
Social Experience Quotes

There are 76 quotes

"Pleasure is experienced alone, happiness is experienced in social groups."
"Food is actually the one thing that is always better when shared with other people."
"If going out and eating out in restaurants is about having fun and excitement and sharing that with your friends, then this ticks a lot of boxes."
"Being able to experience a world with my friends the way that we want to experience that world is a huge value to me and many other MMO players."
"It's important to note that from a Content perspective, Ashes of Creation is looking to fulfill both that solo-oriented mind in gameplay as well as the group and social experience."
"I'm excited despite your misgivings about it I definitely want to see the mood there."
"You can really feel that here already, there are tons of coffee shops, tons of little restaurants to eat at."
"Firstly, when we go to the street and have the beer on the street, we can order many things."
"Going to the movies by yourself is a blast! Did it for my second viewing of Multiverse of Madness and bonded with someone about our love for Wanda."
"Concert tickets...such a good Christmas gift."
"It's funny because now the other guy really wants to experience this kind of glamour thing."
"Movies are communal, these are shared experiences."
"It felt like the world was normal for a bit."
"Do not take away from the experience that everybody around you is having."
"Journey is the first single-player game that actually deliver a social emotion."
"World of Warcraft is always a better experience with friends."
"It's kind of scary, it's kind of disturbing, but that's okay. There were some normal people there too."
"Well, I think at the end of the day, the best part of all video games is the shared experience of playing it with your good friends."
"Video games are best when they are a communal experience, and a big part of that stems from the sharing of knowledge."
"I think I would have been a little bit less crazy if I went to public school."
"Do you miss going to the movies? The connection, the tension, the collective catharsis. What if you could experience it all again in a safe way after the pandemic?"
"There's no bad energy in... maybe you're in SoHo though."
"There's something really cozy about being alone in a crowd like that."
"Community is a very different experience... and that changes the vibe."
"It's just like this such a crazy experience with this like imaginary line and kind of this like worlds that are just totally separate."
"We're going to go out and explore and see what there is to offer... we got to look through this entire book."
"The best way to play games is comfortably in your own home with all of your friends around."
"I just wish I saw this with friends."
"What if we can make these movie experiences that were both living and social in the way that they were created and added to?"
"Welcome to the life of being a freaking female dude, trying to go out, I'm telling you bro, I know, I know."
"Have you ever been to a bar where your intention is to not drink there, but the vibe is so good you end up staying for hours?"
"A city should be a place which enriches experience socially and psychologically, managing complexity."
"A bad movie can lead to a good time, if you watch it and respond to it in the right frame of mind, and if you have some friends around to enjoy it with you."
"Sounds like you guys had a lot of fun."
"Before TV, people experienced comedy by actually getting out and going to a comedy thing. They experienced it with other people."
"It's one of those movies that you just want to have fun and talk about with your friends."
"As long as the people around you in the crowd are matching your vibe, you're gonna have a good time."
"When we're just like forced to spend time together, it turns out to be a good time."
"You sit around that table, you dine with friends, you drink with friends."
"Liminal states have what he calls 'communitas.' It's a social experience that you only get in liminal states."
"It makes the entire flight a wonderful sociable and really quite luxurious experience."
"What can you expect? Yes, beautiful corals and a bunch of amazing people."
"Tour groups are great for solo travelers because it forces you out of your comfort zone."
"Fans not only see the movie once; they see it three, four times, and they bring their family, their friends, their co-workers."
"Education is not merely an academic endeavor; it's an intricate social experience, a formative period, and a training ground for the upper echelons of society."
"I had a great time, I met a lot of wonderful people."
"The shock of being rejected socially or romantically is a pretty brutal experience emotionally."
"Like it or not, we have all been awkward at different points in our lives."
"I want to walk through a mall again."
"I have my whole life to live alone... I feel like the dining hall experience is something you can only really get in University."
"More people that you can bring along for the ride, the more fun you're going to have."
"I think EDC really started popping off before Instagram was huge, so people were going there for the experience."
"Like with everything, Virgin just does a really good job making cruising social but at your own pace and comfort."
"I think it's always good when you kind of go across your line, your bubble, and experience other people."
"I like to turn on a video of somebody eating food and talking... and it kind of makes you feel like you're eating dinner with somebody."
"I am spending the next 5 days on this sailboat with complete strangers."
"Honestly, there was nothing but good vibes up there."
"We're all just quiet, eating our ice cream. The whole way home we talk movies, music, comedy. I mean, it was amazing."
"Some people leave after only a few minutes, so we are challenging ourselves to last the whole night."
"I had a really awesome time, I hope you guys did as well."
"It's the FOMO. I want to be there for a good moment."
"When you fear food, you're not just missing out on food; you're missing out on experiences, memories, laughter, celebration, connection, opportunity."
"That was a really fun experience being at the mall with all the people."
"I knew that it would be worth it to go through meeting people that I didn't necessarily like or connect with because I would learn from those experiences."
"I went to college for fashion design, which was kind of a stupid degree to get... but my overall social interpersonal experience that I had at college I think was very valuable."
"I think it's a really fun experience if you want to do it with other people."
"The food is just a vehicle to have a shared experience; that you want to have companionship, you want to be with people."
"Social pain is every bit as much of a real kind of pain as when you stub your toe or when you have a headache."
"Try and go with lots of friends... it's a hundred times more fun to have a friend there with you."
"I thought I was contributing to a sense of community; we're all watching this show together and sharing our thoughts."
"The people watching, oh my God, that is just epic."
"It's a prime example of the art of film being a social experience."