
Intellectualism Quotes

There are 383 quotes

"The highest level of masculinity is all mental, intellectual."
"A real intellectual is somebody that can appreciate and work with a topic at multiple levels."
"Modernity is meant to signify an intellectual breakthrough of such profound levels as to change the world entirely."
"I believe that in recent years, Christianity has undergone a revival of its intellectual tradition, and a new generation of believers is emerging equipped to engage the world with all of their heart, soul, and mind for Jesus."
"We want to find the thinkers that seem most earnest and most well-educated and thoughtful across the space."
"It's becoming popular to think. I hope it feels good being part of a big group like this. This is a great time to be alive."
"We do need to take the core insights of the Enlightenment and reaffirm those, rebuild and build upon what are legitimate foundational achievements."
"Monogamy is the life for me, but you are an intellectual, and your polycule includes science, technology, engineering, and math."
"Intellectual clarity is essential for freedom; without understanding our choices, our freedom is compromised."
"Intellectualism fuels the train to mankind's future, but the tracks the train runs on are forged from practicality."
"We shouldn't be anti-intellectual and we should look at the data provided."
"You have brought intellectualism into the public sphere in the best possible way."
"Dark academia channels the glamour of Oxbridge intellectuals mixed with a heavy dose of gothic mystery."
"I would love to see you sit down and have a conversation with someone like Richard Wolff or Noam Chomsky."
"Philosophy descends upon a culture when it's ready, when it's declined already, when it questions its own mode of being."
"I think I'm good at being a public intellectual speaking as a thought leader in an intellect. I think that stuff helps."
"We need to let people get out of the system."
"Aquarius: deep thinker, highly intellectual, open to different adventures."
"Jacqueline Glenn has never truly been an intellectual but that she was pushed into that role by the forces of the YouTube market."
"Not belittling another person and promoting intellectual conversation was far more enticing."
"We don’t live in an anti-intellectual environment, but a pseudo-intellectual one."
"The left always operated on the premise that they were the critical intellectual elite."
"Small minds talk about people, medium minds talk about events, and large minds talk about ideas." - Eleanor Roosevelt
"What it means to be an intellectual is that you hold truth as the highest value."
"Religion is just a psychological crutch for intellectual weaklings."
"The world if it was going to be saved would be saved by the life of the mind."
"He's extremely soft-spoken. He wants to engage you in an intellectual discussion immediately."
"It's great to hear that they take their jobs very seriously as intellectuals and they try to get it right as best they can at the Supreme Court."
"Ronald Reagan was an intellectual in the strict sense of the world."
"The vision of the anointed lets intellectuals run society, while the tragic vision confines them to the classroom."
"If you're an intellectual and you didn't, you weren't aware that Dave Rubin was a charlatan, it's because he was welcoming you on his show and you are now guilty of the very thing that you were indicting him for."
"Just because you're an intellectual doesn't mean you're not subject to irrationality."
"Never be an intellectual, there's always an answer. Look for the truth, the truth you can find. And the truth is a hard line a lot of times."
"Barack Obama is a man of intellect devoted to the common good which is a rare thing, a rare thing."
"It's frustrating to see it squandered by anti-intellectualism, disinformation, and demagoguery."
"Do you people not see what's at stake here on the slippery slope that we're standing on as we slide into something that is undemocratic, that is anti-intellectual, that is tyrannical?"
"I'm the type to kill a pacifist, or chemical combustion, I'm the analyst of metaphors and similes."
"Miranda represents the modern woman's head and what it looks like if she lets her mind take charge."
"Intellectuals solve problems, geniuses prevent them."
"Intellectualism is sexy, right? Being smart is sexy, right? Yes, yes."
"Religions that don't keep an intellectual tradition alive don't last very long."
"Russia has such an amazing rich intellectual tradition."
"Knowledge really is power... the real thing versus this Memorex pseudo thing."
"Reading is sexy, reading is cool, being an intellectual is cool."
"I assure you I am not a robot from an intellectual perspective."
"At the very least, I'm intellectually consistent."
"It defies logic and the laws of probability that it could elude capture in so many places for so long."
"Ravenclaw teaches us that being a true intellectual means being a nonconformist -- it’s thinking in an alternative way, getting deep, and being willing to follow your mind wherever it leads."
"You can't reject logic and intelligence and still imagine yourself to be an intellectual."
"The modern coach... you've almost got to sound like you're a bit pseudo-intellectual."
"The economy grew, sophisticated Roman legal practice resumed and intellectual output once again flourished."
"It is actually pro-intellectual. Everyone wants to be intellectual."
"Logic rationality the intellectual process for everybody now is the one that can save the day."
"Social media was set up to be an alternative source of media, not based on an intellectual elite."
"We need thinkers who are genuinely trying to find answers."
"Misery is the price of knowledge. It's easy to be happy when you're dumb."
"The idea that Orwell's warning is still relevant may seem bizarre, but not to Noam Chomsky. We fix the image of a truth-seeking media as a sham."
"The role of the liberal intellectual establishment is to set very sharp bounds on how far you can go. This far and no further."
"The Democrats... have intellect and... a moral compass something that many of these Republicans lack."
"The challenge that you mission in this book for all of the thinkers the intellectuals the scholars were the people who think that they have some kind of right to know a paternalistic design architecture for society."
"Of all the enlightened intellectuals, brilliant artisans, cutthroat generals and great kings."
"Intellectual quality against totalitarian mediocrity."
"If there exists a difference between animal sapiens and Homo sapiens there can be little doubt that it must be looked for in a realm that transcends biology and chemistry."
"Following the facts and simply telling the truth makes you a standout among our intellectual elites today."
"Aquarius Venus values intellectual connection, freedom, and justice."
"We want to apply a very high standard of intellectual rigor."
"They're intellects, they're doing what they want to do, and they're making a ton of money at it. And they're making you the dummy pay for it."
"As a cultural melting pot with intellectual ambition, ancient Alexandria became a unique environment."
"Why dedicate your life to being an intellectual if you're not interested in the truth?"
"A pen is considered mightier than the sword to indicate that written communication is more effective than violence, and this is the reason it is worn by intellectuals as a symbol of freedom of speech."
"In the world of ideas, the structure of ideas in our minds creates whole new perspectives and whole new values which people can adopt under certain conditions."
"Join the tribe of thinkers, reasoners, and empiricists."
"All that is great in this world is just a manifestation of the intellect."
"The Illuminati was a group of intellectuals who were determined to discuss academic and philosophical ideals without the influence and censorship of the Catholic church."
"You have to create an intellectual core, who becomes the gatekeeper for all institutionally validated knowledge."
"Philosophy is its own time raised to the level of thought." - Hegel
"Call exactly how much you tag someone... always call when you are in a gunfight."
"I'm a big fan of intellectual consistency; you figure out what your principles are, what your beliefs are, and you take them to their logical extent."
"The Enlightenment is of extraordinarily optimistic intellectual framework."
"He describes himself as intellectually promiscuous. So, he loves new things. He loves learning."
"I think you can both be concerned with the problems of the world and with problems of intellectual importance."
"Bernardo is one of these thinkers that can encompass everything beyond all limitations of Science and philosophy."
"A towering intellect, activist, master theorist, prolific author, and unstoppable firebrand, Dr. Errol Henderson joins us to talk about his new book 'The Revolution Will Not Be Theorized: Cultural Revolution in the Black Power Era.'"
"I could actually believe what the Bible actually said without having to leave my brains at the church door."
"It's a kind of intellectual orgasm, and it's play because it has no practical end beyond itself. It is our end."
"people you can't just base your life around a quote from a kid's cartoon me an intellectual"
"It's ridiculous, you know. Lecter writes for the psychiatric journals himself. Extraordinary stuff."
"Marx soon immersed himself in the works of Hegel, forgot about studying the law, and became one of the leaders of the radical intellectual group called The Young Hegelians."
"Marx seized upon intellectual criticism as the crucial means by which to change the world."
"Paris provided a rich and exciting intellectual atmosphere especially for the refugees and exiles from repressive states and churches."
"The winner take all culture of online debate encourages a level of brutalism in which Bros will do anything to prove they are the smartest, quickest, and best."
"It's good to be back in a region of the country where the idea of an exciting thing to do on a Friday night is to go to a physics lecture."
"The fact that it's so rare to have a towering public intellectual who puts love at the center of her theoretical and practical work."
"It was like a kind of hail Mar pass it was like I'm just going to have to find a way to make a living as just somebody that is a public intellectual basically."
"In science and in intellectual life generally, we don't rely on Authority except we do, up until the moment we repudiate Authority."
"...it's actually enabling people to talk about God in a kind of intellectually defensible way."
"You have to want to be challenged. That's going to be the thing that makes you stronger. You have to want intellectual variety in your life."
"Vivekananda was very much acquainted with the developments of science in his time, philosophy, he was a man of the entire world."
"The life of the Mind was flourishing tremendously."
"I love things that make you think."
"You're that friend I would love to be on a road trip with because we'd completely divert and do things that expand the brain."
"I just think my favorite philosopher, I like a bit of Nietzsche."
"A rare American film these days about ideas."
"Neil Turok: 'Canada can become an intellectual hub for the world.'"
"This is such a powerful novel that it was immediately a sensational success all across Europe and immediately at 24 years old, Goethe becomes one of the leading intellectuals in Europe on the basis of four weeks work."
"We're coming out of this very rich intellectual tradition there was kind of a hand-wringing quality to a lot of Catholic intellectual life."
"Practice being an intellectual by seeking nuance and subtlety in information, integrating it into complex understandings."
"Focus on Dar al-Islam for their contributions to math, science, medicine, in nearly every intellectual category."
"So you had this Fusion of Greek and Egyptian ideas burbling away in intellectual circles in Alexandria and various other places you had other influences coming in from Points East."
"Thinking like a mathematician gives you new handles on the world just like thinking like a physicist does."
"Intellectual integrity would cause us all, regardless of what our preferences or biases are, to consider these things, to actually be open-minded enough to be willing to follow the evidence wherever it may lead."
"Jordan Peterson appeals to you because he makes you feel like you're actually smarter than you actually are."
"It's important that we allow the flourishing of the conversation which I think is the most important thing in an intellectual environment."
"Socrates in the City with Eric Metaxas has opened my eyes to a lot of thought leaders."
"At all times, let's set him aside on the novel, but let's think of him in the realm of ideas, let's think of him in the realm of speculation, let's think of him in the realm of wisdom literature and of poetry."
"Dr. bell hooks is one of America's most indispensable and independent thinkers."
"I hope you guys appreciate it, secondly I want to make a plug for the center for Global Humanities... these kinds of discussions debates forums keep our community alive intellectually."
"Timothy Snyder is one of the great public intellectuals of our times."
"Perhaps God exists within the debate, perhaps God is the debate that's going on tonight, the intellectual activity that is based on those rich heritage that we've all inherited."
"If you are driven by intellectual honesty, curiosity, and a desire for the truth, then dissident dialogues is definitely the place for you."
"...I remember when if you wanted to be a journalist or a public thinker, a writer, whatever it was, you wanted to do that because you wanted to talk about ideas. You were interested in ideas, and you wanted to be challenged."
"Responsibility of intellectuals: Applying the same standards to ourselves that we apply to others, if not more rigid standards."
"One responsibility of intellectuals is to look at the facts of past and current history and ask whether we are meeting elementary moral conditions."
"The focus of the responsibility of intellectuals is to apply elementary moral principles and question whether we are meeting them."
"I learned Greek and Latin and took as many military history subjects as were available. I studied purely for the pleasure of learning."
"The exercise of reason has been fundamental to the European Enlightenment and the spirit of intellectual inquiry it fostered."
"My main intellectual achievement was to realize the fact that giving up was itself very interesting."
"I think that is there is a deep and meaningful way to be in the world and the idea that we should have contempt that the intellectuals ought to have contempt for that for people who cherish the mysterious that is a strangeness to me."
"I actually find that ideas to me are not just either true or not but also have a degree of beauty that even has an erotic charge."
"It is time we got over it. Getting over it would reduce our intellectual hubris. We might even recover our sense of mystery, who knows?"
"We need to engage with difficult questions and avoid an anti-intellectual framework."
"Be careful as Christians of what I can only describe as an anti-learning sentiment, an anti-intellectual sentiment."
"...I don't think film Motion Pictures is at all intellectual I think it's all feelings people laughing crying screaming etc getting excited getting upset whatever."
"The responsible intellectuals to speak the truth and to expose lies."
"If you're a public intellectual and you're concerned with social issues, your job is first of all to try to understand where people on all sides are coming from."
"Dealing with the complexity is part of what an intellectual, so to speak, is supposed to be."
"Lewis's greatest contribution to contemporary debates over Darwin and intelligent design may have been his confident insistence to pursue an argument wherever it may lead."
"It's like proof finally that rap can be about intellectual things and not just [ __ ] and bling."
"University Challenge asking the questions."
"This is the battle of great minds."
"There was a time in this country's history where the finest Minds of the time wanted to be what we are."
"We are pleased and proud to be able to offer a forum that's characterized both by intellectual rigor and warm hospitality."
"Friends, thank you for joining the Phylum Ethene Society this evening as we celebrate 200 years of raising hell with our brains, sometimes in a rather literal way."
"Unlike many intellectuals, he will stand up and be accountable for stuff he's said and thought."
"A basic rule of intellectual life is that celebrity destroys quality."
"If we lose the intellectual argument, we don't have a country."
"What started out as a charming, classically repetitious cartoon became this surprisingly intellectual reflection."
"I think there's a level, a higher level of interest in the more academic."
"Hanging out with thinking people helps, bro."
"The intellectual Liberty without which... has been one of the distinguishing marks of Western Civilization."
"One of the things that I liked about the Exodus series... was impressed at how much intellectual pandemonium was going on."
"It should be a place for the exploration of ideas."
"What I found fascinating reading Kuhn is that he does briefly talk about the experience of the paradigm shift."
"I had a love affair with Jordan Peterson soundbites."
"It's okay to be different, but I think intellectual curiosity is something that's lost."
"...we have raised the intellectual pricetag that he has to pay for his unbelief and I think we raise it to such an extent that he now no longer has any excuse for his unbelief."
"Intellectual position that does not demonize information."
"An intellectual position that does not conceal or misrepresent data."
"It was not just something organically lived, but it was a body of intellectual ideas as well."
"They have no one wise or intelligent enough to do it, so they just spout pseudo-intellectual gibberish."
"The intellectual way and the kind way and the gracious way is not to attack but to actually show the evidence."
"It's more important for me to be intellectually honest."
"We argue that in folding together the indigenous critique and the doctrine of progress originally developed to counter it, Rousseau did in fact write the founding document of the left as an intellectual project."
"Secularism for me does not mean everybody should become antiseptic and they must do whatever a few intellectuals are talking about."
"It's a strength to have different theories, different schools of thought, and different ideas of things."
"There's something emotionally fulfilling about doing that kind of intellectual work."
"Ultimately, we need to be moving up this intellectual scale so we're analyzing, comparing, contrasting, deconstructing, evaluating, and arriving at our own impartial and objective conclusion."
"Freedom of the mind is the only thing that guarantees a man will be free in the realm of his mind."
"Everything else has been given a thorough opportunity, yet people are reading less than ever, living on pleasure and entertainment, not using their minds."
"Better feed the mind than the stomach. Therefore, I am personally going to introduce you to the true profession of future holds in store for you. You will be an intellectual."
"On my journey so far, I've been overwhelmed by the sheer intellectual ambition of medieval Islamic scientists."
"French cars have a certain intellectualism about them that I find fascinating."
"Reading is now becoming the consumption of propositions and their structuring in logical coherency."
"Many traditions do it. If you look at the Tibetan tradition for instance, if you look at the tradition of Dalai Lama, part of their study is intellectual, they train the mind, studying the strict and they do debates between each other so everything is clear."
"Yeah, I mean, Charlize would be able to chop it up just like you throw out like a topic of converse, it feels like an old, like, French Revolutionary salon."
"It was actually a big shift in ideas, the intellectual operating system of the elites."
"The job of supposed intellectuals is to combat oversimplification or reductionism."
"A serious kind of open-minded engagement with the intellectual Legacy of KL Marx."
"The contemporary intellectual refuses to concede to traditional morals an independent and autonomous standing."
"This then is a further incentive for us to return once again in an assiduous study of Greek thought by the serious attempt to put ourselves back into the intellectual situation of ancient thinkers."
"We're all intellectuals," he said. "It's society who determines who gets to act to function as an intellectual and who does not or education. We're all capable," he said, "of governing or should be educate or should be educated to be so capable."
"America offers the greatest amount of freedom to its citizens, along with intellectual institutions and freedom of thought and expression."
"Nihilism is quite possibly the most peaceful intellectual condition possible."
"An example of what we all aspire to be: a good citizen, a good intellectual, to be profound, diverse in the substantive work that we do."
"The intellectual comes and shows the social processes that have led to what appears as it goes without saying."
"The intellectual has to produce works of denaturalization, defatalize, autonomy from political and financial interference."
"Every indigenous people develops its own distinctive intellectual tradition."
"If you come to me like a man, if you come to me with an intellectual response, and you have another way or you differ with me or something like that, I have no problem with that."
"With Fareed, you learn not only new facts, but you learn how to think about them with intellectual clarity and sobriety."
"I have a lot of philosophy to talk about, a lot of cool things to talk about."
"This is a community of thinkers; we have to understand the positions that are being made."
"He loved truth and loved thinking and scrutiny."
"He specializes in the intellectual history of Greece and Rome, particularly ancient philosophy, religion, and science, with emphasis on the origins of Christianity and the use and progress of science under the Roman Empire."
"An intellectual community dedicated to beauty, goodness, and truth, and reviving the wisdom of the past."
"I was big into the women's empowerment, like Simone de Beauvoir stuff, and talked about it all the time."
"Nietzsche's philosophy is fundamental to understanding intellectual life in the 20th century."
"The intellectual overpass is kind of reading a lot of books about psychology and spirituality and developing a very smart understanding but living in your head."
"...it was an age of intense intellectual activity, to read what was going on in Paris about the year 1130 makes one's head spin."
"This is both a politics and it's an intellectual opportunity that we need to be embracing much more."
"Progressive rock is the great intellectual and musical summit of what rock and roll music is."