
Theology Quotes

There are 16048 quotes

"Everything in the universe was created with logic. There is nothing that God created that doesn't have a purpose."
"It is God searching for God that's what's going on from eternity to eternity."
"If God is all-powerful, God can do everything and remove our suffering, and if God is loving, God would not want us to suffer. Then how is there suffering possible?"
"Our primitive conception of God was power, all-powerful. The next conception of God was just as powerful but just. Then, even more advanced, not only just but loving and forgiving."
"All-powerful, all-loving leads to the problem of evil. Every religion has to explain, if you have such a nice idea of God, why is there evil in the world?"
"Genesis 1 teaches us about women and their relationship to creation... Women, like men, are made in the image of God."
"It should not limit a woman's ability to subdue the earth and have dominion over it, nor should it be used to invalidate a woman being made in God's image."
"If people do go to hell, it must be their own choice and not God's choice."
"God is love. Love is identical with oneness, is identical with consciousness, is identical with being unlimited."
"God's only desire is to share its love with all of its beings."
"The reason I won't ever be happy is because of God's love. If God allowed you to be totally fulfilled by a finite achievement, that would actually make God evil because then you would always be stuck in that finite mode."
"God can't help you because you are God separating yourself."
"The universe is learning how to love itself. That's all that's happening. God is training itself to love itself with the ultimate conclusion being that once God has fully trained itself to love itself, it becomes its highest form, which is just love and God."
"Arguments for and against the existence of God include the ontological argument, the teleological argument, and the cosmological argument."
"Darwin's theory of evolution really had shown that there's no need for a creator to explain all the full diversity of life around us."
"I think we've already resolved the problem of evil... the problem of evil places a burden of proof upon the shoulders of the atheist that is so heavy that no one has been able to sustain it."
"It's not arbitrary or capricious, and therefore the whole question devolves to this: in issuing these commands, did God wrong somebody in a way that would be inconsistent with his justice or with his love?"
"A personal creator of the universe exists, who is uncaused, beginningless, changeless, immaterial, timeless, spaceless, and unimaginably powerful."
"Despite the wide variety of intellectual and spiritual philosophies floating about around the turn of the Common Era, there was pretty broad agreement among them that the gods, or God if you are a monotheist, were fundamentally good."
"The executed Jesus of Nazareth undergoes apotheosis, the executed Jesus becomes the Divine Christ."
"Marcion would argue that the being of the Old Testament wasn't a god at all, but a malevolent creator, an enslaver, and a murderer."
"God can legally let you live forever because of what Jesus did on that cross through His death and resurrection."
"God is one. He has no partners, no rivals, and certainly doesn't have equals. He is God alone, all-knowing, no boundaries to Him."
"If you create three interesting religions that all come off of the same branch, like Christianity, Judaism, and Islam branched off of the same core theology long ago, it creates an interesting relationship between these three religions."
"God is united with the particularity of existence, the contingency of existence."
"The beautiful biblical theology of going from the Old Testament to New Testament...expanding the understanding of family to the family of God."
"Whatever Allah subhanah wa ta'ala does is good; whatever He predestines is good."
"It would be very difficult to explain why the universe should have begun in just this way, except as an act of God who intended to create beings like us."
"We can't just take this God is a father like he this is why in scripture he adopts us as his children."
"God's love for us is forgiveness. It's so much bigger."
"Our God has always been a good God. He's always been for us."
"He's for you. He is not mad at you. Being mad at you and being holy are not the same thing."
"He's not mad at you; he's a kind savior, perfectly kind."
"It's not a rule book, y'all; it's a love story."
"He's not a way to be reconciled with God the Father; he's the only way."
"By common confession, great is the mystery of godliness."
"A mystery in the Scripture is something that was concealed in the Old Testament that is revealed in the New Testament."
"The Lord had laid on him (Christ) the iniquity of us all."
"It's a paradox of adversity within game design."
"Pascal's wager isn't actually an argument for God's existence."
"The greatest conceivable being must exist, as if it didn't, it wouldn't be the greatest possible being."
"Could deny such intellectual prowess? How close, if sound, would Anselm's ontological argument get us to the divine?"
"Imagine the greatest conceivable evil being. He necessarily exists, is more powerful than any other being, and wait a minute, all of a sudden the forest fires and the turret cruises make a lot more sense, don't they?"
"As far as Aquinas was convinced, God is incomprehensible. Well, for everyone other than God."
"The question of whether or not God exists has undoubtedly been one of the most controversial, intellectually challenging, and widely discussed questions for well, forever."
"If God did not exist, objective moral values and duties would not exist."
"Why does a unique religious teaching provide evidence for the truth of their central theology? All religions have a unique teaching."
"Every human being made in the image of God, which I think is the single most important sentence written in the history of humanity."
"The creator of the heavens and earth had the ability to be merciful before creation was there."
"He doesn't need to be merciful. He chooses to show us mercy."
"The eternal body of man is the imagination, and that is God Himself."
"God is... He's being itself... I am Who I am, my manner of being is being itself."
"I don't make things up about God. I can only disclose what God says about himself."
"The Islamic concept of God: a pure indivisible oneness, a cause and initiator for all things, a divine unity behind the multitude of created things."
"Islam's message to mankind is to avoid the error of mixing the infinite and the finite together and creating false idols."
"Islam posits that God ultimately created and sustained all things; He is infinite, unlimited, self-sustaining, and alone measured out the numbers of things and apportioned all the regularities we call natural laws."
"If God is perfectly moral, then any evil he allows to exist will be justified."
"If there is such thing as objective morality, if there is such thing as a god who's perfectly moral, then he would minimize whatever is objectively evil."
"Our theology should influence our politics, but that's the order: the theology comes first, the theology overflows into the politics."
"A loving God would not send someone to hell."
"The single most important verse in the Bible is that God created human beings in His image."
"God is not something to be found out there in the clouds somewhere. God is this right here. Everything you're seeing. This. You're inside of God right now."
"The church in the end continued to affirm that Christ was God come down, that it was God incarnate."
"Even God himself does not impose himself upon our will."
"The Christian concept of hope isn't very well served by our English word 'hope' because the English word hope connotes uncertainty, but the biblical understanding of hope is life-shaping, joyous certainty."
"The freedom to choose is a fundamental principle of God's government."
"If God does not exist, the applicability of mathematics is just a happy coincidence, but the applicability of mathematics is not just a happy coincidence; therefore, God exists."
"The effectiveness of mathematics in the physical world is quite literally a miracle, which is best explained by the existence of God."
"He has no competition whatsoever, seeing that he is the only wise God."
"If by grace, then is it no more of works: otherwise grace is no more grace."
"What shall we say then? Is there injustice on God's part? By no means! For He says to Moses, 'I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I have compassion.'"
"Isaiah 53 is the most central, the deepest and the loftiest thing that Old Testament prophecy outstripping itself has ever achieved."
"Isaiah 53 contains the root of gospel theology."
"We're going to talk about whether the Holy Spirit is personal, whether the Holy Spirit is God, and more than that, our relationship with the Spirit, which is deep, wonderful, and a huge blessing waiting for us to pay attention to."
"Let's start with Jesus. Roman Catholic teaching is identical on the person of Christ."
"Does simply having our sins forgiven really qualify us to enter the kingdom of heaven?"
"Jesus is the propitiation for our sins, and not for ours only but also for the sins of the whole world."
"Jesus dies not just for our sins but for the whole world."
"Jesus believed in judgment, Jesus believed in hell, talked about it more than anybody else in the Bible."
"The theology of Jesus protects us from the Pharisees and the Sadducees."
"God being perfect wishes his perfection to be known; his perfection, in this view, is only complete when it is witnessed."
"Evolution does not disprove an entity. It does not disprove theology, but it certainly makes a god unnecessary."
"The Bible says you must believe Jesus is God to be saved, and the Quran says if you believe that, you're going to hell. So, it's disrespectful to both Christianity and Islam to try and pretend that they're compatible with each other."
"I refuse to create a theology that allows for sickness."
"To me, that there's a creator is purely rational... It didn't come out by itself; this world, this universe, you mean just didn't happen by chance."
"There's a leap of faith to believing that the Creator is good. It's no leap of faith to a creator."
"The fundamental purpose of Galatians 3:28 in context is to say that both men and women have equal access to salvation in Christ."
"Distinctions between men and women can continue so long as we affirm they all participate fully in being in Christ and treat them as true Christians, full heirs with the respect, dignity, and honor that that should come with."
"Jesus is truly God and truly man. At no point was he not God."
"If other intelligent beings exist, it is not said that they would have need of redemption."
"We cannot put limits on the creative freedom of God."
"We killed God, and God returned to us in forgiving love."
"It reassures me to think of a man like Jeffrey Dahmer in heaven. It demonstrates the radical compassion of the figure of Jesus."
"When you look upon the face of God, the sins of a lifetime are washed away."
"Jesus is absolutely the only way to the Father; He's the only way to God."
"Without Him, all human experience is unintelligible; deny Him and make all of your appeals to logic, science, and mathematics meaningless."
"Emotional appeals to suffering, pain, and evil in the world make sense if the triune God of Scripture exists."
"The claim of Scripture is that we all know this God, and that it is the fool who says in his heart that there is no God."
"God upholds the world and carries the universe along to its intended destination."
"Then Jesus becomes a special case sort of blood sacrifice. But the question is, why can't God just forgive people?"
"The Lord knows all the works of men, their imaginations, and their thoughts."
"The evidence leads us to a spaceless, timeless, immaterial, powerful, moral, personal, intelligent creator."
"You know God's existence is the most decisive issue of life because the answer you give to that one question sets an irrevocable course for everything that follows."
"God's going to do that which is right on the day of judgment, and I trust Him."
"Never forget, Lucifer used to be one of God's most loved of all the angels before he fell from grace."
"The vast universe doesn't disprove God's existence; maybe the vast universe proves God's generosity."
"The cross is the greatest manifestation of the glory of God."
"A miracle is our way to identify who the covenantal God is."
"It's appointed unto man once to die, and then the judgment."
"You right now will not be more loved in heaven than you are right now, and you will not be more right with God in heaven than you are right now."
"Nothing can change that your sin is not stronger than the redemptive work of God in the person of Jesus Christ."
"The Gospel is not about money. The Gospel is not about healing. The Gospel is about being saved from the wrath of God that your sins have earned."
"If you ever read the Bible... the whole thing is about Him. Sexuality makes no sense apart from God."
"The first thing that the Bible wants to tell us about God is that He's the creator."
"The logic of modalism... destroys the natural narrative structure of many of these passages in many of the plain, obvious sort of meanings of the scriptures."
"God became human that humans might become God."
"God wants us to be fully alive. The key to that is willing the good of the other."
"God permits evil to bring about a greater good."
"You cannot be under grace and not be holy any more than you can be under water and not be wet."
"For from him and through him and for him are all things. To him be the glory forever! Amen."
"Can you take somebody through the Old Testament without touching the new and demonstrate that Jesus is the promised Messiah?"
"The greatest thing that God did for us is the Incarnation. God took on human form in the person of Jesus."
"God is not the number one; you can't use mathematics to describe God."
"God really is sovereign and good will ultimately triumph."
"God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself."
"Don't be so arrogant as to assume that if you're unconvinced by this argument, there definitely is no God."
"Luther insisted that human beings contributed nothing to their own justification."
"All authority comes from God, and how we exercise the authority delegated to us ultimately reveals the kind of God we believe in."
"This is a heavenly rule and no one can break it."
"The most beautiful Hebrew word in the whole vocabulary talks about God's 'hesed' - loving-kindness, steadfast love, grace, mercy, faithfulness, goodness, devotion, generous, patient loyal love."
"The Lord isn't really being slow about His promise, as some people think. No, He is being patient for your sake. He does not want anyone to be destroyed, but wants everyone to repent."
"The love of God is absolutely full and free; it's perfect love."
"God is everywhere. That's right, He doesn't have to turn to do it because He's already there."
"I am convinced that what God reveals, though is not something that we can always understand, it is never contradictory."
"The fundamental sin of the human race is to exchange the truth of God for a lie and serve and worship the creature rather than the Creator who is blessed forever."
"The gods exist because we gave birth to them; they are our own vileness, fury, and cruelty given form."
"He who believes in the Son has eternal life; but he who does not obey the Son will not see life, but the wrath of God abides on him."
"The most beautiful system of the sun, planets, and comets could only proceed from the counsel and dominion of an intelligent and powerful Being."
"You cannot separate theology, the study of God, from psychology, the study of the mind."
"God is the fundamental truth of any portion of theology, and the story of His goodness is that heaven couldn't keep God's love from you."
"Jesus wasn't just celebrating a meal; he was fulfilling the Passover as the Lamb of God."
"He wasn't the victim of Roman violence and injustice; he was the victim of divine love."
"The banquet that the father is throwing is more than they ever expected; it is not a reward for our righteousness, it is a remedy for our sin and weakness."
"You think God stays in heaven because he too lives in fear of what he's created?"
"For there is one God and one mediator between God and man, the man Christ Jesus."
"The purpose of memory isn't to remember; the purpose of memory is to extract out wisdom from the past so you don't repeat catastrophes in the future."
"The sovereignty of the individual is not a political idea; it's a philosophical idea, it's actually a theological idea."
"The most important sentence in human history is that man was made in God's image."
"Jesus is the mystery of the ages and the Marvel of history."
"His love for us is the most extreme thing there is."
"Before there was sin, God had prepared a Savior."
"Our God is in the heavens; He does whatever He pleases."
"God does not want colonialism or slavery to happen and I want everyone watching to know that you have a Father in heaven who loves you."
"If God created hell, then the only person who deserves to go to hell is God because that's the only infinite crime."
"If you're saying, 'Well, that's not the Christian understanding of Hell I've ever heard of,' then you ought to immerse yourself a little bit more in Dante and CS Lewis."
"God is necessary being. He is a being who cannot not be."
"All have fallen short of the glory of God and sinned against him and need a savior."
"Jesus paid our penalty in full on the cross, so there's nothing... we have to alleviate in the next life."
"Jesus is the Word of God made flesh, but a religious mind is too big for five senses. Jesus is the Word of God and himself, He is God."
"Jesus talked more about Satan than anyone in the entire Bible."
"God does not ask. I gave no consent. The dead gave no consent. God is not innocent."
"Defining God, but you know, that is a point in that why do people say that God cannot be defined."
"If God has a message this important for the world, it's God's responsibility to make sure that the evidence is available to make it reasonable for people to accept it."
"For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ all shall be made alive."
"For since by man came death, by Man also came the resurrection of the dead."
"The sting of death is sin, and the strength of sin is the law, but thanks be to God who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ."
"Therefore comfort one another with these words."
"I show you a mystery; we shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed."
"God doesn't cause evil, but God is so good that he draws good out of evil that might not have existed without evil."
"Everywhere sin abounds, grace abounds the more."
"Even if a god created our universe, nothing about the act or power of grand creation requires moral perfection."
"God says it is not good that man should be alone."
"I have relied on science and philosophy, but yet I cannot ignore the possible existence of God and its staggering implications."
"I can understand the essence-energy distinction and with that distinction, it gives a possibility, a clear possibility of the manner which God can be completely imminent now, and also at the same time absolutely transcendent."
"Repentance means change direction in the Old Testament and change your mind in the New Testament."
"God can bring a greater good out of any evil."
"It's not by works of righteousness that He saves us but according to His mercy."
"Politics is the art of distributing resources. So, if the Earth belongs to God and politics is about distributing resources, shouldn't God have something to say about how resources are distributed?"
"If you're not dealing with love, forgiveness, freedom, and empowerment of the oppressed, I'm real concerned about your interpretations."
"Do you think God stays in heaven because he, too, lives in fear of what he's created?"
"Why did He become man? Because He loves us. Why did He suffer and die on the cross? Because He loves us."
"Justification is God trading our sin for his righteousness."
"The popular opinion among most scholars is that the angels will die, a view rooted in both tradition and scholarly consensus."
"The reason that angels seem to look like humans is because they also mirror the image of God."
"The traditional view of hell is that the wicked will be kept alive eternally in a state of torment, but that is not the biblical view."
"There's nothing that we can do that can make God love us more, and the good news is, there's nothing that we can do that will make Him love us less."
"The Lord has established His throne in the heavens, and His sovereignty rules over all."
"Evil is on the loose only because God allows it."
"A man's prayer life must be based upon a biblical understanding of theology proper: who is God, what are the works of God, how does God work."
"I can't give in to cynicism first for metaphysical reasons, secondly for theological reasons. Metaphysically, evil is parasitic upon the good, so good will always be greater. Theologically, the resurrection triumphs over the cross."
"Jesus was a paradox; He was fully God and fully man."
"By natural reason man can know God with certainty on the basis of his works, but there is another order of knowledge which man cannot possibly arrive at by his own powers: the order of divine revelation."
"C.S. Lewis believed that miracles are acts of God and therefore entirely possible if there is a God to take action."
"God the Holy Spirit is not an influence, not an emanation, not a stream of something flowing from the Father, but he is as much an actual person as either God the Son or God the Father."
"God knows everything. God's always been there. God's the Creator."
"No one has seen God at any time, but the only begotten Son, who's in the bosom of the Father, He has revealed Him."
"Purgatory, or 'purgare,' is to make clean, to purify."
"In the Old Covenant, the Holy Spirit came upon people; in the New Covenant, He dwells inside of people."
"If children, then heirs, heirs of God and fellow heirs with Christ, provided we suffer with him in order that we may also be glorified with him."
"I think that God is the creator of order, and that order is something that does exist fundamentally."