
Intolerance Quotes

There are 572 quotes

"You do not tolerate intolerance. That is the paradox of intolerance."
"Aware of the suffering created by fanaticism and intolerance, we are determined not to be idolatrous about or bound to any doctrine, theory, or ideology, even Buddhist ones. This is the lion's roar."
"You don't get rid of bigotry by accommodating it; you get rid of bigotry by getting rid of it."
"Using vile anti-Semitic slurs, degrading those with special needs, endorsing violence against political leaders... is absolutely repugnant."
"People who are in the grip of mass formation typically become radically intolerant for dissonant voices, and in the end, this goes quite far. In the end, people who are in the grip of mass formation typically start to commit cruelties and atrocities towards the people that do not go along with the masses."
"We will repel evil with goodness and stand courageously alongside you against intolerance."
"We don't take kindly to your types around here."
"Instead of being so relaxed that we're forgiving and inclusive... we increasingly judge because the slightest difference... makes us feel even more insecure."
"I think we all went through a phase of hating someone who was different from us."
"No one can meet halfway anymore. People are like, 'This is how I feel, and if you don't feel exactly the same way as I feel, not only can we not be friends, not only can we not relate, but I hate you now and now you're my enemy.'"
"Anyone who attempts to construe a personal view of God which conflicts with church dogma must be burned without pity." - Pope Innocent III
"Religion in particular being intolerant and to this day, even this Pope Francis, whom I had some hopes for, seems to be beginning to add to an ancient slander."
"We are under no obligation to be tolerant of intolerance. Being tolerant to intolerance does not create more tolerance; it creates more intolerance."
"The woke movement within society today is one of zero tolerance, even when it is forcing tolerance on the collective, it is doing so from a place of intolerance."
"Once you let this nasty thing out of the box called xenophobia and intolerance, it's very hard to put it back."
"There should be certain things that you're intolerant of."
"What is being against political correctness mean anyway? Well, it means the same thing these people want to help Blacks and Jews and Asia's politically correct and that we can't even insult them."
"I don't think you hate all religions equally. I think you have an extra hate boner for Islam."
"Insults, swears, death threats, and the like will never be a tolerable or warranted response to writing."
"You gotta send a message that that's not tolerated."
"If someone is no longer curious about learning what is true, then they're angered."
"Evil always calls for tolerance and then when it's ascendant it calls for compliance."
"We're all increasingly intolerant of anyone who disagrees with us."
"We as educated, even if we're not educated, as members of a civil society should shame and have no tolerance for people who are threats to public health."
"It's amazing how quickly they become incredibly intolerant once they find out that you don't agree with them on every single tiny little thing."
"This is a message. We as society will not tolerate this."
"The only folks that I really have no patience for are racists, misogynists, homophobes, extremists."
"Anyone who actually hates Christianity actually really hates them as well."
"Intolerant individuals falsely equate criticism with total opposition."
"Intolerance of ideas, whether liberal or conservative, is antithetical to individual rights and free societies."
"If you hate a gay person, you are a hateful bigot."
"Intolerance is the hallmark of the Socialist ideology."
"When you make people say racist [ __ ], you can never [ __ ] with me again."
"Sigma males can't stand hypocrites and two-faced people."
"Sigma men have a low tolerance for ignorance and can't stand those who refuse to learn or grow."
"Intolerance and racism have no place in our country."
"Political violence is an attack on everything we cherish as Americans; it can never be tolerated."
"Cancel culture is now all around us, the new intolerance that shuts down debate and reviles dissenting points of view."
"We do need to push back. There is no definition of freedom or tolerance that should permit us to tolerate this kind of insanity."
"Liberal hatred of conservative ideas is repugnant."
"We went from 'tolerance' to 'you will wear the patch or we will ostracize you from society.'"
"I guess we don't [tolerate] the Jews in Germany, hmm?"
"Freedom of expression is trumped by blind hatred for those that are just different from them."
"People cannot agree to disagree anymore. It's immediate like, 'You disagree with me, you're a bad person, I hate you.'"
"I just don't like when beliefs start infringing on others and hurting people."
"People become radically intolerant for dissonant voices and ultimately try to destroy everyone who doesn't go along with them."
"If you are so trained, so indoctrinated to be rabid against somebody who just has a different point of view, there's a problem with you, not with me."
"We're not being intolerant, rather we are proclaiming the truth."
"The only thing that a tolerant society cannot tolerate is intolerance."
"There is no place for hate in the United States of America."
"Disagreeing is one thing, but if you think that someone's opinion is untenable reflecting ignorance, intolerance, or lack of understanding, that's another thing."
"In our society, racism, anti-Semitism, homophobia can have no home, much less find refuge."
"If you have a problem with non-believers being destroyed, you have a problem with Christianity."
"You oppose these things and a certain intelligence here comes and says you know Shambhav, Harsh, and Rajiv are bigots."
"Defend a tolerant Society against the onslaught of the intolerant."
"Killing people for simply believing something different is destructive to society."
"People like Stephen Carr must never be allowed to receive leniency by claiming that the free expression of love and affection offends or angers them."
"I don't tolerate any type of disrespect. You don't disrespect me."
"These woke thugs are not people who have gone too far. This is evil, this is wickedness, this is deviant, this is child-destroying, career-destroying ness, and I will not compromise with them and nobody can."
"Unlimited tolerance must lead to the appearance of Tolerance... we must be intolerant of intolerance."
"Matthew McConaughey dared to criticize the far left in their intolerance, hypocrisy."
"Racism in the workplace should not be tolerated."
"Literally the only thing that we can't tolerate is intolerance."
"If you're legitimately racist and transphobic as long as you make some funny TikTok jokes as well, right?"
"How homophobic do you have to be to be upset over a fictional character's sexuality?"
"Stepdad shames stepdaughter for having a gay friend, immediately regrets it."
"I have no sympathy for stupid people, just period."
"We have many problems in the Ummah, but one of the biggest problems of religious-minded folks is narrow-minded, bigoted sectarianism."
"When you take away freedom of choice to others and you have the power to make it happen is not called freedom, it's called intolerance."
"Our discourse is becoming increasingly intolerant of dissenting views."
"Dark humor is a sign of intelligence, intolerance is evidence of the opposite."
"Jesus go again read the gospels read them and what you're going to find is that he he had no tolerance for for evil none."
"Anti-Semitism proved what intolerance and bigotry can do."
"They talk about acceptance. They talk about the fraternity of man. They talk about tolerance. But what they practice is absolutely intolerance."
"Hating somebody simply because of the color of their skin is [expletive] insane."
"Let the bigots be bigots, and when they harm somebody, you kill them."
"I will not tolerate what happened to Diversity in Comics."
"These displays of intolerance and homophobia are unacceptable."
"You really expect me to just be like 'F*** off, you said something that I disagree with and I can't talk to you anymore'? How sick is that?"
"I just hope like come on like there's cancel culture there's people who make mistakes and then there's this kind of [ __ ] you know this is like so unexcusable and not a single excuse for it."
"For Popper, it feels like he's arguing that intolerant actors really become a problem when they denounce all arguments, forbid their followers to listen to rational argument, and teach them to answer arguments by use of their fists."
"A good general rule should be de-platform people for intolerant Behavior not intolerant ideas."
"Intolerance doesn't stop at people just preaching intolerant philosophies."
"You can't have free speech for them and for their targets at the same time."
"Just stop saying anti-semitic things and stop agreeing with anti-semites."
"She's such a selfish bitter person that in her mind if people aren't going to take down on EC on her way and bow down to every opinion she holds then they shouldn't be allowed to have a voice in the matter at all."
"We're not going to tolerate your hatred here."
"The tolerant lefties...call me a self-hating gay and him a homophobe for us having the conversation."
"There is no excuse ever for hatred. There is no excuse ever for bigotry and intolerance and prejudice."
"I will not be tolerating any kind of dehumanization of any individuals involved in this situation."
"The acceptable amount of swastika flags at the rally would be zero. You can't get away with saying, 'Well, only some of us were Nazis, so how could you judge us as a group?'"
"Tolerance for the Intolerable is the path to certain destruction. It has to end."
"If you're not human and don't worship the Emperor, then you are the enemy, a heretic, and must be exterminated; diplomacy is almost not a thing for the Imperium."
"His rhetoric just fans the flames of intolerance and makes the things he complains about like integration, employment, etc., more difficult to attain."
"Tolerance cannot tolerate intolerance itself."
"If we can't have honest conversations and always just go for the throat, it's just becoming intolerable."
"If your faith leads you to hate people... I question its origin."
"Why does faith generate controversy? It's extreme, narrow, demanding, and very intolerant of other religious attempts to try to link God to man or man to God."
"Faith and the Lord Jesus Christ is controversial because it's extreme, narrow, demanding, and very intolerant of other religious attempts."
"Hating open-minded liberals and spreading unsubstantiated slurs about them."
"Sadly, there will always be racists, misogynists, anti-Semites, and child abusers. But I think we could all agree that we should not be giving bigots and pedoph"
"Never tolerate people who have low standards and low enthusiasm for what you have to offer."
"Look, you don't need to tolerate people that really piss you off."
"People could be shot, stabbed, and set on fire, I don't give a darn, but you mistreat an animal, you got a problem with me."
"There should be a certain amount of intolerance because when you tolerate everything you really don't stand on any principles whatsoever."
"Nobody is excluded. The only people I don't have a use for again are just people that are just hateful, that hate you know, and bordering on being violent."
"We today stand in solidarity with the Islamic community in this country and all around the world. We will not tolerate politicians or anyone else putting down Muslims and blaming Muslims for a few people."
"You cannot bring in people who are not tolerant of the values and the ideas that you have."
"We cannot tolerate the intolerable. If something is intolerable, we must, as a society, have a collective responsibility."
"That's hate in my opinion, that's stupidity, that's bigotry, that's prejudice."
"It's just that I have no sympathy for people who advocate this sort of life-ruining attack on other people for the same sort of wrong think or other thought crimes."
"This kind of behavior should not be admissible should not be tolerated throwing your political rival into jail over his interviews over his criticism is not the way to tolerate."
"Zero tolerance makes it very clear you cannot tolerate intolerable things."
"I just cannot see how you can tolerate the supreme court or any other court."
"It's just hating on people just for... I've never even been but it annoys me how critical people are."
"Obviously, my whole life is a reaction to hostility and to intolerance, and everything that I do is about blurring the lines of intolerance, blurring the lines of what's acceptable. Providing options."
"Would we tolerate a statue of Hitler for even one second? I think everybody knows the answer to that."
"He did not tolerate Israel mingling with other gods."
"There is no room for violence or criminal destruction, and I don't give a damn what your politics are."
"Everyone has concluded this must not be tolerated."
"The atmosphere on the American campus continues to display its deep intolerance."
"Every time you genuinely attack or dehumanize people of a different point of view, you're not helping."
"My tolerance to BS is absolutely nil anymore."
"Homophobes aren't throwing shade, they're hateful and violent."
"We told you anything to say black and something else we don't accept it."
"Don't waste my time with that. That is stupid. You're stupid if that's what you believe."
"It's extremely egotistical how transphobes just cannot accept that they're wrong transphobes cannot wrap their heads around the fact that they are the ones who are out of touch."
"This is a line that has been crossed that cannot be tolerated."
"Bigots are among the last people I feel any sympathy for."
"I won't be directed by a fairy. I have to work with a real man." - Clark Gable
"These people are just awful and these are supposedly the people who are tolerant."
"Everything's fine, I just have no tolerance for bullies, for real, it's an inconsiderate thing to say."
"Personal attacks on members of my court staff are unacceptable, inappropriate, and I will not tolerate them under any circumstances." - Judge Angaran
"Thinking that your message is the only correct message... is something that deserves to be ostracized."
"Intolerance for difference of opinions is indicative of where our culture is at today."
"I will never understand the rage that some people have towards other human beings for simply existing."
"Neo-nazis and neo-confederates have no place."
"The people of the United States will not tolerate it."
"If you don't tolerate that type of stuff then you know it's not gonna work."
"We're fed up and we're not going to tolerate it anymore."
"Intolerance: a very generous way of describing racism."
"They're raising a generation of intolerant, horrible people."
"We've got a more intolerant generation coming at us, and we should expect to see these problems get worse and not better."
"Hey, if neo-nazis are enjoying your [__] that's like should be a problem right that's like for most people that's an alarm Bell."
"If somebody hates my kids for who they are, they hate my kids for who they are."
"If you don't like the people from here and you don't like that they're representing their area then off to another Channel you scumbag."
"We have a zero tolerance policy for that kind of bull crap."
"The intolerance around the debate about gender and trans."
"Anybody who wants to complain about the existence of a freaking green dragon needs to just go away."
"I don't watch people that I don't like. I'm be honest, foreign people do too much y'all. I'm not about to be. I can't deal today. I can't deal today, y'all. People do too much and they say too much and they be all in my business."
"This booktube is going to be a safe space for everyone and i do mean everyone so if you disagree and you're prejudiced then get off my booktube channel otherwise I will cut you."
"We're not tolerant, we're not having it anymore."
"Nothing could be more ill-judged than the intolerant spirit which is at times characterized political parties."
"People need to let the homophobes, xenophobes, racists, and bigots of all sorts exclude themselves from family events instead of catering for their potential tantrums by doing their dirty work for them." - Trastavia
"It's generally not okay to be homophobic or to discriminate."
"I'd rather remove all interactions on my channel than suffer bigotry to spread."
"Totally agree. If it's actual hate speech then go fuck yourself."
"Anyone that has an issue with Carl or Shad is probably a low IQ mouth breather and probably deserves all the bad that happens to them, simple as."
"Who is tolerant? It's actually those scary right wingers that the media and the universities demonize every day."
"If you're in a private group chat non-stop talking about how you're so surprised that it's Jews who keep disagreeing with you... you're a Nazi."
"We have to be very, very intolerant of intolerance."
"The hatred of any group of people because of the color of their skin or the contents of their character is racism."
"If I hear anybody spreading legitimate hate then I'm quick to cut them off and disassociate with them."
"We have to stop being tolerant of the intolerant."
"I love cheese, but cheese doesn't love me."
"There's no place for hate speech or violence of any kind, whether it's anti-Semitism, islamophobia, or discrimination against Arab Americans or Palestinian Americans."
"If you have any kind of intolerance to natural fibers like wool, I would avoid this like the plague."
"Terrible ideas are allowed to flourish without people going, 'No, you can't become a woman.'"
"You seem like the kind of person who doesn't really suffer fools."
"Calling for death to Jews is not protected speech; it is anti-Semitic."
"Disrespect is disrespect and that will never be tolerated."
"Unfortunately, in my lifetime, I have seen increased religious hate, especially against Jewish and Muslim people."
"Talk about an own goal. At a stroke, our ideological enemies have shown that it is, in fact, the left that is intolerant and oppressive and a threat to democracy."
"Michelle Shocked went on an anti-gay tirade at a Christian event"
"Hate sin. Let's not tolerate it. Let's not be okay with it."
"She got kicked off the stage and the rest of her tour was cancelled"
"I will not tolerate disruptive conduct."
"I don't care if a person is black, if I'm living for God and I love God, I can't stand with somebody whose organization is witches."
"In the end, her own hate and intolerance were what brought her down."
"They do not tolerate [__] and anything that's not factual."
"I hate cancel culture, it has become quite hysterical."
"I have zero tolerance for foolishness."
"The absolutes of Christianity are intolerant of their philosophy."
"I don't stand for it. That's what's up, man. I don't stand for it. I'm not with that, bro. So do what you gotta do, just not around me."
"There's no excuse for bullying. There's no place for bullying."
"This [ __ ] is unacceptable and we really gotta start slapping it down harder."
"It's just sad to think about how many innocent lives were lost just because they believed in something different."
"We're not going to continue to tolerate this."
"It's like shoving milk down somebody's throat who's lactose intolerant so they have an allergic reaction."
"If it sounds like racism, sexism, bigotry, it's bigotry and [ __ ]. I don't care which side you claim you're on."
"We're all one. And anyone who doesn't agree with that can go back to their shithole country. Send her back! Send her back. Done."
"I'm not going to submit to stupidity."
"I don't suffer fools at all, not even you."
"That's the worst part... you guys don't put up with bs."
"Douglas has a very low tolerance threshold for lies."
"You cannot bring that filthy animal in a store. You think you can do whatever you want?"
"We must give hate no safe harbor."
"You don't have to tolerate people being mean to you."
"I'm going to get an allergy test because I am allergic to something and intolerant to something, and I don't know what it is."
"History has shown us how society has treated the witch - he or she who was often incongruent with religious beliefs and more often than not, tortured and killed."