
Duration Quotes

There are 1809 quotes

"Pleasure is short-lived, happiness is long-lived."
"I've been in love with you for a very long time."
"We will continue to provide the economy the support that it needs for as long as it takes."
"You can only be at maximum hype for so long."
"Intermittent fasting regularly will do, and remember, it doesn't have to be a super long one. 14 hours can start, 16 hours is good."
"How are people finishing this game in like 40 hours? I don't understand."
"It will be the start of an eight-year Journey."
"The kingdom which Shaka had created, between 1816 and 1828, lasted for fifty years against British encroachments."
"The best estimates for a round trip mission to Mars puts the entire journey at around three years long from liftoff to landing to returning home."
"Housing crashes historically last five years."
"Wars are long things, and there are back and forth, and I just think there needs to be more of an acknowledgment that that is a possibility."
"This is the longest game ever. Yeah, no one's even getting close to winning."
"This could be a five-hour game, let's be honest."
"Relief can last up to eight hours, much longer than over-the-counter products."
"Nukes Are Back In Style baby whether you regard op jimer as a cinematic Marvel with its breathtaking chaach or a SLO to get through because it's so [ __ ] long"
"Meth is a full season it's not a pickup game."
"I think there's a higher chance than not that this cycle will ultimately extend further out than the last cycle."
"How long is that going to continue on? I'm not sure."
"Months if someone's getting mad at you over something like this, yeah this is a silly argument that you should only have if you've been together for like 10 years."
"It's not going to last just for one day, it's going to have an influence about five to seven days before and five to seven days after the conjunction…"
"The Ukrainian military and people will continue to effectively and bravely defend their Homeland."
"You're going to have an extended period of time with Jupiter blessing your whole sign Taurus house."
"The match was nearly 25 minutes long and featured some brutal moments."
"This has been unprecedented, what we've been doing for the past 64 days."
"For a movie that was like nine hours long, they set up things so poorly."
"It's a story that goes nowhere, lasts for way longer than it should."
"It's such a good film I will watch twice and that's saying a lot because it's three hours long."
"The fact that it took three hours and he's watching this violence."
"We'll be with you on this as long as it takes."
"We're finally unstuck after almost 10 hours of playing the session."
"The stigma has lasted too long. It's corrosive."
"Irony: Our previous read of this document being 52 minutes long."
"The holding period could be hours to years but it's usually weeks... and sometimes months."
"This energy begins on December 29th, but we're gonna have this energy also for January, well all year."
"Focus on it until you can focus on it no more, whether it be three minutes or thirty minutes."
"You guys have been doing Tiger Belly now for like a decade, right?"
"You can have a ton of fun in this game for a longish period of time."
"The Dream SMP: a series of events spanning several months of six-plus-hour-long live streams."
"I've slowly vaguely seen that change into, you know, this has gone on long enough. How long is this going to continue?" - Michaela Peterson
"The sooner the war is over, the less it's going to cost everybody."
"That's a lot of cool experiences in VR, but most of them are really cool for a very confined amount of time."
"This case has remained just mysterious for the past 40-plus years."
"In a nutshell, classical Rome lasts about a thousand years. Rome grew for 500 years, peaked for 200 years, and fell for 300 years."
"14 year old Amanda truly would never be able to believe that she'd still be doing this 10 years later... thank you guys."
"I think it is the length of time you have to stay alert, you know, four years of constantly being on point." - Cory
"If the theatrical window ended at 45 days, Top Gun never would have made a billion dollars."
"Eight and a half hours of maintenance is kind of long at this point."
"The first civilization rose seventy eight thousand years ago on the giant continent known as MU or Lemuria and lasted for an astonishing 52 thousand years."
"They can produce a strong glow for quite some time."
"The average holding that I have in my funds is about six or seven years."
"This is still very much a long drawn-out process."
"But there are also the shows that didn't have the chance for whatever reason to get that popular or have such long runs."
"Three hours of fun basically, just nuts to butt funny."
"This movie blew me away, I was on the edge of my seat for a two hour and 20 minute movie that flew by."
"Trauma lasts longer than the media news cycle."
"It felt like I was watching a six-hour movie, not a TV show."
"We've been friends for almost 10 years, but we don't really collaborate that often."
"It's just absurd and it is going on for way too long."
"Legacy isn't it, it's longevity, it's not completely blue yet."
"My rages last for about three to five minutes, I mean."
"The why matters a lot to the fed because the how long matters a lot."
"Passionate love tends to wane after 3 to 5 years, consistent with developmental trajectories."
"It felt like we were out there forever, dawg. But yo, it was a good time!"
"A short just needs to tell a story - however long that takes."
"So far, Earth 2 has been here for eight months and they're not going away. Scams would have been gone months ago."
"It all worked out brilliantly for longer than anyone expected, and now it's over."
"He's gonna have probation. How long of probation is it again? Three years."
"It's a long process, it's probably gonna take about half a year to a year if you're starting fresh."
"It's about a five to ten minute lockdown sequence so you're gonna be in there for a while."
"You've got local charges, you've got state charges, the legal civil cases are going to go on for years."
"The longer this goes on, the more the Russians will find themselves outgunned."
"The whole year will be under this occupation."
"They really thought this was going to last a long time."
"This 9,000 mile trek would take an immense 18 hours to connect the two continents."
"The current copyright law stipulates that copyright protection exists for an artist for the duration of their life plus at least 50 years after their death."
"Force field, you get 35 shield for 30 seconds which is just so long."
"We have a travel ban on various countries and that travel ban remains until such time as we say it doesn't."
"I think this is the longest Arc we've ever done in the game."
"We want to know are they protected afterwards and how long are they protected?"
"That's about 25 minutes in total, absolutely awesome it really is."
"It's been a long six and a half years of bum-clenching 2CP fights."
"It's a multi-hour game...it's not just like a tutorial demo of 15 minutes."
"This Cube would dominate the market for a good year or so."
"It has been closed for like the last year and a half and this is the second month that it's back."
"Beulah still holds the official record for the world's longest pregnancy."
"This might not be a super quick video like I said it will be feature-length. I would guess around 50 minutes to an hour."
"Inflation can last a lot longer than people think."
"It would be a long, slow mission - and the true extent of it wouldn’t become clear until he was finally found."
"The justice system in America has been delivering anything but justice for a long, long time."
"I've been running cryptocurrency for about three and a half years now."
"Endurance racing is not just about top speed, but about enduring to keep a little nugget going for 24 hours."
"Even this extension of social restrictions for six months will affect those areas of the economy most dependent on social interaction."
"January is finally over, the month that lasted a year."
"He has dominated political life in this country for over a year now."
"Can you imagine Champagne Supernova is eight minutes long? It is epic."
"The real question is how long are you going to stay in that emotional state?"
"Crafting a legacy that would last over two decades."
"Buckle up, this video is gonna be a long one. Grab a snack, sit back, enjoy."
"With a reign of 63 years seven months and two days, Victoria was the longest-reigning British monarch."
"The threat may last over the course of several hours."
"This is literally man I thought it'd be a quick war this is like world war three man."
"Get a snack, get a drink, it's gonna be a long one."
"We should not be in the Middle East for 20 years."
"Did he just talk in space? Oh yeah, how deep are we in this movie... four minutes too long."
"It was just relief... nine years... long time coming."
"I thought the movie was wrapping up, but then I realized there's another half hour left."
"The longer a country stays socialist, the harder it is to reform it."
"If you're listening to this or you're watching this, it's really important that, especially if you mess with us, yeah, that you stay and you like, you stay for the duration of the conversation."
"There's over 40 hours of gameplay with seven story chapters."
"All right, everyone, well, I think I'm gonna call it a wrap for our second stream, which somehow ended up even longer than our first one today."
"Bubbles are psychological in nature and can last a lot longer than people expect."
"Major wars begin and the longer they keep going, the more profits."
"We have a couple right now that we matched that's been together about three and a half years."
"NDAs can live beyond the thing that they're covering... depending on how an NDA is written, this could take some time."
"A whole lot happened over the course of the show's six seasons."
"It's a bit of a short ride but that doesn't matter too much when the ride is this much damn fun and memorable."
"Arc snare remains in play for 24 seconds and can catch multiple enemies. That's big."
"I am moving to Japan, only for a short period of time, but long enough to where it's kind of a long time."
"34 years is a long time to be in a state of grief and immense sorrow."
"It lasted for what felt like an hour but then it too was gone."
"The fallout is enormous and will probably continue onwards for weeks or for months."
"Those three 1v1 games took about 15 minutes as well."
"Going Under wraps up the story it wants to tell before overstaying its welcome."
"It's still number one and well, it's eight weeks."
"Otherwise we're looking at another two years of trench warfare and that is ultimately not going to benefit Ukrainian civilians."
"The war against cheating will last for years."
"This run has already been going on an hour and 12 minutes, that's nuts."
"This series is gonna be going on for a very very long time."
"There's a big, big buildup in their heart, and it feels like it's been building up for a long, long time."
"10,000 tickets because you're doing it for a month."
"Huge, huge. Dude, how long is it gonna go? Well, at least now we know."
"What people don't understand is that this war actually has been going on for eight years."
"The tribulation won't go any longer than it has to."
"As we roll forward over the next three, six, twelve, twenty-four months, it's going to get even worse until we get an end to the war."
"Longer, longer. Well, if the longer you guys gotta watch it, longer you guys down and watch it longer."
"The battery life you're getting around six hours individually."
"Every cycle has been longer than the last, longer. So it wouldn't be too crazy to see a cycle go out into, you know, May of 2022, even summer 2022."
"How long have you been going to college? It's my second year, second year down, bro."
"This is a minimum five-year immunity, maybe as long as 20 years."
"It's almost two hours long. Yeah, they don't really do much. It's just a lot of incompetent police officers standing outside a building."
"Pink Moon is under 30 minutes long and it's really just a simple minimal singer-songwriter folk album."
"Have you guys ever had a prolonged breakup where it took like you knew it was over but it took a little while cuz you're still trying to work on it?"
"There is no official definition of endurance races, but they typically last over 2 hours or 300 km."
"The manifestations of a positive change have been and already were in the works for a long time."
"Thomas provides shield over time which guarantees the possibility of shield for the whole duration of his burst."
"What a game, three hours and 30 minutes, this was incredible."
"It all started with force nothing, didn't it? Almost a year and a half ago now."
"It's crazy to think this whole debacle took like a week to sort out."
"It's not really that much fun spending three years in a brutal bear market."
"It was a very long few hours even though it only lasted for a few hours at the 15th of July last year the attempt to the coup."
"A pullback is one to five percent and usually lasts three to five days, while a correction could be anywhere from 10 to the higher part of 19 percent, lasting typically two to three weeks."
"This game has actually been in development for four and a half years."
"This bed resets the weather and stops rain or thunderstorms for 142 minutes. Just by sleeping in this bed right here."
"What they did for three years was fake news."
"Conflicts between countries that drag on for more than a year often end up lasting more than a decade."
"If they can make me into a spiteful degenerate in just a few hours, then what can they do with a person in a few months or a year?"
"If you've never tried it before I honestly think Dante's Inferno is a fun six or seven hour long romp."
"It takes the artisans nearly a whole year to make a Steinway grand piano in this Factory."
"The immune response from natural infection is lasting for eight months now."
"The crash was not the event of one day; it really spread out across a week, and the fall went on for almost three weeks."
"Imagine falling into your worst nightmare and not being able to wake up for 10 years."
"The Middle Ages is what we call the 500-year period that ended just before 1500."
"It's like being in a relationship for 17 years and they've locked you in a cupboard."
"How long did we play? Maybe 15-20 minutes, probably less than that actually."
"I literally thought, 'This can go on for another six years.'"
"This game feels almost unending when you're playing it."
"The Enzo cycle usually lasts between two and seven years averaging about five with El Nino and La Nina phases lasting an average of 9 to 12 months."
"The longer the war goes on, the more damage will be done to Ukraine."
"I felt my head shake around and this continued for what felt like 30 seconds to a minute."
"Bear markets historically are fairly short in nature."
"The rampage, how long do you think it's going to last?"
"A good hundred hours of potential gameplay here."
"The first Thanksgiving feast lasted a whole three days."
"We're probably gonna be streaming for a while."
"Maximum strength levels can be maintained for up to three weeks after stopping resistance training."
"Dubai is exciting. I love Dubai for so many reasons... 14 years later, there's a reason for that."
"There's a tremendous risk of escalation the longer this conflict goes on."
"But the entire torture and killing lasted between eight to 10 hours."
"This concentration camp lasted about 12 years and in total of 38,437 people were victims of this."
"If he wants to keep the fame going, he wants that 15 minutes to go."
"Understanding how long these trends can typically go on for is crucial."
"Two years is a long time, but I love it though. It doesn't feel like two years."
"We're on what year nine of largely tepid but recently a little bit more heated recovery."
"There's something fun about the length of the movie that makes you feel like you're lost in it."
"I'm freaking out a little bit, how long does that last for?"
"It's a nice addition that will make up a large chunk of your playthrough."
"It's basically the establishment and insurgent fight drawn out over the last thirty years." - Ryan Grim
"This was a first-class performance, particularly for 45 minutes to an hour."
"Blurs pores well and feels lightweight all day."
"Imagine being in a space station for that long... it's very difficult for the human body to be in space."
"Yes, I would like to end the flights... a total mission time of 19 hours 28 minutes 44 seconds..."
"I've been here since 2019 and I love the community."
"It's a commercial for an hour and 54 minutes."
"There's a decent chance that this case actually goes longer than the SEC exists... I'm telling you guys there is a chance that Ripple destroys the SEC."
"Last one in this video probably going to 30 minutes and we're going to cut it off here folks."
"Eric Dier injured and he looks like he's going to be out for a while, fam."
"These weren't just simple overnight stays. Guests might stay for weeks or even a month."
"Buckle up, grab your popcorn, get your drinks, it's gonna be a long one."
"I thought the demo would stop somewhere around an hour, but it's still going."
"Maokai's support cards do stall out the game."