
Long-term Quotes

There are 1826 quotes

"Real freedom includes the ability to commit to something long-term."
"I do science because I think it’s an investment in the long-term survival of our species."
"Health and wellness is a long game; there's no quick fix."
"The real money in investing is not like it's trading... You get taxed different on trading."
"You can't guarantee a return in the market, but historically, over a long period of time, you generally will earn more than the finance charge."
"Happiness is something that's actually quite resilient... people become very, very resilient as far as happiness is concerned over a long period of time."
"Holding for a long period of time... it's also way more likely for you to make money with this stuff over the long term."
"If you have a bucket of capital that you want to invest conservatively for a decade or longer, you would buy digital property."
"Patience is the ultimate thing... we are in this for the long term."
"They bought in all on him; he's going to be around for a long time."
"I think CVS is a great value pick for long-term investors."
"Over the long term, I think it's pretty safe to say that the longer you hold real estate, the more likely you are to end up making a substantial profit."
"The best short-term strategy may be a good long-term strategy."
"If you're a long-term investor, what you need to do is you need to remember your goals, understand what's a good company, and hold on to this company for the long term."
"Give your investments time to grow. My best stocks have been my fifth, sixth, seventh year."
"Long-term consistency trumps short-term intensity."
"I don't think we're ever going to return to normal as it was. I think this is for the long term."
"Months if someone's getting mad at you over something like this, yeah this is a silly argument that you should only have if you've been together for like 10 years."
"I'm really comfortable holding ADA over 10 years."
"It just disappeared. New hope after a decade of despair."
"Britney has been under this conservatorship for over eleven years."
"You better be prepared to hold space for her for years."
"No one has ever lost any money if they've bought and held an S&P 500 index fund for more than 20 years."
"Wow, this is truly a DNA mystery 37 years in the making."
"I'm basically convinced at this point that this company will grow its earnings substantially over the next 10 years."
"It's easier to spot problems in casual dating but much harder once two people have been together for many years."
"Over a long enough period of time, predictors with good judgment are all that should remain in the market."
"Bitcoin is a long-term investment. I'm holding it for at least 10 to 15 years."
"We'd played for two and a half years, no romance on the stream. You know, I'm in love with you, right?"
"This is going to be a decades-long fight for American preeminence and for the protection of the American way of life."
"Increase in value that alone / 30 years same payment every month."
"Rivalries are not built overnight, and these two have a long storyline."
"You're not retiring for a year or three years, you're retiring hopefully for 20, 30, 40 years."
"This is a failed experiment that we knew would fail and we've been watching it fail for years slowly."
"You should be fundamentally investing your money for the long term."
"This is actually a very good way of storing energy long term."
"We've got to start planning 20-30 years ahead."
"If you wouldn't hold something for 10 years you probably shouldn't hold it for 10 minutes."
"Life is a series of seasons, and enjoy the seasons. That's what's going to actually allow you to play the game for a long time but also do your greatest work."
"Identifying a long-term compounder and holding on for dear life."
"I've never been free. Uh, 25 years in prison, you know, it's a long time."
"Lasting change is a gradual process, a long-term project."
"The revelation of the toxic gas canisters is a story thread that has been slowly playing out for years."
"It's good because we get to plan 20 years down the road."
"This is definitely something that will grow towards the long term."
"I just feel like there's more long-term potential."
"Dividends are a great way to encourage investors to invest in the long run."
"It's going to be absolutely essential for our long-term survival that we understand the larger cosmic environment."
"For over 50 years, Tom's story has been consistent."
"Trust in the Lord, remain focused on the Lord, and set the Lord always before you."
"If you own stocks right now and you don't plan to do anything with them for another decade or two, then why would another 20% drop even matter?"
"You just have to learn what to look for based on what you want out of your mate long term."
"What we do these next 13 days will matter for decades to come."
"Capture some upside while investing for the long term."
"Microsoft is one heck of a dividend growth stock for the very long term."
"They see you as definite marriage material or a long-term partner material."
"As long as you can conceptualize that the value for 50, 60, 100 years isn't going to disappear, that's when mainstream adoption can come in."
"We are going to have a long period of wealth and success."
"We're not just doing a normal rebuild today, it is going to be a 10 year one."
"Leorio is in the nen game for the Long Haul."
"Hold your cryptocurrency for a long period of time."
"Some of the best investing I've ever done has been on the longer term trend."
"Recovery in Maui is going to take many years."
"I still see it to this day over 10 years later."
"Remember, buying a stock, you are an owner in that business. Stocks are not to be traded, they are to be bought and held for 10, 20, 30 years."
"Long-term series, hoping you're looking forward to it."
"I want positive long-term change on a systemic level."
"This has something more long-term written on it."
"You're playing the long game, you know, I mean, this is your life."
"You will be in a long-term, beautiful relationship."
"View it as parking your money in an asset that is pretty much guaranteed to grow in the long term."
"The only way you truly win in this game is by holding long term."
"We never lose. We never lose the war as long as the people who stay with me are in for the long haul."
"Quality remains long after the price is forgotten."
"Joe Biden and his son sold America out to the highest bidder consistently for nearly half a century."
"Pick a strategy that you like and stick with it for the long run."
"Sure, a Tesla is cool, but how well does it hold up over the long term and is it actually worth the cost?"
"I won't care if I'm in the red for a while. I'll buy more baby, that's the beauty of long-term investing."
"34 years is a long time to be in a state of grief and immense sorrow."
"Nintendo's collaboration with Nvidia is going to be multiple decades, so again I believe we're looking at the hardware here for the holiday."
"I'll take a $2,000 a month every month for 25 years, that's an insane amount of money."
"The impact that we're already seeing on Russia but this isn't a short-term impact this is going to be a long-term problem for the Russian economy."
"This isn't a quick fix, your mental health is for the long run."
"I think investors should take at this point more of that medium and longer-term view."
"We have some really exciting long-range plans, probably one and a half to two and a half years out."
"They see a lot of potential in you for the long term."
"She said they've been looking for me for 20 years."
"A massive success for Atlanta as they had found a franchise quarterback to lead the way for the next 15 years."
"When it comes to precious metals, you gotta play the long game."
"Boston has like a 10-year window of dominance in the East."
"Spaces that will truly transform the way that Rachel and James live in this home for many years to come."
"YouTube is something that I could literally see myself doing for the rest of my life."
"We need to show respect for the environment, something this country has not done for a very long time."
"Growth is something you have to measure over the long term."
"It's less about confrontation and more about building something over time."
"Sometimes the best investing strategy is just that simple good old buy and hold."
"I've been in a very successful nation for a long time."
"You're getting a great deal for a long-term gain."
"The most egregious stuff will always be addressed in the long run."
"I'm impervious to that argument for one reason, I'm a very long-term investor."
"Every American child to get $250 to $300 a month for the next 18 years."
"They really want to make this work for the long term."
"This is something I've been dreaming of for the better part of two decades."
"We're in this for the long haul. We're telling stories here."
"Outperformance is most likely to be achieved by buying holding and maintaining a portfolio of compounding machines with a disciplined and long-term approach."
"So finally, after more than 33 years, Roy had received justice for his murder."
"This person is a divine counterpart, someone who really wants to settle down long term."
"Every issue we are facing today is long-term in nature and requires systemic solutions."
"Thank you so much because 14 years, it was so good."
"For long-term investors, it's about having the mental fortitude."
"Opportunity for strategic investment over a mid to long term hold is a real opportunity."
"They're obsessed with you... they've been obsessing over you for a long time."
"Sometimes these actionable ideas come in and they're in service in the long run of helping us create more peace and prosperity."
"Thanks for all the support over the last weeks, months, years."
"Nine months is a really long time you can make serious changes in body composition in nine months which is really awesome."
"Destroy All Humans is one of my favorite games over the last 20 years."
"A serious relationship might be for real and might be for a long time."
"If you're investing, you've got to invest for a long-term time horizon."
"We try to do what's right for the long-term investor."
"I'm not in the transitory camp. I think that inflation is not transitory."
"If you want to make the most amount of money and you have a definitive thesis or idea about why you love an asset, the best thing you can do... is to hold them for a 10-year period."
"I truly do feel that Cardano is going to go to the moon long term, not like this year, but in the next five years to 10 years."
"It's crazy so for me like me personally like I'm just focused fully on long-term buys right now."
"The secret to a long-term relationship is communication."
"A kind of admission: I've been running a webcam studio for nearly a decade."
"Trying to open lines of communication... can pay off in the long run."
"Bitcoin is a long decades-long journey into becoming like a useful technology."
"We're going to rent it to some very good friends of ours, they're going to be here long term."
"This journey that you're moving into has the potential to go the distance."
"You're the best decision for me when it comes to long term."
"When you find a piece that you know you're never gonna get tired of it's worth the investment if you can."
"Just being in the game and being in the markets is a lot more sound and holding long term is a lot more sound of a strategy than trying to day trade it in and out of certain projects."
"They know that this has got a lot of long-term potential with you."
"Think long term, don't think about you got to move fast, but you also got to move fast in the right direction to give value."
"You want to keep moving up in the world by thinking long term, giving value."
"Smart people that are investing... they know that it serves them better to buy and hold."
"I plan to hold my Bitcoin forever and literally never sell my Bitcoin."
"I'm not buying the stock for what's going on in 2024, I'm buying the stock for 2025 and Beyond."
"Do I think the revenue and profit will be higher 10, 20, 30 years from now than it is today?"
"We're both in this for the absolute long-haul."
"Investing is about the long-term allocation of capital to achieve later benefits."
"... for something to be lazy, it has to be something where you do the work once and you can continue to benefit from it for years and years potentially into the future."
"This day is a long time coming, just the culmination of all of this stuff that we've been talking about for a very long time."
"Weight loss should be one of those things that you should be thinking long term, like a lifestyle."
"If you're in a deal long-term on cars, don't think you're locked in for the full term."
"We want to talk about the future, not just this quarter or next quarter, but further out into the future."
"We're interested in owning a wonderful business forever."
"...you really should be a lot alike. Yes, Opposites Attract but maybe likeness is what can go in the long road."
"It's a long-term game; by taking that long-term approach, you can change your life."
"This is something I've wanted to see for about 13 years now."
"The only thing that matters is that long term and those memories, really."
"Stay strong in that intention and in what matters to you for the long term."
"Don't spend above your means and buy things focused on long-term."
"Just buy S&P 500, hold it for 20 years, and you're going to make money."
"In the foundation, you have something very long term, something that you're building for the future."
"You want to make sure that these companies are not going to be disrupted and will still be around doing really well 5, 10, 15, 20 years from now."
"They really want to be in your life for a lifetime."
"I'm playing a long game, one where all three of us win."
"Markets are all about turns in the data... in the short run the market is a voting machine but in the long run it's a weighing machine."
"If you want to build something that changes the world, you have to think in decades."
"This is a 10-year game, a 15-year game, a 20-year game, however long you want to say."
"Have faith in the long game, stop worrying about how well the next video does, and instead think about where you're going a year from now, 3 years from now, 5 years from now."
"For long-term shareholders, this is a great opportunity."
"The idea here is that if the strategy allows you to consistently invest over the long term, that's more important."
"If your time horizon is longer than 20 years, there's basically no scenario in which you would lose money."
"It's not about the immediate gratification, it's about the longer term."
"It's longer term and we're kind of collaborating in a way."
"If you want to be a successful investor, just do covered calls and selling puts on high-quality companies long term."
"Investing should be boring. I want to track the market inside of a tax-efficient account and I want to do that every month and I just want to set it and forget it."
"If you're Warren, you want the house, you want to be the house, not the pter."
"Stay focused on the long term with these companies, you're going to do far better over the long term."
"This person wants you in their life for the long haul."
"Keep them as low cost as possible, stick to them being passively invested, and finally, stick with it over the long run and don't keep changing things around."
"They see you as a long-term companion for them."
"See how integrity can actually cost someone short term, but the long-term benefit has vastly more potential to outweigh the short-term gain."
"Only invest money that you can put away for the long term."
"Things that are going to be Heavy Hitters that are going to be worth your money in the long run."
"Investing should always be seen as a long-term strategy."
"It's over budget today, but in the long term, I think it's going to be the right investment for us."
"This person is definitely thinking about a long commitment, long-term."
"I'm in this for the long haul; I play the long game."
"If you take advantage of the disruption now and pick up the right properties that you can hold long-term, you're setting yourself up for success down the road."
"Put your ego aside, who cares what they think, think more long-term."
"Quality will always Trump quantity in the long term... when you've covered everything that's important, stop."
"Sometimes it's a short-term gain but maybe a long-term loss."
"Seven of Pentacles shows they think there's a long-term potential here."
"This is someone who thinks that the efforts they're putting in are going to grow into something long term with you."
"Financial Freedom comes from building a business something that works for you over the long term."
"Gold's here for the long, long game."
"There's a strong marriage potential; I see a strong long-term relationship."
"Take care of your health and to look long term, are there small changes you can make in your diet that are going to have really beneficial effects for the long run."
"They are looking for something long-term, they are looking for something committed."
"It's as simple as opening a trading account getting your mindset and understanding that the price is going to be volatile day to day but over the long term it evens out so don't be scared of the short-term fluctuations."
"I am trying to sow a good relationship so that throughout our lives I can harvest a long-term good relationship with them."
"Dividend investing is a long-term strategy; it's not a short-term trading situation."
"If you're fully invested in uranium today, close your eyes and wake up in a couple of years time"
"They see you as someone they want to be with longterm"
"It's a short-term sacrifice for a lifetime of benefit."
"Avoid falling into the trap of seeking certainty and quick returns. Investing is a lifelong endeavor."
"Toyota takes a slight edge in reliability in kind of long-term reliability."