
Truthfulness Quotes

There are 1685 quotes

"Everything you do should be truthful, so next time you speak, you're bonded by your word."
"Living your life as a lie is not a good thing."
"I actually love the fact that I am willing to be completely honest... I really do think I am a truth-teller."
"If something made you happy but it was patently false, would that be okay with you?"
"Keep the morals out of intelligence; keep the truth in and stay away from disinformation."
"Satya (truthfulness) should always be subject to Ahimsa (non-violence)."
"A wise use of discernment helps us to be truthful, clear, and accurate in our perception."
"The most important thing, really, is the truthful word."
"I don't fault him for coming forward and telling his truth."
"True love is to say the truth even if it will hurt someone's feelings."
"Courage is the other thing I would say. Gird up your loins and allow yourself to act courageously and truthfully. Truth is your best bet if you're too agreeable."
"Don't let kindness and truth leave you; bind them about your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart."
"All my patients who have achieved long-term recovery have relied on truth-telling as critical for sustained mental and physical health."
"People who are telling the truth but fear not being believed behave very similarly to people who are lying."
"What matters is that historical films, historical productions, and anything that has any teaching value should be based on sources and sources alone. Teach the truth, respect the truth."
"If I can help people develop the capacity to be courageous, and to learn to tell the truth and to be responsible, then that's great. I couldn't possibly imagine a better outcome than that."
"I've shown that the path of truth and being a good person can actually lead to a lifestyle that I know many people want."
"Every man has a right to his opinion, but no man has a right to be wrong in his facts."
"Every witness has to tell the truth under oath, and if they don't, that constitutes a violation of their ethical responsibilities."
"We need to train people in the Greek virtue of parrhesia, which is speaking truth in the face of danger or being forthright in your speech."
"The principle that your mind will take on whatever you feed it, regardless of truth or falsity, only works through brute force and repetition."
"It doesn't necessarily mean that he's lying here, and instead could be an indication of how uncomfortable or upset he may be by the situation."
"The Holy Quran tells us, 'Be conscious of God and speak always the truth.'"
"Redemption is to be found in truthful speech."
"Reality is complex, sometimes reality is nuanced. Reality isn't black and white, it's gray. Just tell the truth."
"Commit to speaking truth, no matter how uncomfortable. That's your job."
"I will speak the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth."
"God is not able to lie. Oh, that's beautiful within itself."
"I would rather risk losing my entire platform to tell the truth exactly as I know it to be than to sit back and watch a misogynistic man drag me through the mud."
"Truthfulness is a trust, and the greatest manifestation of lying and dishonesty in leadership is betrayal."
"The crux of the matter is not so much the doing of the good deed or its outward size, but it is that secret ingredient called Siddiq (truthfulness) that mixes with it that raises a person or debases him."
"The best bet that you have in this veil of catastrophe and tears is to take responsibility for your own life and to speak truthfully and to act courageously."
"When you speak truth and hold true to your path, great things happen."
"Its main moral obligation is to be truthful about the world."
"I realized that we would need radical truthfulness and radical transparency."
"We were taught things like objectivity, the need to be truthful, and the need to separate fact from opinion."
"It's necessary to be truthful in a relationship."
"There is such a difference as truth and falsehood, and we're going to keep being guided by the truth."
"I want to be near people or in the same room as people who are telling the truth."
"It's incredibly demoralizing to an individual and to a society when you have to agree to things you know not to be true."
"Being grateful in spite of your suffering is something to strive for; it's an attempt to manifest truthfulness."
"One thing that you can count on us for is the truth and nothing but the truth."
"They want leaders who will be courage juice enough to speak truth no matter how unpopular it may feel."
"The truth is exciting enough to draw in viewers... they don't have to sacrifice the truth or pervert things into a form that is meant strictly to grow their channel."
"We need real information, people need to be told what is true."
"We have to speak the truth in grace, which means speaking the truth objectively."
"This is the day when the truthful shall be rewarded for their truthfulness... and those people Allah will be pleased with them and they're pleased with him and that is the great blessing and gift."
"We're allowed to tell you the truth because we're not beholden to a corporate donor."
"We're going to continue to do on this channel what we've always done: tell you the truth as best we can, listen to you as best we can."
"Cease to say things that you believe to be untrue; cease to act in ways that you know to be wrong. Start with that."
"You can lie to yourself if you want, but you cannot lie to the world."
"This is one of those moments when it's nice to have a truth teller around."
"If we're gonna paint a picture, then let's paint the picture of what's actually happening."
"Speaking the truth in love is crucial for genuine communication."
"Speak the truth, my tongue, mouth without fear."
"God is seeking those who worship Him in spirit and in truth."
"My job is to speak truth to power regardless of who was in power."
"Is there a larger point to truth in advertising?"
"The only way we get delivered is to get honest."
"Freedom of speech does not mean freedom to lie."
"Even if everything alleged is true, it's not a violation of the law."
"Truthful speech, even if disputed, is protected."
"It's about making sure you guys get better, and we're only working with truth here."
"Telling the truth is painful, but it ends up being so liberating."
"It's telling the truth, following the science, and putting trust in government."
"Joe Biden just says things that are overtly untrue."
"We don't expect everything to be perfect, we don't expect everything to be all truthful all the time."
"Acting is living truthfully in imaginary circumstances."
"It's important to speak your truth." - Andre Ward
"But the reason I feel like she is telling the truth is because that was the root of it."
"Do you think people would just do that? Go on the internet and tell the truth?"
"We're not interested in fear-mongering, false claims, or extremism."
"I don't care, I just want the viewers and the readers to know the truth."
"True love is speaking the truth. True love is not being silenced."
"Nobody benefits from living in lies, nobody benefits from living in fear."
"Just to be truthful and I think with the platform I have and the years I have ahead of me maybe that's the greatest good that I can do to the world."
"Be honest, your truth will change everything."
"The truth hurts and I ain't told no lie yet."
"You need to be scared about not telling the full truth."
"It cannot be right to have a public inquiry where people don't tell the truth under oath."
"To be redeemed is to aim at the highest value, to sacrifice what's no longer useful, and to tell the truth."
"We're gonna have to figure out how to tell the truth in a more impactful algorithmic addictive way."
"No murder weapon was found... everything Mr. Murdoch has said has been lies."
"Nothing and no one is off limits here on the Megan Kelly show. We will keep bringing you the truth."
"I care more about admitting when I'm wrong and actually pointing towards truth than my own ego."
"We've been telling the truth about AEW since the very beginning."
"True words I don't think have ever been spoken."
"If you want to get clicks, tell the truth. If you want to get people to watch what you're doing, just serve up the truth."
"The problem is, the media has to start living by the truth and not trying to create a narrative."
"Be more committed to the truth than your own ego and position."
"Know the truth, be the truth, and stand in that truth."
"And then take action and that can never happen without telling ourselves the truth."
"Law and Order is Law and Order. If there is truth, you have to tell the truth."
"Show me the lie, show me the lie. Everything he said, completely accurate."
"Let the truth be told, just tell the truth, is the point here."
"We must stand boldly for righteousness and truth."
"Rooney succeeded on truth but failed on the public interest."
"He looked you in the eye and didn't tell you the truth."
"What I love about you is that you speak the truth."
"This is what it's about, telling the truth and no matter what, I'm not going to stop, we're not going to stop."
"Truth is not a left-wing value; it is a liberal value, it is a conservative value."
"If you're not telling us the truth on one hand, how can we start to believe you on the other?"
"That girl ain't lying. That girl ain't lying. That girl is not lying."
"Nothing good is done based on a huge foundation of lies."
"What if we all do our best to not do that and certainly not lie about the big things?"
"This is a time to be courageous and really speak your truth, you know?"
"We must live in the truth so that we can continue to be stewards of Yah's kingdom."
"Verily, I am a messenger from the Lord of the Alamin, it is for me to say nothing concerning Allah but the truth."
"Are you not supposed to point out lies of politicians?"
"Having people like yourself who come out and speak about things that you know to be true, the science of the situation, the reality."
"I got the promise ring because I made a promise to my children that I would do better and be better."
"Good people don't post fake news online... think about that."
"It's not an issue of right or left, it's an issue of truth or not."
"If you conduct yourself with the courage that enables you to accept your vulnerability which is no trivial matter and if you're truthful then what you bring out of potential is what's good and that sets the world right."
"Every time I speak, I want the truth to come out. I'm not lying about nothing. There's nothing that I've said so far that's false."
"When the lies are so brazen and overt, that it wakes people up for you, I'm like okay, you know I'm not gonna cry about it."
"We must break down the walls of secrecy that we must be responsible in getting the truth out we must be responsible on how we get that truth out and we must be truthful."
"We all have a duty and responsibility as Americans to defend the truth and defeat the lies. That's how we end this uncivil war."
"If someone is communicating false information, does it really matter if they believe they are telling the truth?"
"Or Elon could be telling the truth, as he often does."
"He never knew what was true and you never knew what was a lie."
"You're a fucking charlatan, you're a fucking liar, and you know you're a fucking liar because you have no evidence for this."
"I've always had an obligation to objective truth."
"To prevent a loss of enjoyment by avoiding the assessment would be a lie, and since I don't actually intend on sacrificing my integrity, I won't accept a lie."
"Speak the truth in love; it's the way to touch people's hearts."
"A sturdy frame needs truthfulness, backbone, the willingness to say if mama ain't happy, ain't nobody's problem but hers."
"The most loving thing to do for everyone is being in truth and being honest with yourself."
"The gospel is love. You can't be truthful if you don't have love."
"You may not have to follow the procedures of a courtroom, but you have to speak the truth. You have to have some honor and some integrity in the things you're saying."
"So don't let anybody tell you that it's not loving if you stand flat-footed and speak the truth."
"I do have two significant problems I would like to address. The first is I do not like absolute and utter lies being told about me."
"You do not build institutions by breaking your word, by refusing to build on truth."
"I'm going to serve up the truth and try and be as authentic as possible."
"We as pastors must speak the truth in love and speaking the truth also demands repentance."
"It's profoundly demoralizing to people to say things they know not to be true."
"The whole truth, the blatant truth, and nothing but the truth."
"You tell the truth as nearly as you can, and you'll have the adventure of your life, that's for sure."
"It's very important to be a strong voice for truth and satyagraha in the world."
"We need to cultivate the ability to say what's true, even when it's awkward."
"If you're gonna lie, you've got to make sure there isn't any evidence out there because the evidence is going to show up at some point."
"Governments are allowed to lie as long as they have some sort of excuse why they need to lie."
"Deception needs to be called out, and that's facts."
"Believe nothing you hear and half of what you see."
"So when people try to portray this image as if I'm such this bad person this horrible person I'm a liar let's get down to the facts I took a lie detector test I sure did."
"We definitely need truth, of course. Anything you're saying needs to be based in truth and fact."
"Believe it: when a person shows you who they really are, that's what they leave it. Bro, believe it. Don't make excuses. Okay? Cool. It is what it is."
"If you will stay inside truth, you will not become ill, you just... you just won't."
"Listen to what nature tells you. It never lies."
"Speak your truth, speak your light, and move on."
"People just want to hear the truth. It's not a both sides issue to just be a decent human being."
"It is absolutely your civic duty to speak the truth as often."
"The mission of the Epoch Times is to chase the truth, to ground all statements and facts, and prevent people from being misled."
"It's time for police to stop lying to suspects."
"We need to be truthful about everything, especially at the administration level."
"I don't feel like telling the truth should make you a good or bad person."
"The world needs stronger men and women who speak their truth and lead."
"I was mortified to learn that you had distorted my work... What you wrote was not truthful." - Carol Gilligan
"You tell them the objective truth which is what you should be doing as a school teacher."
"When the world goes mad, there's a premium on people that will just simply exercise common sense and we'll just speak the truth."
"I just want the record to reflect that there's nothing hateful about truth."
"It's very clear that just putting up good candidates who tell the truth and who actually care about constituents, it is not enough."
"Once you're clear on what you stand for, don't be afraid of the truth."
"When does Joe Biden tell the truth? At some point you gotta assume that the lack of synapses in the brain... the dementia is going to result in the guy having Freudian slips."
"I'd rather be judged on the truth than something that isn't the true."
"Some things are politically incorrect because they're true and some things are just [__] stupid."
"Pick your battles... is what you're saying truthful, is it helpful?"
"Your bishop is a liar! Go back and tell your bishop!"
"But I will tell you like this for me now therefore fear yahuwah serve him in sincerity and in truth and put away the gods which your father served."
"Practically every word that comes out of his mouth is a lie."
"A thing that is true and uncensored, unmanipulated is always gonna lose out to a thing that is more sensationalized."
"If everything coffee break had said in his initial email is true, then he shouldn't have worried about his research being undone."
"We need to speak the truth, we need to stand up for what is true."
"What if we ground our defense of America in that some things are just true and some things are just good?"
"More people need to be held accountable whenever they're saying something that is just so like blatantly untrue like calling somebody a Nazi."
"I hope that more people get held accountable for just spreading lies with no Foundation whatsoever."
"Tell the truth, the whole truth, nothing but the truth."
"Truth is everything... leading with integrity."
"Telling the truth... but because it [ __ ] with the betting markets, it's bad, it's real bad."
"First tell the truth, then give your opinion. It's not deniable that vast numbers of Indians died as a result of Europeans settling in the Americas."
"If you have to lie to defend your truth then it was never truth to begin with."
"Trying to tell the full truth is a professional Duty."
"Be less biased be less deceptive be more truthful and be less selfish and that's it that's the whole solution it's very simple."
"We must always prefer truth to falsehood, even when it seems uncomfortable, even when it costs us socially and professionally, even when the love and sex class protests you."
"You don't have the right to lie and defame someone."
"Skillshare is an incredible resource for honing your creative skills."
"I thought that I might struggle with this but I've loved everything so far and that's the truth."
"Corporations can say anything they want at any time they want, whether it's true or not."
"To me it's a matter of integrity to bring you as close to the truth as I can find it at that point in time."
"I want to have integrity and speak the truth. I don't want to just pretend like my mistakes never happen like creepshow art does."
"I'm for freedom to tell the truth but not for freedom to lie."
"The two posts are truth and love that surround our communication as Christians—truth refers to the content, love refers to the motivation and methodology."
"We are coming out of this now because the President has started to, as he occasionally does, often does, veer away from the truth."
"You're here because you bring the light, you bring the truth."
"You're someone who fights for what is right... truth is everything to you."
"It's about listening to truth, listening to realness."
"You cannot fake anything, people recognize authenticity."
"Being honestly yourself will feel good... you'll actually want the truth."
"The truth always brings the best way. The truth always brings the light."
"This is a whole different conversation versus tricking."
"What do we do on this show? We tell the truth."