
Social Media Influence Quotes

There are 677 quotes

"Self-love is not as easy as social media tells you. There is something deeply skewed within Kat, something she can feel but can't fix."
"YouTube will decide who wins elections. Google will decide who wins elections. And TikTok will advocate sex changes to your children."
"These 49 social media savants and one dog are redefining celebrity for our connected age."
"Physical attractiveness and just being the hottest 10 out of 10 cutie ever, being you know looking like an Instagram model, is not necessarily the only factor you should consider."
"I mean, it's a once-in-a-lifetime phenomenon... with the influence of social media, if something like this happened 25 years ago, you wouldn't have the entire world via social media jumping on a story like this."
"Honestly though, from the bottom of my heart, thank you so much. Half a million is crazy and to have an opportunity to talk about things I love as a career and a way to get paid, it's indescribable."
"We've abandoned every value that we were brought up with to serve what is popular over social media."
"The power of social media... it's huge in making stars like Trump and making stars like you but stars like AOC."
"It's definitely worth the money. Can I just say, Zack, I love your TikToks, by the way."
"You made a calculated risk assessment and concluded that the higher risk to your company was to get on the wrong side of a person with 15 likes as opposed to expressing bigotry to a company with 50 million monthly listeners."
"Becoming a YouTuber is now one of the most popular career choices for children. 75 percent of children between the ages of 6 and 17 say that they want to become YouTubers."
"Success isn't the end of the story either. You might get a lot of followers for doing one thing but what happens if you stop enjoying that?"
"From niche dietary restrictions that became mainstream to people lining up for hours for the latest Instagram-friendly dessert craze."
"If Jesus won, how do I have nearly 5 million subs? Answer that."
"This product is in high demand and is going viral on TikTok."
"She understood the power of social media, she absolutely understood the power of celebrity, and she came in and blew it up."
"Bioluminescence may have been hijacked by Hollywood, Instagram, and every other trend-setting fad of social media, we can't deny the fact that this is certainly one of the most awe-inspiring and breathtaking natural phenomena in the world."
"This idea that schools are these madrassas to teach these radical ideas to children is simply untrue... it's coming from social media and... their own parents."
"I appreciate you guys. I could have never imagined when I recorded my first video just on a whim that it would turn into this."
"I just try to make sure that my mindset is in the right place, you know, instead of scrolling through social media for ages when I wake up."
"Everyone wants to have single-digit body fat despite the fact it's not healthy, and they're doing so for social media."
"Collectively, that series has over 25 million views, so that inspired me to start my own YouTube page so I could answer some of your most burning questions and share with you guys my best tips and tricks to take your grooming to the next level."
"Skinny jeans are people literally on TikTok burning skinny jeans."
"Tick Tock is more successful and more powerful than other social media platforms."
"I just want to make it out. I just want to be noticed." - @bodybuilderandy
"We're giving life-changing surgeries for clout and not to help people just because it's for clout doesn't mean it doesn't also help people."
"They're programming the culture. The day is coming when the politicians realize that these social media platforms are picking the next president."
"Emma’s likeability and relatability quickly earned her the title of ‘teen influencer’."
"Social media... enabling us to have a career and a life doing what we love."
"Cypher's TikTok videos would continually perform well, ultimately boosting his public image."
"So when you get a co-sign by somebody like Prince, why would you ever let the opinions of social media impact you?"
"Why do you see this massive rise in gender dysphoria and surgeries for kids? Because it's all over TikTok."
"The Twitter and social media presence helped the musical."
"The atmosphere has become so toxic in politics, why so many ad hominem attacks? There I think there is a clear answer: it has a lot to do with something that dominates the lives of young people—social media."
"I feel like social media helps a lot to show people that there is diversity in the sport."
"She is definitely someone that you're going to want to follow."
"Social media has educated me more than my school has."
"So the social media companies just have too much control over American life." - Ben Shapiro
"Do not define your self-worth by the number of subscribers, the number of views you get, the partnerships that you might have. Don't let that define you."
"The fact that a YouTuber was able to wield such influence and contribute substantially to the legal resolution of such a high-profile case is very remarkable."
"Social media platforms have become among the most powerful mechanisms for a private citizen to make his or her voice heard."
"The pastor has become this unapproachable figure for those who are really in need of counsel and guidance leaders have become more concerned about the number of Instagram followers and Facebook likes than proclaiming the word of god."
"This is really the perfect example of how Elon Musk can giveth and taketh away with 280 characters or less."
"I'm grateful for my followers. I'm grateful that y'all like me regardless of my beliefs, regardless of my opinions. I am so grateful that you guys accept me and like me regardless of all that."
"Yo, dude congrats on over 1 mil subscribers in basically one month like that is seriously blowing my mind."
"I really do think that, uh, memes will change the world one day and, uh, I'm glad that people engaged and made some fun. Look, this should be fun."
"This market cap will be 10 trillion dollars and no one will be able to tweet about it."
"Every single like and comment supports this channel by telling YouTube to promote that video to more people."
"I bought everything that Instagram told me to buy and it's [expletive] fuego."
"It's always a good time to share... even if it's just hashtag reparations or funneling people over to your channel."
"Elon Musk not just that tweet he's been liking a number of other tweets throughout the last 24 hours that can be a telling sign as well"
"I was encouraged by Twitch and I think so is she."
"Elon Musk is constantly tweeting about dogecoin as well he said he would literally take dogecoin to the moon."
"Rihanna told her followers to delete the Snapchat app entirely."
"Yeon Wuji is a social media sensation and a South Korean bodybuilder."
"I'm pretty responsible with my money aside from buying random things on Instagram ads."
"Don't compare yourselves to the Jimmy Donaldson's of the world and feel sad when you're not getting what he gets."
"He's popping off like an average of 10 million views per vlog."
"So, if the pace of innovation of Doge, which is already bubbling up because Elon's tweeting about it, starts to accelerate, this does have real potential."
"It's a validation point... if people are talking about you on Reddit."
"This idea that you can look at yourself and just see everything you're hoping that you would see as you see on social media is so dangerous."
"It's actually the new form of relationships for Generation Z, they're doing this more than they're doing Tinder and Bumble."
"Some people say she was taking donations, I don't even know if she was taking a donation, I think she was doing it for the damn clout."
"Last year 18 year-old Crystal McGee from Atlanta allegedly used this speed filter to take a selfie and show her friend she was driving 107 miles per hour."
"Our oldest, Nevaeh, who has her own YouTube channel... She's on the cusp of 3,000 subscribers on her channel. Big thanks to you guys for helping us and helping her out with that."
"Twitter has outsized influence in shaping both public discourse and industry-wide platform governance standards."
"K-pop stands and tick-tock users claim credit for low turnout at Trump's rally."
"Don't go off numbers, don't go off blue check marks, don't go off followers. Really do your own research if you're trying to build a business."
"This ain't no son versus a Cas. This is Dean Child using my platform as a distraction to shine light on weirdos like he, Casanova, and King of Poop Radio."
"My feelings should matter to you more than your followers' opinions of a collab. That should go without saying."
"Millions of views does not equate to good advice."
"There's a lot of chat [ __ ] that have watched me and I'm not saying I'm not influenced or whatever but like you know they've came from our movement and they now start to make videos of their own and they're going up."
"I just hope you guys know that I appreciate you taking the time to watch my videos and support my channel during such a crazy time, and I'm so thankful for you guys because YouTube would not be what it is without you."
"I wanna start channeling like that 2009 Shaq Twitter energy where he's like, 'I love being on the roller coaster. Every time I'm on the roller coaster, I'm like, ah.'"
"I think KSI is the same way, like Jake Paul. He pokes, he prods, he's a ****."
"I'm not really a fan of having to do certain kind of like special privilege things. I don't like the idea that people use Twitter followings as weight to gain favors from companies. I don't like that or complain about them."
"Forget about what everyone on Instagram is saying you absolutely need to have. When it comes to how you spend your money, it's so important for you to figure out what you want."
"Thanks for the super chat from Nora who says your channel is one of the best things on YouTube."
"Yo, this was the player that blew my channel up, man."
"Youtubers, we have this crazy power. In fact, if someone very influential just ended up telling someone else very influential, youtubers in the very near future will be the highest paid entertainers in the world."
"The square plate is because you chose Instagram, and Instagram uploads square photos."
"Women naturally have an abundance mindset; men have to earn their abundance mindset. Women get their abundance mindset from being on their phones."
"We have more control over now because of social media. We can have a voice in the narrative compared to before."
"Just because someone on Instagram is popular and sounds authoritative doesn't mean their parenting advice is truly proven in the long-term."
"We're all gonna make it, we're definitely all gonna make it with YouTubers like yourself spreading the word as well."
"Expect the unexpected with your friendships, with your social media people, with your communities."
"This is the power of social media and I think in a positive direction."
"Women don't know what beauty is anymore. A bunch of women think that they're just looking for an opportunity to put their bodies on the internet."
"Never give up, you know what I mean? I get heated but I don't get defeated."
"And that, my friends, is the story of how one guy on Reddit started a financial revolution."
"Building a following doesn't happen overnight."
"Wokeness is the modern left liberal culture formulated by social media algorithms it is characterized by cult-like adherence to Liberal social Orthodoxy that's all it is."
"I value myself more than that. If that means I have zero followers at the end of this, I don't give a."
"If your skincare routine isn't pretty enough to post on Instagram, what's the point of even buying a [__]?"
"How people get ideas about what to invest in has become increasingly entwined with social media."
"941,000 followers Summoners War has gotten over the past nine years."
"Crypto Twitter mess with your head. One move doesn't mean anything to a career. Just focus on what's next."
"I think our generation is heavily misinformed sometimes because of social media."
"I have never once on my channel or any of my channels or social media platforms I've ever created promoted the use of steroids or anabolics."
"Bottom Line: Mario nafal is destroying the credibility of Twitter and Elon Musk right now."
"Likes, shares, and follows have become symbolic of power and influence."
"If a TikTok record is really good, it'll be more than a TikTok record, it'll just be a record that also gets played on TikTok."
"Your you as a human are worthy of being accepted regardless of whether you have millions of followers."
"The angry Joe show himself actually chimed in on Twitter about the decision by Netflix to just focus on the books."
"Forgiveness and growth is a huge aspect and I do talk about it in my videos and how people should be given a chance to improve and grow but I'm also not here to tell anyone how they should feel."
"I just love when people like know me from YouTube and genuinely like me."
"Every content creator that's like you, again, Cardi B, she is me, she is everyone else who didn't get hand-picked."
"Twitter and Facebook have outsized influence. Their activities have a public impact and certainly they should be held accountable."
"Russia's tactics play well with people's emotional vulnerability, especially on platforms like TikTok and Instagram Reels."
"I'm giving away a helicopter when we hit 10 million subscribers."
"I'm just blessed I can be able to make beats and know how to actually sell cause y'all realize I don't have this big ass face card or social media present."
"I'm the first person to actually like really bridge the gap between Houston and Dallas to bring Houston and Dallas artists together musically and on like social media and mix and merge our styles and things like that."
"Get ready internet because I'm about to blow the roof off of gen 3 discourse. Just hold on a minute. Ah, much better."
"If you get retweeted by the president of the USA, then that is cool."
"If you're not gonna try going vegan could you at least stop bashing it to your 20k audience?"
"Social media kind of just puts that battery in our back real quick."
"Yo, anybody who doesn't like this guy, go down a YouTube wormhole. Like, you will come out converted. He is awesome."
"After we moved in, I saw PewDiePie made a video making fun of it."
"You're already famous, damn 83 million power power player here."
"The number one personality on Facebook is not a Kardashian or a politician, it is Jay Shetty."
"Man's going to hit 100K soon. I've been extremely successful since I left and this is just what it is, bro. So, I've proved I never needed them in the first place."
"Thank you all for hanging out. Thanks for the support. Once again, I have a YouTube channel. If you subscribe, you help me tremendously. Thank you, everybody, and goodbye."
"Don't just follow someone for their physique."
"All that for a drop of clout and he's still profiting from the bag."
"The sheriff stressed how crucial it is for such tips to be sent to authorities while also cautioning against spreading social media rumors."
"It's kind of disappointing whenever you listen to somebody and you can just tell that they got literally all their views from Twitter."
"But it turns out he could sort of just had to overinflate the numbers by spamming it on everyone's feed."
"In 2016, if you guys remember, Donald Trump won the election, and they blamed Facebook for that almost exclusively."
"Youtubers are making it fashionable to adopt internationally right now."
"60 million followers equivalent to around 5 million followers per month."
"This spirit's going to infiltrate and they're mimicking the very thing that they see on social media."
"The fact that she wanted to live is something that really shone through in so many of her TikToks."
"He's not 39 years old because if we look at his career stats this is just brilliant I absolutely love this people have loved it on Twitter as well."
"But when your audience gets to a certain size, do you really have control over any of that stuff at all?"
"You have 22 million followers on Twitter. For you to use your platform to encourage our community to not protect themselves and save their lives, my god, sister, you could do better than that."
"Don't let social media soft girl you into being broke."
"Going bald has been a point of insecurity for men... it might be the best thing that could happen to you and your online Persona..."
"Leverage TikTok to maximize your online influence."
"The propagation of wokeness is primarily through social media, shaping the worldview of millions."
"Fear is coming from fake science and mainstream media plus a lot of frankly grifters on social media."
"This account really has come from nothing as it literally didn't exist and then became one of the most prominent accounts in the United States. That's crazy."
"Upon discovering they'd been meme-ed, the models and Guillem were astonished by its virality."
"But now I think when I think of like a successful YouTuber I think of Jenna Marbles."
"My name is in his mouth, but I'm just gonna say, the numbers that Jake is doing, they're all smoke and mirrors."
"Having a big platform can be challenging but also really great and rewarding."
"Elon has really supplanted him [Trump] as the king of Twitter."
"Would you rather be happy and have a little less following and money, or be sadder with more followers and money?"
"The K-pop industry has spread far and wide—you're either someone that's heard of it or you are actively learning group choreography on TikTok right now."
"There's a new powerhouse to the social media scene, and that is TikTok."
"Every week another element that began to chip away at his likability was how quickly RiceGum went from a nobody to a YouTube superstar."
"I'd be like a fitness influencer. I'd just go to the gym and like just record videos and like do stuff like that."
"A lot of young guys are starting to hop on stuff and they're starting to do stuff based off of advice they see on people on Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube."
"Did you ever think you would see the day where a fool like Jack Dorsey would choose to actually take out a sitting president from the face of the internet in one foul swoop?"
"I'm positivity on here. I'm motivating on here. But this had to be told."
"The gamestop saga showed the retail investors finally have the power to move markets and have their voices heard when they band together on online communities."
"That's plainly incorrect and there is no denying the impact that social media posts and viral content can have on our real world."
"This is the selfie narcissistic generation, we're all caught up in it, all of us, this dopamine that comes from social media and comes from just getting attention by any means necessary..."
"I've been going through a lot lately and your vids have helped me relax, prayers please."
"This guy out of nowhere just popped into existence and has been promoted by basically every far-right account on Twitter."
"Personal brand is everything, bro. It's everything. It's sad to say it, but the only reason I connected with you guys was via social media."
"I'm really delighted to announce that this, the Commercial Motors Industry Champion, is social media sensation, TV presenter, and MD of Aggregate Ashel Agates and Concrete, Daniel Ashley."
"It's about making money, not showing off on social media."
"I bet you wouldn't believe how many students want to be social media influencers when they grow up."
"The goal of TikTok is to influence through popular culture."
"Shoutout to all the peeps subscribing right now, you guys are the MVPs."
"If it doesn't go on social media we can't see it."
"Everyone is beautiful just the way they are. This was not for views, not for social media. It was for me."
"Like this video, share it. Let the message go out there, let everyone see how powerful the community is."
"If it's for fame and notoriety, then do you want to be famous and well known for having a skill or just because you've got numbers next to your name?"
"All you need is a reasonable amount of effort, patience, and you gotta suppress that urge to look for approval or validations on social media."
"Instagram also has dictated what the storylines are in hip-hop."
"It's another case of an influencer being a [__]."
"One of the greatest awards is the love, respect, and acceptance from millions of followers all over the world."
"I worked really really hard, imagine working hard for years building an audience building trust and followers being entertaining whatever and thrown it all away that's just not happening."
"They're in your head, they're making videos, them knowing about you or having opinions on you is not the win that you think it is."
"Wow that's not real you should be so proud of that oh my god I died be quiet we love you dad you'll be like she has a million subscribers."
"You cannot underestimate the power of putting that one post on social media."
"What a time to be alive when presidents are buying the dip and announcing it on Twitter."
"As a general matter no matter who owns or runs twitter the president has long been concerned about the power of large social media platforms uh what they have that power they have over our everyday lives."
"Thanks to the original Reddit thread that inspired this video." - Acknowledging community influence.
"Everything is speeding up because of social media. You have to be conscious and careful of what's being shared."
"I talked about how recently I was watching tick tocks and Instagram stories and all these people from all my favorite influencers and they are always talking about Daily Harvest and I've always wanted to try it."
"You see these people's houses and you're just like, 'Damn, they're crushing it.' I love that the new influencers are so humble now."
"If you cast an Addison Rae with 50 million followers, there's 50 million people that are gonna watch."
"Especially with our generation some people that are like oh it's quirky like TikTok users, oh my god depression is a personality now."
"In the long term, people are going to say, 'Well, at least this whole time Matt always stood up for what the truth was.'"
"Once you think you are you basically live under an umbrella of I am the very Avatar of an appeal to Authority cuz I have more subs and more views than you."
"Dean Leda, that lead leader, the demo crew, Dean Peron, super guy. Everybody should go follow Dean. He is an absolute... he has... there's five other girls in his family, no one has any balls except him."
"Make it so big that it's impossible to ignore. Get people to watch these videos, make a storm of voices so loud that there's no choice but to acknowledge it."
"You now have these social media companies today that are able to do what no company in human history has been able to do which is to control the acceptable bounds of what can and cannot be discussed."
"There is no excuse for leveling accusations that can ruin lives or trying to utilize your following to de-platform others who have done nothing to deserve it."
"I went from maybe a hundred to a million subs in two years, that's nuts."
"You just want to say my name, but [], you know my name get views. Your name don't get no [] views."
"If 5 million [__] stop using Instagram right now they'll reconsider that decision guaranteed."
"United players are... social media FC... excuses FC... weak mentality... over-hyped players."
"Rotisserie whole rotisserie chicken is my, like, I love it, they watch a lot of YouTube. Thanks guys. I don't know, blushing."
"The attempt to cancel her has actually made her more popular and more powerful on social media."
"You're already in an elevated status when you share that content."
"A million subscribers, that's a lot of you guys. Thank you first of all. You made the right choice in subscribing to this channel."
"Sorry, I got a little bit head up. I got a little bit Head Up by spiritual Tik Tok. Someone hasn't been a loyal friend because they're actually jealous of you. Let's see who it is. Your intuition knows."