
Needs Vs Wants Quotes

There are 63 quotes

"You need to know the difference between a need and a want."
"If you buy things you don't need, soon you will have to sell things you need."
"In storytelling, the best stories are about characters discovering that instead of getting what they want, they get what they need."
"If you buy things that you don't need one day, you'll have to sell the things that you do need."
"I do not ever need what I want, I only prefer it. I can cope successfully with difficult situations."
"Jumanji to me is I'm glad that a movie like that is doing that well."
"Too many of you confuse what a genuine need is versus what a genuine want is."
"That was probably what I needed at that moment, not what I wanted, but what I needed."
"You take what you get and not what you need."
"You can have everything you want but if you don't have nothing you need you're gonna crash and burn."
"There's a big difference between wants and needs."
"You have to differentiate between wants and needs, and not at the expense of your own personal needs."
"You often can't have both. Don't always get what you want, you get what you need."
"He'll meet all of our needs; not all my wants, not all of my desires; but all of my needs."
"You can always get the things that you want when you learn how to live with the things that you need."
"I just ask myself, Do I need this or do I just want this?"
"God doesn't always give you what you want; he gives you what you need."
"Teach your children the difference between needs and wants. Needs are finite, wants are infinite."
"Prioritizing not letting the newest latest greatest gadget or trinket that you're looking for take the place of something that's a need in your prep list."
"Given the nutritional profile of a lot of that high caloric American junk food I just mentioned, maybe you can see where I'm going with this: that capitalism is great at giving us what we want, but the market itself doesn't distinguish between what we want and what we need."
"...maturity is knowing that there are things I like and things I want that don't align with what I need."
"A want is not the same as a need. I know this sounds basic and a lot of people have a pretty good grasp of it, but you'd be surprised how many adults don't understand this concept because they've never had to."
"... sell them what they want, give them what they need, right?"
"Not everything you want is what you need, and God knows exactly what you need."
"It's important to understand what you need and then deciding on what you want after that."
"Even if God doesn't give you what you want, He will always provide what you need."
"People who are really good with money have mastered the art of discerning the difference between wants and needs."
"God gave them everything they needed, but he did not give them everything they wanted."
"The reason why some of y'all can't save is because you spend money on things you don't need."
"You need to budget. You must have a list of the needs and the wants, not just keep on spending, spending, spending."
"God won't give you what you want but what you need."
"To give the audience what they want is the job of artists; to give the audience what they need, if the audience knew what they needed then they wouldn't be the audience, they would be the artists."
"And there's a difference between what you need and what you want."
"Sometimes you need life to save you from what you want, so you can get what you need."
"Grimjao's need is the opposite of his want. Needs are usually fulfilled through an internal realization."
"It's all about strategically spending more of your budget on the things you need and less on the things you don't need."
"The battle is this: do you know who you are without having what you need?"
"It's not always about getting your kid what he wants, sometimes it's about getting your kid what he needs."
"The biggest takeaway I have for you is don't be pressured to buy something that you feel you don't need. And also make sure you know what is a need versus what's a want."
"Jesus made the differentiation between what the people needed and what they wanted."
"You gotta know the difference between a need and a want. Especially as times get a little harder, our needs take precedence over our wants."
"What you want in the moment often is not what you need in the long term."
"Ask yourself the question before you spend a penny: Is this a want or is this a need?"
"When it comes to the spending on your wedding, it's a good idea to separate the things labeled 'want' from the things labeled 'need'."
"Determining whether something is a need or a want... really puts things into perspective."
"We now pursue a sort of 'augmented survival' in which we don't just want consumer goods we consider them a need, something that is necessary for our augmented survival."
"Knowing the difference between what we need and what we just want can help us make smarter choices."
"We all intellectually understand the difference between need and want."
"What you need will come to you if you do not ask for what you do not need."
"Distinguish between our needs and our wants."
"Personal responsibility is that first step of saying, 'Okay, if I'm constantly...elevating what our want is over our need'."
"Just because I want it doesn't mean I need it."
"Buy for your needs, not for your wants."
"People are starting to have to choose between needs and wants more often, and obviously, people are choosing the needs over the wants."
"What if we find out that what we thought we wanted wasn't exactly what we needed but what we needed made us happier than the things that we thought we wanted?"
"It's not about being able to afford it for me; it's about, is it wise enough to spend this amount of money for something that I technically don't need?"
"Our needs, not our wants, will be met."
"For me, it was learning the difference between want and need."
"It's all about that balance, knowing what you need to and knowing what you want to go toward."