
Global Community Quotes

There are 705 quotes

"Ladies and gentlemen, people of the world, today's a special day."
"This isn't just the niche little fandom that I had before, no, this is Monster Hunter worldwide."
"Astronomy and physics is great because it's not political; it is just the wonder that the world shares."
"We are a global community and we respond appropriately to support fellow humans when they're in crisis."
"Pentecostals and charismatics number about five hundred million Christians around the world."
"We proudly continue this tradition by providing our members across the globe with opportunities to question their most fundamentally held beliefs and by standing up for free speech and expression."
"Good morning, good evening, good afternoon, wherever you may be in the world. Welcome. I'm so thrilled you're able to join us today. I feel both honored and truly humbled to represent an incredible team today."
"It's been a driving force for innovation, it's been enduring platform for creation, it's been a home to billions."
"We need to come together as a population of the world."
"We're all in this pop group where people from all around the world come together and share so many amazing experiences."
"Hope you are well, wherever you are in the world, whatever you're up to right now."
"Games connect us, and I'm here in Los Angeles, and whether you're watching live right now in China, early in the morning in Europe, America, my native Canada, wherever you are, even in India, this year, all over the globe, we are coming together tonight to celebrate our love of video games."
"I hope you guys are all having a beautiful day, afternoon, night, wherever you are in the world."
"There's a fundamental truth of the 21st Century, within each of our countries, and as a global community, that our own success is bound up in others succeeding as well."
"The future is being built by us...and these are the rules of the world community that are going to be set and have a major impact on how all of us live."
"Hello beautiful friends from every corner of this planet."
"It's cool having friends wherever you go in the world. It's amazing how small the world is if you just start traveling."
"Multipolarity is the natural state of event in the world...we have to be willing to work in a global community where everybody is equal."
"It's stories like that and Seif, and Takashi—when we receive literally hundreds of messages from around the world of these people that say your suffering has given me hope."
"You guys are from everywhere. This makes me so happy."
"The beauty about being Indian is that you got so many of us everywhere, so it becomes almost like a home game."
"We got people from all around the world, all around different types of background."
"My house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations."
"That's why people from all over the world came here, I've spoken to people from Japan, from Europe, from the U.S., they're super excited."
"Great to see everybody here from all over the world."
"I just bring people, you know, people from all over the world come [] with me man, it's crazy, it's [] crazy."
"You don't have to speak the same language to understand that we're all in this together."
"Through the power of YouTube, motivated creators from all over the world are able to make a living by picking up a camera and telling the stories of food all around them."
"Good morning freedom-loving people from all over the globe."
"We're all people, regardless of where you live."
"It's so crazy to me that there are so many of us all over the world just hanging out together right now."
"I hope you guys are having a lovely morning afternoon or evening wherever you are in the world."
"We as humans become better and then we can contribute to our global community."
"How freaking cool was it to have so many people from all over the world?"
"Look at this chat amazing, all of us coming to assemble from across the globe, coming together, bringing that energy and passion."
"I hope you're having a lovely morning afternoon evening wherever you are in the world."
"One quarter of the entire world are filled with people who every day they say 'Allahumma salli ala Muhammad.'"
"There is more that unites us than divides us."
"Whether you're in Georgia or India or wherever you are, it doesn't matter, we love you all."
"Your platform is this world. You can love up right now and go talk to somebody."
"It's definitely really refreshing to have just people coming from different places in the world."
"Growing up Jewish, I've always enjoyed connecting with other Jews around the world."
"Just meeting other creators inspired me from all around the world."
"The world is one family, one Earth, one future."
"Don't forget, I love every single one of you all around the world."
"The struggle is what brings us all together, for we are simply one world and one people."
"Now with our collective consciousness of over 2 million of us, watching from all around the world, we form the most powerful and united mass intelligence we've ever been able to access."
"It brings people together from all over the world."
"Let us know where you guys are coming in from because I know we have people from all over the world."
"We're in this lifeboat together, this lifeboat called Earth."
"God is committed to us, and I just want to invite you, if you're home watching wherever you are around the world, commit yourself to Christ."
"Welcome to the live! Let's see where these folks are at in the world."
"A beautiful effect was the unification of the people, not just in Australia, but from all over the world."
"If you're a Manchester United fan, you're part of this fan base. It's a global fan base."
"May Allah protect our brothers and sisters around the globe."
"I love the fact that I have people who rock with me from all over."
"Greetings from California, love your channel."
"The world needs to find more commonality with each other rather than what's different."
"We're all in the same planet, we're related somewhere, we got to help each other."
"I am and have been overwhelmed by the outpouring of love and the colossal support and kindness from around the world."
"At NASA, we are so fortunate to have all of these friends and colleagues around the globe."
"Love from India, love from Seattle. Thank you for taking the time to be here."
"How amazing is it that we have this tool called the internet? We have this amazing platform called Psych2Go that allows us to connect right now, right here from all over the world. Yes!"
"It's not about separate groups opposing each other, but rather the realization that we are all part of the same Planet."
"As you guys can see, there's a lot of people all over the world from all these different corners experiencing incredible transformations."
"Welcome and friends far and wide across expansion Earth."
"April be forever in our hearts and we are so moved by the overwhelming support we have had from so many people from all over the world."
"I see all sorts of people joining us from Portugal, Florida, I imagine we'll have people from around the world on this morning."
"Mother was a spiritual mother, and her heart was immense in love for her brothers and sisters throughout the world."
"People of the world have reached down and offered to help you."
"Rebel Wisdom is a new sense-making platform bringing together the most rebellious and inspiring thinkers from around the world."
"It's time past time for us as a world community and as a public health community to take a good hard look at what we're doing here."
"I love that we're seeing people all over the world."
"Thank you to everyone around the world for tuning in to our Nintendo Direct."
"From Malaysia to the US, the umah stands united."
"Enjoy the rest of your weekend wherever you are in the world and until the next time, you guys, bye."
"Equality, freedom, justice for programmers worldwide."
"With all that being said, have a wonderful day or night wherever you are and I'll see you next time."
"Nobody does it like Third Phase of Moon, speaking to people from around the world, telling their stories. Quite amazing."
"People generally want to connect with each other and they want to see people from other worlds enjoy what they love."
"We're all in this together as a global family."
"The world is one family and we're in this together."
"I think BTS and ARMY have been trying to make a point about the importance of respecting and defending diversity in a global community."
"We stand side by side with our communities around the world and we'll always find ways to stay connected because we're in this together."
"I'm one of the most worldly Gamers that's ever existed."
"We're essentially an African people wherever we live on this earth."
"It's just crazy isn't it and we can all connect."
"It's kind of beautiful that everybody's in this together, the whole world is in this together."
"At the end of the day we're all living the same life it's not the same route that we're all going through but like we're living in the same [ __ ] world."
"We've got runners in Jamaica, a man in Dubai, Jurgen in Kenya, and Bristol, London, New Zealand, Norway, and many more watching from all over the world."
"Welcome friends far and wide across experience the earth."
"It would be thrilling to open up a bottle of champagne again on the March equinox with all of you around the world."
"Church members across the globe he says will feel loved and will hear president Nelson testify of Christ."
"We need to unify, come together, and know that we each have a spiritual home together on this planet."
"There are people all over the world who love you Kesha."
"I just love knowing that there's great kind people out there in the world."
"I always get so much support and so much love from around the world."
"Thank you so much for being here today, I hope you're having a fabulous day or night wherever you are in the world."
"I believe in breaking rules. I want to get rid of the old system work together support each other and make fashion a more global community."
"We are the regeneration, that generation that can see themselves as part of a much larger group of human beings that can regenerate."
"The church is not a body of pure righteous people but the church is holy."
"We are not separate in this world; we're all connected."
"Even on a more global scale... a bunch of strangers from all over the world all contributed to these two people who didn't have enough money to get fresh groceries simply because of something we're doing on social media."
"If millions of believers all over the world just put an additional 10 minutes of prayer time... that's more than you did before."
"I appreciate all of you joining from around the world. Let's keep moving and stay healthy!"
"Ironman: more than a race, a global movement of perseverance."
"It's called a global village because of all the interactions and connections among the people."
"We're trying to free over close to 3 billion people we have on the continents scattered around the world."
"Education and empowerment for our skin of color family globally."
"I hope you all are having a great day, wherever you are, wherever you might be."
"Someone on the other side of the world is doing this with us right now. Do it for them."
"I am going to start the biggest YouTube channel in the world and we are going to find the most amazing friends worldwide."
"We want to ensure that the world remains a place for everybody to continue to be a part of."
"I hope you guys are having a lovely day or night wherever you are in the world."
"Millions of people from every corner of the world will be praying for you on January 26th."
"As a JP main, we should keep our expectations low as global players."
"It's simply incredible how art can unite people from all over the world."
"I love you guys, I hope you're having a wonderful day wherever you are in the world."
"We are all just a bunch of enthusiastic people from around the globe."
"The church is diverse because the church is a universal body."
"Why kindness really makes a difference in this world."
"Gaming is supposed to be a place for the entire world to get away from all this [ __ ]."
"I wish all of you from around the world, I might add, it's just amazing to me. I wish all of you were sitting with me in the garden right now."
"We're going from being a tribal society to a global society."
"We're connecting people around the world who are waking up, they are becoming awake and aware..."
"One of the things that I really loved about our being was meeting people on the road from all over the world."
"I do hope you all are having a great day, wherever you are."
"Let's finish strong together as a team all over the world."
"We are called to unite together in a group initiation as one, binding the family of humanity into a collective whole."
"Bitcoin is a global community of inclusion, an invitation to participate in an open world."
"We have people literally all over the world."
"Before I begin, we would like to acknowledge the people of Ukraine who urgently need our continued support as a global community."
"Being able to meet people from all around the world and know that they love the same kind of music that you do."
"The 2024 Summer Olympics will feature 35 breathtaking venues, uniting the global community to celebrate athletics on the world's largest stage."
"Through your scientific genius, you have been able to make of the world a neighborhood."
"Whatever you are in the world, guys, stay safe, stay well, love your skin, take care."
"There are about one million and a half radio amateurs in the world all licensed by their governments to operate on assigned frequencies."
"It's amazing you know the friends that you have from all over the world."
"You know it is a worldwide community and we do feel close ties to our friends in other countries."
"And it's a wonderful way to bring the world together."
"Ukraine as a sovereign country should make its own choice. It is fighting not just for the United States; it's already put its own blood and treasure on the ground for the goals and objectives of Ukraine, the European community, and the global community at large."
"Either be faced with a lot of chaos, disasters, or we can unite spiritually in this global community."
"Hey, I love it. Listen, we've got people from literally around the world."
"The good of the global Community is of the greatest importance."
"Thank you everyone for tuning in from all over the planet"
"Lots of really great applications already but they're from people that are like all over the world which is so flattering and lovely."
"The palpable sense of, like, I can't believe that there are people all over the world that are reading this same scripture today, I had never thought that kind of thing existed."
"Every one of us has some responsibility to be alert to the fact that we are part of a great family on this planet."
"I think we've got, yep, all the way around we've got people, I see Africa representing, Australia, Cape Town, oh yeah, more Canada, South Australia, fantastic."
"Our highest human calling is to help repair the part of the world that we can see and touch."
"This is all about uniting the world and communities and sharing positivity around the world."
"Hope you all have a wonderful day or night, wherever you are in the world. And I'll see you all next time. Goodbye!"
"The multifaceted crisis challenging our Global Community demands unified action."
"There's a lot of love for you not just here, but from across the pond, around the world."
"It's really powerful for me to see all these people around the world that are coming together."
"To our Global online family we welcome you. Wish you were in the room, maybe one day we'll have churches in other places."
"I want to turn to those who are here and those who are online. Thank you for joining us. It is so important that as we step into the period of the spring meetings, we focus on the low-income countries."
"So long, and make the world your neighborhood."
"It's about 'we' as a species, as a world community finally coming together."
"I'm so grateful today for your presence wherever you are in the world that you've joined us from around the world."
"God is doing a great thing all across the world and so it is an honor to have you with us at this exact moment no matter where you are."
"It really pumps me up to see all of you logging in from all across the world for one purpose and that is to succeed and learn."
"I serve a big God, and he has his people in Africa, in the United States, in Tokyo, in the Philippines."
"What would he say about the whole world community?"
"There is this amazing Global community that is leaning in shoulder to shoulder to Advance systems of care to think about how to help people achieve full quality of life and really flourish."
"I'm loving it and it's just so rewarding and nice to chat books with people around the world."
"Rise up in splendor your light has come the glory of the Lord shines upon you we see very clearly the bringing together of people from All Nations into one family and one."
"That's what's dope about cannabis for real, that [stuff] brings people together globally."
"It's all people from around the globe, different companies, different style, different personalities. And it comes together somehow."
"Thank you for sharing your valuable time and energy with me and all of the people practicing around the world."
"So the question is, do you want to listen to the voices of the 7.3 billion people on planet earth? And if you want to listen, where do you go to listen to it? And that's the United Nations."
"I enjoy it very much I love the fact that there is people from all over the place like all over the world."
"Let's help to create a world where it is safe for us to love each other."
"God in His grace and His mercy have filled our country with people from all over the world."
"God's family is all around the world, and they might not be able to even talk to you because they speak Chinese and you speak English."
"Another thing I love about overlanding is all the friends you make across the world."
"Thank you for joining us this morning or this afternoon or this evening or tomorrow morning or whatever the heck. It's a global audience. I still can't believe it, but I'm so glad you're here."
"How lucky we are to be in a world where you know we're so connected by the internet."
"We are on the spinning blue globe together. We're all in it together."
"We may need something like a metacognitive revolution if the planet is going to cross the threshold to form a cohesive global community."
"I always enjoy seeing our listeners around the world."
"It's crazy that people from Dubai even know about our videos. One thing that we have in common is that we all just love cars."
"I hope wherever you are in the world that you are having a very lovely Sunday."
"TCU emphasizes its students being ethical leaders and responsible citizens in the global community."
"We've been able to build this Global movement and to really feel like we have created a board sport."
"Globalism is an idea that all people, from all cultures should be a part of a united global community rather than separated, nationalistic states as we have now."
"It's just fun to see the people around the world that are using the system and all sorts of interesting ways."
"The world is becoming a community now."
"The themes of inclusivity and the most important and our show celebrates that on a global scale in a beautiful way."
"We have listeners from all over the globe shout out to y'all you are not barred from our contest as long as we can like figure out some way to ship a book to you"
"We are building a new global village that's researching how can we live beautifully."
"Hello, my beautiful people from all over the world."
"Hello there, YouTube and everyone around the world."
"These pieces of Magic Carpet are now spread all around the globe in the homes of people who have loved her story."
"For me, that's like having family all over the world."
"He continues to attract sincere devotees to him from all over the world as he lives not only in Sri Ramanasramam but in the hearts of all."
"Have a cracking day wherever you live in the world."
"I hope you're having a wonderful day, week, month, millennium, or whatever it is, wherever you are in the world."
"We shall have as our partners countries which, no longer solely concerned with the problem of national survival, are now working to improve the standards of living of all their people."
"We had all made it here from our own part of the globe to enjoy a couple of sunsets and share a few days on the beach together."