
Communication Challenges Quotes

There are 177 quotes

"It's very hard to have nuance when you're using character-limited social media platforms."
"It's hard to reason with somebody that has no reason."
"Language is the best we've got, but nobody will tell you that you can perfectly communicate one experience of it."
"Yeah, that is one of the downsides to talking about a complex, nuanced, and dangerous topic in such a blunt way."
"Communication is really, really hard... setting boundaries and having open, healthy communication is so hard."
"Wendy may have trouble communicating because of the Aphasia, it does not affect her intelligence."
"I'm hosting a two-hour pre-show... I could not hear a word of what you were saying."
"It's harder for Ukrainian soldiers to get the message out there about what's actually going on over there."
"The only thing that's very difficult about arguing with someone who's completely anti vaccine is that they're so sure that they're right."
"We may look upset, but sound happy, right? And it's hard for other people to know what's going on with us."
"I know why people don't write about this very often because it's it's hard to figure out how to relay this so that people can digest it."
"You can't win an argument on Twitter. You just can't."
"The break up had more to do with power politics, widely dispersed geographies, and a time of history when it was very difficult to communicate across distances."
"The challenge for me in this is I just assume and I I'm not going to assume it anymore I assume that people are able to put two and two together and get four not five or seven or nine or whatever it is."
"I think it's absurd to ask me to do that in the middle of a conversation where you expect me to still be a participant in the conversation."
"Twitter is blinding us so we have no idea how our messages land."
"No, I can't say that to them I probably couldn't even look at it."
"It's almost like magic. The way I wrote the lines really, really short makes it feel like they're trying to speak over the noise."
"They're wanting to heal this relationship with you but it's like they have all of these words... but then when it comes down to it... they're still all right."
"Most learners have had the experience of using a phrasebook or a dictionary to find a word they want to use, trying the word in conversation, and getting a look of confusion from the native speaker."
"It's like listening to somebody whisper a word in a busy café. It can be difficult to make out the word or even be sure if someone whispered in the first place."
"I advocate for better conversations and better dialogues, but the people that call this show sometimes test me."
"Delete Facebook. Nice. Heck yeah. It's useful in other ways basically the only reason why I have it is getting in contact with people that are sometimes very hard to get in contact with those phone books aren't like really a thing anymore."
"Communication being unachievable and that's likely a very lonely existence."
"It's easier to lie to someone than to convince them they've been lied to."
"You're explaining things to people who are committed to misunderstanding you."
"This person wants action, not just thoughts anymore."
"Communication is difficult with this person."
"It's very difficult to talk about these in a way without people taking it as being personal, people taking it as being ad hominem or attacking people rather than the ideas."
"Most people don't actually want to understand what you have to say."
"Like if you if you had to explain it to a person who didn't really not understand what you're saying how much different are you talking about."
"Whenever we try to talk about it or meet in the middle, we just both get upset and nothing changes."
"The communication is so off, despite efforts to express and take action."
"Fear that we've gotten so detailed in this conversation that won't feel constructive to a lot of people because it's hard to hear any of it."
"It's like we're in there and we're aware that it's danger we're aware that it's tricky right trying to hurt your feelings."
"This is what's true... they still don't believe you... but they've never met an exception before so why should they believe your words."
"The Imperium has been struggling ever more with the loss of Worlds communication warp travel."
"This is getting to the point where it's really hard to kind of walk a lot of this stuff back."
"Interviewing athletes? Tough nut to crack with all that media training."
"Enthusiasm to everybody who will listen to you, but the danger of that is that you can become so entrenched so trapped in your own ideas that you can't see what's staring you right in the face: the data."
"I don't know why y'all feel like talking is such a task."
"Trying to have a daily phone call with a narcissistic, abusive mum or dad... it's not going to work."
"People that are trying to tell the truth... are having a hard time getting their truths communicated without being vilified."
"Trying to sort of have a normal conversation with you, and I think you're being quite guarded."
"This person wants to communicate and confess their emotions but they're struggling with it."
"They have these feelings for you but they're unable to express it for whatever reason."
"Comforting a person or convincing them not to kill themselves is always going to be like that uphill battle rhetorically."
"The very conversations you most need to hear are most likely to be mislabeled as disinformation."
"Since such a large part of our job is talking at a high level of energy while also simultaneously focusing on something really hard, when it's done it becomes so difficult to want to talk to anyone."
"If you cannot explain it to a six-year-old, there may be a problem."
"Assimilation and alienation are the heart of communication traps."
"Because you're always taking it from a different angle, because you're responding to what the mainstream say and that could be a real challenge."
"I never get anything right, I don't say the right thing, I never know what to say."
"Some people, when you talk to them, it's like trying to listen to classical music on a radio with no antenna."
"He actively has to stop himself from talking."
"There's a transcendental realm beyond language. It's just hard as hell to talk about."
"You're fighting against the moderator and you're fighting against... You have two people talking to you at one time."
"You're not going to get anywhere by trying to convince somebody if they already have their mind made up."
"They're worried that you guys are going to completely shut down on them."
"People don't necessarily understand this rapid fire we say as many words as we can fit into a minute conversation."
"You won't always be able to talk yourself out of conflict."
"You simply can't expect to have a serious conversation with someone who isn't interested in anything aside from taking complete control of the room."
"It's partially because the really long ones can be a lot for people."
"I'm not very well-spoken I don't know if you guys realize but like I'll forget what word I'm trying to use or something it's because I'm so nervous."
"Communication has been a little difficult lately."
"When you're committed to free speech, there are going to be things that are said that are unkind or mean or false or wrong."
"It's hard... how do I communicate with you right?"
"Historically, written language has always been rather limited in its ability to adequately represent the nuance of in-person communication."
"John Kirby yesterday had the hardest job in Communications in the world."
"They can't speak or talk but they are similar to any other child."
"Struggling to communicate and connect on the same level."
"Some people just need to experience [__], you can't explain things to everyone."
"Talking to my mother is like talking to a wall."
"The best thing to do would be to stop trying to make meaningful arguments in 140 characters or less."
"I'm not good with words, but you know you love her."
"I just wish people could figure out some [ __ ] way of hearing, you know, the other side and like you're solving a [ __ ] problem rather than publicizing its defeat. That's difficult."
"Tone gets completely lost in emails. Oh yeah, I need to be able to just walk into someone's office or cube and be like, 'Hey, can we talk about this thing? Let's chat.' But now if I just email someone, 'Hey, let's talk,' it terrifies them."
"I think for a lot of people, it's been really hard to communicate the importance of privacy."
"I can't mute him because, yeah, he's your boy, like he's your boy."
"We loved trying to talk to you, but I know that it might be a little bit hard to talk about these serious situations. I mean, I know you have people every single day of the year coming out here trying to communicate, so that'll be so hard."
"Having these conversations is tough, especially in the public eye."
"Confusion and illusions with the way we think, with the way we talk."
"It's very tough to follow up with stuff like this especially when I don't know how to contact people."
"Communication back then, especially way out in the middle of the ocean, was not great."
"You can't even begin to talk as soon as you say everything is meaningless."
"Communication effectively is a hard thing because you need to communicate in a way that people are receptive to."
"But also while saturn transit the third house you might have felt quite almost like stuck when it comes to communication and to expression."
"I think people should be worked up about this kind of stuff because, as we've seen, sometimes if part of the community is upset about something it can be a little bit difficult to reach through the noise."
"The truth is not black and white always, a terrible way to phrase that in 2020."
"There's a real problem with people being unable to have conversations that their audiences are not comfortable with."
"Nobody believed anything I was saying because it was so outrageous."
"I just want to literally just sometimes do nothing more than ask a question but I know the moment I do it's gonna be a block."
"It's very difficult to build those connections over text."
"I just wish my feelings would spill out of my mouth, you know? Just any way I can, I just want it to come through."
"We are being tested, my friends. We are really being tested and thwarted at these times to get messages of light out, but we just have to persist."
"It's hard for you to open up because you haven't had practice."
"Opening up to other people doesn't help, and once your mind learns that, it can be really hard to open up."
"Is it a budge fest? Like, are you two sitting there going, 'I'm not going to budge,' and they're going, 'I'm not going to budge either'? Is it a budge fest?"
"Sometimes the worst thing when you get some bad news who you want something that everybody wants to talk to you about the worst thing is putting yourself in a position where you've got no choice but to talk about it."
"This is what they talk about, these guys are, you know, I want to go back, by the way, you do know."
"I think that the challenge is that too often it swings to the other side where topics don't get talked about at all because we're afraid of hurting people's feelings."
"Once it's heard, you cannot unwind it without a lot, a lot, a lot of work."
"His brain is overworking here, struggling to come up with the right words."
"Never argue with an idiot. They'll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience."
"Conflict resolution is easier to do in person than it is over the phone over zoom over slack."
"Black women are wasting their time speaking to deaf ears."
"Never underestimate their ability not to say things and just want you to shut up about them."
"Maybe the problem is we don't tell our story loud enough." - Congresswoman Joyce Beatty
"Communicating to someone on a different frequency is like using walkie-talkies on different channels."
"Everything can be secure and reliable but communications and authentications methods suffer from the two generals problem."
"Navigating Interpersonal Waters: A Story of Cultural Misunderstanding."
"It's not easy to understand. It's convoluted, often left undetailed."
"It's hard to argue with a smaller person when it's impossible to argue with an idiot."
"Literally no one on the planet Earth apparently knows for sure how to talk properly about revolvers."
"I'm pissed off that I can't debate anybody anymore in good faith."
"I mean, he's old, he's business. And I've tried to be playful and he'll give me like a 'ha' and I'm like, 'I'll take it.' But then sometimes he doesn't respond and you want to kill yourself, right?"
"No matter how logical you are no matter how hard you try no matter how heartfelt you may be you can't make people listen."
"If it ever seems like we're getting short with you about something just remember that you are not the first 7th or 20th person to ask us something you are probably the thousandth."
"We have to find a way to talk to each other without talking about either if you can't talk politics with them, don't."
"It's easier to say change is bad than to explain why change is good."
"There's no shot that you can actually parse this."
"People hardcore moralize every single sentence and it makes it impossible to navigate it with any kind of reasonable conversation because basically if you say the wrong thing there is no disagreement."
"Bernie could never articulate that in a debate. I was so mystified by that."
"Recognizing that she couldn't say exactly what she thought."
"But yeah to answer your question probably not until I get better Spanish scales maybe won't to me because I don't speak Spanish whenever he does like say someone asked him directions or something."
"Manchester United talks continue, they are frustrating talks, they are muddy talks, it's hard to grasp what's going on."
"I'm just trying to figure out how to reach people who are not bad faith cynics"
"We're in a very challenging frontier of communication where we have to learn how to continue talking given the fact that every single word you choose can be objected to by somebody."
"Making things clear and concise and short is difficult, trust me, it's difficult."
"They're deeply in love with you, but they're a bit awkward about expressing it."
"We essentially want to see eye to eye, but if there's thinking patterns within ourselves that are polarized to what a person says, then we might find challenge in seeing eye to eye."
"And how could we ever get the public up to speed on this?"
"This stuff is complicated, and I am bemused by the kind of resistance that you get when you try to talk about things like this."
"It's like you take that amazing light and you take it to somebody who has a very hard time hearing you."
"You got to tag me unfortunately I'm in a car that can't be tagged."
"I know it's tough to fit some of this stuff just because you're capped at how many characters you can get in there."
"He was just a regular kid that didn't have the ability to speak."
"How would you have good information that's the whole point of this."
"It isn't easy to communicate the truth with complete accuracy."
"A leader cannot issue a clear, unambiguous personal statement about his identity to political surrogates."
"It's easier to say 'my tooth is aching' than to say 'my heart.'"
"I believe that we are speaking about the facts and the truths so it's always a big challenge."
"Mercury retrograde causes problems with communication...on the flip side it opens up your perspective."
"Yusu finds ritsu so overwhelmed by responding to text messages that she barely makes progress reading a book."
"In a world of social media, that initial response might not be a great one."
"Sometimes you're just doing mental gymnastics to me."
"It's like you already have people who are dealing with heavy stuff; what if the patients are hearing and seeing things and then can't communicate it properly?"
"It was a beautiful day and I had so much fun, it's my turn to talk, they all interrupt me."
"It's hard to talk to brothers when they hostile like that."
"Autism really affects a child's ability to communicate."
"It's really difficult when you don't know why they're objecting."
"I think communication is the hardest part."
"We have at least intuitively nicely illustrated the difficulties of educating the public about statistics."
"The mentally ill tend to see themselves as more lucid and realistic than those around them and have trouble making others understand the way they see the world."
"The communication's still tough. It's not like everything's just so easy and everything's so glorious."
"The feeling that you're having to concentrate feverishly to understand what somebody's saying, just having to shut out everything else, just decipher, decipher, concentrate. In most situations, that's just gone."
"Language is intrinsically ambiguous; people have different meanings for the most simple terms."
"It's not easy to filter out the loud noise to uncover what the message is underneath."
"Go to a football stadium during Super Bowl and try and talk to the person sitting next to you and you're yelling and they can't hear you because of all the noise."
"Communicating is something that Komi can't do, not something she chooses not to do."