
Past Experiences Quotes

There are 719 quotes

"The rubble of your past is going to become the foundation of your future."
"You can't change the past, so don't let it dictate your future."
"Don't let your past hold you back. Your past is not meant to hold you or keep you; it is meant to empower you and inspire you."
"Past performance isn't an indicator of future performance... Just because your beginnings in life were painful, it doesn't mean you're destined to live a life of pain."
"The past only equals your future if you live there."
"If you got through the crap in your past, you're going to get through whatever you're going through right now."
"Don't worry about the past; you're in this lifetime to learn and grow but also to teach others."
"The past is in the past, and it's like okay, how can we use those experiences to turn our futures into something brighter and better for ourselves and others?"
"The future will be different than your past, and if you try to judge what you're going to do in the future based on the past alone, you're going to be missing all the understandings of history that can help you anticipate and do well."
"Let the past go because whatever's coming in is way better than what didn't work out."
"It's not what happened to you as a child that matters most, it's how you deal with it today."
"I don't know, no matter how hard you try, I guess you can't escape your past."
"My scars are tools to help me recognize the wisdom that I'm going to need for my present."
"The ghost of my past starts showing up...but what I see in that moment is God reminding me of what I've already survived."
"Making peace with your past is very important; it plays a huge role into who you are."
"Your past does not define you; it prepares you."
"My past is what made me strong, and it's what made me the person I am today."
"Understanding why we have a fear of opening up in the first place is crucial. For a lot of people, it's because there's somewhere in their life where they did open up and didn't get the answer they were looking for."
"Our past does not and should not determine our future."
"It's been my dream since 2020 after having the painful experience of working with dex's in the past."
"Leave the past in the past, but take the lessons."
"Yo, for those who know, know. Please comment below if you played this game back in the day."
"A reminder that we don't have to leave our past behind to move forward."
"I think we're past that. I think that's in the past. We learned a lot certainly we took a lot of notes."
"Finding peace with your past is probably very important."
"You can't change your past, it's just impossible because you've experienced it."
"It was a genuine nightmare because that, you know, we can laugh about this now, but ten years ago, I woke up..."
"You won't allow yourself to go through that again."
"The past doesn't define you but it can define how you chain."
"Make peace with your past so it doesn't ruin your present."
"Your past doesn't equal your future. You could have screwed up a lot of things."
"Healing from your past is crucial to moving forward."
"You are not your past... you are the person who's learned from a great deal of experience."
"I will miss it, but you've got to forget about the past and keep going."
"This is the week to feel your power and leave the past in the past."
"The worse your past is, the more limitations you actually have to overcome."
"Regardless, everything now is in the past and it's time to move forward to the future."
"Even if you have done bad things or had bad things happen to you, that doesn't have to define you."
"Stop bringing your past with you. Every new person is a new beginning. It's a new unique set of circumstances."
"I don't owe anyone an explanation. What's past has passed."
"Releasing expectations or burden from the past, that's about it."
"Nothing is gained by holding on to past disappointments."
"You guys are gonna have this really good understanding of each other's past."
"You need to come to terms with your past in order to move forward."
"It was like being on a team... it was very competitive back then."
"You can be nostalgic and have a deep love for something that worked for you at the time."
"Your past doesn't have to be a place of residence but a place of reference."
"That was a chapter of my life that I'm super proud of and I love a ton of those guys."
"Your past was meant to train you, teach you, and develop you, prepare you for this empire."
"Reopen that old door from the past and say I'm going to give it a shot."
"You cannot erase your past, it's good to move away from that, absolutely correct."
"Nothing haunts us quite so much as the past."
"Forget what they said about you, forget what your past says, you are an owner."
"Don't judge me from my past because I don't stay there."
"Use past experiences as motivation for success."
"Don't let past experiences hold you back, build on them."
"I'm actually thankful for that past situation."
"You can't change the past but you can still move forward."
"You can't go off what happened in the past. At some point, you can't make so many enemies that when you are at a down slot, not everyone piles on top."
"The past is the past and there's no point in dredging it back up. Everyone fights for themselves."
"A reminder of those days is likely pretty traumatizing for Charlotte."
"Don't judge me on my past, it doesn't matter, I'm a different person now."
"Do you really want to go through that all over again?"
"There are no good old days. You gotta go back and use it for strength, man. But it's where you're at now."
"Earlier disappointments were just rehearsal for the great stuff coming your way."
"Radically accept the past so that it can truly be the past."
"Everything you went through in the past was actually a setup for your future."
"Don't allow the ghost of the past to cloud your present moment."
"Don't be a prisoner of your past experiences."
"We can move forward unshackled from the stories of the past."
"This was little tay the last time she was happy."
"we can't hold on from experiences to the past and expect that for what's to come in because that's stopping the law of attraction"
"Try not to let past experiences make you distrustful; communicate and let your partner know your fears."
"Your past must have taught you the wrong messages... release anything that keeps you from peace in your life."
"She doesn't want that anymore. It was fun, it was exciting, it was adventurous, but she doesn't want that anymore."
"Don't have to define us for the rest of our lives."
"Trust yourself. My pile 2s have already lived a life where your soul led and you followed."
"Look at the past as something that happened for you, not to you."
"Your past is simply to tell people that you are not who you used to be."
"Don't define yourself by your last painful experience."
"I was once a soldier... I killed him. What stories can do I guess is make things present."
"It's fun to take a look back at things that you did the prior season or even seasons prior to that just to learn."
"Don't let your past define who you are. Let it be a part of who you become."
"Time to walk forward, the past has been written already."
"You are not your past, you are the wisdom derived from its lessons, the courage removed from its trials."
"Don't look back. You're being told not to look back at this."
"You wouldn't be able to do the good you're doing now if you didn't have that history."
"Our past does not have to define us, so we make a little poem, but our past can refine us."
"The memories are so vivid that I don't need to stand in front of that particular facade."
"The pain of our past has become the promise of our amazing future."
"I miss this place, honestly. I don't miss the heat, I don't miss how small it is, I don't miss how cold it was in the winter, but the other day, I do miss it and I miss the time more importantly."
"Awareness itself transforms what it is that you may have experienced in the past."
"Your past is behind you... allow for your starting point to define where you want to end up."
"Now it's time, time, time. Okay, so there is some kind of insult from the past again that is actually going to bring you a new insight now."
"You can be successful by letting the past stay in the past."
"No one's called me a butthead since about the ninth grade."
"Gratitude is key. I'm so glad the past is behind me."
"It is wrong for the leftists to just separate those and say right never the twain meet... this is not true."
"I think it's good to take what has happened and then find the good and where it's put you today."
"It truly is in the past now... We're on our way."
"We can't change the past, but we can embrace it, grow from it, and become better people, better heroes to the ones around us."
"We are products of our past but we do not have to be prisoners of it."
"Choose your battles, don't battle yourself for what you've done in the past."
"Being creative frees me up from the past. No one wants to be chained to the past. It's not a bummer."
"Don't regret the past. Treat it as experiments with your reality."
"Every step I've ever taken in the wrong direction helped me get to where I am today."
"He's pretty self-aware about how messed up his robin experience was."
"We're in a beautiful place where we could change everything but if you're stuck on the past and you're living in the past, even the disagreeable past, you've got to create something new."
"But what did I spend all those years training for? I’d been in life-or-death situations before. Did I run then? Hell no. So why was I running now?"
"Redemption is about making a reckoning with your past."
"You don't want to be a prisoner to the past."
"Don't be a prisoner to the Past, keep the best bits."
"You can't erase the bad memories of your past but you can let go of the heavy attached."
"Your traumas of the past are going to take on a different form now."
"I believe that each moment makes up who you are. If you cannot accept your past, then you cannot accept who you are to go towards your future."
"The answer to a bad past is a good new future."
"You're going to heal from the past. What hurt you will be a forgotten thought."
"You are dating her past, you're dating his past."
"Just see the past as a dream... drag your baggage of misery into that future because you'll never create a new future with the negative emotions of the past."
"I hate that word I haven't heard that word since Abu Dhabi it sends shivers down the spine"
"Your future starts to become more important than your past."
"The past can hurt, but we can choose to either run from it or we can learn from it."
"Some memories are not meant to be revisited."
"You overcame a situation in the past here that you had to."
"The only difference between now compared to 2009 is that I won't be blindsided, I'll see it coming can you say the same?"
"Stop focusing on the negative, let go of the past, let go of resentments and grudges."
"Don't regret past experiences; they were all steps toward your true path."
"Literally three years ago my bank account was minus ten dollars."
"They should be blessed that I'm into them because I don't, yeah, I lived a crazy life."
"You can't live in the past and move forward."
"What you went through in the past, it didn't break you, it strengthened you."
"I don't have bad blood with anyone that I've ever dated."
"Some of us have lived in the past of feelings that have originated decades ago."
"I will never leave my children the way I was left."
"I had the pizza months ago when he was testing it."
"Walk away from past disappointments, they were only teaching tools."
"Just forget about whatever happened in the past okay just focus on your future."
"Realizing that past hurt led to present strength."
"Your past is passed. Now it's time to courageously face the future with faith."
"Varan definitely is gonna go into the yesterday for me."
"You experienced so much loss in your past life, constantly being thrown the crappy end of the stick. But it shaped you to be such a strong person, someone who makes things happen."
"We have to come to a time when we can recollect our pasts but don't live on it... our pasts should be a bridge and after we cross over, we can't build our houses on the bridge."
"There's still some sort of damage from a previous situation that still has bearing in your heart."
"Life can begin fresh and new. The past doesn't need to define you."
"But this video is not about the New Year. It's about looking and reflecting on the past."
"Yesterday is not a life sentence; it's simply a stepping stone."
"Promises broken in the past were life lessons preparing you for the dreams of your soul."
"One of the keys for also knowing if you're being activated by something from the past sometimes is the strength and intensity of your emotional reaction."
"Current fears mirror past life experiences, triggering caution."
"It feels kind of like the good old days... almost like a trip down memory lane."
"You've got to recognize... that conditioning in your past."
"It's amazing how fast that seemed back then."
"Not going down that path again, my standards are higher."
"Make peace with your past; lessons, not defining moments."
"Whatever has gone, also give it love, no matter how difficult or hurting it was. Just give it love."
"You deserve recognition, despite past unappreciation."
"It was something of the past, I was literally talking about how I made that experience a thing of the past to learn from it."
"Accept your past and say you know what, I'll take it because it brought me to you, and you are everything."
"Don't make the past a present in your future by staying there."
"Don't be afraid to reconnect to people; what has happened in the past is not necessarily going to repeat in the future."
"Take things slowly, step by step, especially if you've had broken hearts in the past."
"The Divine Feminine has survived all of the heartbreak of the past. This is no longer her story."
"This is the time to go back and revisit things we've already expanded on."
"Your future spouse is gonna be your good karma, it's gonna make up for all the bad stuff that has happened to you."
"It's very scary for them about how they feel about you, especially for those people that were in crappy relationships in the past."
"Just because the past taps you on the shoulder doesn't mean you have to acknowledge it." - "Just because the past taps you on the shoulder doesn't mean you have to acknowledge it."
"Your value in love is a lot more than what you have experienced in the past."
"I used to do that [ __ ] and that [ __ ] was fun."
"Acknowledge the past to heal old wounds, but don't live in it."
"People from your past and situations are lessons for growth."
"Don't doubt it just because in the past you weren't ready for it."
"Whatever experience you've had that was painful in the past, you're definitely leaving it in the past."
"Don't let yourself hold you back from what's gone."
"Just because something happened in the past doesn't mean it's gonna happen again."
"There's just something, someone, some memory, some painful experience that has seeped into your energy and has kept you from shining this brightly Scorpio..."
"Someone's past does not necessarily define their future and we all have a past nobody is perfect."
"Not one single thought that the past has taught has ever helped me in any way."
"I was a young buck back then and it brings a lot of memories there, bad memories."
"It really brought me back to the days of oblivion."
"I understand that just because things were bad once doesn't mean they will always be bad."
"Reframe your negative thoughts about the past."
"2020 and the years before that really set me up for this year."
"She loved me for the dangers I had passed and I loved her that she did pity them."
"Give up your stories about the past; you've outgrown them."
"Let yourself feel sad about the past; it may be the key to letting go."
"Running data is something I did in my teenage years. Yes, when I was a teenager, I was a wire monkey."
"Emotional withdrawal may be necessary. Walk away if it's for your highest good."
"You perceive some of the things that you've done in the past as wasted time or just bad decisions, but in reality, they're actually pushing you to the success, the level of success you're meant to be."
"Remember that time I told sari sucks ironic isn't it."
"The past doesn't define us, it helps build us into something more beautiful than we could have ever imagined."
"I don't want to do nothing more involved with that [ __ ] I already did all that."
"You're determined not to repeat the past anymore."
"You can't weaponize my past against me because I'm the one that wields it."
"We can use whatever has been in order to be better moving forward."
"They felt the need to protect themselves, possibly from past patterns."
"There is an opportunity here in your suffering, in your past experiences, in your loss, your disappointment, your heartbreak, whatever it is that you've had, there is an opportunity here for growth."
"Accept the lessons that you may have learned from the past."
"You have to be willing to say, 'That was back there. That happened, but it doesn't mean it needs to happen now.'"
"Gloves, [ __ ] yeah, that's what I used to do to them."
"We had a time in our life where we loved something that didn't love us back."