
Absence Quotes

There are 1960 quotes

"Wholeness does not mean there won't be absence; it means what is supposed to be in your life will be in your life."
"The one thing we didn't have last time was any true leadership."
"Mom and Dad... wait, they're not here. What is this? There's a sign... 'Gone for a quick trip, back in a few days. Be good. - Mom and Dad.'"
"I didn't realize how much I missed this stream until it was gone."
"It breaks me every single time and we don't get to see it."
"If it was an analogy: the children ran the house and the father wasn't there."
"Their quietness or absence doesn't necessarily mean they don't care and they're not missing you."
"You're like the Avatar, bro. When the world needed you the most, you vanished."
"Something that should be there is suddenly missing."
"Veterans, conscripts, and special weapons, and Yarrick, they're all going to be missed."
"Sometimes you don't miss something until it's been taken away."
"Hi everyone, thank you for your patience during my absence."
"I don't even own a picture of you without your contagious smile."
"Greatness is built with passion on a field of absence."
"Your absence brings a deep and lingering ache, but your love persists here too."
"You were the shadow to my light, did you feel us?"
"We have so consistently rejected him, and he is gone."
"Although she wasn't physically present, she was in his ear, she was in his mind."
"It's truly a dream come true. I'm just sad that my wife wasn't here to experience it with me, but I know that she's supporting me at home and she's probably crying her eyes out right now."
"Our house is empty without both of you there."
"If only you could see me now, if only you could tell me why."
"Blake, are you okay? I missed you so much, dear, two days ago was the longest time in my life."
"To all appearances he is absent, so Faith must Supply what is lacking to our feeble senses."
"Great fun hello to Daniel Morad, sadly not racing with us this weekend. Hope to see you and the team back soon."
"Absence makes the heart grow fonder. Outside of a few cameos, references, and delusional wishful thinking on my part, they've never returned."
"He was rubbing elbows with people... Dan was basically always gone."
"He never came back that evening, so she had to greet everyone, etc."
"Ordinarily I'd have my partner Calvin Fish alongside, but some argy-bargy with some kidney stones has him stuck at home."
"Sometimes the greatest tool to showcase a villain's intimidation is their absence."
"Your absence can often be more powerful than your presence."
"Birthdays, anniversaries, and celebrations generally used to pass by without him being around."
"Silence fills the empty grave now that I have gone."
"You don't realize how important live sports are until they're gone."
"In your absence, they see your value, they see how special this is."
"How do I live? How do I breathe? When you're not here I'm suffocating."
"If you see Liam, tell him that we miss him so much and we hope he has a good life."
"If people cannot appreciate your presence, they deserve your absence."
"So the next day, I'm looking around for Gary at lunch and I can't find Gary anywhere."
"The absence of evidence is not necessarily evidence of absence."
"If someone doesn't appreciate your presence, let them appreciate your absence."
"The absence of Tony Stark is the entire point of it."
"Life seemed to go on perfectly fine without Angel."
"Sometimes a guy has to miss a woman to come back and commit to her."
"I couldn't be in that room... regret for not being there more present for her."
"All that I crave when you're away, nights are sleepless."
"In this place, there is no Sun, and nightmares do come true."
"Labor hasn't shown up in my world yet, no. Why such a hotbed of fashion here?"
"Absence makes the heart grow fonder for sure."
"The entire universe has chosen not to show up."
"It's horrible isn't it when there's no football."
"Absence is a sort of presence, isn't it? And that is not something that goes unnoticed."
"I thoroughly searched the house. It's not here."
"Definitely stings a little bit that he's not here."
"It hurt a lot when you love somebody and they don't be there for you."
"Your presence in their life is missed, deeply."
"Sometimes the space you leave is just as important as the space you fill."
"You don't know me yet, but you always miss me when I'm gone."
"Why is no one here? Did any of our people survive the blizzard?"
"She's heartbroken she wasn't there to see her first biological grandchild be born."
"She's so gone, you won't find her around, you can look but you won't see the girl I used to be."
"The reason why Tomohiro Ishii is not able to be here tonight is because of the injury that he suffered."
"Kate Middleton is still MIA, supposedly she won't be back until March 31st."
"She never came home, there was no sign of her."
"Actually, the opposite... I'm the one who's not there." - Korey
"Even though I wasn't there for Drew's first steps, I'm glad it happened."
"Absence makes the heart grow fonder; they feel cold without you."
"Your child is here because you weren't [ __ ]."
"I don't know where Barry went this time again."
"No gatehouse at all, no gatehouse, no road, no boundary ditch, none of what Stuart thought was going to be here..."
"I was about to say he was smiling but he has no mouth."
"Those who care will notice your absence and increase their efforts to make you feel wanted."
"If something's gonna go wrong, it's gonna happen when you're gone."
"Cherish their absence, it's always a blessing in disguise."
"Usually Joanne and Alex were waiting for him when he came home, but not tonight. That didn't seem to worry Andy."
"It wasn't just that there were no lights turned on, there were no outside lights either, just pitch black."
"What strikes the mind so forcibly and so painfully is his absence, if I may so speak, from his own world."
"Real hauntings do not come from wraiths or spirits but from memories and the knowledge that someone who should be there is not."
"Hell is where there's no love, no light, no life."
"It's been some action, Xerxe's having a good game, he's higher level than the top laner."
"It's nice to not see one here anymore because it means one's gone."
"He misses you mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and very much physically."
"Osaka, who won in Melbourne in 2019 and 2021, has not played on the WTA tour since September."
"Never say goodbye. If you don't say goodbye, you're not really gone."
"No parties, no parades, no trick-or-treaters."
"It sucked not being there but it was fun to watch from home."
"It felt very odd not having her in the house."
"Absence can make you look like the most romantic person on the planet."
"Our emotions intensify, memories sharpen, and fondness deepens in absence."
"Absence grows the heart, makes the heart grow fonder."
"One thing you'll notice we do not have in here however is a start/stop button."
"Nick is gone so easy, doesn't matter where he is, all that matters is we have to make him pay."
"You can't just disappear and tell people don't tell people why you're not here."
"Can you locate where there might be stagnancy in your field of resonance and then take necessary action to cut it loose, to set it free?"
"Mirror, mirror on the wall, we do not have one at all."
"As the cat is away, the mice come out to play."
"Donald Trump isn't even going to bother to show up for his own trial."
"In our time of need, his absence seemed like it stretched for ages."
"Don't go away and leave us nothing because what we might find will be just what's left over of you."
"I missed the first 10 years of his life. And how do I know how he's gonna react in this earthquake and this whole thing."
"Football without Messi is like a day without light."
"Leaving someone alone and allowing them to miss you is very powerful."
"Allowing that person the time to miss you... it does work on everyone."
"No kid should grow up without both of their parents."
"My book is the biography of a person who wasn't there."
"There are some stories that don't have a clear timeline of events and these cases stop short leading us all hanging for answers."
"Absence makes the heart fonder or something."
"Why you so interested in big man's wife? Well, He's goin' out of town, Florida. And he asked me if I'd take care of her while he's gone."
"Daddy can't be there with you and mom, but we can still have a party."
"Everything has to start somewhere and the absence of something doesn't mean that there won't be something there one day."
"I'll be gone doing my thing, but also keeping my eye on you somehow."
"I didn't know your absence would hurt so bad."
"If you're not together, this is something that they yearn for."
"Your silence speaks loudly, your absence speaks loudly."
"Then Rogue One is the story of the galaxy in the Jedi's absence."
"There's a person that your absence made their heart grow fonder of you."
"So even though Charlie wasn't there, he left no one disappointed."
"Wow, when the cat's away the ray is going to play."
"If I'm not here to laugh at him, it's like it didn't happen."
"Absence of evidence can indeed be evidence of absence, justifying the conclusion that something does not exist."
"Evil is a privation of the good, a lack of God's presence."
"People respect you. You're not around, or you're an expert at what you do."
"How can someone value your presence if they don't know your absence? How can somebody miss you if you're never gone?"
"You'll be haunted by the fact that nothing else out there no matter how good it is no matter how many quantity that you can get can ever replace home."
"You're not even here and it's Summerslam time!"
"He said he won't be there Morris is still dead."
"Even when Vi was there, she's like, 'Are you real?' So of course, once she's gone, then she's like, 'Hold on, was I even interpreting it right?'"
"It's like nobody's there. It's really creepy."
"Nobody sees the person leave with somebody else, there's never a fight, there's never a struggle."
"Absence of evidence does not mean evidence for absence."
"When you spend some time away, that's when people really appreciate you."
"I know you guys wanted to see Benny today but Benny was not able to come for Thanksgiving."
"I eat my feelings because I'm sad that you're gone."
"See that seat is empty, that's because the boss stayed home. She didn't want to go and have fun with me where I'm headed."
"The absence of evidence is not always the evidence of absence."
"You know you've made a friend for life when if you don't see them you actually really miss them."
"The Galaxy felt smaller without you in my cockpit."
"Mary Jane was supposed to be back in a few days. It's been too long but here's something bad has happened to her."
"The absence of Batman has created a power vacuum in Gotham."
"She hadn't been idle during Setsu's absence."
"She never experienced that love with me."
"Unconditional love means even when you're not here... I can still hold love in my heart for you."
"Growing up without a father... People don't realize how growing up without a father, for a daughter or a son, how much that affects them."
"You know, in a weird way, I didn't realize how much I loved you until you were gone."
"Evan’s friends lived very peaceful lives in his absence."
"...her agonizing absence was absolutely unbearable for her family."
"We hate it when you're gone, we hate it and we miss you."
"It's just people are stronger in their absence than they are in their presence."
"My mom and dad had gone missing and for the foreseeable future, I'd be staying with my aunt."
"It's strange how someone can have an impact on your life without being around."
"They want to say that they're burdened by your absence because you are this incredibly nurturing presence to them."
"People will feel your absence. Let them stand on that."
"A future without you in their life would be like a night sky without stars."
"Someone to support me, you were never there."
"I'm very sad that you're not here with us anymore, and I can't hear you laugh."
"Sorry that I wasn't around, sorry that he isn't feeling well, and sorry for not being an older brother."
"It's only been one week, but it feels like forever."
"It's interesting, you don't get any Fallout."
"The world seems a bit less bright without you."
"You're going to miss me when I'm gone."
"Absence may or may not make the heart grow fonder, but it certainly freshens the eye."
"Merry Christmas, happy holidays, I will see you back mid January, love you."
"It's little things like that that you don't realize you won't have until you're gone."
"It has now been almost 20 years since we've seen Sable on WWE programming."
"Absence makes the heart grow fonder, and my heart has definitely grown fonder."
"It's a little bit wild to even say this, but yes, in the released version of NBA Jam from 1993, Michael Jordan is notably absent."
"Thanks for joining and um, yeah last last bit of announcements here I'm going to be away next week."
"I missed you so much since you went to the regional hospital."
"Wildlife is thriving without humans."
"I missed you every single day, and I really did."
"The state of all that being gone, wow, that's just really out of the ordinary."
"You're gonna miss me when I'm gone."
"There was just no obvious explanation why Arlene hadn't come home."
"Absence makes the heart grow fonder, take a few days apart."
"You get a little surprise when they stop showing up."
"When something is absent, it's rare, and when something is rare, it's valuable."
"It's been eight months since his last fight."
"You'll miss her presence more than you miss casual sex."
"I don't think there's any such thing as happiness, I think it's just the absence of misery."
"Freedom. We're back, so no restrictions."
"It hurt me when I grew up not knowing who my dad was."
"One thing they're missing is the murder weapon."
"Sometimes you got to fall back and make people miss you."
"Evil or imperfection or deficiency is the absence of perfection."
"When you left, it felt empty, like a piece of me is gone."
"When they lose you, it's like they double lose you."
"Hear that? That's the sound of exactly zero turbocharging."
"Claire will forever remain in our hearts, her absence leaving an indescribable void."
"I've had no contact from her at all."
"Your presence is a present to most people, and your absence is always felt when it's gone."
"She waited for him all day long, but in the end, he never showed up."
"Use absence sometimes because we have this wrong impression that presence being constantly present is what makes somebody kind of fall in love and want us but actually it's a step of absence that creates that."
"For them, everything is an emergency. Call 9-1-1 right now because they are not here."
"He won't be accompanying him on the trip."
"What kind of perfect man of a father keeps away from his eight-year-old daughter only to contact her when she's 17?"
"Give people time to miss you by robbing them off your presence."
"The impact is just amazing, like the hole that this man left, you can't even call it a vacuum because ain't nobody gonna get sucked up in it to fill it, it's just a [ __ ] hole."
"It wasn't the same here without you," said other mother.
"Fear exists only in the presence of consequences."
"...this [ __ ] got me pumped up to see this [ __ ] and he ain't even here."
"The minute we are gone, he would lose the center of him."