
Purposefulness Quotes

There are 212 quotes

"When you have a reason for everything that you do, then there is logic and purpose to everything that you do."
"To do meaningful things... is actually a sacred duty."
"Figure out where that line is. There's an art to it, obviously, and it starts with having a purpose."
"It's almost like you can't fail, whatever it is you're doing... as long as you are doing things on purpose."
"I am filled with nothing more than a calm, ever flowing feeling of doing what I must."
"Everything you do matters because if the things you don't do don't matter, what's your point of doing them?"
"Replace anxiety with purposefulness and the results may surprise you."
"Nothing given to God is ever wasted... Father, use this."
"What power we unleash when we cooperate with the purposes of God, that's the point."
"Have a purpose behind every nation that you get."
"A man that's on his purpose ain't got time for a revolving door."
"You're going to be most productive when you're purposeful."
"If a skill isn't fulfilling its purpose, that's grounds to reevaluate and find something better."
"Every cut, every edit had a purpose and a flow to it."
"That's all God has ever wanted is for us to say here I am, send me, use me."
"You have to be authentic, you have to come with a purpose, you have to have a desire."
"There's not a single muscle on my body that isn't for a purpose."
"Every moment in one of his runs seems to have a purpose."
"When you are on purpose, you are truly flowing with life, experiencing a kind of harmony that comes from not having to strive for something else."
"There needs to be a reason, there needs to be value added."
"Why would you talk for the sake of talking? I'm not gonna do it."
"INTJs at their best find a true purpose in their actions and enjoy the present moment."
"everything that they've done has a sense of purpose and it tells a story"
"It's genius. It's simple but has purposefulness."
"Without purpose, you scatter energy. Purpose conserves and directs."
"This conversation is not an accident. Nothing happens on accident. Everything is for a purpose. This is a wake-up call for you right now."
"If you have a mission... human beings are happy."
"It's better to have a goal than to wander aimlessly."
"It's a destroyer, designed to find all the capital ships and do what needs to be done."
"Don't just go with the flow; have a purpose, make it happen."
"Without God in your life, you are basically telling yourself that you have no purpose."
"Adding meaning, impact, and purpose into the world."
"Purpose is the best thing on planet Earth to achieve anything."
"How can I live my purpose more when you go to make a decision about doing something?"
"It feels good to know everything in here is here for a reason and that reason is because I need it."
"It's the feeling that everything around you is connected and that your actions have purpose."
"Be intentional. Whatever you do in life, do it because you mean it."
"Happiness is getting up every day and living purposely."
"God, send me your word, your plan, your spirit. I want to be used by You."
"God's whole creating universe is purposeful in every part."
"These children are not little motors moving and twisting... their behavior is guided and purposeful."
"You're gonna just be more in tune with your life and your purpose."
"You cannot live as though your life were purposeless and meaningless."
"With this perspective Lord, give me a mind that's fixed on you King Jesus, give me a heart that's dedicated to you, help me to live with an urgency when it comes to seeking your presence."
"Be deliberate about what you're doing and why."
"You never set aside your need and also obligation to understand why you were doing what you're doing."
"Your birth is a sign that you have a purpose."
"Motivation doesn't mean you enjoy it. Have a purpose, tap into your reasons."
"Motivation is energy management. Purpose gives you energy."
"It's more about feeling like you're doing what you're supposed to be doing and not wasting time."
"Focus on being genuinely happy and purposeful to attract others."
"Change simply for the sake of change and nothing else is not a good thing."
"Let today be the last day that you idle and let every day moving forward have a purpose and a plan that serves unto the Lord."
"I actually noticed on the days when I wasn't vlogging that I actually felt like I had less purpose."
"Everything served a purpose for the flipper."
"Always ask the purpose question in every major decision."
"Keep standing, keep contending, keep praying. Know that you are here for a reason."
"Everything has a purpose, it helps in our life, purpose in this area of love, guilt needs to be removed."
"You just want to be very intentional with the way you handle situations."
"Your desires are always valid and they always serve a purpose."
"This is a time to connect to your purpose, to release all things that do not support this purpose, and to continue forward actualizing to the best version of yourself."
"Everything was there for a reason... everything just fits so nicely."
"If we're not solving a problem what the hell are we doing here."
"I'm grateful for my siblings... they also give me so much purpose."
"You need to move with a sense of purpose in everything you do in life."
"You are a powerful spiritual leader in the place you are planted."
"Things have a purpose, a thing is defined by its purpose."
"I am purpose. I'm not looking for it."
"Everything in life has a purpose and a place."
"They don't waste your time at all, they're dense and every scene is purposeful and entertaining."
"It's not thrown together quickly going to gym; it's purposeful."
"This person moves with confidence, knowing exactly where they're going."
"Everything you do is on purpose if you're doing it for the glory of God."
"Live being true to the single purpose of the present moment."
"Every scene was very intentional."
"Intentionality is the difference here."
"...if you make a purposeful continuity check, they're going to work just awesome."
"I would encourage you to be as purposeful as you can with the time that you have."
"Don't engage in an argument about them, don't use evidences against each other about them, don't pull out interesting facts about them just to have curious conversation for no purpose."
"He's intelligent, he's deliberate, he's purposeful."
"Pain becomes meaningful and it becomes part of a greater plan."
"Everything counts, everything matters at this point. So I move with intentionality."
"It's not necessarily about the food. It's about the purposeful habit change. It's about being conscious of what you're doing and doing something on purpose that's different because we want different outcomes."
"There might be a method to some of this madness."
"There's purpose where you're planted."
"Your entire personal statement should essentially be the answer to that question."
"The worst thing to do... is to be a wandering generality. What you need to be is a meaningful specific."
"You have to keep it very simple, very basic for the dog to understand, very clear, and everything has to have a purpose for the dog."
"Functional will always be better than fashionable, and animation is a medium that works best with purpose."
"Purpose is the reason for both the origin of the objective and the outcome of the organization."
"So whatever you do, do it with a purpose in mind."
"But everything has a reason if I do this there's a reason for it."
"This series is about living by Design it's about being who you are on purpose."
"Life is moving at the speed of purpose."
"I have a purpose every time I show up on the range."
"Cognition is dynamic and it has to act on purpose."
"With the time that I have, how can I at least make sure that I'm so useful with it?"
"To be intentional requires authenticity, being principled, and being visionary."
"Courage means being brave, having a purpose, having spirit."
"I want a happier life, I want a healthier life, I want a life with more purpose."
"A life without meaning and purpose is a slow death."
"If humans have purposes, then at some level purposefulness must arise from nature and therefore be inherent in nature."
"Everything we do, we do intentionally with thought and purpose."
"My word for the year is intention, and I just want to be intentional in every single thing that I do."
"Setting an intention means that you are moving with purpose."
"The magic of food in Southeast Asia is that everything has a purpose."
"Let's be intentional with our time."
"Everything God does is to fulfill that purpose."
"Everything you do, you should have a reason to be."
"Everything on there has a reason for sure."
"Training with intent, moving with intent, doing things with intent, reacting and responding and communicating with intent."
"My life is useless unless I use it to finish the work God assigned to me."
"A purpose-built device leaving nothing to waste."
"I'm really intentional with where I put my energy."
"I like to make mine with intention."
"The sun is kind of like, 'Yes, this is what I'm doing and I know it, and I walk this pathway because this is what's right for me'."
"You know what you're going toward, and you're making very conscious decisions and choices involving everything in your life."
"If you have no purpose, you have nothing."
"Make sure that you're grounded in purpose."
"It's a green flag when a person you're dating has purpose in their life."
"I fill my time quickly... I like having a sense of purpose, I like knowing where I'm going."
"I firmly believe that there is nothing that these things do that isn't tactical and that doesn't have intent and purpose behind it."
"Every single scene served an excellent purpose on top of also looking quite good."
"Why are you doing this? What is the purpose?"
"If your life has no purpose, you are wandering around dead while you're alive."
"Coaching yourself and being deliberate and doing things on purpose is the only way to move forward."
"Just take solace in the fact that this was all very deliberate and designed for a reason."
"Everything really has a purpose to be there."
"I want to be intentional about the places that I want to visit."
"When you're giving to others, to your planet, and to your source, you're being purposeful."
"I feel purposeful in a myriad of ways, virtually every single day, when I extend assistance to someone in need."
"It is only when we allow these things to become real that the Angels' work is redeemed in all its seriousness and purposefulness."
"Everything has to be intentional."
"He was a man of prayer and this really relates to what we said before. He was a man of purpose."
"To do something with intentionality means to do it thoughtfully, with clear purpose and an eye on the desired result."
"Empty drawers will just be filled unless you give them a purpose."
"There should always be a purpose to what you're doing."
"Everything there seems to have a purpose."
"Speak with authority. Walk with a purpose. Develop some command presence."
"You need to be very directional; decisions about your life need to be centered around your overall purpose."
"The fact that we're all looking for meaning is not a collective disease or sickness, it's because life is meaningful."
"I have to have a purpose for everything that I can."
"A night without purpose will walk in dark places."
"Every moment has infinite meaning, infinite purpose, and therefore warrants infinite deep joy and purposefulness and positivity."
"So I do not run aimlessly; I live my life on purpose."
"I take a minimalist approach to things around my home. I like to make sure that everything has a use and a purpose."
"Before beginning any course of action, we must ask ourselves if it serves a useful purpose."
"I like to have an end use for anything that I do."
"I'm very intentional with my time."
"Don't act thoughtlessly, but try to find out and do whatever the Lord wants you to do."
"It's given me more of a sense of purpose."
"Everything you do when you walk up to an airplane with the intention of committing aviation should be intentional."
"There is always a purpose for doing everything."
"She does her own taxes, can change a tire on her car, plans, and acts with intention and purpose."
"It felt imbued with a certain purpose that also added gravitas to the moment."
"I have a little bit more of a plan, a purpose."
"You know who you are, you know the story you're in, and you know why you're here."
"Use something that's actually meant to better your life."
"Her sense of shock quickly gave way to a clear sense of purpose."
"Meaningful is something that you actually have the power to create."
"You matter and you have value even if you don't feel your purpose yet or feel like you have a purpose."
"This animation is not actually fluff. It's not eye candy. It's very purposeful."
"If you don't have an intention, it can be really easy to just go through the motions."
"God never ever gives a gift that is unnecessary. The very fact that you have the gift means that there is an audience for it."
"Everything that we do has a meaning, everything that we do has a purpose."
"Everything is for a purpose and a reason."
"Career is temporal, but the purpose is eternal."
"Everything we do, there's a reason that we're doing it."
"You have to have some kind of purpose."
"Walk with a purpose; for some reason, people think you're busy and you don't get hassled."
"We serve a God of perfection who is purposeful."
"When you're anxious about something, it merely means that you are not purposeful enough."
"I don't want to just collect stuff, I want to collect the right things for the right project that I'm doing."
"Time goes by too quickly. I'm four years behind... I found out then how precious life is. It's got to be used for something worthwhile."
"Everything being put together is to serve a purpose within the body."
"Everything really has to have a purpose for me."
"I'm more about peace, I love to learn new things, be on purpose."
"There should be a purpose to what you're doing."
"If you buy goods, those goods have to be of acceptable quality and fit for purpose."
"Anything that I do bring in, it has to be brought in with a real purpose."
"Be intentional and purposeful with everything that you're doing."
"Always have a purpose in what you got going."
"It all depends on the purpose and the style that you're going after."
"Everything looks like it was made with a purpose and function."
"Make sure we're doing things for the right reasons and we're not settling."
"The obligation of staying positive, being purposeful, and having a plan really applies across all of life."
"Be mindful of what you fight for, be mindful of how you move forward towards your goals."
"In everything that you do, in every way that you move forward, be purposeful, be present, be proactive."
"You are an on purpose with a purpose."
"Work with purpose, but not in panic."
"Personal passion plus purposefulness equals success."
"I will live less out of habit and more out of intent."
"You have to be operating through purpose before your husband comes in."
"Every single shade in here really does have a purpose."
"Focus on serving a purpose, and then your purpose will serve you."