
Royalty Quotes

There are 6536 quotes

"The princess of Wales is keeping her private medical information private, as she should. Loose lips sink ships."
"Now Fumi demanded to know who she really was. She told him that she was the second princess of the kingdom."
"The public's reverence for the royals depends on integrity and on trust, and both of those things have taken a battering."
"You are not weak. You are that Queen sitting on a throne."
"The Queen loves jumping in London puddles. Everybody loves jumping in London puddles."
"Should a nonworking member of the royal family who carries out zero public duties for this country, and has no obligations to the British people and no formal links whatsoever to the work of the monarchy, receive the same taxpayer-funded protections as the rest of his family who do all that? The answer, self-evidently, would have thought, is no."
"You are a son and a daughter of the most high God and you've been called to royalty."
"I had no idea Frederick the Great once said, 'A crown is merely a hat that lets the rain in.' I never truly understood this quote before today."
"A king who forgives is a king who is loved forever."
"The primary expectation of queens and other well-born women of the past was to have as many children as possible to secure their husband's dynasty."
"We can't overstate how powerful, how moving this will be, watching the queen leave Buckingham Palace for the final time."
"Queen Victoria really had me questioning and examining what royal, regal, crownly behavior really is."
"Royalty... is a snapshot of history, it's connection to history, it's connection to culture and heritage."
"Royals are not supposed to share their innermost thoughts. That's not why they're there. They're there to represent their country, their culture, their heritage, their nation."
"The public has a fascination with royalty, and in the 1980s, Princess Diana became the latest 'it girl', being lovingly referred to as the 'people's princess'."
"As the princess of Monaco, Kelly became an influential figure especially in regard to fashion, and her wedding dress became the gown to beat for the remainder of the decade."
"I think the people who've got the hardest job at the moment are William and Kate because they are going to be the eventual successors."
"Rogue, and this is another live that we will be exploring the Royals."
"By the Middle Ages, cultural depictions of the heart extended well beyond the confines of religion and were used in art to represent royalty."
"Throughout her life, Her Majesty the Queen, my beloved mother, was an inspiration and example to me and to all my family."
"Queen Elizabeth was a life well lived, a promise with destiny kept, and she is mourned most deeply in her passing."
"In 1947 on her 21st birthday, she pledged in a broadcast from Cape Town to the Commonwealth to devote her life, whether it be short or long, to the service of her peoples."
"William and Kate may be many people's idea of the perfect king and queen."
"The public might want more, and the families...it's reminded them of a very sad time in national life but also happy memories because she left an incredible legacy of her 70 years on the throne."
"It's a really good point...the focus should be on remembering Queen Elizabeth and her legacy, not the family drama."
"Prince William's destiny was determined from the moment he became the first child of Prince Charles and Princess Diana, second in line to the throne."
"He often used to say to his mother that he didn't really want to be king."
"You can only be born a king... Kings can make Queens but a queen can never make a king."
"I don't think you'll be the favorite princess for long if you keep this up."
"Diana's approach to royalty was refreshing, relatable, and revolutionary."
"Looks like some sort of magical elven queen or princess."
"Princess Anne... does it with such minimum fuss and has done for years."
"You wanted freedom from that life, you wanted freedom to make your own money, you wanted freedom to make deals with Netflix and Spotify, but you also wanted to serve the Queen."
"There was no guidance as well. There's no class on how to speak, how to cross your legs, how to be royal."
"Hold your head up, little man, you're a king. Young princess when you get your wedding ring, your man is saying, 'She's my queen.'"
"King Iliad the hunter, that's cool, that's very cool."
"The stag that King John the fat could never find has at last been found."
"You have to rule. Rule what? You have to give up your everyday life and rule all of us as royalty."
"It's a mum to reflection, not just Princess So Newbie, but King Alpha of England."
"It's been enormous fun researching Prince Philip's hunting exploits. He had an extraordinary life."
"Contrary to the traditional historical characterizations of him, Edward VI was not the weak and sickly boy he has often been portrayed to be."
"She talks about how she's delighted so many people have offered understanding to her dear brother Charles as he accepts the added responsibilities of the monarch."
"The princess royal, the hardest working member of the royal family, was fulfilling engagements in the Scottish island... she was nearby and was able to be with her mother from Wednesday night onwards."
"I can teach you to walk, talk, sit, stand, eat, dress like a princess."
"The princess of my kangaroo kingdom, things were fantastic. I had nothing to complain about, nothing to want. It was perfect."
"Prince Charles described his uncle as the grandfather he never had, his mentor."
"The queen was one of the most famous, notable figures in history, and she passed away."
"An exhausted Eleanor now set off with her husband north towards Rome, where Pope Eugenius the third had invited the Royals to stay in his palace at Tusculum."
"Her Majesty's sense of humor really shines through here."
"Queen Elizabeth II basically used her military-grade driving skills to terrify the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia on his visit."
"The secret of success as a member of the royal family is it's never about you; it's about the other people."
"The only really sensible piece of advice that you can give a woman marrying into the royal family is: Make your marriage work."
"Their [William and Catherine's] engagement was a modern fairy tale, marked by a proposal with Princess Diana's sapphire and diamond engagement ring."
"The Queen's relationship with Prince Philip has been a welcomed constant and a source of reassurance to her subjects."
"The lion is considered king of the beasts, its mane a royal crown."
"The presence Chamber where the king would sit on his throne here under a silk canopy very similar to the one you see here today."
"I think the emperor is the loneliest boy on Earth."
"The most beloved of all its many crowned kings, Nebuchadnezzar the Great."
"She is now a princess and a future Queen of Great Britain."
"This is the unlikely story of a woman who won a prince against all odds. Now she has a harder task ahead: winning the heart of the people will not be as easy."
"This Zelda is different from every other Zelda in that she's not actually royalty."
"If anyone can say he's had a storybook life, it's Prince William, the firstborn son of England's beloved Princess Diana."
"It was Prime Minister Winston Churchill who stated, 'We've got this film star of a queen; let's send her out on a global charm offensive.'"
"Queen Mary understood the value of publicity; she regarded it as her royal duty to cooperate with the press."
"Nobody dares to be responsible for the death of somebody so senior in the royal family."
"The man who would be king carries some daunting liabilities, high on the list is the Lady Diana factor."
"I don't think that there's anything at this stage that I could teach Kate about being a member of the royal family."
"The affection in which she (the Queen) is held gets deeper and not less."
"Kate has shown herself to be a wonderful addition to the royal family."
"They thought they could turn their star power, that was really related to the crown, into their own star power."
"Royals are different... they cannot come into repute because they are there at the will of the people."
"Harry has graciously told friends that he's willing to step back in and help the royal family during his father's cancer treatment."
"There's a real feeling from those who have gathered here that they want the king to know that he has everyone's support."
"What a difference it makes really to see him like this. In any of the photographs that we've seen of him... it is nice to see how he is in himself."
"He is out, he's looking strong and steady on his feet, there is a smile on his face."
"Smiles all around as the king and queen conclude chatting to people."
"Once you leave the Royal family, you leave the royal privileges behind."
"The rules don't bend for anyone, not even for Prince Harry."
"She is still equally loved and hated, the last Queen of France before the French Revolution."
"Do you share the blood of a Roman Emperor? Is Charlemagne your grandfather? Is Isaac Newton your great uncle? Could you even be distantly in line for a throne somewhere?"
"Catherine's court and her personal life are amongst the most famous and controversial of any European ruler."
"Thank you for not forcing me to be a prince anymore. I really hated all the attention and the free jewelry. I love being known as the grandkid formerly known as Prince."
"Two queens are just gonna be... I mean, great, what can I say?"
"The dark Hammer must be the result of some sort of experimental super soldier that the royal family was trying their best to procure."
"It's our calling to serve the King and it's a privilege."
"The world without a king like him is progressing at a very slow rate."
"The queen has been diligent and done her best to do her duty."
"We could be seeing the beginning of the end of what is the traditional royal family."
"He should be stripped of his titles and the queen should really step up and take control of the situation."
"Elizabeth is remembered today as one of the most legendary rulers in English history."
"little lily bet and giving the queen of england yet another grandchild"
"I think that Diana wants to continue in her role as Princess of Wales. She wants to serve the queen, she wants to serve the nation, doing her charity work, which has earned her a place internationally as an esteemed."
"Princess Elizabeth was born when few predicted she would one day rule Britain as its monarch."
"The British monarchy is widely recognized as one of the world's most influential organizations."
"The title Prince of Wales is not a title that someone gets automatically."
"The public fell in love with their new queen."
"The press reported that Mrs. Simpson had sailed to France, and for the first time in Britain, their king's relationship with a married woman was out in the open."
"The French visit was a personal triumph for the Queen."
"The Queen Mother is one of the main reasons why Great Britain still has a monarchy."
"Prince philli LED an incredible life but it wasn't all roses either."
"Queen Elizabeth II died today in Scotland. Her Majesty is 96 years old, spent a record 70 years on the throne."
"Tomorrow he would claim the throne of England or he would die trying."
"Henry had won the battle of Bosworth, and with it, the crown of England."
"I think that the queen made sure in her reign that there was room always for reinvention, for reinspection of the past, and for finding a route effortlessly by just being there as head." - Commentator
"If she hadn't happened to be born to be queen, she'd have been a happy countrywoman, with masses of horses and dogs, and who would have been as happy as anything." - Commentator
"She has really done it in her way, that really important sense of duty."
"She was mourned and still remembered as the people's princess."
"The royal family is kind of the epitome of all those shows... it could be."
"The Royal Family media ecosystem is really different from just about any other type of reporting in the world."
"The height of popularity for the royal family: the wedding of Charles and Diana, William and Harry being born, and then it was Andrew and Fergie."
"I want to see a completely inebriated prince william giving it his best dad dancing."
"Monarch status conqueror of adversity truly is a fitting title."
"The royal family represents decency, a way of life we all want to continue."
"The royal family had been a safe harbor, a beacon of hope in a world awash with wars."
"The royal family do just historically have a huge glamour factor."
"The queen herself in the early days of her reign was this very beautiful and staggeringly glamorous figure."
"The royals' unwavering adherence to traditions was the tonic many felt was needed in the 1960s."
"The jubilee was about celebrating 25 years of the queen, but actually it was 25 years of royal and national progress."
"He really was the king who gave up his throne for the woman he loved until death do us part."
"Not even a direct hit on the palace could bring down the monarchy."
"The Widow of Windsor as she was known struggled with public appearances because she was shy."
"He was also probably the most English king that the realm had had since the Norman conquest."
"Life at the Royal Courts of Europe had evolved into a rarefied world of ritual and affectation."
"He's known to bully all his staff. Prince Andrew was a bully."
"The Queen is now the proud owner of a prize-winning cocker spaniel."
"Sophie will be the third lady in the land, the ascent of an ordinary girl into the highest ranks of the royal family is the last fairy tale of the millennium, hopefully this one will last."
"Lady Lou is just everything that royalty should be about, she's got what it takes."
"We want some more royals on the way up because these children and these teens are fast growing up, aren't they, my loves?"
"Charles and Camilla enjoyed secret rendezvous all over Britain."
"Definitive proof that Jon Snow is the true heir to the Iron Throne."
"Queen Victoria owned a total of 88 different pets during her life."
"The biggest cat fancier is Princess Michael of Kent."
"You know the next Queen of England and a bit of a sacred cow, and editors tread very warily around Diana. But Fergie, well, she's never gonna be Queen."
"Diana could draw on her allowance from the Duchy of Cornwall, Fergie hadn't no such fund, by the end of the marriage her overdraft was well into six figures."
"It all began with great expectations, outside this Charmed Circle is new territory. What will happen to the first female ex-royal? What does the future hold for Fergie?"
"Royalty does not pay, sovereign people do not pay."
"Love the new style am I getting carried away well I love our King what can I tell you flawed as he is as all of us are."
"She works tirelessly she holds six patronages related to literature the national literary trust the book trust she presents the book a prize she walks the walk and talks the talk as do all of our major Royals."
"She possessed a stubbornly independent spirit that was just too much for the Windsors and the royal system."
"Charles the Great, better known as Charlemagne."
"Incense would soon become integral to the function of royalty... essential tools in the way that religious authority and the power of the state were constructed."
"Diana, Princess of Wales: the people's favorite, rain or shine."
"Her love for Charles created what all the world loves: a fairy tale."
"Diana's warmth and sense of fun are what people remember most."
"Composed and confident, she's still the accessible face of royalty."
"Sources close to the prince say he is considering the regal name King George VII."
"You're a prince, not a jester. I am being serious."
"Harry and Meghan's children will be brought up under the scrutiny that comes with being born a royal."
"It'll be so exciting to see these kids that are half American, half English, and growing up in the royal family."
"The British people have gained in Meghan a hard-working, down-to-earth new royal."
"His royalty is that he will not let the outside world a vector not just the United State the toy commercials have little black boys and girls in the toy."
"The man were never meant to be king, the women were never meant to be Queen, but all made it to the throne nonetheless."
"Appearances are deceptive. Behind this well-known image of Victoria lies another story, one of the heartbroken widow."
"The people's princess was born the honorable Diana Spencer."
"Diana wanted to be remembered as the queen of people's hearts."
"It is a point to remember that of all the ironies about Diana perhaps the greatest was this a girl given the name of the ancient goddess of hunting was in the end the most hunted person of the modern age."
"Victoria was delighted with the new title, Empress of India."
"Their mother had become the People's Princess."
"Royals represent the people of the nation, embodying their hopes."
"No monarch had ever published a book before."
"You're stepping into royalty, about to sit on your throne."
"They see you as a queen or a king, like you're the perfect ten."
"He'll get the throne soon enough, but he'll need to get much stronger."
"Prince Harry and Duchess Meghan made a bold break from royal tradition, striving for something that hadn't been attained by other royals in the past."
"The destiny of the Plantagenet dynasty and Elizabeth Woodville herself, would be flipped upside down by a chance occurrence."
"Once upon a time in a country, the queen had a magic mirror."
"Harry and Meghan are nothing without the royal family, which is one of the most ironic things because they are literally trying to destroy the monarchy."
"This would completely remove Rhaenyra's claims as technically Viserys's son with Alison would be the next in line."
"Queens not only represent their kingdoms. They are themselves individuals."
"Diana became officially the Princess of Wales."
"Princes and kings often don't think that the rules of the realm apply to them."
"Was Edward plotting to return as King of Britain in a Nazi-dominated Europe?"
"They've clung to these titles which is hypocritical to me because if you hate the institution if it's racist yada yada get rid of the titles stand on your own tv but they can't."
"It's only a matter of time before he's King."
"He bows to the king but the king tells him to raise his head."
"He very eloquently put the case that the royal family are known for their service to the country."
"The Bible is about a king, a kingdom, and a royal family."
"The example that Megan and Harry have made by falling in love one another and not being hindered by anybody's old-fashioned stuff Eve ideas is fantastic."
"Modern Royals may have evaded the official observer but they have hordes of probing eyes in a different guise to contend with."
"Diana brought that tender loving caring emotional side into the royal family."
"William and Harry will always be influenced by their mother."
"Our beloved Queen unveiled the Marcus rashford book club bookshelves."
"Meghan Markle is smart and classy and brave and she's a better princess than we deserve."
"Mary's rise from a simple Australian country girl to beautiful crown princess does indeed read like a fairy tale."
"The royal family is nervous about Prince Harry and Meghan Markle as they are desperately searching for a role in life."
"Every time it happens, it's never easy. So Cersei has to, if she wants to do it, she has to claim it and leave no doubt that she's queen."
"Timing's everything, and the royals are very sensitive to how they're perceived by the public."
"In India, just like in Europe, you often see members of defunct royal houses still marrying members of other defunct royal houses."
"The Spin Doctors are already representing him as the caring compassionate Prince that he was thought of before Diana came on the scene."
"The Queen is dealing with each new problem via direct action like a monarch."
"Once he received a crown of thorns, then he will receive a crown of gold."
"So the only real inference anyone could draw from that is that she was saying that the royal family were being racist."
"All hail his most respected and magnanimous emperor Pedro II of Brazil."
"Apparently even the British public is starting to get really, really fed up with Harry and Meghan."
"It's the title not the person that the people are there to see."
"Her desire to crush the Royals because they didn't abide by the rules in the Bible of Meghan Markle is what's going to destroy her."
"During Harry's last visit to the UK, he met with his father King Charles following the latter's cancer diagnosis."
"When you are anointed, Kings will come to you. You don't have to go to Kings."
"She understands that she is queen. She understands that she is deserving, that she is worthy, that she is valuable, that she is powerful just because she was simply born."
"I don't think mad is the right word, what's the right word? The Daft, deluded, the doted King."