
Trauma Awareness Quotes

There are 63 quotes

"The truth is, seeking outside validation doesn't actually solve the internal turmoil and ignoring trauma doesn't make it go away."
"The epidemic of trauma is touching us in so many ways, but we're not identifying it."
"We are specifically trained to understand the profound impact that trauma has on people's lives."
"Don't introduce trauma into the next person's life."
"Trauma is the missing piece in modern psychology, education, and medicine."
"Trauma folks recognize it but even then, emotional abuse isn't always acknowledged."
"Our needs matter, our mental health matters, and that these things will lead to trauma, even if we don't see it immediately."
"It's better to react to traumatized people with compassion than aggression."
"I'd rather know that I did what I could to hopefully not re-traumatize someone than worry about upsetting someone who gets angry about something as simple as a warning."
"Trauma doesn't have to be something that makes you a bad partner."
"Trauma lasts longer than the media news cycle."
"Survivor stories should never be minimized because of the subjective severity of the situation."
"Let's teach awareness but let's not teach trauma, let's teach confidence."
"Trauma is just brave enough to admit it. Remember that most people. Remember that because most people will never tell you."
"Content warnings are a useful tool in distinguishing between media that exacerbates trauma which can exist with appropriate content warnings and legitimately harmful media."
"Trauma from the past may be coming up, but we're aware and won't let it happen again."
"I hope that people will actually take off the comment section and just sit with the fact that this human being that has experienced traumas that many of us will never have to experience before in our life."
"Once you get whole, you can kind of see trauma in what it looks like."
"It's not normal to be more upset with the people that have endured more hell more trauma than anybody else."
"I truly believe spiritual trauma is real, it's always there."
"I think those of us who are in the kind of position that I'm in, where, you know, we don't have that level of trauma that we're dealing with, I think we, in particular, should feel obligated to be at the front lines of this."
"She expressed gratitude and said that she burst into tears feeling the validation that her trauma was real."
"I may destroy you as a show that bravely deconstructs the trauma of sexual assault in a way that feels very grounded and incredibly real."
"Whenever we're talking about trauma, it's going to be critical for us to first start with the body."
"But it's still trauma, and being able to speak out, you connect with other people, you realize you're not alone."
"Trauma can come in all sorts of different shapes and sizes."
"For my work with kids in foster care, she was showing clear signs of trauma and abuse."
"We witnessed was traumatic for us but it was the trauma response of three girls who realized that the adults around them do not give a about them."
"Ah, the youthful ignorance of not knowing how deeply my trauma affected me."
"Trauma involves our body, it involves our nervous system and like somatic experiences."
"Gabby addresses small 't' trauma and big 'T' trauma, I think the smallest things can change the way that we operate."
"Hold space for yourself and others as traumas surface."
"But it's just the truth, friends. It's just the truth. I've been in these situations enough with young people to realize how traumatic a situation like this is."
"How does that slow down? How does that lessen the casual trauma that already trots itself into each and every one of our lives?"
"There's a lot of trauma involved with many of these individuals."
"Imagine that was like your friend or a colleague of yours, it must be so freaking traumatizing."
"I think that they all probably need to at least be educated on the fact that they're probably all going to have some level of post-traumatic stress reaction of varying severities."
"I just wanted to say I'm sorry to anyone who ever wasn't believed because I don't know what turn my life would have taken if somebody, if people didn't believe me when I said that something had happened to me."
"One of the most regrettable results of rape culture is that women who have been victims of sexual assaults are made to feel as though their experiences don't matter."
"Remembering that you experienced trauma isn't being a victim making your identity out of it is."
"This fixation on how well a victim can remember exactly what happened to them is bull."
"We're holding trauma survivors to a standard that most of them won't be able to meet."
"Trauma does not have to be the most violent or the most oppressive thing. Trauma can be valid even if it seems minor in the grand scheme of things."
"The impact that it has that lasts for a really, really long time if not forever is almost as damaging as just ending someone's life."
"Trauma is like a gunshot wound, it has to be addressed, it has to be healed."
"It's not just a simple little thing that someone can check off on their to-do list, it's something that humans don't consider well enough and thoroughly enough and so they bring more trauma into the world."
"The unwillingness to address [trauma] creates more sickness."
"If someone tells you they have a trauma disorder like DID, PTSD, CPTSD, that does not mean that they owe you an explanation on how they got that disorder in order for it to be valid."
"Read up on trauma before you bring this child home."
"All of us matter, there's no hierarchy to trauma, there's no hierarchy to personal stories."
"Don't try to invalidate someone else's trauma or tell them that what they experienced is not traumatic."
"A trauma-informed program realizes the widespread impact of trauma and understands the potential path for recovery."
"The average medical student to this day does not receive a single lecture on psychic trauma and its multiple physiological and mental consequences."
"Trauma should never be a joke; it's nothing to laugh at."