
Quality Assurance Quotes

There are 1068 quotes

"Players give a lot of really fantastic feedback... QA testers... especially in the non-development world, people don't really give QA enough credit."
"Comparison is the thief of joy, but the problem is when you stray from something that people love and you want to do your own thing, the quality has to be there otherwise direct comparisons are going to be made."
"A delayed game can be good, but a rushed game is forever bad."
"You're not going to be able to find many shoes with this many high-quality marks."
"Better testing means better games, and better games quite obviously means that customers will have a better experience."
"Subaru Corporation has recently announced that they have a new quality policy in order to realize quality reform."
"A late game is only late until it ships; a bad game is bad until the end of time."
"QA is a valid career path and should be treated like such. We are developers; we are the support class for game development."
"Supreme developer confidence: a very good thing indeed."
"What's needed... is a good degree of extra polish to deliver the kind of complete package users should expect."
"We have to embrace things such as beauty and elegance and integrity and morality."
"These two games are proof that you can take a license like a TV show or a movie turn it into a video game and not have it be pure garbage."
"From their fresh ingredients, quick service, and delicious taste, it's not hard to see why people keep demanding more and more of their food."
"High standards may be arbitrary when it comes to taste, texture and presentation. But consumers should always have high standards when it comes to safety."
"Factor offers unprecedented value and convenience without sacrificing quality."
"Our quality control measures help make sure that there are no mistakes in our product quality."
"I'm not paying 80 grand for it to be junk so I want it to be amazing."
"It's pretty obvious that this is the version that Square poured most of its time and money into."
"The quality will rise to the top and the rest will die."
"We truly are, our goal is not to remove the defect."
"A delayed game is eventually good, but a bad game is forever bad."
"It's always quality and ambition driving us forward."
"The perk system... QA loved that they could make characters that were different than the guy sitting right next to me."
"If there's passion, it's likely to be [quality]. If there's none, it will be so [poor]."
"This is an easy one, 10 out of 10. I really can't fault this at all. Congratulations, what a superb boat."
"At the end of the day, you don't have to do a lot of research on these 6400 to realize it's a very, very good camera."
"The sound guys at Platinum absolutely nailed this part of the game."
"If you haven't tried HelloFresh yet I don't know what you're doing because it is America's number one meal kit and I'll put my money on that."
"Everything is to make sure that you get the best results possible with this program."
"Constructive criticism is warranted for a product that is this expensive."
"Wow all-metal design they've managed to maintain the same build quality as the bigger Alienware 15 r4 but smaller and a thinner form factor in a package that you can take home and show to your mother."
"Quantity is what makes quality in a journal."
"Nintendo takes their time with their game releases, but that's not a bad thing. That's why most of their games launch in a finished, polished state."
"The fact of the matter is, it wouldn't be successful if it wasn't a good game. It wasn't keeping people on board."
"Mil-spec really means it's up to certain standards."
"Pokemon has never made a bad or unplayable game..."
"We've really taken a lot of time to make sure that we've found that correct balance."
"So it is going to be expensive, for sure, but it definitely seems really high quality."
"Just because something claims to be luxury or has a designer logo on it does not automatically mean the quality is going to match."
"I think what's happening here is they have this commitment to quality but it's almost led to the self-fulfilling prophecy."
"The real problem, honestly speaking though, is not the tower; the desk seems solid enough."
"Ordinarily, a sterling critical reception means that a game is an absolute slam dunk. It's a badge to players that the developers have poured their blood, sweat, and tears into making a game that's totally worth your hard-earned cash."
"Being honest about the integrity of your product and prolonging its development until it's good is a good thing."
"Why did I write this? For the money. But if I didn't care about creating it, it wouldn't be any good..."
"Nintendo games are some of the best at polish in the business."
"It's always the dopest whatever the [ __ ] we make, you know it's like it's like a play on it just always the dopest."
"Quality... it's what Boeing company's been known for."
"I think you'll agree that that's a more than acceptable result for the speed and accuracy of the process."
"Shout out to Dragon Shield, that has the best sleeves."
"For over 250 years we have always believed in quality over quantity."
"Toyota certified cars go through a 160 point inspection and this whole nine yard that when you go looking googling on the internet but I'll actually show you what really happens."
"Just because it's certified doesn't mean... you gotta do your due diligence."
"If you get goosebumps from cinematics, you know you've done it right."
"Just imagine if you stopped watching their stuff or stop buying their products for a day or two - they will collapse."
"You're not muscling anything around. Everything is tight and perfect and tight's a good."
"Blizzard's name on any game was basically ironclad proof of quality."
"The game is essentially finished now and is in its polishing phase."
"Even though each part has been individually quality tested, they are again tested to make sure that they do not lose any of their quality characteristics when assembled with other components."
"ISO 9000 standards are outstanding. It's a big deal."
"Our objective and my objective 100 is to make sure that the quality of the game lives up to the standard that makes us as developers proud and that makes our players proud as well."
"Everything this DLC has to offer shows a real effort to improve upon Security Breach's flaws and give us a real quality product."
"I think they're delaying destiny 3. They're making sure that destiny, whatever destiny 3 is, is fantastic."
"Quality is an ongoing process; there is no end to Quality."
"None of us want to move too quickly to meet a release date when we know this special movie needs more time to come together." - Universal Pictures statement
"That was an unplanned drop test, and you've seen not even a scratch on that screen. That's what you're gonna get with sapphire glass."
"customers shouldn't have to bear the burden of a known bad product"
"We continue to bolster our quality and depth. It is going to be an insane season again."
"Quality takes time and money, so here's to another quality livestream from us."
"In conclusion, given Square Enix has a pretty bad reputation when it comes to their remasters with there being some huge missteps over the years, it's pleasing to say that Crisis Core reunion does not fall into the same trap."
"These are exceptionally reliable, amazingly so."
"It just kind of blows my mind that there's so much, all these masks are really good quality."
"This game was supposed to launch a year earlier. When you rush a game out to get it out, you cut corners and you make mistakes. That's the bottom line."
"If there's anything I'm confident in, Gears for Breakfast knows how to make a good game."
"It's extremely affordable but it doesn't sacrifice quality."
"You can take this and you can blow up to the size of the Empire State Building and it will be just as sharp."
"My gaps are fine, my fits fine, my finish is fine, the doors work fine, the windows work fine, the paint looks great."
"Quality stakes can be a pricey proposition, so it's best to do your homework before dropping some major coin."
"So what I love about this is it's all the fun of a Polaroid but you don't have to worry about not getting the perfect shot."
"Customers will sniff out fast, cheap, safe, clean chains over time."
"Runs well, plays well, controls well - has pretty much everything that you would expect from a really good PC version."
"We're listening to feedback and making the game the polished thing that the players deserve."
"We're not this game to be good I'm afraid it'll be trash so here's the thing if this game is good people will play it if it's bad people won't that's the only thing that really matters everything else is just [ __ ]."
"The customer wants a perfect vehicle so the trained eye of the quality controllers can't afford to miss the tiniest of imperfections."
"When I stamped these down with my seal of approval, the answer is yes."
"We aren't happy with just another mission, instead we want to push the limit of quality."
"As somebody who cares about the quality of World of Warcraft, that makes my life easier."
"The new tractor has to pass more than a hundred tests before it is allowed to leave the factory."
"A late game is eventually good. A rushed game is forever bad."
"If somebody who has high quality tools starting from a completely different place arrives in the same location... that's a good sign."
"If your brand doesn't represent any type of quality service, then all you really have is a brand with a bad reputation."
"There's definitely something to be said for a quality brand reputation and maybe spending a little bit more money to get a higher quality product that's going to last a long time."
"It's as if they didn't do any testing at all... a tremendous oversight by power color."
"The lines between unit and integration tests are very fine, and the definitions don't really matter as long as your tests safeguard against unwanted behavior."
"All of these materials are robust; they quite simply wouldn't make it into production otherwise."
"Proudly made in America, built to endure the test of time."
"It's not our goal to write as many tests as possible, but just make sure that we write good tests."
"If a game has a problem, it needs to be addressed, no matter how amazing its presentation is."
"The term classic surely implies that there would be a certain level of quality or critical acclaim behind it."
"When a shaft is complete, it is balanced and tested to make sure that the spine is set to a six o'clock angle on every Club."
"Delaying a game is necessary to preserve the vision."
"I just want the game to be good please, just make the game good."
"Blizzard needs to prove that they can make a good game and support a good game."
"Decisions like these aren't easy to make mind you as they take up a lot of the studio's time and resources but if you want to ship the best game possible doing so sometimes becomes a necessity."
"We've got the ability because we're a small brand and we don't have to distribute to all these stores and stuff like that that we can underprice all the luxury brands but we're still at like the best quality possible."
"Built on Google's Material Design: High-quality experiences guaranteed."
"Expert QA guy discovered the bug, found the solution, or the cause of the bug, and submitted it within 30 minutes."
"You could have the best story in the world in the game, but if it's not a good game, it's not a good game."
"They're locally sourced, of course. Very good, very good, very good, excellent. You didn't think I just came in here haphazardly?"
"It's a top-notch production from top to bottom."
"Nobody has a problem buying a used car if they're a quality product."
"A delayed game can eventually be good... but a bad game is bad forever."
"It's always good to have this validation, like if you're creating a checklist of test cases, this is something that you should do."
"Main objectives: produce the right quality, in right quantity at the predetermined time and with the pre-established cost."
"I find the cries of 'wow is saved' a little bit funny because I know you've been playing dragonflight guys but it's really very good you know like it does not need saving right now." - Taliesin
"Everything takes longer than we would like as well but we want to make sure we get it right."
"This kit lives up to the level of quality I have come to expect."
"As usual all the needed hardware is included with the kit with no missing pieces."
"Pride of ownership is something to look for."
"Quality control with these guys is through the roof and very efficient."
"These are all incredibly capable grinders... I stand behind how I've described them."
"The more products you test in a monthly basis with the same high quality standards, the more likely you are to go viral."
"Quality over quantity, y'all. Going for quality here."
"Our priority is to deliver an experience that lives up to our own high standards and to the expectations of you, our fans."
"The crunch time will be used to good effect, including finding glitches and bugs."
"You better make damn well sure every single one of them works really well."
"Quality over quantity, that cannot be stated enough when it comes to Maps."
"Now, if you are looking for straps with great lugs, do check out the stuff from Mifa."
"The more Todd Howard is going to be involved in this project on a direct game design level, the better it's gonna be."
"Any pull request has to be reviewed. Presumably you'd want only good code going in."
"Everyone should get this game, it's really fun."
"Halo's too important to release a half-baked version of."
"Consistency is key, so you get the perfect product performance."
"That's good. I know what you're saying and you know that's possible but I'm not trying to diminish the quality of King's Disease because it is a good record."
"Whichever of these phones you pick up, you can buy with confidence knowing you're getting one of the best Android handsets at the moment."
"Corners are a huge deal, you have to pay attention to every one of them."
"Players should and must always expect more from us, never less."
"You deserve better, regardless of what some game dev tells you."
"I better make sure to make it my job so that this comes out great."
"They really put a lot of care into it, very well packaged."
"We're trying to move towards the place of quality over quantity."
"This is official tissue, I know something I gonna say the price is kinda high, quality over quantity, when you buy this case, six months later, it's still gonna look like this."
"We don't need another Cyberpunk coming out in December."
"I'd rather them just hold off...make sure it is as polished and ready to go as possible on release."
"My portfolio is on my profile for a reason and that's the quality I provide."
"The creator himself has said he doesn't want to release a shoddy broken horrible survival game, he wants Rust to be the best survival game on consoles that you can play."
"We don't take the work for granted. That's why the finished product comes out the way it does."
"We need to end this thing of stuff feeling like it's being launched half-baked."
"Test early, test often. You can't really do it too much."
"Literally the best freaking kit on the face of the earth."
"Halo Infinite will stand out as a shining example that if your game isn't ready, it's okay to delay it."
"If you are going to get one watch, you really cannot go wrong with the Submariner."
"If you guys are in the market for a trailer... you're not gonna find a better, more thorough-built trailer with some of the really cool options that these guys are offering."
"Negative testing involves much more work compared to positive."
"Regression testing's purpose is to make sure whatever used to work is still working."
"User acceptance testing is done by experts to ensure it's good enough for customers."
"This is really awesome because accessibility is a feature you don't really want to break."
"It's those small touches that either way the way I always look at it is if you got someone who's putting felt on a box so it doesn't scratch the floor then he's probably doing a pretty good job with all the big stuff that really matters."
"You're going to be looking at a coach here that is balanced side to side and front to rear better than anything else out there."
"The fit and finish on this bike is very, very good."
"Whichever car you go with is going to be a brilliant piece of Kit. You're not going to be disappointed."
"If the job is worth doing... it's worth doing properly."
"We are one of the safest food supply systems."
"If you focus on quality, all the rest takes care of itself."
"I wish we just had more time on QA. You always wish because you're pushing narrative and mechanics to the very limit."
"We want to deliver the very best game we possibly can. The bar is high, but we have a great team and believe we can create something innovative that people will be excited to play."
"I just want to say... nobody wants to put out a rubbish video."
"But even if like us you have your own business which is doing well and growing every year it's no excuse to sacrifice your quality of life."
"Google says manual reviews are a critical part of the process."
"This as far as durability goes it's probably gonna last forever."
"The industrial plant in North America can make the products quicker at a lower price and at a higher quality point that you can in East Asia."
"Just because the support studio is doing it doesn't mean that it's bad; it actually could be quite good indeed."
"I basically know a game that's ready personally when the vast majority of the people in the company who are playtesting it, as well as the feedback from our outside plant testers, is very positive."
"I want people to know care has been taken here."
"Don't be afraid to check and recheck... you want this to be perfect."
"Othram is the best lab and get it right when other labs fail."
"I'm very happy about the quality of it both for myself and future Tesla owners."
"Our Ferrari service is complete. We've got all new rubber all the way around, new belts, new timing belts, serpentine belts, and we've got a new wiring harness so it is not chewed up by rats anymore."
"A solid design process can help designers deliver quality work."
"Young Living offers the purest therapeutic grade essential oils by carefully controlling the entire seed to seal process."
"The moral of this story is that the repair has to be done properly."
"A delayed game is eventually good, a bad game is that forever."
"We have milk that is substantially thicker, it is substantially warmer, that's what we asked for and that's what we got."
"Maximum protection, look at that rigidity, one thing about this case you only got to buy once alright it's not gonna start turning colors it's not gonna fall apart."
"Refurbished dials may look enticing, but beware of sloppy work and overdone brightness."
"I think they should fix the bugs and make it a better, more stable product."
"I felt like the pace of that was more exciting and it's not like he's cheapening on anything."
"Look at this, just straight as an arrow, 48,000 miles."
"It's our priority to make sure that our customers have the best experience, the best quality of service possible."
"Travel on a budget without sacrificing quality of stay."
"This is the part that is going to position Disney hopefully to get back to its core, to start focusing on quality over quantity."
"Bug fixes, bug fixes, bug fixes because they're focusing on getting the existing features out to launch as soon as they can."
"The variety you get in this and the quality can't be beat and the quality is amazing."
"You can tell that they spend a lot of time play testing and balancing these games."
"The quality is incredible. The price point, as you know, even more incredible."
"We strive to provide high quality paintings at the most reasonable prices."
"Confirmed that this is the smoothest, most polished Bethesda launch product we've ever seen."
"These feel good, they look good, and they behave well."
"Quality control is more than just how many flips you can do in a match."
"The condition is really, really nice. It does feel like it's new, which is mad considering it's a 2003 car."
"ODST's launch was yet another massive dub, again it did come with a few bugs which is kind of expected but overall the quality was exactly what it needed to be."