
Impulse Control Quotes

There are 151 quotes

"You are gonna find that you're gonna stop yourself from buying a whole bunch of unnecessary crap that you're never going to use just by thinking about it for one day."
"The more that you can increase the time between impulse and action, the better off you'll be."
"A general habit of avoiding cognitive impulsiveness is a major component of rationality."
"You don't have to act on every impulse or emotion."
"Willpower is really your ability to control your own impulses."
"This city knows what happens with an unrestrained impulse in politics, as in our personal lives, which is that you enter the realm of complete chaos."
"Your emotions can kill you; impulse is your foe."
"This exercise not only makes training sessions more relaxing and fun, but it increases your dog's impulse control and ability to remain calm and relaxed in the presence of exciting situations and other dogs."
"Understand that if you cannot control your impulses, you're already at a disadvantage."
"Stop spending money on short-term pleasures because they could potentially be worth multiples more in just a few years if you simply control your impulses."
"You need to watch your spending too... Don't make impulse purchases."
"The more you train your muscle to set aside your impulses, the more conscientious you will become."
"If you've ever caught yourself reaching for a cookie... it wasn't you."
"Most of us bust into the chips on the car ride home from the grocery store when really hungry."
"Was that a moment of blind rage? In a moment, life changed."
"If there is a disease aspect to it, it's not the food; it's the impulse to control."
"There is nothing more powerful as a deterrent to buying the thing than wanting to buy another different thing more."
"Consider the story of Esau: sacrificing a future filled with promise for a moment of fleeting comfort."
"With a virus wreaking havoc on our impulse control, we literally have no choice but to punish those who have wronged us."
"Don't decide big repairs in the moment and I see people do this they come in car burns oil they'll immediately say yeah yeah let's fix it six thousand dollars you can't do that."
"The immediate reaction that seems the most obvious is often the worst type of decision to make."
"Stop turning your worst impulses into content constantly."
"Don't impulsively just jump into things expecting a short-term profit."
"Part of your job as a wife is to stop your husband from doing impulsive, self-destructive things."
"You have to have the self-control not to trade impulsively."
"The desire for less and the desire for more both exist inside of me because it makes the impulses less urgent."
"Slow down your impulse buying by using wish lists."
"One of the hardest things you're going to contend with as a Trader is the impulse that want to do something."
"We shouldn't get everything we want in the moment because later upon cooler reflection you recognize that it has probably gone too far."
"Don't bow down to that desire. That desire can lead to a baby."
"My urge to just run in, run and gun 1v1 straight in like that is really, really overwhelming."
"Stop letting your emotions override what your mind tells you. Act out of reason, not impulse."
"Patience is the ability to arrest the impulse to act impatiently while dealing with the frustration of the delay."
"Be mindful of that quick, almost too quick impulse."
"When you're young and you have three thousand dollars and you really want that Louis Vuitton, just do yourself a favor, slow down."
"All I'm asking you to do for 2021 is just fall back, don't get according to the [ __ ] right away."
"Stop impulse buying, avoid wandering the stores."
"Never be tempted instantly to get something."
"It might be a very busy, communicative time for you but it can also be a bit drama-filled, so you want to make sure you're not texting out of impulse."
"Do not shop when hungry; it leads to overspending."
"How do you control the emotion of not running the red light? How you just stop, man. You put your foot on the brake and you just stop."
"You have the power in you if you seize it and you're able to take better control of your life by controlling those impulses of spending."
"You have to understand when it's time to feed the beast and when it's not."
"Ladylike behavior includes impulse control because a lady is mature, she's self-contained, she is a person who's very refined."
"Lacking impulse control is one of the biggest areas that I see a lot of men struggling."
"Wait 24 hours before making those big purchases."
"The ability to put the brakes on, the ability to inhibit a response, even though the person may have the impulse to do it, the ability to stop at least momentarily and think before carrying out an action."
"You'll find yourself in a situation where you're not as impulsive because you're actually helping people who actually need to be helped."
"Sleeping on it can really help reduce your impulse spending."
"Take the emotion out of buying and instead practice mindful spending."
"Reacting would be like your immediate impulse and then responding is like taking the time to absorb it and then come up with something."
"I might see something at the store that looks appealing. I don't necessarily have to buy it. Not today, anyway."
"He decides not to jerk off to the picture tonight, but to go straight into his home porno collection."
"Silence prevents us from impulsively voicing the first thought that pops into our heads."
"Noticing your past track record with impulse buying can help you see patterns of behavior."
"Have a support system. Have an accountability buddy or someone to text or call when you're feeling the urge to buy something."
"Save money first. This helps to create a habit of saving and also prevents the habit of impulse purchases."
"...sometimes it's better to be patient than to run out and spend that money although I I really kind of want to go out and spend that money new project car day is is always a fun day."
"My intrusive thoughts told me to smash it. Just start poking it."
"Give yourself 24 hours to decide if you really need it."
"It was starting to get to me; I went in. I don't know what I was planning to do; I just needed to make him shut up somehow."
"Giving yourself time to pause between seeing something and wanting something."
"It's important to be able to forego the immediate impulse in order to achieve longer-term goals."
"Resisting impulsive purchases is paramount."
"Part of the reason for instant gratification was because you couldn't resolve painful emotions."
"...and when it comes to online shopping sometimes I will just leave items in my cart overnight especially if I'm online shopping at night because the next morning you may realize you don't really need that item or items..."
"I just have no [ __ ] impulse control."
"Don't go shopping when you're hungry."
"If you can't control your compulsive need to act whenever you feel uncertain... you're asking for trouble."
"I had ought to have resisted the impulse to gather them up and left them where I had found them."
"...he was smart about it he thought about it and he didn't just react on impulse."
"Just because you have had a bad day doesn't mean that you should max out your credit card."
"Create a timeout period before making a purchase to put some distance between an impulse and something you actually need."
"Act slow to ensure that the decisions that you're making are not being driven by emotional impulses."
"It takes a lot of restraint, you know, to not just buy all the plants at the plant store."
"Having a wish list stored somewhere easy for you... is such a great idea and really helps with your style because it stops you from making all those impulse purchases."
"The more difficult it is for you to go through with a transaction, the more likely it is that you won't make unnecessary purchases."
"I almost punched an administrator making that analysis once."
"Freedom from the tyranny of impulsive behavior."
"...always give yourself the time to think. So whenever you make something, give yourself 10 seconds to think. And that's the difference between impulse and reasoning."
"Relax, don't do it all you want to break on through it"
"We have never discovered one single factor that so shaped the trajectory of somebody's life by this one character quality as to whether or not they could wait and not give in to the urge of their impulse."
"What you want in the moment often is not what you need in the long term."
"Do not shop when you're really hungry."
"If you have a money issue, if you have an Impulse spending issue, do not do this."
"This area allows you to take an impulse and put a space between an impulse and an action. It allows you to choose all the different possible responses you have."
"Give it a month before you buy something."
"I had to convince myself not to buy any vases."
"Frugal millionaires minimize emotional spending by giving time between their desire to buy something and actually buying it."
"Maturity is widening the gap between your impulse and how you act."
"Before I impulse spend, I would impulsive invest."
"...the want to want a new reptile is stronger than the want to have a new reptile."
"Stop, use self-talk, distress tolerance, and relaxation techniques to help yourself restrain impulsive actions."
"This chair is cute. I don't need a chair at all but shoot."
"It's very common for kids when they're young to not be able to exhibit impulse control and have to be taught that."
"It kind of just teaches you to slow down with your purchases and to not impulse buy."
"What it does mean for everyone is recognizing the impulse to escape and also recognizing that in the midst of that impulse there is a choice."
"Investigating situations rather than acting on impulse reduces your chances of making a poor choice."
"Don't let that dopamine rush take over your purchasing decisions."
"Time is your friend, impulse is your enemy."
"Henry VIII vibes, someone who may have had all of the attributes but could not control his own impulses."
"I will not buy anything that's not essential until at least a month after I've had it on my wish list."
"Using the 24-hour rule prevents you from those unnecessary splurges, heat-of-the-moment impulse buys that you really don't need."
"Maintain your dignity, don't say things impulsively."
"Moral development is going to refer to our growth and the abilities to tell right from wrong, control impulses, and act ethically."
"The people that are able to control their impulses the longest are the ones that move ahead forward in life."
"Are you having trouble with impulse spending? Call your credit card and debit card companies and have them set a personal daily and monthly limit."
"Time is our friend, and impulse is our enemy."
"Don't go to the grocery store when you're hungry because you're gonna buy random things that you don't need."
"It's a test of whether you can rise above the pettiness, the urge to react impulsively, and handle the situation with grace and maturity."
"That's what being an adult is, not acting on every single impulse that you have."
"Being able to just be aware of all these tricks that are being played on our minds and wait it out have been really helpful."
"Wait 48 hours... a lot of the times, you're going to realize you don't really want it as much anymore."
"Limiting impulse spending and impulse buying is the biggest thing I have been doing."
"Become less impulsive and more conscious of your spending."
"What the prefrontal cortex does is it stops us from saying things we shouldn't say, to doing things we shouldn't do."
"The control of greedy or predatory impulses is imperatively necessary, and therefore states, and even the world state, are needed for survival."
"Sanity often means that we don't act on our first impulse."
"Madness is never that far away; it's as close as saying yes to the wrong impulse."
"It's never good to go to the grocery store when you're hungry."
"Never go grocery shopping while you're hungry."
"The prefrontal cortex stops having the strength, the power, the dominance, the ability to override or reign in the impulses that are generated by that mesolimbic reward pathway."
"Also, don't when you go food shopping, don't go when you're hungry."
"Everybody in this room, everybody in the entire world, has a problem experiencing impulses that they can't control."
"I'm walking away before I do something stupid like hit that Buy It Now button."
"I've stopped impulse buying; I've stopped going to like B&M to pick up two things and then allowing myself to spend like 50 quid on stuff I don't really need."
"Never go to the grocery store when you're hungry."
"Don't ever go to the grocery store or to a store whenever you're hungry because you're gonna want everything."
"If you can control your impulses, you will suddenly see the world just open up around you."
"Every time we have a choice to react impulsively or to respond mindfully."
"Stop and think before you make an impulse purchase: How much of your time is that purchase costing you?"
"It's allowing me to really sit with something that I want to buy and not act on it right away out of impulse."
"We forget sometimes that children lack impulse control, some until their early 20s."
"Karma helps me so much to shop mindfully and seriously helps me to have less impulse purchases."
"If you buy a lot of your stuff online, you may pay a little extra for shipping, but you will definitely save on what you would have done on impulse buys."