
Life Principles Quotes

There are 175 quotes

"It doesn't matter at all what you create, but what matters is how you live, the principles by which you live."
"Over nearly five decades, the hedge fund billionaire and investing legend has built an iconic set of principles for how to thrive in the market and in life."
"The Bible tells us to guard our hearts because out of our hearts flow the issues of life."
"Whoever exalts himself shall be abased, and he that humbles himself shall be exalted."
"Guard your heart with all diligence, for out of it spring the issues of life."
"This principle, truth, and lifestyle can change everything in your life."
"There are laws at work everywhere in our lives."
"If you believe life is sacred, then we must live as if all life is sacred."
"Principles and our good names basically all we've got in this life."
"Every decision you take and everything boils down to patience."
"Knowing your guiding principles helps you establish your goals which helps you establish your projects which helps you know what to do day to day it's all connected."
"Give more than you take. It's a simple spiritual principle, guys."
"You plant a thought, you get an action. You plant an action, you get a habit."
"Imagination, communication, unification, and implementation - these are the keys to creating the crown of our life."
"Respect is universal though, you know what I'm saying? If you lacking that, you're lacking common sense and you lacking common sense, you're lacking life." - Cashmere
"People need to have self-control people need to have principles people need to have values people need to have things that they strive for"
"Life lived out of principle it only has a measure of success life lived out of the presence always brings breakthrough because it always demonstrates him it always demonstrates the person of breakthrough."
"Life comes with laws, and if you want to live life, you obey the laws."
"The blueprint to a thriving life is God's word."
"Life is spiritual, hence God gave us a spiritual manual."
"Life is built on these powerful principles that you cannot violate."
"Blessed are they that do His commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life."
"Being a good person shouldn't have to just be dedicated to Just Sports that's life."
"These are easy principles to understand, they're hard principles to implement."
"There is no such thing as something for nothing."
"Stay safe and remember if you don't stand for something you'll fall for anything."
"There's no point being a Muslim if you don't do Islam because you've missed the whole point."
"You gotta protect the people that took care of you. That's a fact of life."
"The secret of success is to have God in the center of your life. The secret of failure is to remove God from your life."
"The things that the army stands for, the values that the army holds true, are right in line with how I try and live my own life."
"This is always true that what we focus on increases."
"You can't cheat. Exactly, you can't cheat. Oh my God, we can't cheat. It's very simple, why? Why?"
"Alignment, contentment, control - these are the pillars of core happiness."
"We're leaking happiness in our lives because we fail to understand fundamental principles about happiness."
"Learning these principles changes your life and those around you who follow."
"Faith is a principle. We live our life by faith."
"It's a binary Choice very few things in life are binary."
"The only trustworthy book about who we are, why we're here, what's going to happen to us when we die, what God's all about, who he is, and such like."
"Principles will keep you where miracles cannot take you."
"Now our life after we're saved is about loving our neighbors and honoring God."
"Life is binary: you have action and inaction, cause and effect."
"Go for what you love. Remember to always be kind, be free, be true, be happy, be brave, be compassionate, and thankful for all your blessings."
"It's these values that become the foundation of everything that we do."
"What is your mission? What are your principles? What are your values?"
"Be impeccable with your word. Don't take anything personally. Don't make assumptions. Always try your best."
"Do whatever you won't regret. That is a good general principle of life."
"Valor in your life is so important. It means that you care, that you are fighting for something that is worthwhile."
"In order to become the greatest man you can be and i fall short of this principle every day trust me but i just know that if as a man you were to follow this one principle you would achieve anything that you wanted to achieve."
"The simple principles are applied. Life is simple."
"Always live with love, with humility, with Integrity, with compassion, with joy."
"I adopted a few fundamental principles that made it really easy."
"She has these three principles that she uh Shields to all of her clients and she talks about these as the only way to live in Truth uh capital T truth."
"Life is all about the truth. The truth is the most important thing that exists."
"These are just good common sense. I built by on my whole life, I highly recommend all of them."
"Life has rules, rules of engagement whether you like them or not. It has rules. Plan accordingly."
"Gratitude, optimism, accountability, and tenacity lead to a very good framework."
"Thank you for continuing to show us daily that what you achieve doesn't have to change what your foundational premises and bases of Life are."
"Have values and principles that you don't abandon. Refuse to abandon your values, your rules, your values, and your principles help create your boundaries."
"What's done in the dark always gets brought to light."
"Count the cost and you will see that what you gain is worth far more than anything you could give up."
"Never sacrifice the permanent on the altar of the immediate."
"Never merely accept appearances, realize that a basic fundamental principle of life is that life works through deception and through illusion."
"When you know the truth and you live under the truth, the truth will set you free."
"Life is not governed by miracles, life is governed by principles."
"I want you to actually go live out the principles and take control of your money."
"Remind yourself relentlessly that every action has an opposite and equal reaction."
"Letting go aligns harmoniously with the natural rhythms of life and the core principles of manifestation."
"Knowledge is not enough; we must embody freedom."
"If Jesus is not Lord in everything of your life, He is not Lord at all in your life."
"At the end of the day what truly happened to this thing the one Golden Rule that I Tred my best to live by even when we're gambling on absolute trash like this is protect your."
"Our ability to differentiate between right and wrong is the main thing. Murder is wrong because it robs someone of their experience."
"Liberty, honor, equality: those are the principles that I still hold to today."
"God first before any of that stuff. God first before anything."
"Principles are blueprints to God's best, paths to his promises."
"Sobriety is taking all the basic fundamental principles of living well and just putting it in a little program."
"The Bible was absolutely a life manual for how to govern the life God's called us to live."
"THE JUST SHALL LIVE BY FAITH." That is the only way to live.
"Obey the principles of life and you will live."
"If you want to flourish in your mind, in your heart, in your relationship, and your finances, The Sermon on the Mount is the blueprint, the architect, the manual for the best life possible in the eyes of God, not in the eyes of the world, in the eyes of God."
"Everything vibrates; this is a principle of the universe, a principle of life."
"Life is governed by principles. If you don't sow it, you can't reap it."
"The 12 jewels of life is called knowledge, wisdom, understanding, freedom, justice, equality, food, clothing, shelter, love, peace, and happiness."
"The Bible is the blueprint to the blessed life."
"Life expresses itself through five principles: the energy of attraction, the law of opposites, the gift of wisdom, the joy of wonder, and the presence of cycles."
"That's life... I don't even need to believe in any of this I don't even have to have heard it before if I just look outside I recognize those principles."
"...life and the principles of Life are about practicing every area of your life."
"When we talk about transformation, it means that you submit yourself to principles of scripture as the modus operandi that guides your life."
"I just lived my life, I tried to be honorable, not to lie, not to cheat, not to double-cross people, and do the right thing."
"The law of life governs how you respond and react to the things of this world."
"With just this one agreement, you can completely transform your life."
"The five principles of happiness: service to others, gratitude, forgiveness, friendship, finding what fulfills you."
"Your father lived by a philosophy, a principle, really."
"There's some principles I hope that the spirit will convey to us today that will change the way you raise your children, that will change the way you interact with your spouse, that will change the way you navigate life in an increasingly polarized society."
"Love people, serve people, forgive people. They're the only thing that you get to take with you to heaven."
"I always been big on family and my mores and what I stand for."
"Through these experiences, I have unearthed compassion, commitment, communication, and respect for my four central codes."
"As commissioned officers of the Royal Air Force, may they endeavor themselves faithfully to frame and fashion their lives on the principles of Christ's religion."
"Integrity in your thoughts, your feelings, and your actions is how life works."
"You can take this very same human life and, understanding the laws that govern it, see what brings joy, what brings ease, what brings graciousness and care to yourself and others."
"You have three pivotal cornerstones in this life."
"Those words are words I live by in my life."
"We will follow our religious principles and never forget the true virtue of humility."
"Everything in life, seen and unseen, visible as well as invisible, is governed by laws, it's governed by principles."
"Fair deals are so important in life."
"So much of life is bouncing back and forth between those two positive poles that help define any given principle."
"Life is about laws, life is governed by laws, rules, and principles."
"The principle of generous living."
"We kind of live our lives just the way we were raised, with the same family values that we were raised with."
"Love and support is one of those values that I like to live by."
"Respect goes both ways in every way you live."
"Courage, integrity, and commitment... those are three things that I basically lived my life by."
"If you become detached from the manifestation and instead become attached to the principle, the principle will find a way to manifest no matter the stage of life."
"Living becomes fun when you really understand the principles."
"Always remain wedded to righteousness in life."
"Happiness must be earned, and to earn it we must deserve it, and to deserve it we must have kept the rules by means of which the integrities of life are protected."
"To live with change, you have to have principles that don't."
"The Word of God is for us to live by; it's not a religion."
"Don't lie, don't cheat, don't steal, love your neighbors, respect your parents."
"We are called to pour out the truth and principles that we've learned and apply it to our lives."
"The only rules in life are like be nice, be thoughtful, don't hurt people."
"I actually genuinely believe and have seen that if people can apply these principles to prioritize their life, the benefits are incredible."
"All you have to do in life is be honorable, be honest."
"You can reinvent yourself by developing a new life principle such as 'I make a difference in the world' or 'I am okay' or 'the world supports me in getting what I want'."
"The three C's in life: competence, contribution, connection."
"The entire code of life is built on it, and the entire code of society is built on it."
"If you can't live by rules, how you gonna live by laws?"
"The ability to create a principle for your own life... you must have the power to create a context for your own life."
"Mastery of the principles underlying these three words will not only give you the solution to that particular problem that you and I personally may have, but it gives you the key to any problem you will ever face at any time in your life."
"Going back to the basics in all areas of life."
"I wholeheartedly want to teach my children those same principles and foundations that I've acquired through educating myself."
"Faith, love, commitment, and consistency."
"A successful life was one well lived, that were consistent with those principles and that where you could have a purpose that you cared about."
"These are the words we live by right here."
"The more that we can work with and give direction to our life based on these principles, the more helpful it becomes."
"Reflect on those four P's: Perception, Passion, Principles, and Purpose."
"Man should not under any condition build into his life any concept which would inspire him to violate law."
"I think those are Commandments you can live by."
"And that's nested inside your ultimate values, which you may or may not even be aware of."
"Weave love into every aspect of your life and base your life on the principle of acceptance, integrity, compassion, and cooperation."
"Truth: People of truth are people that bring in the ways that life works."
"She was a very disciplined person, very intent on making sure that she lived a life with dignity."
"Ethics are not a set of rules; they directly stem from how you live your life."
"Guys, live by these five elements: kindness, loyalty, honesty, that's what's best."
"That's a man living by values, and that's going to make you prosper."
"If you can't keep the principles that keep life alive... how can you have sustainable anything?"
"The wisdom is all about understanding the principles of life and giving it to the world."
"Being fearless is one of the most important principles in making the best decisions in your life."
"Even if you are right, in the end, realm strength is the foundation of one's life."
"If you follow these laws, it will change you."
"Knowing what's right and wrong stays the same in all categories of life, not just with dating."
"God is love. God's law is an expression of His character of love and the protocols upon which life is built."
"My dad installed the three D's: discipline, determination, dedication."
"I want my life and everything that I do to be anchored in the Lord."
"I have four main values: humbleness, determination and eagerness, discipline, and emotional balance."
"Respect for parents and filial piety are the foundation of life."
"It's got to be based on something we really believe in."
"This is where we learn the laws of God, where we learn the principle of life."