
Immigration Quotes

There are 3111 quotes

"So they want influencers to say, 'No more immigrants.'"
"President Biden emphasized the need for a fair and just immigration system that upholds the values of compassion and respect for human rights."
"We need to have a thoughtful discussion of how many people we can actually bring in and sustain."
"I think the only way we're going to resolve the immigration issue is to have a president who's willing to sacrifice some popularity to try to force a resolution."
"The positive impact of immigration extends far beyond the city limits, creating a ripple effect of economic growth and prosperity."
"It all began on January 11th, 2024, when Texas governor Greg Abbott made a bold move to address the Mexico-United States border crisis."
"Abbott's emergency declaration sent shockwaves through the nation as it marked a significant escalation in the ongoing political polarization surrounding immigration policies."
"Immigrants have made invaluable contributions to American society and our economy. Common Sense bipartisan immigration reform should strengthen our economy, protect the rule of law, and make our borders more secure."
"A lot of immigrant parents come to give their children the best opportunities that they can."
"I am a patriot of this country, a country that once let in a 13-year-old immigrant and gave me the opportunity to be where I am today."
"As a country, Canada is probably the country in the world which is the most welcoming of new Canadians, which is the most welcoming of immigrants."
"If we want to be a country that welcomes new Canadians, we have to build more homes faster."
"We want people to come into our country, but we want them to come in legally through a process."
"Texas, with its vast expanse of Border territory, has long been at the forefront of the battle against illegal immigration."
"According to Amélie, her writing about the Affinites’ oppression was a reaction both to the way she had been treated as an immigrant in America and her own experience witnessing slavery in China."
"We are a country of immigrants; it is what we have always been."
"To oppose uncontrolled mass immigration is not far right."
"A successful, intelligent society will necessarily have a certain amount of immigration. The question, of course, is how much."
"The only way we're going to have a great future in America is if we welcome and embrace immigrants."
"America is a nation of immigrants that gorgeous mosaic of people from across the world who come here to pursue the American dream."
"Migrants...are going to probably be way more patriotic than your average American."
"America as a nation of immigrants... this is... a more inclusive messaging that helped [win] the White House."
"Integration into America didn't really happen amongst immigrants; it happened several generations later."
"America is and always has been a nation of immigrants... That's what makes America special; that's what makes us strong."
"The factual argument for immigration helping the wages of the American people, in addition to helping our economy, are settled. It is a done deal. No economists argue this."
"Immigrants are far more likely to work in STEM fields that create life-improving products and drive economic growth."
"Native workers' wages, on average, rise due to immigration."
"This bill includes the biggest expansion of family reunification visas in recent memory."
"It includes, for the first time ever, a right to counsel for all migrants to the country."
"This bill gets work authorizations to migrants much quicker."
"A lot of folks I found, immigrants come to the United States are the most pro-America folks I've ever seen."
"Reflecting on America's tumultuous history, the panel grapples with the complex legacy of immigration."
"As Home Secretary, I have a plan to bring about the change that is so urgently needed to deliver an immigration system that works in the interests of the British people."
"All immigrants are less likely to be incarcerated than natives relative to their shares of the population."
"Undocumented immigrants pay $12 billion of taxes every single year."
"The net benefits of having immigrants is so much more than the negatives."
"The fair and free America that I moved to because I wanted to come to a place that was a true kind of place of freedom."
"And so my dad got to build a business in Turkey. He sold it. He came here. And I remember when I came here, and I was eight years old... And I thought that was nirvana."
"District 9 takes place in South Africa, but it's not an alien 'invasion' movie. The aliens have been there for years, and exist alongside humans as de-valued immigrants."
"My heart goes out to these young people who were brought here as children, of no fault of their own. They know no other country but America."
"US gets the best of all when they get the migrants...the bad apples tend to be the exception."
"Immigration basically went to almost zero during the pandemic, and there's been quite a strong rebound in immigration."
"Generations of immigrants have strengthened the foundation of our country by making positive contributions today, and we expect that to continue in the future."
"If you're Cuban, for the most part, and you make it to the United States, there's much more liberal asylum principles that are applied to you."
"Immigrants are not takers; they are makers. They make this country great."
"Undocumented immigrants pay taxes amounting to tens of billions of dollars in local, state, and federal taxes per year, even though they can't access most benefits that US citizens are entitled to receive."
"Immigrants are an overall net positive to the economy."
"This has actually been observed by other groups, beautiful study out of University of Minnesota, looking at immigrants coming to the United States."
"It's almost like the conversation is, if you want to be the next Bill Gates or Elon Musk... you come to America."
"America has always been like a melting pot for people who, in many cases, were descended from those who weren't necessarily thinking, 'Oh, I love the concept of America,' but were coming for Economic Opportunity."
"Ellis Island opened in 1892, the bulk of Irish diaspora came to America in the 1840s; we didn't have papers either, we were undocumented."
"If you come through the country without documents because you're starving in your country, or you're being held hostage by drug dealers, or you're afraid your children are going to be shot in the streets, I think that's self-preservation and self-survival."
"I'm here because I had to. That's what I'm coming with here, and I respect all the law, I respect the people. I'm working hard to do the best. I got a clean record, and I learn a lot over here."
"One of the changes in the guidance from the Obama administration to the Trump administration is that President Trump's executive order prioritizes the removal of those who entered illegally."
"We have to give them a dignified path just as our ancestors had, into this country, and this is a program that promotes that."
"The bill itself unquestionably gives Ukraine 60 billion dollars, allows illegal immigration up to 5,000 per day or more. It just moves them to Ports of entry and says they can now process more claims. It codifies the legal process; it basically legalizes anyone walking across the border."
"The US-Mexico border is not an isolated issue but part of a larger global phenomenon."
"The world is richer in so many ways that relate to immigration."
"Every bit of evidence we have towards the value of immigration has pointed in favor of continuing it."
"Without immigration, our city would not be growing at all...we're growing because one of the best ways to tell whether a country has a bright future or not...lies in growth that can only happen if we welcome immigration."
"I have tremendous respect for migrants who come to the United States, believe in the American dream."
"Immigration seems to be a positive impact economically in the United States."
"Every study that I've ever seen regarding immigration has shown that immigrants are a boon to the economy."
"Immigrants are being scapegoated for issues they have nothing to do with in our economy."
"Undocumented migrants actually are responsible for less crime per capita than natural-born US citizens are."
"For too long, going back decades, the immigration system has been broken. It's time to fix it."
"Since the referendum, the views of the British public on immigration have become more positive in terms of both its economic and its cultural impact."
"The majority of every voting demographic in the U.S., including Hispanics, opposes illegal immigration."
"There is nothing bigoted about the belief that a country has a right to borders."
"Congress needs to act on immigration. This is not a Democrat or Republican issue, this is about an American economy issue."
"We want to encourage people with skills and potential from around the world to make the UK their home."
"You risk everything to come to America, bust your [__] ass there."
"People who commit crimes need to face consequences, and that includes people who have come from other countries."
"Immigrants are natural conservatives. They have strong family values, they believe in hard work."
"The mass of the people coming seem to be ordinary people from Latin America trying to find a better life, or refugees or asylum seekers. That's the mass."
"The border is secure, but we also have a broken immigration system... it needs to be fixed."
"Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to be free."
"I am a Canadian girl. I am a 'kuut'. I am a landed immigrant here in this country. I pay my taxes. I've never committed a crime, so I'm here legally."
"Didn't your parents leave another country to come to America? Are your parents not brave?"
"Immigration is a tough subject. It's hard to tackle, but now she finally got her permanent residency, and she is here for good."
"I don't blame people for attempting to get into the United States. This is the greatest country on the face of the planet. Why wouldn't you try to get in?"
"I would not change coming to the US but I think mostly, I would not change the family I'm in. Like I love, love, love my family so much and I love the way that they like, I guess raised me and that I wouldn't be myself if it wasn't for them."
"Immigration is one of the best things to happen to the United States of America."
"The United States, our culture, our population, our economy, needs immigration like lungs need oxygen."
"The values of our Constitution and the Bill of Rights, the values of free speech, the values of religious tolerance, the values of pluralism, the values of us being a nation of immigrants, those traditions should not change."
"America welcomes immigrants. We want people to come here, despite where they came from or despite the circumstances that drove them to this country."
"Migration as a force for innovation is astounding; twenty-five percent of all companies in America were started by immigrants."
"I'm a product of two amazing and unique things about America: the first is American technology reaching me where I was growing up, allowing me to even dream; and it was the enlightened American immigration policy that let me come here and live that dream."
"There is no mass movement to Sudan; there is no mass movement to Saudi Arabia. China does not have a massive immigration problem. The footfall speaks for itself."
"Every state now is a border state... every state is affected."
"I really believe...in the fundamental point that with all of our challenges...the American dream still lives because it lives in people like my parents and me and millions of other immigrants who came to this country to have a chance at a better life."
"If we don't take the lead in breaking this thing open, the countries that we have fled to are going to look like the countries we fled from."
"The people who are actually coming out now and talking about these things are immigrant men and women."
"Remember, for all that Americans love to hate in themselves, this is still the number one destination for people who say they would like to leave the country of their birth."
"Immigration leads to massive economic benefits."
"What we all want to live, that's what brought my family here, that's the American dream."
"Desperate people flee their countries of birth in the hope of building a new life or simply escaping death."
"It's entrepreneurs and immigration that have always been America's silver bullet."
"A couple of dozen people immigrating to this country each year can change the fate of our nation."
"Attracting talent from around the world, that's been the key, that is how the United States has become so powerful."
"There's so much misinformation generally about the immigration situation all over Europe."
"We should let a lot of people in legally and make it much easier to get citizenship."
"If there was a thirty million undocumented immigrant population, that would mean that the crime rate is actually much, much lower."
"If you're addressing the issue of crime and you're trying to fucking say that we need to cut off immigration, why don't we actually try to address crime rather than target the fucking population that is less likely to cause crime."
"Ronald Reagan said, 'Thanks to each new wave of new arrivals to this land of opportunity, we're a nation forever young, forever bursting with energy and new ideas, and always on the cutting edge, always leading the world to the next frontier.'"
"The innate strength of the US is that people want to come here. We have a self-critiquing society."
"There's not a mass emigration into Venezuela, into China, into Russia. Where do people want to go? Switzerland, America, Sweden."
"Why do so many people who come to America from other countries with little to no money at all, within 10 years, outpace the average person who was born here?"
"If people want to come here, we should be welcoming them with open arms."
"Immigrants are our friends, comrade. They're proletarians, hard-working laborers like us from all around the world."
"Immigration does not make these problems worse; it makes them better. It makes our lives more rich."
"I'm very pro-immigration. I don't really have many qualms with people who think immigration needs to be reduced."
"My parents really sacrificed their lives... it's hard for people that are not immigrants to understand the consequences of not having the friends from school, not having the understanding of how society works."
"It's really important for us to remember our history. Unless you're one of the first Americans, you came from someplace else. Somebody brought you."
"Some of the best Americans just got here... these people have all come legally."
"Tackling these challenges, though, is personal for me. I'm the descendant of immigrants from Jamaica and enslaved Americans."
"We are the most welcoming people, the most generous people; we let in more people than all countries in the world."
"We won't play the Tories' dog-whistle politics... British people saw, for instance, the horror of the Windrush and it was very clear British people don't want an immigration system which is not fair and is discriminatory."
"People want a limit on immigration but also want a fair immigration system... British people above all want an immigration system which is fashioned to support the economy, to help the country grow."
"Immigrants are definitely a boon to the economy and they seem to commit less crime."
"When Africa sends people, they're not sending their worst...they're sending their most educated people."
"Nobody legitimate argues against the economic thing. Immigrants are definitely a boon to the economy."
"It would be better off if we treated the people that were coming here to better themselves with the same dignity that we treat all Americans."
"We could absolutely completely have a legal process where we actually allow every single person that wants to come in to go through the proper steps."
"The illegal immigration problem is the extent to which human trafficking is damaging the very lives of the people who are coming."
"Economically, immigration is good for a country. It's really, really simple. It just is."
"Immigration doesn't depress wages, so the data that I have seems to indicate that's just not how things work."
"Here's how you know you live in a great country: even those who say they hate it refuse to leave."
"Immigration has always had a place in my heart because I live on a border town."
"We are the defining border state. We have benefited more than anyone else from the immigrants who have chosen to call this state their home."
"Let's elevate and prioritize family reunification and being able to keep these families together."
"Immigration really isn't scary; it's a natural component of any and all civic policies that exist. It benefits our country."
"Immigration is a net economic benefit, and illegal immigration would be less of a drain if we simply made it legal immigration."
"We're talking about taking steps to reduce it, so with amnesty and legal abilities, we make human trafficking harder on every single level."
"180,000 people have come to New York City seeking asylum."
"I'm the product of this country's compassionate, welcoming embrace to millions of people."
"I moved to America when I was 12 with zero English."
"It shouldn't be that hard to say, look if you want to come to Australia, you want to become part of Australia, you've got something to give to this country, and you will give to this country and you want to be part of it, fantastic."
"Securing the border and keeping our country safe does not require taking children away from their parents."
"We do have immigration laws, that's correct, it's just they're not being correctly enforced."
"I received my DACA when I was 18, which was when it was implemented under the Obama Administration, and I'm still a DACA recipient. It's my only right to residency in the U.S., which is crazy."
"It is not immigrants that are causing economic problems around the country. It's the fact that technology is pushing our economy to a point where more and more Americans have trouble getting by."
"We're looking for the bright people that we need to retain."
"I'm very anti-anti-immigrant, very pro-legal immigration."
"I'm here in solidarity with our Muslim neighbors and allies and pretty much anyone who's an immigrant in this country."
"My mother was the daughter of immigrants from Jamaica who came to Portland, Maine, in 1912. My grandfather was a janitor, my grandmother was a maid; they had no education, and they scraped and saved... and they sent all five of their kids to college."
"Every hour was important. He's a legal immigrant. Good for him. We need 50 million more of those."
"Liu Haiyang, approaching his thirties, has found his niche in Canada."
"If you are an undocumented immigrant and you've been living here peacefully and contributing to the American economy... and you get into a car accident, you should die? That's the alternative? Hence the values and freedoms that made this country so desirable in the first place. I think that's just wrong."
"Every single immigrant group that has ever come to the United States has been hit with the hammer of 'they're not willing to assimilate enough.' And then, after 20 years, they assimilate. This happened to the Germans, it happens to the Irish, it happens to the Italians, it happened to the Jews, it happens to the Asians. It's happened to legitimately everyone who's come to the United States."
"Our island jumped into action, putting together 50 beds, giving everyone a good meal, providing a play area for the children, making sure people have the healthcare and support they need. We are a community that comes together to support immigrants."
"The influx of people of all religions and cultures to the U.S, Australia, and Europe is purely because of economic opportunity."
"We have to appreciate what this country has given us... some of the Muslims live in better lifestyle than the Canadians themselves, and we cannot deny this."
"Difficult times in Portugal have triggered a wave of immigration the like of which hasn't been seen for half a century."
"Only in America can a young refugee from Europe one day become the first woman U.S. Secretary of State."
"Immigrants... made paid over 300 billion all in on taxes in one of the last years, 2014."
"My parents came to this country with next to nothing, so I got nothing to lose and everything to gain."
"We have become a much more global country, and with the bonus that, as levels of immigration have risen, concern about immigration has fallen."
"Legal immigration has been a blessing to our country. Illegal immigration is a disaster."
"She tapped into that emotion around the immigration debate right now."
"All of our clients, they're immigrants. English is not their first language, and so you can imagine that particularly for that community, when they receive a demand letter...it's frightening."
"We should take care of the people that are already here and we should take care of the people who are coming here."
"My focus was on making sure my dad was okay because he brought us from Russia to set us up for a good life here."
"I'm not saying migrants shouldn't come, I'm just saying they shouldn't come right now."
"I'm just very passionate about people understanding how good these families are that have come here, that have made these dreams happen. Your father is a hero. Your father, to me, is beyond what the American Dream is about."
"They just want a better life, man. They want to work."
"Yeah, sure. I'm from Orissa back in India, and I came here to do masters at USC in electrical engineering. Currently, I'm working in Nvidia as a client-facing data scientist role."
"My parents left everything they knew and loved to expose me to opportunities they never had because of them I stand here today a proud first generation Latina and officer at CIA."
"We were among many families who ventured to a new land with hopes and dreams."
"He is literally the son of immigrants. Oh my god, he's not white. Well, he can't possibly be a white nationalist then."
"The president's priority is to create a pathway to citizenship for 11 million undocumented immigrants."
"Let's be generous open our doors and let them come here we'll look after them and they can work for us here too refugees aren't people who just gonna sit on street corners begging they'll get out there do jobs they'll contribute to our society."
"For me, being an American is not an accident of birth; it's not 'hey, I happen to be born in a particular state.' No, we were born outside the country, I came here, I love this country, I want to defend the ideas and the ideals that it stands for."
"I saw that equality of opportunity that my dad had, and I loved it, and I saw that in America. And that's why we chose to be American."
"Rand's story is many things: the tale of an escapee from Soviet rule, of a traumatized immigrant who lived out the American Dream, but more than anything, it's the tale of a woman who did her best to live life on her own terms."
"We've got to deal with immigration, but show humanity."
"President Trump is correct on securing the border."
"Immigrants having to assimilate to be valuable, is just so fucked up to me."
"So when you say nationalism, if it means keep out immigrants, then I totally disagree because I think America is a country of immigrants."
"It's not just about the southwest border, what happens at the southwest border is entering every town and city and state in this great country."
"Immigration helps an economy, that's just a fact."
"Even illegal immigrants in America help us. Immigrants are people, workers of the world unite."
"This is a nation that was founded by people who were open to immigration."
"It is absolutely essential to have a policy that is in favor of open borders."
"If you ever think you have a stupid and abusive business idea, a way to leech more money off people, let this be reminder that honestly you could do worse."
"We need Congress to fund and build the wall, give us the resources to deal with this crisis, and terminate the Flores agreement."
"We are a place of immigrants and it's what makes this country beautiful and wonderful."
"Children should not have to sleep on the ground, huddle under miler blankets—this is the United States of America, we can and we must do better as a country."
"If we lift Title 42, it's going to create a true crisis on the southern border."
"110 in lexington that's where the puerto ricans landed."
"If somebody wants to come here and they want to start a life here, it's much preferable to allow them to do so to the maximum extent possible."
"I think getting more immigration would be a good thing."
"Apply for your EU blue card and stay back to work in the country that is really amazing."
"The brain drain of Western immigration is dooming other countries to perpetual third-world status."
"An immigrant from Nigeria is now a top-of-the-table member of the Million-Dollar Roundtable, an exclusive club for the top insurance people in the world."
"When I came to the US, I didn't speak any English."
"You can't fault people for wanting to come here, they just got to do it legally."
"We can't have a president that will impose a secure border."
"Two new villagers have immigrated into the base."
"The issue that is happening on our Southern border... has been a dereliction of Duty with respect to immigration law in the United States."