
Sympathy Quotes

There are 1023 quotes

"Empathy fuels connection; sympathy drives disconnection."
"Empathy is seeing from another person's perspective; sympathy is feeling sorry for them. In negotiations, empathy is a strength, while sympathy can be a weakness."
"I think it's not just entertainment; I think it's also inspiring and a little bit educational."
"Genuinely being yourself is such an important thing to understand in life, and I honestly feel bad for the people that are not themselves."
"We should express our sympathy to all the relatives and all the victims of this unnecessary terrorism."
"Men are suffering. They have different problems than women have, but they don't have it better."
"I think there are still some millionaires to pity."
"If a person's having a hard time, then you should be sympathetic to that."
"I have a lot of sympathy for people in their 20s who are wanting to do something different or discover what they're most passionate about."
"When Batman discovers Freeze's origin story and the truth behind his quest for vengeance, it's a very compelling, sympathetic, and heartbreaking scene."
"Our deepest condolences out to the Garner family for their loss."
"She did it with understated Grace and sympathy always without fail."
"I'm sorry for everything that you have all gone through, terrible. No one should have to go through the things that your families have suffered."
"He's gonna absolutely get sympathy subscribers. You know, it's like, 'Oh, you know, I really like him and I should have probably followed him. I don't want to be a racist, so I'm gonna click follow on this guy.'"
"After the Netflix series and now this, sympathy for the Sussexes will grow outside Britain."
"Catching the killer in danganronpa is often more tragic than anything else as most cases give you reason to feel sympathy for the killer as and after you have them dead."
"I truly just don't want this to come off as like I'm asking for sympathy or that I'm just making the situation's show up so so sad because I really have found the light at the end of the tunnel with this."
"Sympathy refers to seeing feelings in another person, recognizing those feelings because you have also experienced them."
"Our deepest condolences to the family and friends of those three men today as well as our thanks and heartfelt gratitude to the incredible men and women of our emergency services and multiple agencies."
"Sympathy will not get him back where he was two years ago." - Jamie Carragher
"I don't like these big companies. I feel no sympathy for them when people do steal from them."
"This is embarrassing I just I feel bad for these people."
"I feel bad for you and that's why I was trying to be there for you."
"I feel a bit sorry for Billy Hogan to be honest because you know in one way or the other like Peter Moore's got off he's been promoted to that role and he he's been the closest thing we've got to someone from it."
"We need to be sympathetic towards each other."
"I felt bad for the man... I reminded him of his grandson Ben."
"Whenever someone loses their job, it's sad, you know what I mean? And I wouldn't wish that on anyone."
"Thoughts and prayers to the entire family. We are with you, we are thinking of you, we're praying for you. Blessings to you and your family."
"Salute to her and her family... I hope during this time of grief they could find something."
"Anyone who goes through any type of trauma deserves sympathy and compassion."
"To the guillotine for expressing sympathy for the royal family."
"They're giving this girl the business. They're giving this girl the business. I feel bad for this girl about her makeup."
"Our hearts are heavy today, our prayers are with his family."
"Our thoughts and prayers are with your family. Thank you very much."
"Sympathy is saying I saw you hurt; empathy is saying I hurt with you."
"They fear being true to themselves; it breaks my heart for them."
"I sympathize with everybody in this country who is adversely affected by the open border."
"I'm so sorry from one mother to another for the death of your two sons."
"I think incels do deserve sympathy, controversial take I know, everyone does."
"My deepest condolences and sympathies during this time."
"Please say a prayer for Chelsea and James. Feel bad for them. Feel really bad for them."
"The brundlefly is a horribly repulsive character but also a deeply sympathetic one."
"I can't imagine how frustrating it must feel."
"There is a major exception to this trend however in the form of black people with high faith in the system who instead are seemingly less sympathetic towards black victims."
"The hearts of people are softened, the entire planet, human beings, the human race has been traumatized over and over."
"There's a huge outpouring of sympathy and goodwill..."
"I'm sorry, you had to go through that all alone."
"My deepest sympathies go out to the victims' loved ones."
"This is so unnecessary, man, and you're a good kid, so I hate this is going to happen to you. I really do. I from above my heart, I hate this is going to happen to you."
"My heart goes out to the families who were affected by this, and it is tragic and should not be happening in the United States of America."
"I do want to point out remember the sympathy bounce Rachel Adedeji has..."
"There's a sensitivity to the portrayal of Kong that makes him sympathetic despite being a Powerful Beast."
"Rest in peace, Michael K. Williams, prayers to his family."
"Can you assassinate Assange? Trump denied that but expressed sympathy, saying, 'Assange is being treated very badly.'"
"I have tremendous sympathy for people who are victims of incel violence. Absolutely horrible."
"She came up! Damn, she played him, poor soul."
"Predictably, the Trump voters we talked to were not put off by that, they were even a bit sympathetic."
"Jill and I are heartbroken to learn of the violent attacks at a security checkpoint in the U.S. Capitol grounds."
"If you're being publicly shamed for just being an ass, I really don't have any sympathy for it."
"You just can't keep doing that. I've got absolutely no sympathy with Manchester United and Edison Cavani."
"Deepest sympathies for your loss of puppy face, dogs are family."
"Our thoughts are with the families who of those whose lives are taking the tragedy. The right to peacefully protest is a bedrock of our democracy."
"I do hope that Jody's Family has some peace."
"Wow. Oh my [] god man it's just nuts I feel bad for this [] I really do."
"I'm genuinely sad to hear that so many people in Liverpool have been unwell and so many have died."
"this poor girl has gone through so much in her life"
"I feel bad for you, Tom. I really do. Because at the end of the day, I get to go home and you get to go to whatever hole you came out of."
"Here we have a tale that actually manages to paint a member of the Mishima bloodline in a sympathetic light."
"I think Jared Allen deserves a lot more than just being a part of a championship team. He deserves the MVP."
"Jazz fans, I'm sorry you have to go through it again. I know it's PTSD flashbacks. I'm sorry I had to be you."
"Our condolences go out to his family and friends."
"I feel bad for Megan... I hope this leads to more people hating the royal family."
"My heart's and prayers with everybody right now at this time."
"She's literally my neighbor... oh god, I'm sorry to hear that, man."
"We come to you now after you've suffered in dignity."
"My heart goes out to the halacha family and I don't know guys just take care of yourself and and just be careful man."
"Even Black Noir was not necessarily a good person, but he was the one you were most sympathetic towards because the show always did things to demonstrate his sensitivity."
"My heart goes out to my friend James Adams and his family."
"I have zero sympathy for Valkyrie, and I suggest not that you should have any sympathy for it to you because it's absolute [__]."
"Isn't it a necessity for us to all come together in sympathy and compassion?"
"Poor guy, look what they've done to him. A loss in movement speed isn't something to take lightly guys."
"15 years of prison camps... but you also want to kind of hug him."
"She's a good person. She did not deserve a bucket of diarrhea on her, hell yeah."
"I feel bad for Britney, she's been in the game for years."
"Once again, the biggest thing out of all this is I think the sympathy factor that Harry and Megan could pull on is gone."
"They're going to feel deep feels for Jennifer and her five children."
"That was beautiful. Prayer is going up to Mo 3's family."
"They just feel bad for you and leave you alone because you've suffered enough."
"The characters themselves are incredibly sympathetic."
"I actually feel sorry for Wendy this season..."
"My heart goes out to him and to that family, and I'm so sorry they had to experience that."
"China is clearly dealing with something she's never dealt with before and doesn't deserve to be bullied."
"I hate the idea of somebody getting canceled like that, just sucks."
"The Ukrainians do not deserve this kind of fight. They've never done anything to anyone to have this brought upon them."
"Dr. Da was seen as quite the sympathetic figure in the media."
"We've explored how it's possible that Pink Diamond was actually a sympathizer of the Crystal Gem rebellion."
"Brandon deserves so much more. I feel really sorry for his family and I'm really glad that she is currently, shall we say, rotting in a cell."
"I am so sorry for that lady. Nobody ever wants to see that," expressing sympathy for the victim.
"Did I get it, you did so bad, I have sympathy for you, is it the murderer supposed to be stealthy."
"That makes me so sad because that sounds horrible that sounds painful."
"Nobody's perfect and I'm going to see where I can learn and improve."
"Thank you for all the good work you do, and my heart goes out to Kylie's family."
"These kids don't deserve this. These kids do not deserve the way that they have been treated."
"It's sad and it's like they're actually genuinely a mentally broken person."
"I feel so bad for all the crypto boys that are just down bad right now."
"Oh, not the river! Oh god, this poor bastard."
"My heart goes out to you this week. You've got to see what was happening in Omaha, home of Warren Buffett."
"I feel sorry for those three little girls. The oldest child truly has a wonderful gift."
"It's awesome being a twin, I feel sorry for all you non-twins out there."
"I think that it's really sad for the Queen, a 93-year-old woman who's dedicated her whole life's work in this country to have seen this played out publicly like this."
"The scale of what was done to him, it was horrible."
"I do feel sorry for them. Are they like captives in their Montecito Mansion?"
"Our hearts break for this poor young little girl."
"The conversation today is unrecognizable...the vast vast numbers at the base of the Democratic Party are quite sympathetic to Palestine and quite critical of Israel."
"I feel sorry for you; you were a hostage to the circumstances."
"Let us take a moment to extend our deepest sympathy to the families of those who have lost their loved ones to COVID-19."
"It's not like I don't sympathize with the appreciation people have with this weapon."
"But we do know that Ashfur was intended to be on some level sympathetic."
"The sympathetic angle may encourage us to view those criticisms in a more forgiving light than perhaps they deserve."
"I feel so sorry for everything that they've been through."
"He was in kind of a sorry state right there."
"It's horrifying. I'm so sorry. It's overwhelming. It's really hard."
"A sympathetic villain will always outperform a villain who is just evil for evil's sake."
"Relatability and sympathy will always be king."
"There were correspondences or that there was some sort of sympathy between things that were happening in the heavens and things happening on Earth."
"Our sympathies go out to the families of everyone involved in this senseless tragedy."
"I've always empathized, I've always sympathized with those that have been hurt by a church."
"I'm really sorry about what happened today."
"The Moon Atmakarika position is naturally sympathetic, empathetic, and compassionate towards others."
"I'm sorry for what you've been through, and I really do wish you all the best of life."
"Joe is an anti-hero we can kind of root for."
"I truly hope that she rests in peace."
"I'm sorry to hear things didn't work out today."
"My heart just goes out to these two beautiful souls and the family."
"Everybody loves the underdog, it's not anything new."
"Damn, it's really shitty what they all did to you."
"I'm so sorry buddy, you got the hot and cold chills, don't you?"
"I'm not sure who I feel worse for in this spot, you or your kids. Both just awful and I'm sorry I had to go through all of that."
"I'm really sorry that happened to you."
"Geez, this girl really can't catch a break, can she?"
"I feel sorry for her, honestly. I do hope she's just actually living a normal ass life and going to school, and nobody cares anymore."
"Like attracts like, that's what sympathy means, that's what Affinity means."
"...not crying I'm sorry for what happened to your mom"
"Rufus Sewell's portrayal of Prince Andrew makes you feel rather sorry for him, but you don't want people feeling sorry for you."
"On a human level, you can feel very sorry for Prince Andrew, but his disaster lies in himself."
"No he was great like I just wanted to give him a hug when you know sigourney weaver was having none of it with him and then when he when she comes up the stairs and she's like I have a date I was like oh yeah poor guy."
"I feel terrible for all the fans out there, but I have to be honest with you."
"I'm sorry you were in that situation, ope, and I hope you're feeling better now, but what a story nonetheless."
"Shimu is a very sympathetic villain who doesn't want to be a villain. The Scar King is controlling her and forcing her to do his bidding."
"Sympathy is required that it exists to some extent in order to function in society."
"Removing their titles would that have any effect or would that just earn them sympathy?"
"Poor Jim after all he's been through."
"Poor Dick. Terrible what happened to him, isn't it? I mean, look at that, he's making a spectacle of himself."
"First of all, as a father of two children myself, whenever I hear about these tragedies, it's heartbreaking."
"Sorry about the bad news, but also it's better to know than not to know, right?"
"I feel bad for this guy. He's fantastic, but aside from Amistad and Blood Diamond, has been typecast as token action henchman."
"He took away their little girl. In the pain I saw in their eyes, I could feel their pain."
"I feel so bad for these people, bro, oh they don't deserve that."
"I'm so sorry that happened to you, and that she would do that to you."
"We would also like to thank those who have sent so many beautiful flowers to the hospital."
"I see both sides... it's a sad situation I don't suppose any bride or groom wants to be left at the altar."
"I'm sorry you had to see him like this."
"I actually really like Troy, I feel so bad for him."
"Both empathy and sympathy go a very long way."
"May Lincoln Hall rest in peace, and my heart goes out to his friends and his family."
"Honestly, this is such a sad story I feel so bad for op but I also hope that the neighbor gets the help that he clearly needs."
"I feel for it I really do that was that was kind of hard to watch."
"I felt bad for him. How couldn’t I, after watching this poor, confused kid get constantly yanked around by never-ending lore dumps and the ceaseless, multigeneration infighting of his own family?"
"And I think it's real tough on him. And I and I think a lot of the country sympathizes with him."
"Our condolences to the family and friends and the Japanese boxing commission surrounding the death and the passing of Kazuki Anaguchi."
"...Disney has not proven the case to show why they should be able to create sympathetic characters."
"If the Ring is going to be important then the Gollum business must be important. I liked him better than all the other characters and much more sorry for him."
"First of all, let me say how sorry we are to hear about your financial problems."
"Wow, why you gotta indent, it's a scar bruh, I got stitches bro."
"Yeah, she deserved to be here, bro. I don't care about nothing that he's going through with Lil Jay now, man. He deserved to be here."
"This makes you want to cry, doesn't it?"
"And then she just looks at that and I think she just cries."
"I'm sorry that you went through that."
"It's almost impossible not to root for him."
"Elyon is more sympathetic in the show, portrayed as a clueless victim who’s been conned by her brother into thinking he’s a good guy trying to protect her from the evils of Earth."
"What on Earth has happened to this car? I just can't. I just feel sorry for it at this point."
"I felt so bad for her but she's getting our car ready right now so we're just waiting out here."
"Instead, they went with what is increasingly becoming a more cliche route and made a sympathetic villain who did not need sympathizing."
"To see how far he went, like that was awful."
"I think this is a great way to honor these children and I know it is something the family is mourning the loss of a child will find value in."
"'Now, this is the world's smallest violin playing just for the waitresses.'"
"Prayers to anyone who have suffered loss, damage. I couldn't even imagine."
"If you know anybody who has lost a doggy, one of the special members of the family, if you know anybody who has been through that tragic time, then this might be a wonderful, wonderful gift for them."
"I feel really bad for this guy who just wanted to get a job in a time where the world is a difficult place."
"It's a gut punch of an ending, especially since Caleb seems so sympathetic."
"I consider them losers... if I put myself through endless pain to end up where I am, it's very hard for me to have sympathy on the man who's afraid of pain."
"It's complicated because you have the mixed feelings of, oh, he's so cool, but also you feel really bad for him."
"Oh, gee, dude. No, I mean, poor guy though. Her style's so cool."
"The whole country will be deeply concerned. My thoughts are with Her Majesty the Queen and her family at this time."
"I'm sorry for your loss. Truly I am."
"I would never wish anything like this on anyone or their babies."
"My heart goes out to him. That is absolutely not what he was trying to do."
"SoDo as the sympathetic character, not just because of the tragedy of her backstory but her evolution as a pop culture icon."
"I'm so sorry for what y'all are going through but I love you."
"It's just brutal to see people get laid off."