
Time Value Quotes

There are 574 quotes

"The amount of time we have on this earth is limited, so you want to make sure that you're using your time in the best way possible."
"Time is the most valuable thing that you can own."
"Your time means more than any amount of money."
"We will not waste this breath, this life, this year, this week, this day."
"Once you realize that your time is so important...you realize that your time is more valuable than the money."
"We should be cheap with our time and generous with our money because you can always make more money, you cannot make more time."
"Time is not money because time cannot be bought or taken back. It's the most valuable resource you have."
"Thank you guys so much for coming out... Time is precious, and you being here with me means the absolute galaxy to me."
"The most valuable thing for the rich is time. This is the main reason why private jets are a thing."
"The main factor in how much money you have in retirement isn't based on how much money that you invest. It's how much time you allow that money to grow."
"I can always make more money; I can never make more time."
"Fantasy games impacted their lives in incredible ways. So maybe these games aren't a waste of time."
"Don't let someone's negative 10 seconds ruin the remaining 86,390 seconds. Don't sweat the small stuff; life is bigger than that."
"Your time is valuable, so let's get right into it, starting with the actual state of the art and how it got here."
"Personally speaking, I very highly value my time...even when I was making nothing, I valued my time pretty high and I value what I want to do pretty high."
"I'd rather know right now the truth, the reality of whether a woman is interested in me or not, because I value my time here on this planet."
"One of the richest countries in the world, one of the richest societies that's ever occupied Earth, is losing ground in the most precious, irreplaceable resource that exists: the hours and days we have on this planet with each other."
"The less time you have, meaning the older you get, the more valuable your time becomes."
"Thinking about mortality motivates us to treat our time as a gift."
"There is one thing that cannot be bought or bought back, and that is time."
"Price levels are useless until time is considered."
"Money is the denomination of time. Every transaction we make is for some percentage of our lives."
"Don't waste your time, we ain't got no time to waste."
"Your indifference cost these men and women their most valuable commodity: time."
"Time is the only true currency that's why there's a threshold on how much money it's worth even making."
"Life is so short and like let's be intentional about the time that we do have."
"Life changes so fast that you don't have a day, a minute, an hour to waste on petty things."
"These one and a half hours have been freaking great."
"It's expensive to be poor, not just in money but in time."
"Every day counts so much... you cannot wait." - Governor Mike DeWine
"One of the biggest advantages that you have on your side is time."
"Time is the most expensive thing that you can never get back."
"Wealth is measured more in time than in just money."
"People just aren't going to appreciate having their time wasted."
"Appreciate you spending your time out of your day time is the most valuable thing in life we all only have 24 hours in a day."
"The most precious thing you can give somebody is your time. It's the most important thing you can give someone. You can't get it back."
"By critically engaging with the games we're playing, we can actually make that play itself a more valuable use of our time."
"Rich is measured in dollars, wealth is measured in time."
"Enjoy this weekend because it's the only one you're getting. I'm not even kidding."
"That's what makes life meaningful, our time is so precious."
"Time is one of the most important things in life because you can never get it back."
"30 seconds of your time could make a huge difference in some of these cases."
"A game respecting my time is important to me."
"The greatest gift you can give anybody is the gift of your time."
"Time is the most invaluable thing in the world, so to give one's time is the best gift that one can give anyone."
"To give something that will never come back in your life and to give that to someone is certainly the greatest gift."
"Whatever you do in life, you cannot reverse time, so take advantage of every moment."
"Are we done now? No, not really. Not really, because you see, there's one factor that we're forgetting here that is very, very important. Time is money."
"Time is money, and when creating content, I need prompt and reliable answers."
"With inflation, your time is being stripped away."
"Time is given to you as a gift, and we live time according to seconds."
"The most important thing a person can give you is their time."
"Your time and energy is so precious, it's so important to us."
"Time is money and a lot of games want to monetize that idea."
"The most valuable thing you guys can give me is your time."
"Your time is the most precious thing that you have."
"I value time more than money, especially on a short trip."
"Time is the most valuable asset in the stock market."
"Time in the market is more valuable than money in the market."
"Time will not wait for you to fall asleep; every second that passes is irredeemable."
"If you're never present with that time, then is it really that valuable?"
"Hope this video was interesting, and if it wasn't, just keep in your head that Nick Wright stole X amount of minutes from your life."
"Rich is measured in dollar amount, wealthy is measured in time."
"We're battling each other and fighting each other when we should be spending this little bit of precious time that we have to love each other, to unite."
"Life is busy, life is crazy, time is precious."
"Your wealth is going to be measured in time, not money."
"So much can happen in just one year if you make it happen."
"Appreciate every second, because you are the youngest you'll ever be right at this very second."
"Start investing sooner rather than later, even if you don't have a lot of money to invest. Time is the key factor."
"Treat your time as jumbo's precious resource... always keep an eye on that."
"Stand in your truth and be wise about who you engage with, let most of them go, they're not worth your time."
"I'm not gonna waste your time, maybe one of the best comics of our generation."
"You cannot buy time, borrow time, or make time."
"Don't waste the little you've been given by not sharing your love with others."
"The most important ingredient in any financial freedom recipe is time."
"The real wealth comes from one of the most valuable assets you'll ever own, and it's an asset called time."
"I fully expect this to be a great deal not only today but for the rest of the year to come."
"Life takes a different kind of currency as well, and that is time."
"Time is the number-one asset... I'd much rather write a $50,000 check to charity than give an hour to that charity of my time."
"Time is a non-renewable resource... we have to act as if we have to take advantage of every single moment."
"You don't get to decide whose time is valuable, you assume everyone's time is valuable."
"I'm not too busy for that, you know? It's their time that's valuable, not mine."
"This time we have together is important. It's important to me, and I really hope it's important to you too."
"Let's keep something in mind: this time we have together is important."
"Time is the most valuable resource that we have... how you spend and who you spend it with is pretty much everything."
"I never wanted to exchange my time for money."
"I understand that time is the most precious resource and the fact that we get to hang out together and spend time together is just such an honor."
"True wealth is your time, but we trade away moments in our lives hour by hour, day by day, and year by year for numbers that somebody printed on pieces of paper or just typed into a computer."
"Time is your big asset; don't screw up that advantage."
"The time that we have on this earth is precious."
"Financial freedom means time. Time means you could spend more with friends and family and loved ones."
"Destiny is measured in time; whatever you give your time to, you are giving a portion of your life and a portion of your destiny too."
"Time is the most precious commodity, and it really helps, and I really appreciate you spending your time to sit in the chat."
"Innovation refunds can help. Innovation refunds knows the value of your time." - Advertiser
"It's what I really appreciate is not just oh what do I want to remember in the future it's just the reason I love the five-year Journal is I'm experiencing the change."
"Thank you for your time I know it's at a premium these days."
"Time is way more valuable than money in my opinion. You only have so much of it."
"Time is precious, I'm gonna enjoy everything."
"Time is so much more valuable than money because you can make your money back, but you can never get your time back."
"Why waste one second in a small narrow perception?"
"The most valuable thing you can spend on somebody is time."
"Time is precious, more precious than money sometimes."
"We don't have much time on the planet. Every day you're gonna make count, make it fucking count."
"Time after all is the most precious commodity of all; you can't buy more of it so enjoy the moment."
"That's just my grandpa: 'There's two things in this world you can't have back after they're gone - time wasted and the words you speak after you speak them.'"
"Time in the market matters more than market timing."
"Time is by far the most important commodity and resource on this planet."
"Thank you for giving me the luxury of your time."
"Gamers have taste now or they're a bit older or they value their time more and that magic just doesn't work anymore."
"Time is so precious... and it's so fleeting."
"We care about our families and we want to live through this particular chunk of time."
"Money was the cheapest commodity I had. It was time that was so critical. Money you can replace, money you can make. It's time that's really precious."
"Time fixes everything too as long as you're like, this is where I want to be, this is where I'm working towards, and you've got those kind of goals."
"Each day that you spend doing something that you don't enjoy is a day that is lost forever."
"Time is just as much of an investment as actual money. I think it might be more valuable."
"Time is so precious, you just have to treasure every single moment."
"Money buys time and it helps people and those two things are something that you cannot duplicate."
"Time is money, the most valuable commodity in the world."
"Thank you for spending even a second of your time with me. It means more to me than I could possibly explain."
"One of the most valuable things that you can give someone is your time, and you've given me yours throughout the years, and I just really appreciate you."
"Don't put anyone before you. Your time is valuable, your life is precious too."
"Wealth is the freedom to focus on what you value and owning your time that much sooner."
"Time is the most valuable quantity. There's only a limited amount of time that we all have in our lives."
"What blockchain product monetizes the time value of money? HEX."
"Life is very short, why waste it?" - "Life is so short, why waste it?"
"Whatever time I have on this planet I want to live a great life."
"Time is money, people say once you go private you don't go back. Listen, you do whatever is necessary."
"Each day had a lot of power to it. If you wasted it, you were losing that day."
"You can never get your time and your energy back. Those should be your most valuable assets."
"We appreciate it. It's really the way that we get our time honored for these live streams."
"Time is the most precious thing that every single one of you has to give."
"But at least in this case, I know that I got five solid seconds with you."
"Time is one of the most valuable commodities."
"The real value of money isn't a luxurious lifestyle; it buys us the only resource that no one can get back, not even billionaires: time."
"I don't want to waste your time like that; that's the thing that's very precious."
"If my exchange for that is time then I'm willing to accept that gift."
"Time, I've been told, is the most precious commodity."
"Time IS money, but, like, now it's actually, literally... money."
"For all of us the most precious element we have is time."
"Time is the most valuable commodity ever. You can get the money back, you can get all that other stuff back, that's replaceable. But you can never get that time."
"For the vast majority of people you know exchanging their time and you know it would be a salary or whatever that's what money is it's a little piece of your life."
"Every passing minute is another chance to turn things around."
"We want to have as much time with him in this team as possible."
"The most precious thing we have as people is our time. It doesn't come back."
"Time is the most valuable thing that we have."
"Your energy and time are very expensive in January, pile four."
"Time will be your greatest asset... as those assets recover."
"The greatest gift you can give anybody is your time."
"Being prosperous in time is far more significant than being prosperous in money."
"I always remind myself how precious life and time is."
"Life is all we have is time, so give the gift of your time to someone."
"Time is so precious and you don't want to waste it."
"Time is money. Where my money at though? Run me up."
"Thank you so much for watching and spending some of your precious time with me today."
"I really appreciate how valuable your time is... I have so much appreciation."
"Time, the most valuable commodity on earth, you have."
"I feel like everybody's so focused on pleasing everybody but you're not gonna be able to make everybody happy, no. So then they just make yourself happy, I think that's what's very important."
"This person is having an Awakening, they are seeing and regret the actions of wasting time."
"You haven't wasted that time, that's so valuable."
"Your time is more important than your money."
"Recognize the energy and time are in short supply."
"Your time is precious, even if you spend most of it scrolling. Kind of."
"Every second spent with the wrong person is a second that could be spent with the right person."
"I regret one thing only, that we had so little time."
"Time is so valuable; the hour that we just spent will never come back."
"There's nothing more valuable than your time, and that's why I think it's great that you spend some with me."
"I know time is a very limited thing nowadays and knowing that you chose to spend yours watching this means a lot to me."
"Time is the most valuable commodity, it is considerably more valuable than money."
"You can always make more money but you can't make more time."
"Time, fortunately, is free. There's no monetary cost of putting in your time. It is the most precious resource that we have."
"Time is the most important thing in life; money is infinite." - Travis Shakespeare
"Time is the most important asset in the markets."
"The one asset you can ever own or get back is time."
"You never know when the last time that you're going to see them."
"People have time, is the greatest commodity."
"Money comes and goes but time is the currency I desire to live by."
"Stability and consistency so that time can function as a global unit of account."
"Rich people, they want to live longer. Time is the ultimate currency."
"The best gift you can give somebody is your time."
"Wow guys, let's be honest when we look in the freezer, no curly fries, yeah we don't even put on strong enough to just go straight out and get them broccoli..."
"The one commodity that is most valuable on this earth is time."
"It's all about valuing the player's time as well, we are so grateful for the time our players spend in the game."
"No, it's not a waste of time, it's absolutely worth taking."
"The most precious thing we have is our time."
"Your beauty piece should be the piece that gets my attention because I don't have forever."
"Investing in your skills is really important because you can't really get that time back."
"Timing is heaven's commodity and earth's currency. Do not waste it."
"Every extra day you're gonna get with a terminal condition is going to be a bonus."
"Time, nobody can buy time. Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk, can't buy time. When it's gone, it's gone."
"I don't have time for unpaid internships, nobody has time for unpaid internships."
"Time is money because these days who even pays attention to the breasts anyway."
"You know, the concept of the movie 'In Time' as time as currency in your life... I think the really valuable thing that movie teaches you is that you should value your time."
"If I were to do that, it would be a waste of my life and my time is the most valuable asset I have."
"Invest in your healing because your time is more valuable than your money."
"Your time is limited with people, especially valuable people."
"We really do appreciate you guys, time is valuable and you know span it with us, that's a big deal."
"Time is the most precious thing that he can give someone."
"No amount of money will buy you more time or more Bitcoin."
"Your time and the people who are important to you in your life, time spent with them, is more important than the almighty dollar."
"Thank you for making me a part of your day. I know your time and your money is valuable."