
Healthcare Innovation Quotes

There are 204 quotes

"To tackle that, we need to really change the way we practice medicine."
"Providing a new generation of cures and new levels of patient care."
"How crazy is it that we go to the doctor once a year for a checkup? We should be measured a thousand times a second."
"The idea that a check engine light for your car can inform you of issues is coming to healthcare to give you your own early warning signals."
"Health care is intermittent and reactive; it needs to become continuous and proactive."
"The long game here is not to make money selling kits, although the kits are essential to get base-level data. Once you have the data, the company does actually become the Google of personalized healthcare."
"The pandemic has made the need to accelerate healthcare discoveries a paramount social and economic imperative."
"We have 10 million doctor profiles out of the 15 million doctors in the world, kept up to date every single day with everything about them, and it's really changing the way the healthcare ecosystem connects with each other."
"You could get involved with new discoveries, pushing the margins of knowledge, actually helping to make change in terms of big health care problems."
"Based on Ark's research, Illumina's declining cost curve will permeate a 3.5 to 4 trillion dollar market opportunity in healthcare and agricultural biology, while improving wellness and life expectancy in ways we cannot fathom."
"We're also partnering with the likes of the Boston Children's Hospital, and they are really pioneering precision pediatric medicine."
"Not just COVID patients but all kinds of patients...we'll get into some really interesting things you've done."
"It's very hard what we're doing. Hundreds of tests per year across imaging, MRI, ultrasound, blood tests...it's insane."
"Precision medicine, it's being called the future of health care, means the right dose of the right medicine for the right patient. A super targeted approach."
"3D printing in healthcare is a trendsetter in customizing patient care."
"Within the next five years, it will be malpractice not to use AI in colorectal cancer screening."
"This is true: Swedish hospitals are testing defibrillators delivery via drone. So, they're dropping defibrillators by drone. They say speed kills, and they've found that they've been able to deliver the defibrillators in an average of five minutes."
"AI has been shown to have huge potential for many very challenging problems, including ones in health care."
"Our vision is that in 10 years everybody with a wound is going to have a wound care expert from our team assigned to managing their care."
"This hospital is pioneering another data-driven technology that could save lives."
"It's such a joy to have something else to offer people when you've run out of ideas."
"We can create a world where these diseases are increasingly rare not increasingly common."
"Options again are nanobots, specialized vaccines, targeted viruses, specialized toxins that bind only to non-functioning cells, and so on."
"If we slash the restraints not just at the FDA but across our government, then we will be blessed with far more miracles."
"Imagine a new path forward, health insurance that provides more choices and care at lower cost."
"But not only are we covering more people, we're doing innovative ways to deliver the care that will make it less costly."
"You consult with somebody online, you don't go to the doctor's office, you don't have to wait in some super long pharmacy line. These are real scientific medical solutions backed by science. This is what you need to do today."
"Crowd Health gives their members the freedom to efficiently and affordably break free from the Antiquated Insurance system."
"Even if you were poor as hell, in fact, humanity managed to hit new highs in charity, dirty healthcare, and innovative philanthropy almost on a daily basis."
"So what we wanted to do was to use pills instead of a surgical procedure to end a pregnancy."
"The tragedy will be if these new things coming along in healthcare are short-circuited by smothering government regulations."
"US regulators have approved the first over-the-counter contraceptive pill."
"Functional medicine... it's a paradigm shift that's actually happening right now."
"I think this is a real game-changing vaccine."
"The testing system was arcane, but we reinvented testing in America."
"Modern medicine should really say hello, has anyone got any better ideas?"
"My promises to build on these gains to America into the premier medical manufacturer, pharmacy, and drugstore the world."
"Apple has already struck deals with some of the biggest healthcare institutions."
"HealWell's focus on AI and data science for preventative healthcare is a game changer."
"By focusing on preventative healthcare through AI and data science, HealWell is poised to make a substantial impact on healthcare outcomes, efficiency, and costs benefiting patients, providers, and the healthcare system at large."
"Smart vaccination is a revolutionary concept... it has the unique serial number for each dose."
"That's a herculean achievement to translate the tech to the front edge of patient-pay healthcare."
"Let's start somewhere and hopefully this will not be the only time to work in co-design with patients."
"Many American lives will be saved thanks to President Trump and the great work of Operation Warp Speed."
"Physicians and medical professionals in four provinces can prescribe annual passes to the country's national parks as a means of alleviating conditions in patients that could benefit from some fresh air, care, and relaxation."
"This is just the beginning of this absolute revolution in healthcare."
"If science takes on political dimensions I know because if we could come up forget the controversies over the vaccines mandatory and not if we could come up with a cure imagine how wonderful that would be."
"We need the cooperation of the healthcare companies, the insurance companies, and the government to start focusing on new technologies and new methods possibly even to start a triage system that starts at home."
"AGI is going to absolutely revolutionize our approach to proactive Health Care."
"Levongo is a telehealth company that helps people with chronic illnesses, primarily diabetes and hypertension."
"Thank Abbott Labs for the incredible work they've done."
"Healthcare becomes increasingly interesting for entrepreneurs."
"We're not just managing these diseases we're getting rid of them and we're not treating them we're treating the factors that are causing them and the diseases go away as a side effect."
"This is something Medicare has never been able to do before by law not because they weren't willing to." - Dr. Kabita Patel
"Ultimately sequencing improves diagnostics therapeutics drug discovery."
"Telemedicine extends healthcare access, even in remote areas."
"As Musk continues to apply his extraordinary problem-solving skills and forward-thinking mindset to the realm of healthcare, the possibilities for impactful advancements become increasingly evident."
"It looks like the world will have its first RNA vaccine this year."
"Revolutionizing the way medical data is gathered, distributed, evaluated, and monetized."
"In order to increase the supply of N95 masks FDA has worked with industry and has now authorized two companies who will supply machines to sterilize N95 masks."
"The open insulin project is aiming to make it possible for more and more people to be able to produce insulin."
"The VA has been a leader in expanding telehealth."
"Daniel Hale Williams, performs one of the first successful open heart surgeries and opens the first interracial hospital, leaving a lasting impact on healthcare."
"Witness the unequivocal good it brings, offering hope to those severed from the brain-body connection."
"An individual would now know with high specificity if a medicine would work for them."
"Medicine 4.0 is essentially using cell and gene therapy that's targeted to allow for more longevity."
"We're solving social inequities by creating medicines for sickle cell disease... we're taking medicines places around the globe where they could never get to before."
"Their vision is to stop cancer before it starts."
"Regeneron's monoclonal antibody cocktail contract: a bioengineered version of convalescent plasma."
"Annie was not only popular but also highly respected; her research was promising and her practical applications in the treatment of diabetes and certain forms of cancer."
"So many diseases are age-related that if we could sort of figure out fundamentally what's happening there and push that back, I think it would dramatically reduce healthcare costs, increase quality of life, bunch of other good things."
"Truvada offers us a game-changing way to do it."
"We were the first to have health technology assessment."
"South Korea is showing the world how it's done with drive-through testing."
"A chance meeting is no mistake. It is divinely orchestrated as a catalyst to set the wheels in motion for the fruition of your prayers."
"Now this is huge. I mean having worked in healthcare for 40 years, we've always dreamed about an antiviral."
"This is promising and I'm hoping as we've said is going to be implemented within the next few weeks."
"Nobody has built the medical device for the lower extremity that is patient-centric."
"We're looking at one of the biggest stories in healthcare, a category killer, during the next five to ten years."
"Telehealth has played a big role in the fights against Covid."
"Wireless and the Internet can improve healthcare greatly."
"The NHS was the first healthcare system in the world to deliver a COVID-19 vaccine outside clinical trials."
"System Shock 2 solidified the immersive sim as something that's more than just an experiment."
"The transition from research to impact on patients is challenging but critical." - Dr. Lily Peng
"The desire to have Wall Gardens everywhere... there's going to be an open source Revolution for healthcare software."
"I'd like to see this in every clinic and have it be available as a form of treatment."
"This is a game changer for the whole COVID-19 management protocol."
"We are getting rid of long-standing barriers to telehealth."
"We live in extraordinary times right now where medicine has realized that one size doesn't fit all."
"Modern medicine doesn't have an answer. Let's find her one."
"Text2MD: Drastically reduces the need for in-person follow-ups, unnecessary visits, wait times, and all related costs." - Text2MD
"Imagine if there was a drug that cost pennies that had no side effects and literally worked in days to cure illness."
"It'll be controlled through an iPhone app. You won't have to go to a doctor's office."
"The door is open, and I think they would be open to having him come back."
"CRISPR will revolutionize healthcare for everyone."
"Telemedicine has helped maintain some business."
"Telemedicine companies like Teladoc have seen a big boost."
"Even tech companies are entering the telemedicine space."
"Telehealth has been amazing. It's been really incredible."
"Heart transplantation took off like wildfire."
"Imagine having a vaccine that protected you from all coronaviruses I literally cannot think of a better bang for the buck but that's where they're going to chop because of course this is what it looks like when you get down to the details."
"I think there will be a time where it is immoral not to have an AI do the diagnostic."
"Companies demonstrating the courage to address the world's emerging health care challenges with passion and compassion."
"What you're talking about is just something so extraordinary and effective."
"Amy was better at figuring out medical diagnosis than primary care physicians, confirmed by specialist doctors who evaluated the study."
"This is the reason I made it - to give you an option for effective pigmentation treatment."
"This could be game-changing technology for the drug development world."
"Operation Warp Speed streamlined a lot of aspects of vaccine development."
"UPS is preparing to test a service in the U.S. later this year that would send nurses to vaccinate adults in their homes."
"South Korea has drive-through test centers... and they're going to be fine."
"These new healing modalities that can end so much suffering, be brought out to everyone."
"We've got a plan for actually bringing aging under medical control."
"It's Mental Health Care made easy on your time."
"You can actually predict a whole bunch of interesting things from a retinal image." - Jeff Dean
"Technology can give real solutions to real problems that we have today... the future is here as long as we have courage." - Official discussing drone delivery of medicine
"We also have some with modifications to help with his arms, so that goose arms, yeah, they're like braces for his arms."
"All the way from triaging to people to conversing, like the levels of prevention, right, that people can just do by talking with AI to handle symptoms and things early as possible, like that's going to be huge."
"Medicare wants innovation and they want less cost and everything. The problem is their system's set up that if you're different, you're the bad guy."
"The future of healthcare is being able to predict and prevent you from ever showing up at the hospital."
"In 2019, we no longer do surgical cyst gastrostomies except in extremely rare circumstances. Now, in large pancreatic pseudocysts, they are drained endoscopically."
"How can we create change? I envision a world where a cancer patient comes in and is taken into another room after that and sat down with a care facilitator."
"Healthcare is transformed to be a much more people-centric business; the technology changes and the shifts that you've seen in other industries are now coming into healthcare."
"Health design thinking doesn't have to be expensive; it's often very simple."
"The goal of this field is to... enhance medicine and move medicine."
"Innovation that does not make it to patients is no innovation at all."
"We're bringing a new tool to the healthcare provider to help people that aren't otherwise helped."
"Deep learning is actually going to enable people in rural health centers where a kind of pair of physician personnel can now become more engaged in bringing the care to healthcare."
"It's all about individual personalized medicine at this point."
"For the first time, we can bio-manufacture cures."
"If we build a system that can provide diagnoses, the marginal diagnosis will be free."
"I am a strong believer in the importance of academic medical institutions and multi-disciplinary research in discovering life-saving treatments and groundbreaking healthcare innovations."
"Putting the patient in the center is what healthcare is really about and the use of clinical decision support systems can play a major role in realizing these goals."
"We are essentially matchmaking treatments to patients."
"Emergency Medical Services of the future will be community-based health management that is fully integrated with the overall healthcare system."
"It's real doctors who you're going to have a virtual appointment with."
"We are creating a new paradigm of health care rather than sick care, and it's really working."
"Healthcare is keeping pace using these technologies to deliver new breakthroughs in healthcare and drug discovery."
"Cleveland Clinic Community Care is focused on rethinking health care delivery."
"Classic meets modern in this reinterpretation of holistic treatment for the patient."
"We're past a point where precision medicine is sort of a futuristic idea; we're here."
"You're looking for the next Square, for healthcare you're looking for things like Teledoc."
"Immunotherapy has changed our treatment landscape in lung cancer."
"Medical field is huge in-service robotics."
"It really opens the door to rethinking about the way that risk stratification can be used."
"The UK Biobank is a game changer in medicine."
"Imagine if you didn't have to book an appointment or take time off other important tasks to see your doctor."
"It is a 100 percent digital, no doctors, no needles, no paperwork way to find good life insurance coverage."
"Mobile integrated health care... uses us as pre-hospital providers to ensure that these patients are staying out of the hospital as much as possible."
"New companies that come up with cures... that changes everything in healthcare."
"Biomedical engineering is essentially a specialized discipline that seeks to create state-of-the-art healthcare products."
"I foresee a future where... clinics... include really well trained trainers and coaches that are part of the whole protocol."
"What if we could actually use the same power of science to turn the clock back and figure out how to stop disease in the first place?"
"Imagine it's trained on every single health issue in a specific field and it has every single image ever of that specific type of condition."
"We take the hospital to the homes instead of you staying in the hospital for a week or two weeks; you can stay in the hospital for 2 days and you come home, and we continue treating you at home."
"I definitely think that the NHS could benefit in some areas with AI and artificial intelligence."
"It can cut the time and cost necessary to develop a drug and by doing so, it's widening that pipeline of potentially life-saving treatments."
"Let's just take a trip into Dreamland because this is something I encourage physicians to do: step away from the hamster wheel for one moment and think about what does your practice look like in five or 10 years."
"What if imaging was as accessible as a stethoscope?"
"If somebody invented a drug tomorrow that reduced all hospitalizations, we would put it in the water supply."
"Telemedicine offers great promise to Americans, especially during this difficult time of national crisis."
"This is coming to healthcare, to a business near you; in fact, it's already there."
"Together we are changing how healthcare works, and it's about time."
"Deep learning is reshaping healthcare industry by delivering new possibilities to improve people's lives."
"Video visits are here to stay... patients really appreciate them, particularly our patients who come from quite a distance to be seen."
"The only good thing that came out of this whole pandemic is telemedicine."
"Wouldn't it be cool if you just cross out palliative care and put in the word health care?"
"With more engaged patients and better educated physician leaders, I see a brighter future for healthcare tomorrow."
"Data-driven healthcare is sticking around."
"The future truly belongs to physical and virtual healthcare together."
"You can go from an idea for an assisted device to a test on a person in hours, not years."
"Psychiatry is really well suited for telemedicine."
"Telehealth and virtual care is the future."
"I think it's amazing that we have so many incredible Technologies available for at home use that were once only used in doctors offices."
"Sheba is not only a hospital, Sheba is also a place that we put a lot of emphasis on research, cutting-edge technologies, innovation."