
Religious Text Quotes

There are 618 quotes

"Yet now be strong, O Zerubbabel, saith the Lord, and work; for I am with you."
"Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path."
"No temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man. But Elohim is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able. - 1st Corinthians chapter 10 verse 13"
"He who covers his sins will not prosper, but whoever confesses and forsakes them will have mercy. - Proverbs chapter 28 verse 13"
"Jesus said unto them, 'See ye not all of these things? Verily I say unto you, there shall not be left here one stone upon another that shall not be thrown down.'"
"The Quran...has been revealed in order for you to ponder very deeply over its verses."
"The word of God is quick, powerful, sharper than any two-edged sword."
"The two witnesses here may symbolize the saints."
"The Gospel of Judas challenges traditional Christian beliefs in a manner that no other ancient text has."
"The main message of the Quran is clear when you read it, you'll understand it."
"The Quran is a miracle that you can pick up, study, and experience anywhere, anytime."
"If I ascend up into heaven, thou art there; if I make my bed in hell, behold, thou art there."
"The Word of God is like food, water, and air - things we need to be sustained."
"Heaven and earth will pass away, but the word will never pass away."
"The word of God is alive and powerful, sharper than any two-edged sword."
"The Quran...is a guidance for people, a clarification of that guidance, and a criterion to discriminate between right and wrong."
"Reading the Bible in translation is like kissing your bride through a veil."
"When we read the Hebrew text, even as a worksheet assignment, we do not want to hinder the Holy Spirit from using His word to speak to our hearts."
"Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world."
"You can trust the Bible; when you read the Bible, you are not dealing with myths and legends, rather you are dealing with reliable history and real people."
"Billy Graham said of the scripture that no other book can touch its profound wisdom, its poetic beauty, or the accuracy of its history and prophecy."
"The Holy Bible, a compilation of 66 books divided into two separate testaments. In its standard English version, almost 800,000 words--words of enduring value, the cornerstone of our laws, ethics, moral code, and the fountainhead of faith for nearly half the population of the world."
"Our authority is God and He has spoken in one book, the Bible."
"The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you all."
"The Roman Canon is superior. It is one of the greatest written prayers ever composed by men, maybe the greatest."
"The King James Version has great dignity, power, and beauty in its expression."
"It appears that the Bible is actually enriched with facts and may very well be historically accurate."
"Every detail of those 66 books is there by design."
"The miracle of Quran is lost in translation."
"A book revealed directly from our creator, the words of our creator, sent as a guidance for me and you, how to live a spirituality, how to function as a society."
"In Leviticus 18:21 and Deuteronomy 12:30, the Torah contains a number of in-laws forbidding child sacrifice and human sacrifice in general."
"No prophecy of Scripture is of any private interpretation." 2 Peter 1:20
"The story of Perpetua is contained in a document called 'The Passion of Saints Perpetua and Felicity.'"
"This verse is a call to boldness in our spiritual walk."
"Father, forgive them, for they don't know what they are doing."
"The Quran is a book beyond human ability to produce."
"This I recall to my mind; therefore, I have hope." - Lamentations 3:21
"The Quran is not just a book about God, it's a book of knowledge and wisdom."
"Give us this day our daily bread. You need fresh bread for today's devil."
"The Bible is the foundational document of Western civilization."
"The book of Genesis is probably the most profound and full of wisdom."
"Stick by your good old-fashioned King James Bible."
"One of the more beautiful of all the Psalms, Psalm number eight."
"God's Word is what you see written on a piece of paper on an ink... God's Word that explains something deeper."
"My point here is that Surah 54:1 says, 'The hour has drawn near, the moon has been split.'"
"The Bible can't be mistaken, the book of daniel is not just another historical source that we can critique based on other historical sources but it is the inspired infallible inerrant word of god"
"The Bible is the only book in the world that fully answers these ultimate questions."
"It was the one book that did it for me and that's the Holy Bible."
"Gnosis, a profound understanding and spiritual knowledge, is presented in the Gospel of Thomas as an attainable goal for anyone."
"Our job is not to believe in the word who tells us why, how, and what to believe. It's to believe fully in His Word, and history has proven His Word to be true."
"The Book of Mormon surprises us with its depth and wisdom, revealing eternal truths."
"We have this another testament of Jesus Christ."
"The language of the Quran defies human logic, it's unlike anything else."
"Even the way it's spelled, even the way it's written, it's baffling."
"The standard of Arabic to judge whether something is good Arabic or bad Arabic is the Quran."
"The Bible in the original texts is free of error."
"Every book in the Bible has a particular theme, a purpose, an end goal."
"The Quran is nothing but evidence from your Lord and a guidance and a mercy for a people who believe."
"The Gospel of the Lots of Mary comprises a series of oracles used for divination and foretelling the future."
"If Romans started a revolution that liberated millions of people, maybe you should read the book of Romans."
"Hebrews 11:1 is a description of faith, not a definition of faith."
"The Bhagavata Purana discusses a wide range of topics, including cosmology, genealogy, geography, mythology, and legends, along with descriptions of the Siddhi powers achievable through yoga and meditation."
"Love is patient, it's kind. Love is not jealous, it's not boastful. Love is not proud or rude. It does not demand its own way." - First Corinthians 13:4-5
"The main thing for me actually is that the Quran can't be imitated in the Arabic language. It has challenges which cannot be disputed, have not been disputed for 1400 years."
"They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain." - Isaiah 11:9
"I have a mind God created me I believe in God I believe in him in him firmly and I believe in his word and his word in the Quran asks me to use my mind multiple times."
"Noah is here seen to have an ongoing role as a member of the Council of the Lord of spirits which surrounds the throne."
"The Quran is free from any contradictions, and no one's bothered to check that."
"Those who shout The Book of Enoch down because Enoch isn't in their Bible are just limiting their understanding of this material."
"The true position of a true Muslim is that the Quran is the speech of Allah... absolutely perfect in every single way."
"The challenge of inimitability encompasses depth of meaning, coherence, and spiritual power."
"The Quran is considered a work of divine revelation and is therefore believed by Muslims to be inimitable by human or AI efforts."
"The Quran is the word of Allah to all of mankind."
"The Gospel authors seem to affirm the canon of their day by quoting Jesus directly."
"One of the most thought-provoking messages... right to the pages of the Book of Revelation."
"Be very careful when you read the Bible. Just because something is written in the Bible, it does not mean that God condones it."
"The coherence of the Quran, the cohesion of it as a text, is the ultimate proof to the contrary."
"The fact that the Quran says that it's miraculously easy to memorize a 600-page document."
"In times of spiritual trial, Oppenheimer would search the 'Bhagavad Gita' for meaning and comfort."
"The Bible is a tool of control only if it is read and studied personally by the individual."
"The Book of Enoch introduces the Messiah, the Son of God who sits next to God and will judge both the living and the Dead."
"The Sermon on the Mount for me is one of the most powerful texts."
"When I first heard the Sermon on the Mount, I had almost a supernatural experience."
"So great and marvelous were the words and prophecies of Laconius."
"The grass withers and the flowers fade, but the word of God abides forever."
"The blueprint to a thriving life is God's word."
"This is not an unfamiliar passage of scripture but it is a very on time passage of scripture."
"The fact that the Bible has something in it that's true doesn't mean that every verse in it is true."
"The Quran is the verbatim word of God, tamper-proof."
"The Quran... is there to remind you that which you already know."
"It is Christ of whom the whole New Testament is full... all through the Bible from the first to the last there's one name above every name that's the name of Christ."
"I prefer to say it's authentic. Mark 16:9-20 is written by Mark, was originally part of the Gospel, and belongs in your Bible."
"Just a book, so is the Bible, and yet such a book has built Cathedrals."
"Moreover, this verse foreshadows the name of Prophet Muhammad and shows how he fulfills the description of his name."
"That's the beauty of the Bible. So like with like, you can see enormous disparity just between something as simple as geographical locations in two different books."
"Fear not was written 365 times in the Bible, that's one per day."
"The masoretic text really is the canonical text for Jews and Christians."
"What we have in the Old Testament is something unique."
"Acts the book of Acts is really good it's and and it also um Ephesians it reminds you of the authority that you have through Christ Jesus."
"Why is there even the appearance of contradiction in the perfect word of God?"
"Now that no longer can you say that the Quran has been preserved."
"The Guru Granth Sahib contains the teachings of the gurus and acts as a spiritual guide for Sikhs around the world."
"There's no way to say that the Quran as you have it today is exactly how the prophet was reciting it. It is unique but it is not miraculously unique."
"It's dealing with a form of that debate about the problem of evil... but rather than resolving it, the book of Job is actually trying to say it's better to question rather than just accepting everything at face value."
"If you reject the preservation of the Quran, it is logically equivalent to rejecting any known language spoken on earth."
"You return back, you stole the scripture, and now the advantage we have."
"May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God the Father, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all." - 2 Corinthians 13:14
"The Quran takes its name from the word 'to comprehend.'"
"The passage I really like... is Matthew 13... where the farmer... says, 'Presume wheat, not weeds.'"
"The Genesis 19 passage is talking about sexual violence and rape."
"God's Word is filled with all of the answers that we need."
"The Bhagavad Gita as It Is is a great book and a great read for you if you're looking into different cultures, especially Eastern culture."
"Forget the methane criticism; it's not enough. This is the only explicit narration that unequivocally indicates that Gog and Magog are currently alive and present, and this is not weak."
"Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in my house."
"Even the most unique attributes of humans, like fingerprints, are mentioned in the Quran."
"The Quran is a mercy for humans, the words of Allah should not be touched."
"The Bible is the ultimate authority on how we should live our lives."
"Revelation is the only book in the Bible with a built-in blessing attached."
"Abu Bakr was Mujahideen job is to bring the whole Quran together."
"He sits enthroned above the circle of the earth and its people are like grasshoppers."
"And they shall know my vengeance, saith the Lord God."
"God's word never will return void God's word is spirit it's power and it has its effect."
"Your interpretation of the text forces you to make Jesus out to be a liar."
"This passage may well be one of the most extraordinary in the entire New Testament."
"Let us come boldly before the throne of grace that we may obtain." - Hebrews 4:16
"His word is established, magnified above his name."
"The Bible is the most reliable source of information when it comes to how we can live our lives."
"Almost everybody agrees that Mark was the first gospel."
"Put your preconceived notions aside... I wouldn't even invite somebody to read the Quran to accept Islam, read the Quran neutrally and get a first unbiased impression."
"The Quran is a book 1,400 years old, David, and it's a book that's remained unchanged 100 percent the same."
"God says in the Quran: 'If you have doubt in what we have revealed to our servant, then produce a surah like it.'"
"The Bible is a book of antiquity that speaks to us in modernity."
"Run to the God that every demon of hell fears." - James 2:19
"Only 33 verses out of 6,236 verses in the Quran."
"You can make the Bible say whatever you want it to say."
"Come back to the book of Allah... you will be enveloped in sukhina."
"Every single one of them fell the next day in no other place than the place the Prophet had appointed."
"The greatest proof of prophethood is actually the message of prophethood which is the Quran."
"The Quran we have today has not changed one iota since its inception 1400 years ago."
"The validity of the Quran was, and the fact that there were no mistakes, no contradictions, it was just like, I realized it was such a holy book."
"He's torn down the wall of partition that existed between us."
"The Quran has been preserved meticulously without distortion from the time of the Prophet till our time."
"This Creed in first Corinthians 15, it's older than the book."
"Those that are planted in the house of God shall flourish."
"The Koran is the crux of Islam for all Muslims."
"This text is a bottomless well of biblical truth and reality."
"We have a book full of hope and remember the end of the book is a wonderful promise of His soon return."
"It's eerie how exact that text is in Isaiah and what it says we have to do."
"Allah's words are the light, we're just getting shed."
"The Book of Enoch was so popular for early Christians that even the New Testament cites it."
"When somebody comes along and says, 'I know what the ayah means,' that's where the problem lies."
"We decide what's good in the good book when we take our ethical intuitions to the text and read the golden rule."
"So when he talks about where this is coming from and where this hatred is understand the Bible makes it very clear."
"The Lord make his face shine upon you, be gracious to you."
"The Lord turn his face to you and give you peace."
"When the Bible is so real that you can laugh."
"The man, the spirit, and the Beast are now on the earth." (Repeating for emphasis)
"This book contains God's challenge, if the whole of mankind was to get together they couldn't produce a book like it."
"The Book of Enoch has the most explicit Messianic content."
"Even if the word of God may have been slightly changed, it wouldn't change any of the laws or meanings."
"The word of God is the Prophet Daniel once encountered the angel of God while he was so weak to stand."
"My own perspective is that the external and internal evidence that the Book of Revelation was written before the fall of Jerusalem I think is overwhelming."
"We build alliances upon the Quran, that's how we unite."
"The Quran is perfectly organized. If Allah puts a story in a Surah, there's a reason."
"The Bible is an amazing book... that maintain their truth over thousands of years."
"Believe in what was sent down to the Prophet Muhammad, confirming that which is with you."
"The Quran says the following on the origin of iron: ‘We sent down iron with its great inherent strength and its many benefits for humankind’"
"There's no condemnation left right here in this verse...there's none left."
"If they don't know what the book says, they really have no business defending it."
"The only reason I cite the Bible is because the Bible was enjoining actual child sacrifice this is actual child sacrifice."
"The Vatican edited the Bible beyond recognition."
"Acts is not describing the way things actually happen; this is a fictional narrative."
"The Quran has linguistic, numeric, and scientific miracles."
"God is the one who determines right from wrong, God determines truth, and He's given that to us in His word."
"For from the first day that you set your heart on understanding this and on humbling yourself before God, your words were heard, and I have come in response to your words." - Daniel 10:12
"There's only one Quran, only one interpretation."
"The Bible defines the relationship between Good and Evil."
"Genesis was not written to be taken literally but was supposed to be more of a parable."
"The only trustworthy book about who we are, why we're here, what's going to happen to us when we die, what God's all about, who he is, and such like."
"This is our guidebook, our textbook, the framework by which we live our lives."
"We should not treat the gospels as if they were simply transcripts of what happened in Jesus's life."
"Rejoice and be exceedingly glad, your name is written down in the Lamb's Book of Life."
"For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given, and the government shall be upon his shoulder. His name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace." - Isaiah 9:6
"This is the holy book of the great invisible Spirit. Amen."
"The Quran has significant textual variation in it, more significant than a lot of conservative Sunni Muslim Scholars and apologists are willing to admit to."
"Every word of it God chose this word rather than that word."
"The Bible is one unified book... divided into two large sections: the Old Testament and the New Testament."
"The Torah is described as the most beautiful, wonderful thing in the planet."
"The Bible became the common Bible in the English language by King James."
"The Quran helps us ground ourselves once again in divine revelation."
"The God of the Bible who knows the future... and he's written us this book... it's actually a revelation of God's will."
"Truth and falsehood - constantly coming up throughout the Quran."
"The Bible does contain accumulated wisdom in regard to life and human relationships."
"It's easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God."
"The Quran says that mountains have pegs that stabilize earth and prevent earthquakes."
"The Quran is timeless, multi-layered, and multi-leveled."
"The Quran is literally God's Word as revealed to the Prophet Muhammad."
"Quran speaks about the expansion of the universe... I can go on and on."
"Context matters. If you contextualize Isaiah 53, you can make it say anything."
"The New Testament speaks of itself as eyewitness."