
External Validation Quotes

There are 68 quotes

"The truth is, seeking outside validation doesn't actually solve the internal turmoil and ignoring trauma doesn't make it go away."
"You're beautiful the way you are. Do not lose weight for anybody but yourself. Who gives a [] because back when I was fat, these [] would have never known that I was insecure."
"If we want external validation, if we want to find happiness extrinsically, that's outside of ourselves, we're never going to be satisfied."
"Build a positive self-schema to foster a solid sense of self-worth and reduce the need for external validation."
"Your confidence should not come from the external. When you give your power to the external, you will always feel insecure because the external is out of your control."
"We're narcissists and we need external validation because we don't know how to feel good and comfortable and whole and well in and of ourselves."
"When you're making big life decisions, especially in your 20s, don't do it to make other people happy or to get their validation."
"The point of it all was just to give him some external reference point, but they genuinely loved his work. There was nothing for him to be afraid of."
"Seeking external validation is a fruitless endeavor."
"That's not you. If your validation is through that stuff, that's eventually going to go away."
"Real value, real dignity does not come from people."
"Self-worth is something that must be realized from within, not by the approval of others."
"Many individuals abused in dogmatic groups... have been amazed at the warmth of care and support they've received from the outside world."
"When you're great you don't talk about it, other people do."
"External validation often determined by a formula of pay plus status plus impressiveness."
"The more we trust ourselves, the less approval we need because we're not looking to the outside for that permission."
"Getting recognition for your truth from the outside world."
"The day that you're not approving of yourself is the day you've rustled up about someone else's approval."
"I couldn't see how I could write good music without needing praise from other people."
"The greatest confirmation of my faith is any of the external success I've had."
"Your uniqueness is saying I am so connected to my desires and my passions that seeking outside validation is not even something that I'm looking to do."
"There's no better honest indicator of your success than when other people say it for you."
"Stop basing your self-worth on external validation."
"Narcissism is the idea that your self-esteem can only exist if other people validate you."
"You're far too special and unique to measure your success by external factors."
"Detachment from external validation fosters genuine self-empowerment."
"We can't find true self-love and peace of mind and feeling worthy from you know basing that on outside people or outside circumstances."
"It's about not reducing your worth to someone else's actions or inactions."
"It doesn't matter what Steve thought. You've got to stop looking to other people to tell you who you are."
"Their self-worth comes from external validation."
"If somebody doesn't see your worth, that's not on you, that's on them."
"When your barometer is external, whose approval are you seeking, brother?"
"Luckily he did away with all Spam well now no one will have the the external research to back up any claims about anything happening on Twitter."
"You have self-worth regardless of what these people say."
"If all these people are going out of their way to help me... they must believe in me in a way that I don't in myself."
"Your day-to-day matters more than external validation."
"The greatest bodybuilders are the ones that don't need external gratification."
"You know they say, when you're good you self-proclaim and when you're great others Proclaim for you."
"Greatness is something that is assigned to you by someone else."
"The universe is really wanting you to realize that your sense of self-worth can never be determined by anyone else."
"Living for the external and living for other people's thoughts and opinions of you makes your soul hate you."
"Look inward if you find the confidence in yourself that's great you shouldn't look outward to find it."
"...you're basically not gonna be able to put that authentic thing oh because you're gonna be too worried about what people think."
"Your worth has always been external, measured in weight, a reflection, food, a report card, even love and respect."
"I was looking for validation from the outside."
"Happiness was almost always tied to external things."
"Deriving our sense of identity from the outside world will always lead to feeling insecure and unsafe."
"They have no sense of inner value. They've got to go and get all of their sense of value from the external and that's what we call narcissist Supply."
"They're saying someone is like an accidental genius. Okay, it's like this person did not know how good she was until someone else informed her."
"Your identity should not be based on glorifying somebody else."
"You want to pull back and ask, 'What do other people whom I respect have to say about my worth?'"
"That's the thing, we fight these internal demons, but when you have an outsider look in, you can see all these people commenting how good you are."
"Your worthiness does not depend on any reflection you might be given from the world concerning any excellence to which you may aspire."
"Evidence that comes from outside parties is more reliable than evidence you get from internal sources."
"I treated it like it was something to be served up for someone else to like consume or someone else to validate."
"Success doesn't come from within, it's given to you by other people and other people can take it away."
"Being able to be accepted as the gender that you identify with from outside people, that's pretty dope."
"What you believe must be established by something outside of you."
"It doesn't come from random strangers or people in your school or whatever."
"If that man believed in me, I'm good."
"Your worth, your value, your amazingness will never come from what size you wear, how you look on the outside."
"I honor my inner nudges and inner knowing, even when the outside world does not approve, validate, or support it."