
Inner Conflict Quotes

There are 341 quotes

"Self-love is not as easy as social media tells you. There is something deeply skewed within Kat, something she can feel but can't fix."
"When you avoid conflict to make peace with other people, you start a war within yourself."
"When faced by this evil doppelgänger, fighting proves to be impossible. It's only by accepting him as a part of himself does the rage fade from his heart."
"The only person you're fighting with is you."
"The ultimate adversary is the enemy you harbor in your own heart."
"Inside of you there are two wolves: one is kindness and empathy, understanding and selflessness, and the other is anger and bitterness, bigotry, ignorance, and cynicism."
"The greatest enemy that you will ever face is you."
"The greatest battles are fought in the confines of the human soul."
"It's two characters that are warring sides of my own brain."
"Your dreams are just as hungry as your demons; just remember to feed the right one."
"I've learned to relish the battle, and the battle is accepting that there is both light and dark inside of me, and it's a battle I have to have every day."
"Your greatest enemy lives between your two ears."
"If you avoid conflict to keep the peace, you start a war inside yourself."
"He's a symbol of hope, despite being conflicted about his past."
"Rest comes because you're no longer at war with God."
"The greatest testimony of being a true follower of Jesus Christ is the war that's within you."
"We've all got both light and dark inside us."
"There's deep thinking about a brand new beginning in love here on your side, and it comes a lot with inner conflict."
"Chapman started talking about a little person inside of him and a big person inside of him. The big person has been winning the battle up to now but tonight the little person won."
"Confront your demon and choose light over dark."
"we all have aspects of this monster inside of us"
"The ego is the devil and so it's that person in your head that's constantly telling you that you can't do this or look at this."
"There was something about this woman where she did not mind recognizing that she had issues... but she recognized that there was something working down on the inside of her that was also working against her."
"We've all got both light and dark inside us, what matters is the part we choose to act on."
"You need to confront the different personalities within yourself and make sure you find a way to get them all on board in the same direction."
"I guess there's little devil inside all of us isn't there?"
"Remorse is a powerful negative emotion that causes turmoil in those that feel it."
"For my final entry, maybe the best person for Mark to team up with is himself."
"I wanna make him hook up with Britta so bad, why am I like this? Why can't I just be nice and wholesome? Why am I instead just like, 'Britta, Britta is so fun'?"
"Deep-seated insignificance leads to spiritual bypassing, as we seek power in our powerlessness."
"The real me, the born-again me, doesn't even want to do that, so flesh just shut up because you're not going to get your way."
"Blitz's entire sequence involves his subconscious putting him on blast, just being thrashed and pelted and flung around mercilessly by tortured visions of his past."
"There's these three voices in your head that make you do everything you've ever been ashamed of."
"This person may be avoiding something personally within them, some form of healing or there's something here they need to heal within themselves."
"When something within us is disowned, that which is disowned wreaks havoc."
"Thor tells her, 'His people have faced death 800 times over. Hulk may seem like a savage, but he is a soul at war with himself, much like you.'"
"Reign in the inner beast or succumb to it - the choice is yours."
"Be careful with that, deal with your own internal demons and experiences."
"The more time and effort you put in trying to appear impressive or attractive to other people, the less impressive or attractive you felt inside."
"Our greatest conflict is ourselves. The biggest threat is the one staring back."
"He's actually going back and forth like he's dueling with himself."
"If your head and your heart are telling you two different things, one of them is wrong."
"Every man has a monster inside. A good man knows when to use it."
"A good man knows when to use that monster that's inside him."
"It's proven to me right now that you literally have to actively fight against what's inside of you if you want to do certain things."
"Spiritually, the warrior understands and harnesses inner battles, channeling internal conflicts towards greater purposes."
"I really wanted to pour my heart out but still I wanted to scream."
"KO is still working towards his goal of becoming a great hero, but he also has a mysterious darkness within himself that he struggles to control and understand."
"The Holy Spirit makes you want to do what you don't want to do."
"Narcissists are attacked 24 hours a day by a sadistic vicious super-ego."
"The greatest battle that any human will ever have is the battle within themselves."
"Your inner child is not going to like speaking up when you don't want to speak up and your inner child is going to not like toning things down."
"Shadow city, where your mind is kind of getting the best of you."
"I’ve always felt like there was another person inside of me. A person capable of doing dark terrible things."
"Kiriyama's inner conflict lies at one of the hearts of this show."
"You want someone who knows they're a monster and chooses to be good."
"We're messed up, our hearts condemn us, but God is greater than our heart, he knows all things."
"No, Kylo does not die but the good part of him does."
"He's very lonely, has to make amends with not just the people of his past but with his own inner demons."
"The strength card can overcome challenging barriers in the way. The question to you is do you need or want to stay in a sort of space where you have to kind of go into that because there is sort of this tug of war of dominance."
"Every single human being has what is called a shadow side."
"Embrace your shadow side so you can devour it."
"Their feelings for you still burn bright... they have this torture that burns for you."
"It's real about the struggle between the spirit and the flesh."
"Your biggest battle is with you, inside yourself, right between here."
"Just because you had peace doesn't mean you didn't also have sadness."
"Maybe I'm not worthy enough to be delivered... Maybe the level of Witchcraft that was in is just too strong for the people doing the Deliverance."
"It's a [__] Choice... are we going to be our higher self or succumb to darker impulses?"
"A fortress of strength, reveal the inner weakness, viewing the future. Hey, headbands never going to use."
"When all of us, I mean all parts of us, are not on board with the direction that we're going or with a goal, it's obvious that we're not going to get there very fast."
"We all have aspects of us that are pulling in the opposite direction of what we want or what we think we want."
"The ego is trying to trick us to think that conflict is in the world, but it's a trick."
"She accepted the demon inside of her to save others."
"There's good and there's evil inside of everyone."
"It's far from pretty. Jack begins to hallucinate grappling with the idea of being the only Jack Sparrow and his love of the sea and immortality."
"Venom is his Dark Side, a representation of all this built up rage and Corruption and darkness passed on by his dad."
"You're having to confront your ego, your spirit confronts your ego and goes, listen, this is not who you are."
"The levels keep getting harder and harder and the bosses that you have to defeat are usually the bosses inside yourself."
"They're juggling making a decision on how to transform something with themselves."
"When he sees a pretty girl, one part of him wants to take her out on a date... the other part of him wants to see her head on a stick."
"I sometimes think how can my worst enemy live in my head but that's the challenge of life that's what separates you know people just must grass from Mountain cats baby."
"The greatest enemy of all... is himself."
"You must go to war with yourself before you find peace."
"Jon will be torn between Targaryen R’hlloric fire power, and his icy Stark morality."
"The war that takes place in the mind."
"Two wolves inside of me, oh my God."
"If there is no Enemy Within, there is no enemy without."
"They're listening to their intuition but their mind is telling them something else."
"Every single time... that's when the degradation happens... hold the tension of the Opposites."
"Besides, Paul appeared to be fighting his own feelings."
"This person is trying to resolve the inner conflict that they feel within themselves."
"They're battling between the head and the heart, logic versus emotions, ego versus love, practicality and logistics versus following their heart."
"These repressed parts of ourselves ultimately create inner conflict."
"One part of them wants to go back to the old ways and then the other part of them is shifting towards the light."
"Tyler represents his darker side; a hidden urge for power, chaos, and destruction."
"I was dying like inside for sure."
"It's like you're fighting yourself."
"Blitz between ghost and apology tour is going to have to really come to terms with his own sense of self-hatred."
"If you spend enough time with yourself, you're going to fight yourself. You don't want to kill yourself probably. When I say kill yourself you want to kill that. Not yourself, that other one."
"It just didn't sit right with me at all."
"I'm in a good mood, but the beast in me."
"I listen to God battle a measure I battle right now and it make me aggressive."
"As conflict ceases within ourselves, prior can take over."
"Working for the enemy," said the little voice she sometimes heard in her head.
"It's them battling thoughts and desires."
"This person is feeling a little bit confused, conflicted."
"Your greatest enemy is the ego which is between your two sides."
"It's going to be a battle between your spirit and your flesh. Your flesh can scream loud, but the spirit is saying, 'Trust me.'"
"The devil will use you against you, you become your own worst enemy."
"Rosette struggled with the concept of using the souls despite knowing they were ghosts contracted by the Duke."
"Your greatest enemy just might be your inner me."
"As long as you are aware of the conflict within you, you haven't lost the battle."
"Jesse's greatest enemy was not other people but self-doubt."
"There's something broken on the inside."
"Guilt is the silent robber of peace."
"You have to have that inner conflict, that person driving."
"Luke felt abandoned by the Jedi he had trusted, grappling with the lies of his Masters and questioning his path forward."
"'Nothing's gonna happen if we don't push the button,' Jack says, and John's like, 'I want you to push it for me,' and Jack's like, 'Alright, but nothing's gonna happen.' He pushes it, which reveals the conflicting debate Jack is kind of having within himself about the island."
"There is a lot of energy here around self-sabotage."
"I'm not going to let this evil inside me live."
"If we don't deal with the war within us, then the enemy's already won."
"The inability to find happiness in doing iniquity is the core, maddening inner conflict that fuels demonic neediness."
"Anything that is of flesh and blood is not your enemy; it means there is something else operating in the background."
"You could be your own worst enemy."
"Katara goes from calm to mastering her dark side."
"To perceive God in the world, there's going to be a fight inside yourself."
"Your biggest enemy is you. The devil leaves, the flesh stays. The flesh goes to bed with you, has breakfast with you, lunch with you. Crucify it. Crucify it how? Starve it to death. Comprende?"
"The entire lesson of the Matsya avatar is that your own mind is your enemy."
"I'm super grateful that he's being honest with me, but I'd be lying if I said there is not another part of me that is dying on the inside."
"There's something untrained and unsurrendered inside of our heart that is compromising our actions."
"Part of the reason that people go watch anti-heroes and villains is because there's a part of them crying out for the incorporation of the monster within them."
"The biggest battle is always the one within."
"Instead of looking outside at all of these things, and like this dragon is the metaphor, instead of looking at the dragon within, he's looking at the dragon without."
"If you are out there struggling with this world, you are struggling with yourself."
"The war has been won, but the battle is for me, right here, in here, and against each other."
"Why even when my body is doing all of the right things is there still a sense of struggle in my mind and in my heart a sense of opposition and even a sense of assault?"
"Adrian is fighting an internal battle of finding his true self."
"If you're always fighting with the dark side and saying no, I'm only light, and/or if you're dark and fighting with your light side, there's no balance inside of you."
"No one on earth can injure us to the degree that our own temper can. No one on earth can persecute us as much as our own desires."
"The angry warrior is the warrior who is fighting himself."
"Your worst enemy is your ego which is between your two sides. Lead that, control it, subjugate it, trample upon it."
"Silence is an act of war against the competing voices within us."
"The battle inside of you is a fight between good and evil, your individual sense of right and wrong."
"I am in conflict with my current circumstance."
"A constant battle going on inside."
"Perhaps I'll take yours," his own voice inside his head had a hot black fire that smoked from the depths of his furnace heart.
"Whatever is suppressed within is not victory."
"If that ungodly part of you feels like a lion and that Godly part of you feels like a puppy, what could you possibly do so that the puppy could conquer the lion? Start to feed the puppy, starve the lion, and the day will come when the puppy will triumph."
"With each conflict, the torment of his existence intensifies, fueling a growing well of Spite and malevolence within him."
"It's a spiritual battle that takes place inside us."
"It's like two titans literally clash, and then he added another one, which I don't know. I just wonder if titans do have an effect on the mind too, you know? It just makes you think like Reiner and all these people."
"You're telling your shadow side, 'F*** you, you're not going to take control.'"
"The battle going on inside you is the biggest one of all."
"I fought me uh because I wanted to give up I wanted to quit I wanted to be hateful I want to be angry."
"How do you compartmentalize evil and love inside of you? That's... I don't know, but people thing people do it all the time."
"The hardest fight is the fight to not be your own enemy."
"The biggest conflict is within somebody's own heart."
"Squares are inner tensions that we go through, internal transformations."
"He defeated his dark other with the very thing it promoted."
"You're already fighting yourself before you can even get to me."
"Sansa's story is about a complicated, messy fight between contradictory aspects of herself."
"The real battle is really just taking place within yourself."
"I remember telling myself that I just wanted to work for the things every man wants, like a family and the respect of decent people. But impatience, frustration, unreasonable anger, and bitterness, these are enemies within."
"If you end up in a situation where you're constantly battling with yourself, it may be better to be more empathetic towards yourself."
"Satan is the accuser who attacks your heart with accusations."
"There's a war that's raging in his soul."
"But a different reply roared to life inside him, loud, insistent, and unwelcome."
"The greatest enemy of all sometimes is within."
"You're fighting external enemies but you're also fighting an internal enemy: yourself."
"As much as I'm relieved, there's that little bit inside me going 'oh God'."
"When it's just you versus you, it's not just you versus your trauma, it's not just you versus the tangible things that are blocking you, it's you versus you, your nature versus your nature."
"Like, the only that exists is the war between you and you."
"Thorfinn's story isn't just about revenge. It goes deeper into what torments him."
"The storm of emotional conflict rages between our flesh and our spirit."
"The chimp within your head is a separate entity to you. It was born when you were born but actually has nothing to do with you as a human."
"All of us have this war inside us."
"The battle between his conscience and his desires had already taken a couple of angst-filled hours."
"There are two dogs fighting in you. You have to identify them and say which one am I gonna feed the most."
"We fight in the only battlefield that matters—the heart."
"The never-ending psychological tug of war between our civilized side and our dark destructive side."
"The thumos working against his grief as a parent, tearing his mind apart."
"Freedom: Marvel leaving his warrior self and violent self and death-loving self behind, beats the crap out of his cancerous self and kills it."
"Once they've left Egypt, Lot and Abram must part ways. The separation from Lot gives Jesus's inner self the necessary distance to engage in combat against the hereditary evils in his outer self."
"The battle between good and evil is fought inside every heart."
"We were beaten because we lost the war with ourselves."
"There is a lot of fighting going on, like I am fighting for this, but within myself."
"It's the battle between the mind and the heart. It's the separation, the bottle, the separation. It's a separation between the mind and the heart. And only when a human being can be whole between both can they be free and they can step into their true power."
"At the end of the day, it's you versus you and sometimes the stronger version of us is our inner demons that's fighting us telling us that we're wrong but sometimes we need to be able to fight back and tell them that we're right."
"We all have a Magneto inside of us as we also have a Charles Xavier."
"The cruel dichotomy of all of this is that one part of you is relieved that for the last month you haven't been going crazy that what you believed was true was actually true."
"You have to fight for your life, you have to fight for your peace of mind, you have to wrestle."
"Everyone's got demons and angels and they're all the same."
"If anything, you would rather have inner conflict than cause conflict in somebody else's life, which I think is very admirable, and I think you may have struggled with this a bit, and you may struggle with expressing how angry you can sometimes get."
"Ahsoka must become a Shadow Warrior. She must wrestle with those fears, those insecurities, those anxieties about herself that she has yet to accept."
"The real war is right here in my heart and in your heart."
"Canceling your subscription, this is a very personal, very deep, very internal battle."
"The real battle for men with money is the battle within themselves."
"It's like the yin and the yang, the devil and the angel on your shoulder."
"To have everyone look at you one way when you feel the complete opposite on the inside."
"In no other area of our life do we think like we do with spirituality and walking with Jesus... It's this back and forth struggle between new hearts and your old life of training. - Reflecting on the struggle between the old self and the new self"