting those minutes into the players."
"Now that we have that covered, let's head into the first matchup."
"This is a pretty telling moment here as you chase down this guy and you fight different enemies it's preparing you overall for the way the game is gonna dole out enemy is going on in the future."
"Can't take anything with you into the next game, and envoy knows that better than most."
"Fabiano had good prep, got a good position, and absolutely tore his opponent to shreds."
"The most important thing tonight: no injuries."
"A Game Master's job is to have the adventure prepared... better to be more prepared than unprepared."
"The new war requires several hours to complete. Prepare wisely. Loadout access will be limited."
"I guess we need to start getting stuff together now for the Cyclops, which is like a really big submarine. Pretty exciting actually."
"Let's get up for it. Let's get the rivalry going. Let's get on with it."
"When you play PLO, you better bring the big guns."
"I think you guys can start assembling the matches."
"It's time for our match of the week, Rogue and G2 are ready for the rift."
"This is going to be perfect for not just GM's but also master raids later in the season."
"Saladin prepared something and again preparation worked in Hidden Cup."
"Offensive coordinators stay up nights saying we cannot allow 56 to dominate this game."
"The battle lines are drawn. Oh, I love that. I think that's excellent. Yeah, I can't wait. Wonderful."
"If this were like serious preparation for me, and I was actually testing a team, this is where I would stop."
"I would like to see the new manager sat in the stands to take over on Monday morning ahead of the Arsenal game."
"I start day 43 by preparing a suitable arena for it."
"With this set you will be extremely well prepared to take on the remaining bosses of the game."
"If you're one of those DMs that rolls your random encounter table before play... it's kind of like story dice noir."
"Being in your prep is much more comfortable than having to think outside of it, especially when your opponent is capable of causing nonsense to happen on the board."
"Prepping for your hunt is the first step in Monster Hunter."
"This is a really nice counterattacking move and it's still within opening preparation on my part."
"I think that a lot of players share that feeling and the reason is not so much the game but more so the preparation that goes into the game."
"Make sure to eat some food at the Bistro before each mission for boosts to health, stamina, and skills."
"Each weapon will come with a foundry origin trait themed around the foundry's personality."
"You don't have to spend hours upon hours prepping for your games. This is a myth that a lot of new dungeon masters believe."
"Keep one of everything for bundles, quests, and festivals."
"Never skip the preparation phase. There is nothing worse than using the wrong emblem or build because it will greatly affect the performance of your hero."
"I enjoy the result because I know we've got big games coming around very, very quickly."
"You always wanted to be in that starting lineup... with your name called, you know, when the before the game is going on."
"I just want to get a ton of iron for people so we could have at least three people ready to tackle on a dungeon."
"It's one thing to be excited about playing in this game, but now we're going up there to win."
"I feel the most difference when we're actually really prepared just in draft."
"If you want to play ADOM first you need to make a character."
"When done right, session zero can prevent campaign-ending conflicts, bring you and your party closer together, and ultimately deliver a more satisfying game."
"Session zero leaves everybody feeling really pumped about the game."
"It's never too late to do a session zero."
"Session zero gets everybody onto the same page."
"I think you should err on the side of telling people more rather than less about the one-shot because it's so easy for someone to build a character that's not suited to it."
"having a session zero may have clarified things."
"He's in great shape now, except he doesn't have a good break ball."
"Johnny's have got to have a solid break."
"The 90 degree passing drill... passing pattern is just so realistic to what you do in a game."
"Standing and shooting simple driven clays isn't training for game, something like this really is."
"We're going to be rolling for initiative."
"It's easier to fix a rule before the game starts than after."
"It's nice knowing that they're in our corner and they really want everybody to look their best on game day."
"It comes with everything you need to start playing the game."
"I treated that game pretty much the exact same way as I treat game one of the Stanley Cup playoffs."
"It's made game prep now easier for me to do and also a lot more fun."
"You practice a lot so that you can play a game or play a match."
"We're going to need the character, the spirit, and the confidence going into the game tomorrow."
"It was a great way to start the game and also have a positive mindset going in."
"When you know your opponent's openings, it's a big advantage."
"I want that other person down there racking for me."
"Talking strategy with Helena was super cool as well, and she's all fired up for the final portions of the game."
"Game day is the most relaxing day of the whole week if your preparation is up to par during the week."
"He needs to get ready and throw the gauntlet in game 12."
"Every single drill that you should do, whether it's a warm-up driller or whether it's a full speed route running drill, should be able to translate to a live game setting."
"These are some of the best matchups and situations that aren't the obvious ones that will help you when preparing for your week 15 fantasy matchup."
"I'm looking forward to this game."