
Purposelessness Quotes

There are 83 quotes

"Life is like a game, but you have to play it seriously. It has no point, but you play it seriously nonetheless."
"Genuine play has no agenda; it's for the process and for the joy of it."
"Suicide is correlated with a sense of purposelessness in life."
"Life will become effortless, everything you desire will appear before you the instant you request it, but then there's no purpose."
"Evolution doesn't need any foreknowledge of what it's trying to build because it isn't trying to build anything."
"Like the man who said, 'I was dying to finish high school so that I could go to college. I was dying to finish college so that I could start my career. I was dying to get married so that I could start a family...only to discover now I'm just dying, and the sense of purpose is gone.'"
"Anxiety is often a symptom of purposelessness."
"If you don't have a goal, you don't have any motivation."
"Purpose and point are not intrinsic to what we experience or what we assign to whatever it is we do."
"Alienating people with baseless labels serves no purpose."
"Life in America today is plagued by purposelessness."
"Living on the street was horrible because you kind of don't have a purpose."
"To live life without purpose or calling is to be like the Dead Sea... a lifeless existence."
"Not everything has to have a purpose, hun. Some things, just good for your soul."
"The universe has exactly the properties we should expect if there's no purpose, no design."
"The streets don't have a purpose and if you go through 20, 30 years like that on the streets, that's what you're going to be."
"Maybe through its utter purposelessness the film is suggesting that the entire project of the god's not dead trilogy was always a silly one."
"He did it not with the easy things like mountains. I mean, essentially any fool could see that mountains don't have a purpose. He did it with living things."
"What's the use when there's nothing to actually fight?"
"Is there a point to this story? No, but it got your mind off things."
"No Man's Sky is about homelessness and the need for purpose in a world where home and purpose don't exist."
"I wasted all these years chasing a fight that was worthless."
"In the absence of purpose, we will start digging holes in our life. Binge watching TV, binge eating, binge drinking, binge pornography. Any vice will lead to self-destruction."
"It is a chaotic and destructive force with no goals."
"Any system that allows this to get through is serving no useful purpose."
"A lot of innocent people dying for no purpose, really."
"This disconnection from meaning and purpose, this soul depression, is devouring the psyche of millions."
"Play and dance are entirely free of the 'in order to'; even ornaments do not serve the purpose of adorning, learning something."
"Drive with no purpose is like a road to nowhere. You don't know where you're going to end up."
"Existential frustration arises when our life is without purpose or when that purpose is skewed."
"The promiscuous lying. The lying with no purpose."
"You just feel like you're kind of drifting along."
"Sometimes the best way to baffle them is to make moves that have no purpose."
"I had nothing to do with this movie. What was the point of me being here?"
"Maybe there is no point. I've come to learn that sometimes there is no point."
"It has no purpose in mind. It has no mind and no mind's eye. It does not plan for the future. It has no vision, no foresight, no sight at all."
"The protesters are still out in force, but let's be honest-- they're not protesters, they're crybabies with nothing better to do than meander around the streets with their participation trophies and false sense of purpose."
"Trolls are just losers who lack their own purpose, so they fixate on someone else's success and try to influence it."
"I'm very disassociated for myself is it do you think there's something what do you think you're looking for by doing these things that's the thing I don't have any goal not one I honestly could care less if I die tomorrow I have nothing to look forward to that's how sad it is."
"They're going to somewhere every to nowhere."
"There's absolutely nothing behind this; there's no intention, meaning, or purpose to what's happening. It's just absolute freedom."
"If you don't have a clear sense of purpose, it's one of the things that's the most detrimental to you having a healthy mindset."
"The greatest tragedy in life is not death but a life without purpose."
"We do too much for no good reason."
"I wanted to do something that had no purpose, it didn't have to fit with anything else that I was doing."
"I just feel like everything that we're doing is for nothing."
"Laurie Strode, her entire existence of the past 40 years has been completely pointless, almost as pointless as this movie."
"On such purposeless endurance is a theme that runs throughout the play."
"We be in a rush for absolutely no reason, like so much urgency but where exactly are we going?"
"Art for art's sake was not meant to persuade or influence; it was just meant to be beautiful."
"I'll try and do my best though you have my word because it serves no purpose."
"I started to feel like I was going to die... there just was no purpose."
"Unconditional love is utterly pointless; it's not trying to get anywhere because everything is already complete in that love."
"I love his motivation in this because Smith's basically like, 'I wanted to kill you before, but now I have no purpose except ending all things. I'm a virus. I miss having purpose. Is my purpose to have no purpose?'"
"For years I felt lost; it felt so pointless."
"I really enjoyed making this piece, particularly enjoyed that there didn't need to be a point to it."
"The artist expresses his age by singing with no more purpose than a bird."
"Life has no purpose, and that's why it is so beautiful."
"A man lies and dreams of green fields and rivers, but wakes to a morning with no reason for waking."
"More people than ever are depressed and feel a lack of purpose in their life."
"He's like a soldier with no war to fight."
"People remember the transformative force of play, and remember what it is to live without purpose."
"I understand the feeling of being lost, I understand the feeling of no purpose in life."
"Pointless speech or idle chatter is the type of speech where people just talk with no purpose and also no benefit."
"I was just living for the sake of living."
"Evolution is not making things better; it has no end goal."
"Wolverine, a ronin, a samurai without a master."
"My depression came from one thing... no purpose. I didn't have a purpose."
"Imagine if this was the Garden of Eden and there were no problems... there would literally be no purpose to life."
"Music has no purpose except being itself."
"Evolution doesn't have a purpose, stuff happens."
"Life does not have any purpose; it exists."
"This is a wasted life, and that's how I feel."