
Political Critique Quotes

There are 1855 quotes

"The truth is, when you've got a political class that demonstrably is two cheeks of the same backside, millions feel locked out of the political democratic process."
"A democracy that's given us a choice between Donald Trump and Joe Biden is already a failed democracy."
"But the thing is, you can't run as an outsider twice. This guy had four years in the most powerful position in America, arguably the most powerful position in the world, and he didn't drain the swamp; he made the swamp deeper."
"Why should these politicians be living in luxury while I cannot even put one meal a day on the table for my family?"
"It makes the message relevant all over again as yet another U.S. president, Donald Trump, won favor through selling a false version of the country's history."
"The Democratic Party is not liberal anymore. They're not liberal or conservative; they're authoritarians."
"My dad was a healthy 65-year-old. His only pre-existing condition was trusting Donald Trump, and for that, he paid with his life."
"Our Prime Minister, elected by no one, not even Tory party members, has put into office a disgraced ex-PM as foreign secretary, whom, as a Lord, will not be able to be scrutinized by the elected MPs in the House of Commons."
"Fascism rejects in democracy the conventional lie of political equality."
"We should be spending an awful lot more time talking about bipartisan failures to help alleviate the problems in Puerto Rico."
"The Constitution didn't fail us; the way we've treated the Constitution has failed us."
"The longest suicide note in history was the Labour Party manifesto of '83... they have come up with a longer suicide note, it's the Green New Deal."
"Socialism is not a poverty cult. Socialism or anti-capitalism or wanting to make things at least marginally better for working class Americans is not, no matter how much people say 'oh LOL Bernie Sanders has three houses.'"
"Keep calling every Republican and every American who opposes critical race theory racist, see how that works out for you."
"We could just hear me out, take a giant spaceship...put all of the politicians on it, and send it to Mars."
"The problem we had with Blair government wasn't necessarily what happened in Iraq... it was the biggest damage they did was to the Constitution and the fundamental values of this country."
"We are fundamentally so far from being an actual democracy in this country... I would like to see a pretty big move towards being a democracy."
"It's a show trial and that this is a political charade."
"If Cheney, Bush, Obama, Clinton, both of them, are all war criminals, then that tells you, uh oh, we're going to have to address the system."
"After 8 years of Trudeau, a record-smashing 2 million people line up at food banks every single month in scenes that are reminiscent of the Great Depression."
"After 8 years of Trudeau, violent crime has exploded by 40% at least and growing quickly."
"It's easy to dunk on a given candidate; it's almost not worth the time picking on Nikki individually because she doesn't matter. She's a symbol of a deeper cancer in American politics that exists in both parties."
"On one side, we have an overtly fascist party trying to reduce women to chattel and rule by minority fiat, led by a revenge-driven autocrat who wants to terminate the Constitution. On the other side, we have a president and vice president who have overseen historic job growth, domestic manufacturing, infrastructure repair, support for our veterans, restored leadership on the world stage, and who truly uphold the freedom platform that this country was founded on in the first place."
"What we don't need is a governor who is so obsessed with woke that he is asleep at the wheel."
"What Obama did was disgusting because he tried to bully the UK into staying with the EU."
"The assault on the Black vote and voting rights across the nation has never been more ugly than it is today."
"We badly need an American National Party; the Democrats and Republicans don't qualify in that category."
"This will be a stain on our country not so easily washed away, the final terrible indelible legacy of the 45th president of the United States, undoubtedly our worst."
"These figures such as Trudeau and Rishi Sunak, if you ask me, are the new faces of totalitarianism masquerading as advanced, socially diverse, open, and inclusive figures."
"One side of our two-party system is rejecting the rules of democracy and embracing absolute power."
"Transparency is extremely important for the American people because we have been deprived of it for so long, especially when Trump was President."
"Donald Trump has normalized fascism in America."
"Never underestimate the craptitude of the Tories."
"I do really like Tulsi Gabbard... she had some good points... she called out CNN and the New York Times for their smear job on her and other veterans who want to end these wars."
"This whole idea, this fiction that both parties have been pushing over the past 20, 30 years, that we need Outsiders mainly Republicans, people that come in and shake things up, no they don't shake things up, they get shaken down."
"You could have someone both malignant and competent. You know what I mean? Not just the kind of buffoonery of Trump. It would be worse."
"The government's response has been woefully inadequate."
"Writing this off as an issue of youth isn't good enough because, obviously, socialism isn't an innate issue to youth."
"Your anger should be at the powerful, not the 100 million people who don't vote because their lives are so horrible."
"The rush to judgment for a snap impeachment in this case was just one example of the denial of due process."
"Communism realized only authoritarian societies."
"Strom Thurman voted to extend the voting rights act... The man who led the longest filibusters in history against the voting rights act... Even Strom Thurmond came to support voting rights, but Republicans today can't, it won't." —President Biden
"Left-wing activists didn't like the fact that his film described climate activism as basically a self-serving scam."
"The left is all about the cover-up game. The reason they want the 1619 project is slavery started in 1619."
"Joe Biden just dragged us on multiple issues made us look like fools took us to task on immigration which is our big issue what do we do now and he had a quip back every time they came for him he came right back at them."
"We don't want to bother with you how crooked and corrupt it was but it'd be like that."
"Biden administration policies on the vaccines and on the virus really aren't doing so hot."
"This is a travesty what's going on, it's an embarrassment to the country what leftists are doing right now."
"The Communist Party of China killed more Chinese people than the Japanese ever did."
"The fact that we are even talking about this shows how ridiculous Biden's economic policy is."
"That's not good for democracy, not absolutely not."
"Trumpism: the demagogic right-wing response to the vacuum created by the Democrats."
"If you don't think Saul Alinsky is sinister enough, he dedicates his book, and I'm not joking, to Satan."
"Barack Obama's a bought and paid for gas lighter, which is why we got Donald Trump."
"You can't give Donald Trump an inch because if you give them an inch, they take your throat off."
"How do we want to leave this world and then honestly pursue that? Today's guest is not that politician and that's what makes him an incredible politician in my opinion."
"Putin is a gangster and a despot who has been trying to undermine and subvert democracy across the world for years..."
"Putin is not acting in their name. He is a dictator, he is an imperialist, he is a tyrant."
"They just do not give a about anyone else. They care about their own egos, they care about their own re-election, and they don't care who they hurt."
"The point of government is to serve not to control and if governments cease serving and maximize controlling then we've gone terribly terribly wrong."
"I don't understand how this midterm election is not a 100 referendum on blue state policies, blue city mayors, and just democrat failure with covid policies."
"The problem is not lack of jobs or lack of opportunity, the problem is a bunch of regulations that make life more expensive in leftist areas."
"The left has gotten so crazy in a lot of their core beliefs now, don't stand up to intellectual scrutiny. If we truly have an actual open debate, pretty much ninety percent of everything they believe is gonna be obliterated."
"When the radical left shows you who they are, believe them."
"It bothers me that the West will choose to move in this direction."
"The politicians love corruption, but the voters hate it."
"Fascism is when financial and private interests and state interests align..."
"This is a very unique election. This is not Democrat V Republican in a traditional sense. This is pro-democracy and normaly versus... I hope your reaction is viscerally like what the heck is this. This is dangerous, this is weird."
"But their opinions, their views, these reactions confirm that the political and social side of Russia's war aims is untenable."
"Cuomo's insulting resignation speech... he blamed a hot political environment, his enemies, and Twitter."
"I want normalcy. I want normalcy. I want normalcy and I don't want these Mega Republicans taking away my freedom and threatening our country."
"Biden, meanwhile, he takes naps while he's meeting with foreign dignitaries."
"I can barely imagine a more unsuitable person to take charge of a country even during Good Times."
"She called me a freeloader... if you could die by irony it should be she would be dead."
"It was the Washington Post in 2015 that first coined the term 'creepy Joe Biden'. This didn't come from right-wing fever swamps, it came from his public on-camera behavior."
"If you're looking for a Democrat to save your family or community, you really don't know anything."
"It's not fine that Donald Trump's president."
"The real crime is what he did on coronavirus."
"The Democratic party doesn't care at all, they say follow the science."
"Minnie Mike is a 5'4 mass of dead energy who does not want to be on the debate stage with these professional politicians. No boxes please."
"Conservatives are calling out this radical ideology."
"The left's dream that nobody ever works anymore and then we all get to sit home and finger paint Jackson Pollock is a ridiculous and stupid dream." - Ben Shapiro
"It's clear black lives don't matter to some of our current elected officials."
"If either Joe Biden and Alejandro Mayorcas had followed the law, or if New York had kept him in jail, she would still be alive."
"You cannot tell me that it is in the conservative or American values to say that the best opportunity for future leadership is yesterday's leadership."
"The Democratic agenda truly is radical and most people understand that."
"The sad thing about Joe Biden... it's sad really but I gotta say as sad as it may be like a dude should not be president."
"Joe Biden is making life worse for American families."
"That's McCarthyism, and by the way, McCarthy wasn't wrong about everything."
"Let's think about how we got there we got there because of Donald Trump's mishandling of Co."
"So, why is it that black people are voting for the Democrats? It's that because they on a damn Plantation? Because at least the Democrats, they serve our interest. They serve our best interests."
"What a very big mistake for the president to alienate people for no good reason." - Chris
"This isn't a democracy, this isn't America, this isn't how America was when I was born. This is an oligarchy, this is corporatism."
"Abuse of power. There's not a president who has served in the Oval Office who couldn't be impeached for abuse of power."
"From de facto to de fascist, the GOP refuses to come to the light."
"The founders of the Black Lives Matter movement actually admitted that my take on it is correct."
"The government of the people by the people and for the people may have perished from this earth."
"America is still a great country but our ruling class is disgusting. A vote for Trump is a vote against them."
"Politicians like Carrie Lake have put this state in danger."
"This movement is an organic rebellion against a corrupt system... and it is a coup in one."
"We're going to show how worthless this last generation of politicians have been."
"I think it's rotten to the core and I think the more we have new people in there the less government does."
"There's been a normalization of left-wing bigotry which is going to alienate not just much of the sort of white British mainstream but I think many traditional-minded ethnic minority people find it hugely problematic."
"It's very dangerous to do it. People should want to help people, not to make political points."
"The left is really good at selling bad ideas and the right is really bad at selling good ideas."
"I think that the United States is a propaganda machine."
"I mean that's what Trump is, he is exactly what the founding father's worried about, and he's here."
"The game that Fnatic's playing is exactly the game that the elites want played. They want us divided on race so we don't look at the man behind the curtain."
"Brexit is a necessary crisis that exposes the weakness of the state and could lead to a new politics of national improvement."
"Democrats are not in touch with reality, they think the Maga movement is a loser because they read the New York Times."
"Watching a press conference with Joe Biden is like watching one of the Wenda Brothers trying to cross a volcano on a tightrope." - Ben Shapiro
"Republicans don't care about facts, they don't give a damn."
"Centralization doesn't work... it was called communism... it clearly doesn't work."
"The left always operated on the premise that they were the critical intellectual elite."
"They love the focus on all of this stuff. They scare people like Kyle Rittenhouse constantly with their nonsense and then use the murders of people like him to scare you further."
"The people who stormed the capitol building were fascists...without qualification."
"When someone says that a family member just got deported, I'm like Barack Obama was the Deporter in Chief."
"That's what's been so frustrating about this talking point, and that's what was so frustrating hearing Joe Biden tell that bold-faced lie again tonight."
"The deal doesn't save the Brexit fishing industry."
"What Republicans are offering isn't just Prosperity usually people think that Republicans offer opportunity and prosperity and Democrats offer security but no Democrats certainly don't offer Security in the very basic sense that they protect you."
"Once you suggest that the entire constitutional structure is ordered to keep black Americans down, you can't then claim that if you just vote for the right people within that system, then magically everything will be cured."
"Scandinavians exist in spite of their crazy leftist governments, not because of them."
"Donald Trump is dangerous to women and to our families and to our country."
"The left is operating under a delusion, they believe the people running around screaming the sky is falling."
"Conventional conservatives have only been focused on that as it applied to private corporations, whereas they needed to apply it more importantly to ordinary everyday individuals."
"Actions speak louder than words, and you should really should keep the name of the honorable John Lewis out of the Department of Justice's mouth."
"Politicians tell you that they care for you but Bill Clinton showed you how he cared for you."
"She should just go now, it's ridiculous. I can't believe this was her plan all along."
"Some people were kind of like yeah that's kind of refreshing because every you know every day some politician is extolling the endless virtues of a country."
"At the core of these voter suppression laws at the state level is white supremacy. Simple as that."
"The ATF is a tyrannical dysfunctional bureaucracy led by committed anti-gunners who want to eliminate the Second Amendment. It should be defunded, shut down."
"The left, while pretending to defend the agency of women, has actually removed agency from the conversation entirely."
"In order to be a conservative, you have to be dumb or dishonest. Mostly I think dishonesty, though."
"This is the end of western liberty and it cannot be permitted."
"This is no time for sleeping in the basement. Joe Biden has had 47 years to produce results, but he's been all talk and no action, just like so many of the Democrats who've been making promises to the black voters for decades."
"Why do they want to kill so bad? Because perpetual victimhood is the engine that conservatives use to justify the violence that they enact against others."
"The fact is that this has Unleashed a huge bidding war between Europe and Asia which now naturally is contributed to skyrocketing prices."
"I'm proof of what they're doing, it's outward fascism."
"Your enemy is not China, your enemy is not Russia, your enemy is the military-industrial complex."
"The filibuster isn't behaving the way the founders designed."
"Democrats won't take him up on this, instead you'll get milk toast tepid statements."
"Gender is a performance. You actually perform it every day."
"Now that we have governors essentially functioning as presidents of their own state I'm really really hopeful that people will begin to see the seriousness of what's happening."
"The country is on fire. What can I do to reduce the heat?"
"Trump is a plutocrat. Money is the standard by which he judges success and failure, not race."
"Trump's words and actions should make Americans worry that one half of the country's political system supports this and lacks accountability and ethical standards."
"This is a final verdict on eight years of failed economic policies."
"The complicity of our media, elected officials, and all of them are playing these dirty games together."
"The corruption of socialism of leftism is almost always worse than the corruption of freedom."
"Joe Biden has made it 50 years in politics without having to take a stand on anything. Joe Biden has been an empty suit blowing in the wind, and it's actually worked out pretty well for him because he keeps getting elected to the Senate."
"Trump is a collection of all the worst stereotypes that Americans have."
"Ron DeSantis has become the most disgusting piece of trash."
"How are you gonna deny them citizenship to the day they die and they're still here?"
"He wants to take the credit where he can take the credit and shift the blame because that's who he is."
"Politicians should be public servants, they should not be politicians."
"This idea that Trump is some like peaceful arbitrator of peace or some shit across the world is hilariously fucking stupid to me."
"Congratulations to these Republicans who could have actually stood for something and then didn't."
"How can you complain about something that promises to give you free housing, free college, free health care, and a livable income even if you don't feel like working?"
"This is Banana Republic crap that we're watching happen right now."
"This is the most unethical sham since I've been in politics. Boy, y'all want power. God, I hope you never get it. I hope the American people can see through this sham." - Lindsey Graham
"The Pentagon is not a Defense Department; it conducts aggression."
"For years, you watched as politicians like Sleepy Joe Biden allowed foreign nations to crush Minnesota's mining."
"They want to enslave you to the weak dependent liberal victim ideology to the point that you will not recognize this country or yourself." - Kimberly Guilfoyle
"Both parties are full partners in the destruction of our democratic institutions."
"Fascism sucks... it's authoritarian, it's illiberal."
"Senator Elizabeth Warren also echoed these statements by saying, 'Congress, the White House, and banking regulators should reverse the dangerous bank deregulation of the Trump era.'"
"Can't you say that Trump can be a slimy bad person who does bad things domestically, but his foreign policy in this regard is a good thing?"
"Modern politics these days is about images and not substance. It's about how things appear, it's about how things look, about things make us feel as opposed to being about things as they actually exist in reality."
"The media soft pedaled Antifa for a long time."
"American politics, in terms of the role of money in politics, the failure of separation of powers, the ability of small groups to dictate policy that harms the interests of a majority, are deeply wrong."
"Marxism is there and when we have a Marxist Progressive Party they have two primary goals: the redistribution of wealth and the transfer of power. That is your wealth and your power."
"We were respected four years ago all over the world. Today, we are considered a joke. It's not going to be for long, believe me."
"Can anybody tell me any war we've been in since 9/11 that has a positive outcome?"
"Nancy Pelosi literally had the cast of Hamilton sing a song." - Ben Shapiro
"And our grandkids futures, we will take years and years and years as a country if not decades to recover from this Trump presidency and the damage that it's done."
"The zombie president: America's destruction would come not from without, but from within."
"They say if you criticize the raid you're inciting violence against the FBI who is doing the lourdes work of sniffing Melania's shoes."
"Socialism has failed our nation. Away with it before it does the final damage."
"The danger of this President is difficult to overstate."
"The Biden administration's embrace of critical theory on both race and gender undermines fundamental American principles and divides Americans from each other." - Ben Shapiro
"The ruling Elites are woefully out of touch with reality crippled by self-delusion and unable to adapt to a changing World unless they are wrenched from Power."
"Democrats have never had to answer a single difficult question about their own policies."
"This is about ripping families apart, arresting immigrants and blaming someone for our problems so we can ignore the fact that Trump and these right wing officials are grifters."
"He's the kryptonite to political correctness."
"Simp is an acronym, it equals sucker idolizing mediocre pussy."
"Kelly's opponent, Raphael Warnock, is a dangerous extremist."
"The election is about the radical movement that hates America."
"No serious person certainly no elected leader worthy of any respect should have ever supported it in practice or principle."
"Democratic party continues to prop up elderly senile people."
"Mainstream liberalism had no immune system for this."
"We're ignoring actual necessity for expertise in politics on behalf of people who are famous."
"It's almost like he's aware that there's 40 million people living in poverty in America and they don't give a damn about Russia or stormy Daniels."
"He loves them, right? 'I love all of you. I love all of New York so much that I killed off all of your grandparents and parents, but I really love you.'" - Sarah Gonzalez
"For people who support Russia, they're just objectively evil."
"No rhetoric is needed, just judge this president on the facts."
"America deserves leaders who are not ashamed of the country they lead and do not make us ashamed of them."
"It's not about us, it's about white folks first."
"Bill Clinton did NAFTA which killed the unions in the United States... That's like a joke, it's like the opposite of what Bill Clinton did!"
"It was freaking genius because no matter how sclerotic the U.S federal government is."