
Completeness Quotes

There are 2736 quotes

"Peace means nothing missing, nothing broken, nothing lacking. It means complete and total wholeness."
"My husband is perfect for me. He's my biggest supporter. He makes me feel complete."
"Consciousness does not want anything, does not need anything. It is purnam."
"Wisdom is power, and power is wisdom, one with each other, perfecting the whole."
"You're complete already, but you just need to learn how to fill yourself up with more love."
"This life is a complete life by itself. If this is a complete life, it's joyful, loving, wonderful by its own nature."
"Find your missing piece, who completes your puzzle."
"Some of us strive for a completeness the Greek and dramaturges in philosophy spoke of."
"Suffering is an inner attica belief, even as fate and death. Without suffering and death, life cannot be complete."
"In Jesus Christ, you've already got everything. You've got love, intimacy, a guaranteed future. You've got it all."
"Every moment life is complete... each moment is whole."
"You are so complete because you are absolutely infinite. You have everything. You need nothing more."
"Nothing makes you feel more complete and balanced within yourself than knowing the true source and power of your femininity."
"Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything."
"We fall in love with our lost self and as a result, we feel more whole."
"We were both sick because we were incomplete, but not anymore. We healed each other, made each other whole."
"The love of Jesus Christ will always complete you."
"Completeness means that a proof was required that all true mathematical statements which existed in the system could be proven within the system."
"I am complete, whole, and filled with love. I have everything I need."
"When I am completely united to you, there will be no more sorrow or trials; entirely full of you, my life will be complete."
"At the deepest level, we are not fragments and therefore not incomplete; we are whole, needing nothing."
"I almost feel like if you're not doing your due diligence, there's no way you'll ever get everything."
"You're already whole. You don't need someone else to complete you."
"The word of God just continually, continually, continually reveals and teaches all the foundational realities...and that's enough to make the man of God complete."
"It's like the whole journey is what we're talking about here, not like 95% of the journey. You have to include this last little piece; it's all part of it."
"Luka Doncic is just quite literally a man that has everything and nothing at the same time."
"This game seems pretty damn complete, so that's really promising."
"You've got to give him it all... I'm not taking some I don't want most I want it all."
"Constructs serve a great place in D&D, and I am grateful. I'm so glad to have them there; it wouldn't feel complete without them."
"The entire 100% complete Lego Bionicle collection."
"He gets pretty much every checkbox of a decent character checked."
"He's got balls, he's got brains, he's got brass - it's the whole package."
"When you spend time with the Holy Spirit you get it all."
"Jesus saves us not partially, He saves us totally and completely."
"We've done the defense, we've done the playmaking, we've done the shooting."
"We actually have every single unit, pretty much."
"The very best sex you can have can only come when two people meet each other in complete wholeness."
"Enjoy yourself right now; you are a hundred percent complete as you are."
"Street Fighter 6 was a more complete product from day one of launch."
"The kindness in your heart is so beautiful... they recognize that... they feel this deep understanding, this deep mutual understanding between each other."
"It's a perfect number of plot lines for a full Iron Man trilogy."
"The postgame felt complete, tying up loose ends."
"This ending truly feels complete, even amongst all of the giant robot science jibber that I will never understand."
"There’s no major parts of the book left completely neglected."
"The liturgy was much more fully baked than they want to let on."
"He's the most complete basketball player ever."
"It's not every day you get to play a game that feels like it cut nothing out of its narrative."
"You can be a complete, wonderful, perfect person without the fear of eternal damnation and torment."
"For the first time in history, you're about to hear the truth about Jack Coe told in its entirety."
"Look for box sets or complete sets of manga."
"Neither game is truly complete on their own, but together they form one remarkable experience that'll leave you satisfied with your adventure."
"They do see you as the person who would really complete them and be a perfect match for them."
"In terms of story, Odd Taxi was just... the complete package."
"This is the most complete...a mixed martial arts challenge." - Florian
"You are enough for you. You are whole, you are complete, and you are capable of reinvention."
"The Ares tank comes with everything you will ever need but e-liquid."
"I think to me the hallmark of a perfect romance is having two people who complete each other."
"Healing has already been made available. Healing is finished."
"Faith, determination, and action. Usually, a person is missing one thing."
"Everything was everything... it really did contain everything."
"This line is going to go down in history as being one of the most complete toy lines ever released."
"A vintage Millennium Falcon that's all complete, it's got the training ball and everything inside."
"I just want to fill it up... Not another thing I could do."
"This person really completes us, they make us feel whole."
"No one's going to complete you, but through your self-love, you'll find the right person for you."
"This might be one of the most complete fighting games of all time."
"The game was a fantastic ride from start to finish."
"It's not two halves completing each other, it's two people that are whole coming together and synergy happens."
"Couldn't resist... but that is the Galactic HQ in its entirety."
"I am perfect, whole, and complete just as I am."
"You are always complete, you're always whole."
"The most important part of a character is their motivation. If you can't clearly communicate their motives through their actions, he or she is not a complete character."
"All I ever wanted and needed is in you, the complete package."
"Long story short, this place was basically complete, inside and out."
"You guys started out as friends so this person feels very at home very complete with you."
"Plague on both your houses and read Vatican II in all of its integrity, its theological richness, its spiritual depth."
"The most complete Liverpool team, the most completely coherent team I've seen in my lifetime."
"Driver's License is fantastic and I played out the whole thing because I really do feel like the whole song works as an experience."
"We need all of the armor of God, not just half."
"She's got the voice of a bird but she also has the brain she's got the heart she's got everything you need to make it."
"And that is all of the Firebase tips that exists in the world."
"This second edition boxset was the first time everything appeared in one place."
"Search your heart, search your soul, and when you find me there, you'll search no more."
"Therefore, you do not lack any spiritual gift."
"He's given us everything we need for life and godliness."
"That relationship with Christ is so essential because within that, identity, meaning, and purpose, love and justice are fully contained within that."
"Do not see incompleteness in your expression, see God as an infinite presence whole and complete within."
"You are that piece of the puzzle, and it's going to be almost like complete."
"So I think now I've shown you almost everything there is to show you."
"Every detail is an important part of the puzzle."
"People are constantly saying I need to find someone who completes me."
"You're the only person that can make yourself feel complete."
"Base Goku is a pretty complete character now."
"That is everything that is how to create the entire application."
"As usual all the needed hardware is included with the kit with no missing pieces."
"Your partner is your compliment, not your missing piece."
"The zero is the circle, the zero is the wholeness, the universe that's extending around everything and bringing everything together."
"There's something magical about... what you're getting on the disc is the whole game."
"It's time to put people ahead of politics. It's time to put country over party. It's time to vote for America."
"The peace of God is wholeness, nothing broken, nothing missing."
"This is genuinely a good game, it feels finished, complete, non-gimmicky."
"We're not here to fix anything, we're here to move our attention to that part that is always whole and complete."
"Know that the way in which you are being guided comes full circle."
"Farthest Frontier feels like a complete game."
"He's got every tool you can imagine, he's the most complete fighter I've ever seen."
"They feel like you're the missing puzzle piece in their life."
"I always found it was a very complete character."
"I truly enjoyed the album from start to finish."
"Receive the healing power of the Holy Spirit into your body 100% and you be totally completely delivered healed and set free for the glory of Jesus."
"Hopefully you guys enjoyed this showcase seeing them all together and finished."
"This match was fantastic from start to finish."
"The exterior styling...they thought about all those little elements that make it a complete package."
"It wasn't just like giving us around a bit of everything, everything that they gave us was relevant to the pack and the pack theme."
"Your essence, your true nature, that you believe otherwise and are convinced that there is something more you need to be complete."
"We want something more, we want the whole package."
"Anthem is an immersive experience that feels like it's complete from the get-go."
"You're not broken, you are whole and complete."
"I think everybody's beautiful and I don't think that the outside... aesthetically is not what completes a look."
"In English, the word is peace, in English, the word is also completeness, in English, the word is also hello and goodbye, the Hebrew is shalom shalom shalom."
"You're content with your life and feel like there's nothing missing."
"If you don't preach the Bible in its entirety, you don't preach the gospel."
"Excalibur may contain the most complete version of Arthur we have seen on film so far."
"When you have Jesus, you have everything that you need."
"I am in it for the whole cake, y'all, not just the cherry."
"This time, I'm confident that I'm the whole package."
"The blessing of God makes the difference anywhere it rests it makes life complete."
"Healing means... if you allow perseverance and perseverance has its perfect work, you will be complete and lacking nothing."
"But Kate is just the complete waifu package."
"Every piece of the puzzle can now fall into place."
"Seven is the ultimate number, encompassing everything, the concept of completeness."
"This is the exhale, it takes both actions to make a complete breath."
"This event is ending so make sure you get everything."
"You are whole and complete exactly as you are right now."
"You are full, no matter how much sex you've had, how much sex you don't have, how you express your sensuality or don't express sensuality."
"Love is when two complete people come together."
"Presentation and being authentic, you have to be the full package."
"You're not just a pretty face, you're the total package."
"Never discredit the advice you get from another traveler."
"They feel whole and complete within themselves."
"You are complete through your union with Christ."
"Now there can be a safety in what you love, a safety in feeling whole or complete."
"It's arguably the most complete Street Fighter 2."
"It's got everything man... just a fantastic piece."
"This team is a wagon and like Dallas there aren't many holes in this lineup."
"His filmmaking is complete, as though there's totality within it."
"This bike's got the frame and the spec. It's the complete package."
"Every rainbow is actually a complete circle, saying this is a complete infinite promise to you."
"Vivi Fluorite Eye's Song just felt to be the most complete for widespread appeal."
"This is the whole package right here, it is all perfect."
"Every single thing I just mentioned is present and accounted for here in the remake."
"He seems very complete and he has the homing moves as well."
"Your peace is a definition of your completeness. If it is not complete, do not rest."
"Being whole and complete is the real life goal."
"I want to do this hardcore right. I want to quest, I want to unlock everything, and I don't want to cut any corners for the entire rest of this series."
"You can literally have it all with this person."
"The only one who is complete when he's alone is Allah."
"You're going to feel just how much they complete you, that they feel like your other half."
"It is impressive that all of them get filled in."
"You are whole and complete and perfect just the way you are."
"This trio brings with it a sense of completion."
"Garrett Wilson checks every single box that you look for."
"They see you as the complete package - successful, kind, and intelligent."
"Wholeness is not trying to get rid of anything, wholeness is standing in all of it."
"True freedom is being able to navigate life with courage, presence, and wholeness."
"You don't need the lover first before you feel whole and complete and healed."
"Two halves don't make a whole, two whole and complete people make a relationship."
"The alabasta saga is an entire tale from any other fictional or fantasy... you're getting a full story from the beginning to the end."
"Christ's sacrifice on the cross was a complete sacrifice. It was what was needed."
"Let patience have its perfect work that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing."
"Your smile illuminates my soul. It makes me feel whole. There's no part of me that your love cannot fill."
"I'm not just a snack, no I'm kidding, she's the whole meal."
"If you don't have a knife that you can throw or beat or neglect, then you don't have a complete knife collection."
"You want to fill in everything you can about the biography."
"They will feel whole again once they have you in their life."
"The man of God must be equipped with all scripture, not just the parts we like."
"The glock ecosystem is so complete at this point."
"Game is incomplete without the red pill, and the red pill is incomplete without game."
"I want to be experienced joyfully, I want to be experienced wholly."
"You are a wondrous being of light, there is nothing to change or fix."
"You don't need somebody to be complete; you are complete on your own."
"What Jesus has done is once for all, it’s total, it’s complete."
"You got the empress, which is everything."
"You don't need anyone to complete you. You're already whole."
"This mascara really does give you everything."
"I was a bit of a completist when it came to certain series, and I wanted to own all of the Halloween movies, even the ones I didn't like, just so I had the set."
"There is no missing puzzle piece that will just make us whole. You are whole, that's the only thing you need to realize."
"They're like if they don't have you in their life, they're missing a piece."
"I am whole and complete within myself."
"You're whole and complete within yourself; it has nothing to do with anybody else."
"I'm prepared for it because I'm a complete fighter."
"Someone just looks at you as like a complete package."
"Somebody finds someone else to be the complete package."
"I realized the way for me to offer a complete service was for me to supply people with their fixtures and fittings."
"The sensation of completeness is a defining characteristic of a twin flame relationship."
"Most complete in many ways and we're used to saying that about Manchester City."
"The trilogy is just a perfect system: beginning, middle, and end. There's nothing better than a trilogy wrapping everything up with that final movie, that final scene."
"This drone is already such a complete package."
"When it all comes together like this, there's nothing quite like it."
"Make sure your content is thorough and complete."
"Once the little bundle of joy is here, it all fades away pretty quickly, and you can't imagine how you felt your life was ever complete without them."