
Unlearning Quotes

There are 97 quotes

"Times of change is the greatest opportunity to learn new concepts but more importantly unlearn outdated ones."
"The process of change requires unlearning and relearning, breaking the habit of the old self and reinventing a new self."
"The unlearning process is as valuable as the relearning process."
"We have to unlearn before we relearn. We have to break the habit of the old self before we reinvent the new self."
"I want to speak to you today about unlearning your limitations."
"At the age of 40, I'm unlearning more than I'm actually learning."
"Education consists mainly of what we have unlearned."
"Our identity should start with unlearning everything that we think we know about ourselves."
"Recovery wasn't about getting a new me, because there was nothing wrong with the me that I was; it was really about unlearning all those layers that the trauma created."
"I think it's about time we start unlearning the scripts that have been handed down to us."
"I'm just still unlearning a lot of things. Unlearning is learning at least for me."
"I've had to unlearn so many things from that time till now, and that's what I hope for you as well. I want you to do that just, you know, I've done it."
"Unlearn the false truths about beauty, about food, about productivity, about success; re-learn the truth about your own worth that is beyond your body and the food you eat."
"I realized now for me, I'm doing a lot more unlearning than learning."
"It's just kind of like we just... never going to learn the lessons aren't we because we just keep making the same mistakes."
"What we actually have to do is a process of unlearning."
"We must unlearn the ways we have been forced to exist within what is considered normal and begin to imagine the ways we can flourish outside these pressurized systems."
"This last year was just about a lot of unlearning for a lot of people."
"There's an unlearning that has to happen before you start to learn and grow because we're never starting from... this baseline."
"To bring an artistic sensibility into a problem-solving context is a process of undoing everything you think you know."
"Everybody's trying to figure out what to learn; most people gotta figure out what to unlearn to get to the next level."
"It's more important to unlearn than it is to relearn."
"Enlightenment isn't a learning, it's an unlearning of the lies of the world."
"You got to spend the rest of your life unlearning stuff so that you can become that beautiful flower."
"Transforming learned behaviors, unlearning what no longer serves."
"Personal growth is not a matter of learning new information but unlearning old habits."
"It's not always about more and better; it's about unlearning, it's about unburdening, it's about simpler."
"I feel like this something that we almost have to unlearn as we get older."
"Learning is a big part of it so I think from the show it's just like I need to unlearn a lot of things."
"Unlearning is the highest form of learning."
"I hope that one day you're able to unlearn those toxic ideas and decide to protect each other, to build community."
"Sometimes it's necessary to unlearn traditional teaching and embrace a deeper understanding."
"We always say it isn’t the learning that’s so hard. It’s the unlearning."
"I think that we need to unlearn a lot of things."
"Sometimes our biggest breakthroughs in life is not in what we learn, it's in what we unlearn."
"If you've learned it wrong, can you unlearn it? Absolutely."
"But before you learn to make something, let's unlearn a couple of things and to do that you need to understand the common mistakes that people do when they are trying to make an Indian curry."
"That's what they look like, and that's what I learned, and I'm still unlearning that."
"...what I don't like is I don't like the way we've raised men...I think that they have so much unlearning to do that they're not oftentimes willing to do."
"Unlearning things that I had been mistaught."
"You weren't born hating yourself. You learned to do so, but you can unlearn to do so."
"I do think she has unlearned a lot of toxic positivity."
"In order to move past the misunderstandings, we have to understand them and we have to unlearn. Learning is one thing, unlearning the misunderstandings that we have is another thing altogether."
"...if we can even get that on board and understand it, we start to rewire a lot of the conditioning that we were brought up with."
"Deliberately unlearning what you know is becoming deliberately ignorant."
"They have emptied their cup, they're ready to learn after they have unlearned everything they were conditioned to learn."
"What lesson took you the longest to unlearn?"
"Unlearning that, it just takes you doing the work."
"The strict divide between academies of learning and unlearning must be actively and ceaselessly undone."
"We got a lot of unlearning to do."
"I unlearned all the misogyny that has put it on us as women."
"There's so much we need to unlearn as a community."
"What can you unlearn in your life that is causing you pain, anxious feelings, and negativity?"
"We need to unlearn the ignorant stuff that's been passed on through our generations."
"It all starts with unlearning everything we have learnt to start relearning and stop being the phenomenal unique beings we came here to be."
"For me to strengthen my relationship to Spirit, I had to unlearn all the indoctrination that was put upon me."
"Learning began as a way of unlearning first."
"Part of the mission of this channel is to help you unlearn some of the things that we were wrongly taught."
"Part of learning is to know what you need to unlearn."
"Listen to this, it's gonna feel weird at first because you're going against conditioning."
"We kind of got to unlearn everything we were taught and that's not an overnight process."
"There's a lot of things to unlearn which, in unlearning itself, I believe as the older I get, is a much harder process than trying to absorb new information."
"To become seers of that which is, we have to stop seeing what we want to see, we have to undergo a kind of process of unlearning, to remove the screen of prejudices and pre-established views."
"It highlights what you already know but strips back all the conditioning."
"It would be useless to learn and not be able to unlearn."
"And then you spend the rest of your time trying to undo what you learn so you can get back to being like a child."
"The most important part of learning is to unlearn our errors."
"You can unlearn a lot of the things you've been taught in your lifetime to actually recondition your mind to do things differently."
"It's not the learning that you have to do, it's the constant unlearning that you have to do at every step of this work."
"You start to peel out all those programs that were put in your head as a child."
"I think Heather is trying to unlearn a lot of things, and I appreciate that about her."
"There's nothing to learn in spirituality, it is a matter of unlearning."
"I had to unlearn a lot of things that I was taught growing up."
"It's taken me 25 years to unlearn all the stuff I taught myself when I was 8."
"Sometimes we've got to learn to forget some of the things that we've been taught."
"We have to unlearn some of the things we've learnt."
"We learn through repetition and we unlearn through repetition."
"The key to maturity and to understanding life is not to just live it and explore and try things, it's also to unlearn everything you've been taught."
"I knew so much that wasn't true, there was no room to learn anything new."
"I want you to completely clear your mind, unlearn everything that you've been told about yourself."
"Prejudice isn't inherent, it's taught, and you have to unlearn it sometimes."
"We learn all these things and then over time we have to kind of unlearn them so we can be present and be in the moment."
"Sometimes you got to unlearn a whole lot of stuff in order to move ahead."
"What sort of indoctrination are we willing to live with, and how do we unlearn those things?"
"It's not what I've been told, it's not what I've been taught, and it's not what I have taught."
"One of the most difficult things to learn is when you have to unlearn something you believe."
"Before you can learn, you got to first unlearn."
"You know you live in a sick society when in order to become healthy, you have to unlearn everything they gave you."
"Learn how to learn, unlearn some of these things you learned are not the correct thing, and then relearning things you may have before but may have forgotten."
"It's really sad to think back on how many things I've taken so much time to unlearn that so negatively impacted me at such a young age."
"A lot of folks will need to unlearn what they have learned."
"I'm unlearning everything I've been taught and relearning myself."